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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all waiting for Nova to come back and the girls kept on pampering me in front of everyone and I tried to get them to stop, but they would only say "it's for my own good to get better". I wasn't even hurt that bad and Marv only chuckled at this, Kaleen was sharpening her sword, and Celia was trying to get close without getting in the water. This was all getting very boring until we saw Nova come from the trees, but someone was with here. I could barely see with the trees and mermaids in the way of my view, but when they came out of the trees suddenly staying and being treated like a baby didn't sound so bad.


She looked angry when she saw me and as scared as I am of here, I think she might get more mad if I can't remember her name that much. Nixie and Shelby saw I was scared and held on to me... and I hid behind them a bit.

(Y/N)-Heeyy... Nasha.


(Y/N)-Of course, of course. Beautiful name,... so... no hard feelings?

Nisha-None what so ever.

Nixie-Who is she?

Nova-This is our witch Nisha... Elders demanded I bring her with me to see you.

Grace-Well she's scaring him, so can she... not look mad and scary to our human?

Nova-... Um... she doesn't really smile.

More like can't! I've seen fucking horses look happier than her, at least they like to run and play with others sometimes.

Nova-Well, I got the supplies, so we patch him up and borrow him for a while.

Shelby-I'm not comfortable with your witch near him while she might be mad at him.

(Y/N)-I actually agree with her. Can we do whatever you want here?... Wait, does it involve her?

Nisha-You still owe me samples.

Nova-Ok, let's calm down. Elders just want to talk more about this whole "leaving the forest" thing.

Marline-Huh, you can leave the forest?... What else is out there?

Nisha-Nothing. It's made up.

Why does she have to be so fucking gloomy and terrifying all the time? Nova just put the supplies down and they got me out of the water and took the medicine, but Nixie held on to my leg.

Nixie-If he's going with you, your witch is staying here.

Nisha-I'm going with him. Elders want me there too.

Celia just took me from Nixie and was holding me close and tight look she was very happy to see me after she thought I was dead or something, but Nixie was reaching for me.

Nixie-Wait!... Make sure he doesn't too hot, keep him from her a bit, his poor foot is still bruised and hurt,-.

She kept on going and now it was picking my poison, but at least one poison doesn't look like she wants me in a sacrifice ritual. Soon Kaleen, Celia, Nisha, and I just left this time and they did promise to take me back here, nut on the way back Nisha was just starring at me and I didn't need to look to know... I could feel it. When we made it to the village it was just a talk about the outside world I came from and Nisha wasn't liking it, I could feel her getting more angry behind my back and it makes me sick to my stomach.

(Celia's POV)

The way Nisha is looking at (Y/N) is terrifying and she's keeping herself from exploding, but that just makes it more scary because she can snap at any moment. I don't know why she didn't like (Y/N) talking about his old home or maybe she was still made about last time and what she did was... awful. She did experiments to a bird in the middle of town and I couldn't eat for the rest of the day.


Celia-Oh, y-yes my elder?

Elder#1-See to it that this message is to be delivered to the mermaids. While they may have the in honor of our deal, we will be keeping a close eye on him and be remaining close to their rivers. Rather it be security or the act of which we take them for a time again, it is not up for negations. I will will be placed near by "immediately". Kaleen, you take 5 additional of our people for now and Nisha will be paid for putting down a sensory spell. She will know when someone comes near the human or at all.

Elder#2-If there is another world out there then he may be a key to find it and that makes his role to us all that much important.

(Y/N)-Wait,... does that mean-?

Elder#1-Nisha will be your first line of defense and will be around you often. We will also pay additional to keep her from doing these experiments or anything of the sort on you.

(Y/N)-... O-Ok, can we just talk about this?

Elder#1-We already did and it's final. Dismissed.

(Y/N)-But she's-!


I just got (Y/N) and was going to get us out of here before he got us in trouble with the elders and we just bowed and Nisha followed us outside.

((Y/N)'s POV)

This just keeps on getting worse and worse. Not only am I going to be babied by mermaids, i'm gonna have centaurs watching me, and to top it all off, I got to deal with the princess of darkness breathing down my neck. Celia finally let me got and I fixed my shirt before I turned around and I saw Nisha right in my face and she was still mad.



Nisha just took my and it was pretty strong while her crow Maze was cawing at me and her hair was going up a bit.

Nisha-I may not have my samples, but I will have you not slip away again. Am I clear?



She pulled on me to follow her, so I guess we were heading back now and I saw Celia reaching out for me, but one loud caw from Maze made her stop. I would rather have Celia, but Nisha would not let go and I even looked at Kaleen, but all she did was look away before she sighed and turned back.


Kaleen-Nisha, shouldn't you let him go back to the mermaids instead of your home. We can't risk making our new relationship complicated with them.

Nisha-... Fine.

She finally let go and I just sighed in relief, but couldn't breath when she got back in my face.

Nisha-When I get everything I need and come back, you're not leaving my sight.

She went another way and it was just the 3 of now and Celia pulled me closer to her and hugged me.

Celia-I'm sorry about our witch, but she'll calm down and forgive you soon enough.


Kaleen-Sure... If you give her something she likes... Mostly dead animals.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why does that make too much sense?!

(Chlemia's POV)

It sometimes pays to have these secret tunnels for my kind and we mostly use them to know when some is going out and near our territory, but that's a rare find, so not a lot use these. However, I think they have something that belongs to me. The only problem is those elders mentioned mermaids, so they're heading to a river and I can't tunnel near water without the tunnel falling apart.

Chlemia's mind-I do hate going above ground sometimes, but I guess it can't be avoided.

I have to act fast before that witch can act and when I get my human back, i'll hide in a place my kind gets our water. Mermaids would know about it too, but where better to hide than in plain sight.


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