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(Jasmine's POV)

I woke up and I saw that (Y/N) was still asleep while Rajah was resting her paw on him and he looked so peaceful, but I lifted the blanket a little and saw the bandage on his arm still and it just reminded me he was still hurt and no doubt going to be nervous when he wakes up. I did want his day to start off being scared of me and my home. I thought of some things that sound really nice and it won't make him comfy right away, but it would be a good start.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to someone rubbing my cheek and poking it and when I opened my eyes I saw it was Jasmine and she was smiling at me. She pulled me up and bit to help me sit up against her and I saw her tiger was still on the bed, but on the side of the bed I saw plates of food and it all looked really good.


Jasmine-Good morning little guy. I had the chefs make us some breakfast and I think they did a good job.~

She reached over and grabbed one before she held it up to me and I wanted to grab it, but she stopped me after she looked a little scared and brought the food so close it almost touched my lips, so I just took the bite and it did taste good.

Jasmine-You have to let that poor arm of yours rest. I insist on helping you as much as possible. We can even go on a walk around the garden if you want after breakfast.

(Y/N)-Ok, but... when are you going to help me get home?

Jasmine-When I believe you're completely healed and nurtured. I can't give you back to your parents in such poor condition. What kind of princess would that make me?

She just had one herself and gave me one like we were taking turns and I looked to see the tiger eating a steak or something that wasn't even cooked yet, but I saw that at a zoo before. Soon we ran out of food and I was full, so she carried me out of her bed.

Jasmine-Come on, i'll put you down when we get outside and show you some of my favorite parts of the garden. Come on Rajah.

The tiger came to her and rub it's head on her leg like a kitty cat before we left her room to go outside and I was still scared of the tiger because it could eat me, but Jasmine didn't look scared at all.

(Jasmine's POV)

We made it outside and Rajah was scaring him a little, but he'll get used to her soon enough. I started by showing him the doves in the bird cage and he did look at them with a bit of wonder and it was cute. Next, I showed him to the main part of the garden with the pond and it was beautiful, so I just sat on the fountain and had him put on my lap and he was just looking at the fishes in the fountain.

Jasmine's mind-So cute.~

Rajah got close and he got scared, but I just pet her before I had an idea and gently took his hand that wasn't hurt.

Jasmine-Rajah's just a sweetheart. Here, try petting her.~

I guided his hand on to her head and he was still scared for a bit until Rajah showed him affection and I saw him calm down a little.

Jasmine-Awww, she likes you.~

(Y/N)-... It's like a very big kitty.

Jasmine-*Giggles* I guess it is.~

(Timeskip 45 Minutes)

He went from being scared of Rajah to kinda playing with her by petting her sides, bopping her nose with his finger, and she loved it when he scratched behind her ear. Everything was nice and I actually felt happy, but then my daddy came out here and he had a few guards with him.


Daddy-Alright honey, it's time for him to go.

Jasmine-Dad, I said no. He's not ready to go out yet.

Daddy-He looks fine to me.

Jasmine-He's still hurt and defenseless! Unless you can find his parents and convince me he will be safe i'm keeping him here with me to care for him until i'm satisfied!

Daddy-If he has parents then they will care for him, but he can't just stay here. Guards.

They started to come closer for him and I felt my heart pounding faster and I just grabbed (Y/N) and held him close to protect him.

Jasmine-Stop it! Leave him alone... I... I said STOP!!!

Just then Rajah got in front of us before she just roared and growled at them which made them back up and my dad was shocked to see this, but he was going to listen.

Jasmine-It's too dangerous for him out there, so i'll decide when he's ready to go! Not! You!

I just got up with him and left and Rajah was right behind us before I made it to the side door and I think it would be best if I take him to my room to be away from everyone else for a while. When I sat on a chair I saw how shook he was and it must be because of my yelling and now I felt awful.

Jasmine-Oh no, i'm sorry I yelled, but it wasn't at you!

(Y/N)-Jasmine,... I feel better, so... I can show you how to get me back home.

Just then I felt my heart shatter again that now he wants to leave and it made me think of Aladdin and... I can't lose anyone else, I can't!...

Jasmine's mind-Wait,... he doesn't want to leave, he just wants to please my dad by saying he wants to leave. He's not ready for the world, it can be years before he's ready to be on his way home.

Jasmine-Don't worry about my dad. You can stay as long as you like.~

(Y/N)-But I do want to go home. I can show you the sh-.

Jasmine-You just need to worry about getting some rest honey. Just look at that poor little arm of yours.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was trying to tell in ways she might believe me because coming here in a space ship sounds made up and a big lie, but it was true. All she says is stuff like "don't worry" or "you don't have to go anywhere". I have a feeling that if I go now I can get home, but she won't let me out of her room. This is kinda like Sarabi, Nala, and that queen, but she's nice, so I don't want to hurt her feelings because my daddy said making nice girls cry is very bad. Right now Rajah was growling at anyone trying to come in that looked like a guard and I just looked at Jasmine while she was holding me next to her on this long chair to cuddle with me. I thought about what my mommy and daddy said about it's ok to lie a little if you do good things with it then I got an idea.

(Y/N)-Um Jasmine,... I wanna play a game.

Jasmine-Aww, it depends on the game. No hide and seek, I don't want you out of my sight.

(Y/N)-It's a game my dad plays with me. It's a guessing game. You're blindfolded and you guess what snack someone put in your mouth.

Jasmine-Well... I guess I could cut up the food, so you don't accidently choke... Ok, we can play, but you'll have to stay here with Rajah while I get the food. Ok?


She just got up, but gave me a kiss on my head before she left and I felt kinda bad about this, but I had to go home. First I did find a pen and some spare paper to write a note to her before I tried to go to the door, but Rajah got in my way.


(Y/N)-Rajah, move.

She didn't listen and I tried pushing her, but she pushed me with her head until I was back to the chair. I need to get past her, so what to animals like? I don't have food, but just then I saw a basket and it had yarn and other stuff in it for dresses, so I ran to it and picked up a ball.

(Y/N)-Hey Rajah, you want the yarn?! You want the yarn?! Go get it!

I threw it, but all she did was stare at it for a bit before she looked back to me, so that didn't work. I wish I had some food to make her look away from me, but I don't, so I looked around again to find something, but didn't then I thought of something and pointed somewhere on the porch or something outside.

(Y/N)-The guards!

That made her look before I made a run for it to the door and opened it before I saw her running to me and slammed the door behind me quickly before I heard her at the door. I just ran since nobody was here and made it outside and saw more men out here. I can't let them see me or i'll never get to the ship and get out of here. I was careful to hide behind tell bushes and stayed very quiet then soon I saw the ship and got in before I closed the closed.

(Y/N)'s mind-I'm sorry Jasmine.

I just pressed the launch button and got in the seat before it took off and the speed almost made me sick from all the food I had for breakfast and I saw all sorts of colors before I got so dizzy I fell asleep in the chair.

(Jasmine's POV)

I had a tray of small cubed foods for (Y/N)'s little game and I didn't have a run in with my dad, but if I did I have a feeling it would've been a fight anyway. I just headed back to my room and carefully opened my door without dropping the food.

Jasmine-Oh (Y/N), I got-.~ *gasp*!

I dropped the food when I didn't see him in my room and Rajah walked up to me with a piece of paper in her mouth, so I took it and it said "Jazmen i'm sorry but I realy wanted to go home I hop I don't hert your feellings to bad. We miet see each other agin so we can stay frendz. By, from (Y/N).


My heart doesn't just shatter... I think it's something worse and I just fell to the floor to cry before I got really angry and went back outside. (Y/N) would never leave me like this, he's too nice and still hurt, so that note had to be a fake made by the guards by order of my dad. It was the only thing that made sense to me.

Jasmine-DAD!!! DAD, WHERE ARE YOU!!!

Soon I saw him come around a corner and he looked at me to see how angry I was and he looked confused.


Dad-Jasmine, what's wrong?

Jasmine-Where is he?!


Jasmine-(Y/N)'s gone and I know you had guards take him while my back was turned! GIVE HIM BACK TO ME!!!

Dad-I did not see or touch him since you went inside!


He only flinched when I took a hard step to him and he never saw me this angry because i've never been more angry in all my life and what made it worse for my dad was that I was this angry at him.

Dad-W-W-Well, we-. I c-can see if any guards have seen him or took him back to his home.


He only took of running to the throne room and I just followed him and whoever took (Y/N) was going to answer to me!

(???'s POV)

I was just going out for some food for everyone since Cid has been working hard and so has everyone else lately to get rid of what remains of the heartless here. I say we all earned a treat to enjoy, but then something happened. I saw a gummi ship fly above me and it looked out of control and even almost hit a few buildings before it made a crashing sound off in the distance.


I ran to go look to where it crashed and thankfully it looks like nobody else got hurt because it crashed in an already ruined area and it looked like the engine was steaming showing it was seriously overheated. I just looked for the latch by the door before I found and opened it to get inside and I saw someone in the drivers seat in front of a screen that said critical damage to engine, but what surprised me most of all... it was only a hurt child in here and they were passed out.


I just got him out of the seat and checked the status of the engine and critical was just being nice, whatever this kid did made him extremely lucky that this ship didn't explode. I'll get Cid to take a look at this, but right now I was gonna get this little boy somewhere safe.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was started to wake up, but it was on something soft, I was laying down, and had a blanket on me. It was hard to open my eyes, but I did hear voices and it sounded like 2 girls and a guy, he sounded old.

Girl#1-How is he? Is it his heart?

Old man-No, he's heart is just fine. I just think he couldn't handle space travel too well. It's best if he just gets some rest.

Girl#2-Do you think you can find out what world he came from? Cid said there's no way a kid could fly a gummi ship without warp drive.

Old man-Poor lad must've jump from his world to ours, assuming it didn't happen before.

Girl#1-Wait, I think he's coming too.

I slowly opened my eyes and it wasn't too bright, so it didn't sting and when I looked around I saw something like a fireplace, books everywhere, and the 3 people I heard while I was in this bed.


I don't think I was home because houses don't look like this on the inside, but now I don't know where the ship was, so I was scared that if I don't find it I can't get back home. I just to get up, but the girl in pink just kept me down on the bed.

???-Woah, take it easy. Your body must still be dealing with the whiplash from the warp drive trip you were on. We're not going to hurt you... My name is Aerith. These are my friends Merline and Yuffie.

Yuffie-Hey kid.

Merline-You're a very lucky young lad.

I didn't say a word because I felt so scared and no idea on what to do, but Aerith just sat on the side of bed before she leaned to me a bit.


Aerith-I know this seems scary, but we need to ask you some things. We won't be mad... Now, how did you get your hands on a gummi ship? That ship you were in. Was it your parents or someone you knew.

I just shook my head no and I wonder why they called it a gummi ship when that ship was not anything like being made out of gummy bears or worms or anything like that.

Aerith-Can you tell us how you got it?

(Y/N)-... I... was at the fair h-having fun... then I saw this ship behind a few trees and thought it was broken ride... I went to it and looked inside then I didn't think it w-w-was a ride. *hic* Th-Then I tried to *hic* leave, b-b-but a b-big b-b-black and purple monster p-p-popped ou-out of nowhere *hic* *hic* and it hit m-me in the ship-!

Just then she grabbed my shoulders and I looked at her trying not to cry and she kinda sad for me.

Aerith-Ok sweetie, calm down. I think we get what happened.

(Y/N)-*Whimper*... I want my m-m-mommy and daddy... I wanna go home. *Hic* *hic* C-Can you help me?

Merlin-We have someone looking at the ship and maybe he can find the worlds it visited.

Yuffie-You hear that, you'll be back home in no time. Our friend Cid is good with these things.

(Aerith's POV)

Poor little guy, he was attacked by a heartless, he's far away from home, he misses his family, and the worst part is that Cid can only do so much. Those status readings I looked at showed temperatures so hot if you threw on egg on it, it would cook and burn in 20 seconds or less and could do stuff to the computer if exposed to something like that. I just comforted this child and Merlin went back to his studying and Yuffie just sat on the end of the bed at looked at him.

Yuffie-So little man, you got a name?

???-Um... i'm (Y/N).

Yuffie-Well (Y/N), how would you like to pass the time?

Aerith-I think he just needs time to rest. I'm gonna look at his injuries later.

Yuffie-Oh I know, but it could be a while. Gotta get his mind off stuff somehow, like a board game or something small.

I guess she did have a point because we don't know what this poor child has gone through. For all we know right now, he could've went to a world invested with heartless and nobodies, so maybe a small game in a bit would be good for him to get his mind off stuff even just a little. We let him rest before we set a board game on the floor and played a little before we saw the door open before we saw Leon and Cid come in and Cid had some oil and grease on him.


Cid-Can I speak to one of you outside?

I just got up and followed Cid outside and closed the front door and he just sighed before he leaned on a wall and had gave me a serious look.

Cid-That ship and it's systems are beyond repair without replacing some parts to the engine and the systems computer. I can't even get what I need to find out who it belongs to or where it's been.

Aerith-What? Is there anyway you can at least find a trace?

Cid-Sorry, most of the circuits were burnt to a crisp. Must've visited a few places while it was bad shape and literally toasted almost everything on the inside. I got nothing.

Aerith-Well... that kid wants to go back to his world and his family must be worried sick! What are we supposed to tell him?!

Cid just held his head in shame for a bit before he just went back inside and I had no idea to tell this to someone who's just a little over being a baby. I thing he had to be maybe 5 or 6 years old and I have to tell him something even an adult would take a hard time hearing. I just went inside and I just looked at everyone and Cid couldn't even look at the little boy, but I did and he looked at me while he was sitting in Yuffie's lap.


I just walked back to them and I had no idea what I was going to say without sounding too harsh, but I don't think there's anything to make this sound good. My heart was aching because I felt so bad for them and was practically being forced to tell them they might never find their home again out of countless worlds.

(Y/N)-What did he say? Can he find my home?

Aerith-Well... *sigh*... The ship is done for, so it's going to be more complicated and can take a while to get things figured it. You might be staying here a few days.

(Y/N)-... Oh.

It felt like kicking a puppy that was just crying for his mother and it made me feel like a monster, but I could only imagine how he would react if I told him the truth. Yuffie even saw I lied and put 2 and 2 together and Cid still didn't look at us and Leon only looked down.

Aerith's mind-Poor baby.~

Yuffie-Hey, cheer up. You got some of the strongest people in town here with you. No monster is gonna get you here. You're even sitting on the lap of a great ninja. How cool is that?

Leon-Maybe what he needs after your little game is to get checked out then get some sleep... I'm stepping out.

Leon left and maybe he was right, so we went back to our game and afterwards i'll see if he has any internal bleeding from the bruises I found on him. I doubt it, but better safe than sorry.

(No POV)

Yuffie's mind-Poor kid... Maybe after I do some rounds around the city for heartless and nobodies, i'll show him some of my moves. Kids like to watch fighting stuff, right?

Aerith's mind-No doubt his first night his gonna be the hardest after what he just heard... My a treat before bed will help him feel a little better.


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