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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was playing in the house right now while my mommy was in the living room watching T.V. while eating some of her favorite snacks. I was playing with some balloons I had my mom blow for me and I was making sure they don't touch the ground, but I stopped my mommy call me in the living room.

Mommy-(Y/N), come out here! Mama needs another bag, so she can beat her high score on eating this pirates boo-tay!


I left my room and went out to the kitchen and got a chair with a box on it to reach the cabinet where we keep the snacks and I got the pirate popcorn she loves so much before I went to her and saw her sitting in her chair still.


(Y/N)-Here you go. Can I go play outside?

Mommy-No, stay in here where I can call you if I need you. Mommy has a marathon to watch and don't plan on missing a second of it.

(Y/N)-Then can I have some cookies and watch T.V. in your room?

Mommy-No, mommy's dil- toys are all out and i'm not getting up to miss my marathon. Do whatever you want as long as it's inside, doesn't get in the way of my T.V., and not in my room.


She just started to eat her popcorn and I really wanted something to eat and I think was still have some goldfish in the kitchen and when I saw them, they were on the fridge and I still had the chair and box to climb on.

(Erelah's POV)

I was just watching my child I was assigned to protect by my goddess and it was a normal day when I already saved him from getting hurt 6 times already. I love my job and will never give it up, but is it so much to ask for him to stay safe for a whole day sometimes. I followed him to his room and her turned on his small T.V. to watch a cartoon and his room was just so messy and his mother never seems to really care and her guardian angel is never around to help because she rarely leaves the house.


He was just sitting in his bed eating and his bed was filthy. Crumbs were all over it, ants would've been here if it wasn't for me, I saw lots of stains on it, and his mother's room is no better, if not worse. Soon he finished his food and went back to the kitchen to get something else and he climbed on the counter to get something and there was a knife right next to his little foot and it was driving me crazy. Even if his mother saw this I doubt she would care enough to stop him and something happened that finally pushed me over the edge after 5 years.

(Y/N)-Mommy, I found one of your toys in a bag of chips!

Mommy-Just leave it alone and i'll get it later.

Erelah's mind-That's it!

I had enough of sitting on the sidelines and I know I shouldn't be doing unless it's an emergency, but I had a plan in place to sneak in, completely visible, and without them knowing what I really am. I flew outside and looked in the reflection of a mirror out here and opened my wings and couldn't believe I was about to use my human form.


Erelah-Here goes nothing. Please god, heed my prays and see to it that I succeed. Amen.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just getting stuff to make a sandwich and I was going to sneak in some chips while my mommy wasn't looking, but suddenly there was a knock on the door and my mommy didn't get up, so I just got down and went to answer it and when I opened the door, I saw a girl.



???-Well hello there.

Mommy-(Y/N), who's at the door?!

(Y/N)-It's a girl!

???-If I may, I would like to speak to your mother. I'm offering a free trail for a maid and-.

Mommy-Free maid?!... Well come on in!

I guess our house was kinda messy and when she got in I just closed the door she just coughed a little and she looked at my mommy and my mommy looked at her.

Mommy-If the first job is free then have at it.

I saw the girl sigh before she did get started and I don't think this big mess should be free for her to clean up. She got started and my mommy went back to her show and I did want to help, but my mommy doesn't like me touching some stuff.

(Erelah's POV)

I can't believe I have to clean up after the mother just to keep her child safe and I was lucky the rules technically allow this because i'm getting rid of present dangers before there was knives on the ground in the living room and stuff. Soon I saw (Y/N) go into his room and after I get out here all finished, I should get his room next since there's some dangerous and disgusting messes in there too. I was just getting all the dishes in the sink and started to wash them by hand and in the dishwasher, but while I was doing that I felt someone poke my leg and I looked down to see (Y/N) and he had his piggy bank in his hands.


(Y/N)-Um, thanks for helping us... I'm (Y/N).

I know he can get into a lot of trouble on accident and most of it was because his mom didn't take the steps to make this place safe for him, but I always did love his sweet and playful nature. He means well, but he just doesn't understand a lot about the world and how to be safe yet, so it's hard for me to be mad at him. I just bent down and pushed his piggybank back into his chest and he just looked at me we an innocent look in his eyes.

Erelah-Well aren't you sweet, but that won't be necessary. My name is Erelah and think if you safe up enough you might be able to get something special.

(Y/N)-I am saving up for a T.V. in my room.

Erelah-And I think you very well deserve one for being so nice.~

He smiled and blushed a little and it was so cute, but I just nudged him a little for him to run along back to his room and I went back to work.

(45 minutes)

I just got the kitchen and living room all cleaned, so now it was time for (Y/N)'s room and when I got in he let me work and even wanted to help since he saw me cleaning. I just gave him a small job like putting his clothes in the hamper, but what disgusted me was when I found one of his mom's underwear and it was stained with... all sorts of things, even barbecue sauce and it smelled disgusting even when I held it away from me.

Erelah's mind-Does that woman have any shame?!

When all the clothes were in the hamper it was over filled, so I won't get it all in this load of laundry. When I got it in I went back in his room and took his sheets and blankets off his bed and this will go in next.

(Y/N)-Can I help with something else?

I tried to think of something that wasn't too big or can sadly get very disgusting and so far the only thing was his toys on the ground and his only had a bucket for them and they all didn't fit. He did the best he could and I got the dishes from his room to go clean them in the kitchen and put them away. After that was done I got the laundry in the dryer all out, folded and put away and that brought me to the mother's room.

Erelah's mind-I keep on forgetting how bad this room is.

The smell was worse than anywhere in this apartment, some of the clothes had food stains and "her juices", her "toys" were all over her bed and floor like it wasn't bad enough I had to take one out of the kitchen and throw those chips away. This was going to be the worst and I was gonna save this for last and do the bathroom and it was kinda bad, but not nearly as bad as her room.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

I was finally done and washing my hands. The mother's room was by far the worst, but on the bright side, there are little to no present dangers, so I just need to get the laundry all done. While I was doing that I saw (Y/n) come up to me and he had something behind his back and I just smiled at him and bent down to his level.


Erelah-What's behind your back?

(Y/N)-I found something in my room you might like. A present for helping us.

Erelah-Oh, you didn't have-.

He just showed me what he had behind his back and I recognize this necklace, it was something the mother's ex that helped her when her husband walked our gave her a week before she dumped him while (Y/N) was just a few months.


Erelah-Now that's very pretty and thoughtful of you, but I can't take this.

(Y/N)-Why not? My mommy didn't want it last time I tried giving it to her and a butterfly is a little girly, but I think you might like it. Come on.

He didn't let me speak before he unclipped it and went around my neck almost like he was giving me a hug and... it felt nice. When he was down, he stepped away and I fixed my hair before I looked at the butterfly necklace and it was beautiful and hard to believe his mother doesn't want it.

(Y/N)-Now you look even more prettyful!

Erelah-... *Giggles* Prettyful? *giggles* It's just pretty sweetie... Thank you.

He just smiled at me before he went back to his room to play and when I finished all the laundry and had it put away I walked past (Y/N)'s room and saw him playing with one of his toys on his bed and he looked happy and safe. I felt relieved then I went out to the living room where the mother didn't even move an inch since I got here and she just looked at me.


Erelah-I put the rest of your hair dye on the top shelf in the medicine cabinet.

(M/N)'s mom-Thanks, i'll hire and pay next time.

I could tell she was lying to me and she was happy she got her whole house cleaned by someone other than here for free. I am happy (Y/N) will be safe in his own home now, but I think i'm going to do a little test for her, so I did a quick prayer in my head for forgiveness.

Erelah-I'm also offering a nanny service where I cook and watch kids too. First is for free, but I will have to do it tomorrow.

(M/N)'s mom-Now that's service. Feel free to come by tomorrow, no pun intended sugar cakes.

I was just going to ignore that she just called me "sugar cakes" and just took my leave and (Y/N) should be safe at least for a few hours knowing him, but I say I earned a nice soak up in heaven for all my hard work. As for my test is that I will offer her chances to join and interact with her son even if it is just for appearances to at least show a bit of decency.

Erelah's mind-Please god and my humble goddess, forgive my deceitful plans as for I am only looking out for the child I am meant to guard.


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