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(Timeskip To Day Of Block Party)

(Misty's POV)

Lenny talked about this with us for a few days now and we had to keep my baby away from his "friends" because they tried to poke my baby with a mean needle or give him the mean medicine that is going to the other humans. Grace even yelled at one and when they asked to hold him after trying to hurt him. The last few days he showed us the videos and they were helpful to show us things and it did get a little easier to talk. Right now we were outside in front of our house and Lenny had a few friends helping us and my baby was inside with Jessica and Grace to watch him with his old mom that was here until they leave, everyone else was out here at this, "Drinks Stand". They were putting medicine in the fruit punch, lemonade, pink lemonade, tropical punch, soda, and sparkling water and Lenny said all we need to do is small, be nice when talking, and give them a drink while not saying there's medicine in it.

Lenny-Be careful, not too much medicine. Humans will get sick. No medicine in 4th batch and be ready for pictures.

His friends listened to him and humans were starting to come out to this party thing, I forgot what it was call, but I looked at the house feeling my heart was heavy, but Lenny put a hand on my shoulder.

Lenny-He's fine. Look nice and give drinks we give you and your friends.

I just sat in a chair and waited for humans to come and when they did some men or women said weird nice things to us sometimes, but we just acted nice and gave them the drinks.

(Lenny's POV)

I learned this from a view videos called Movies and T.V. shows and it gave me this idea to give the drinks to at least most of the humans and after the party and they go to sleep at night, we go in and get the ones that didn't get a drink and to make sure, we take pictures of the ones that got a drink. We then give the animals here the smart animal shot and after we'll see if some of the animals that used to be owned by humans want their humans still. We get the rest for the lab, so everyone wins and it's all thanks to a long movie video, but I hope we get small baby humans too, we had a yelling fight that made one of the baby humans cry.

Lenny's mind-Our lab is going to be full, I can't wait!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sitting with my mommy while she was just laying on the dog bed and I just wanted to be with her, but Grace didn't look happy about it and so was Jessica. My mom looked happy to see me and when I asked the girls when my mommy got here if she could stay home, they all said no. I just hugged my mom and she snuggled me then I saw Grace scratching the couch and Jessica was walking over here then crawled on me and in my shirt pocket.


She just looked at mom like she was mad at her and hugged me as much as she could which was still pretty small.


My mom only tried to touch her when Jessica just slapped her hand, but that didn't stop my mom until Jessica bit my mom and she only pulled away and looked a little sad, but didn't cry.

(Y/N)-Don't be mean.

I just hugged my mom and Jessica was still in my pocket, so she was in the middle of us when my mommy hugged me back. I just looked out the window and wondered what they were doing outside because I don't think Lenny and his friends came here to say hi. One of them even tried to hold me and Grace yelled at them not to touch me and got more mad when they brought my mommy in the house, but they let me go to her... after I cried and begged. While we were hugging Grace just came over and laid down behind me and pulled me into a hug with her and I could kinda hear her growling and she was looking at my mom.


Grace-He's mine.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why does she hate my mommy? She never did anything to her.

(Isabella's POV)

I know I had to help, but I just wanted to go inside with my baby where it's safe and not out here where I see humans starring at me with weird smiles. My hands were shaking a little and some boy humans laugh a little at me and some of them called me "Puff Bunny" or "adorable". I wish I was in the back of the tent with Lenny and the others, but he said we need to be up here then soon another man came up and he came to me and the guy behind me took a picture of him.

Isabella-Um, wh-what c-c-c-can I g-get for you?

Man-How about a nice walk around with you.

Isabella-Um,... we only h-have drinks here.

Man-Come on, take a break and have some fun. It's a party!

Isabella-I-I have t-t-to stay here.



Just then a cup was put in front of me and Faith leaned in front of me to block me from him.


Faith-Hi there, have some pink lemonade, pretty please.~

Man-... Well how can I say no to that?~

Faith-Thank you.~

She sat back down and they guy left and I still had a lot more to go, but Lenny just told me to remember that after this, the humans will be gone and we get more friends.

(No POV)

During the block party Lenny was happy about how many people they got and it's easily most of the neighborhood. He also noticed a couple of the families had pets, so he plans to give them those homes and for the ones that are not occupied will be given to more of his staff and he even saw some of his staff adoring some of the humans, like the playful adults or just the small children and he can see some of them wanting to take them home when the time is right.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Sophie's POV)

We were letting our baby be with his old mom before she leaves and that already makes me mad, but he was still asking her to stay and Misty only said "Not This Time". I was just looking out the window and I don't know what was so calming about it, but soon I saw 2 very big trucks come in the neighborhood and stopped in the middle of the street and a lot of animal people came out and started to go to houses.


After their done with the humans and animals in other houses they come and take her away, but when I looked back at my baby cuddling "her" I was getting so mad again.


Sophie's mind-If you do come back to live here, i'm making sure you're outside!

I looked out the window a again and this time some of the others came over and we saw some humans being taken to the trucks and put in and were all still asleep/ When it was finally time and I saw them coming to the door I just went to my baby and took him and it made me feel better to have him away from here.

Sophie-They're coming. Time for her to go.

(Y/N)-Please, i'll be good, I promise.

Sophie-No, bath then bed, "now".

Isabella just came with me while we heard a knock at the door, but just ignored it and went to the bathroom to get him ready for a bath and he looked sad and only looked at the door while we heard talking, but I was getting the bath started and got us both stripped before we got in the bath together and Isabella sat on the side to pet him while I was pouring water on us with a cup. This was relaxing and he'll learn to love us more then his old mom can come back, but i'm serious about keeping her outside at least for most of the time.

Sophie-Close those eyes. Let's get you clean.~

He just did what I said and I was scrubbing his hair with shampoo and Isabella was rubbing his cheek and even kissed it. Soon everyone came in and they did look happy and I think it was because most of the humans were gone and she was gone too.


Misty-We're going to our neighbors tomorrow!


Betsy-Lenny says we have new neighbors now and we might like them. They are smart too, but we can only go at night because they will be busy in the day.

Faith-They know how to train humans more too, so they can teach us to teach him.

I did like the sound of that to learn how to make (Y/N) a good boy for us, but I didn't want to bring our baby anywhere and when I looked at Grace again, she didn't look too happy either.

Isabella-Can we teach him to cuddle us more by himself?!


((Y/N)'s POV)

I still had my eyes closed, but I could hear everyone talking about me and it was more than just cuddling, they said stuff like coming to them, cutely play, holding Jessica in other ways, but one sounded really weird, but I saw they all like it when the soap was off me.

Misty-I want him to learn stuff when I was a puppy. Leash walking, sitting, rolling over, begging, everything!

I wasn't going to act like dog after what they did to mommy twice now, so they can forget it and I don't care what they do because they can't make me!


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