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((Y/N)'s POV)

My mommy said that girl was coming back and she was staying for the day to be a nanny, but I didn't know what that meant, so she just told me she was going to be a servant for us and it made more since, but I thought about how mean that sounds for us to boss her around. I was just in my room waiting for her to get here and my mom was asleep in the living room since she fell asleep out there. I had my stuffed animal with me when I left my room and since she washed him yesterday, he felt a lot more soft and fluffy. While I was looking for something to eat I heard a knock on the door, so I went to it hoping it was her and when I opened it, it was.


She had 6 bags of food with her and I was so happy to see her again and she smiled at me then I saw she was still wearing the necklace I gave her.


Erelah-*Giggles* It's Erelah.

(Y/N)-Oh, sorry.

Erelah-Think nothing of it.

I just let her in and we saw my mommy still sleeping on the couch when we walked into the living room and Erelah looked at the clock.


Erelah-I suppose it would be a good time for breakfast.

(Y/N)-Can we have McDonalds?

Erelah-Actually I was going to cook instead of just getting you fast food, so I went shopping before I got here. Why don't you just go play or watch a cartoon?

She just rubbed my head before she took the bags to the kitchen and I just went to the T.V. to turn it on and got the remote before I turned on (F/C). My mommy almost never cooks unless it's like a cake or something, but I do like going to McDonalds, Taco Bell, and stuff like that because we get it a lot. While I was watching my show... I smelled something really good and I looked at the kitchen to see Erelah cooking and there was white smoke in the air. She only waved at me before she kept on cooking and she was doing all kinds of things like chopping, stirring, and flipping stuff almost like she was a very good chef.

Erelah-Breakfast is almost ready, so why don't you wake up your mommy and go sit at the table.

I just got up and shook my mommy's arm and all she did was move away from me a little, so I know she was awake and just pretending to sleep or trying to go back to sleep.

(Y/N)-Mommy get up. Erelah is making breakfast.

Mommy-*Groan* I'll have her go out to get something. *mumbles*

(Y/N)-No, she's cooking and it smells really good.

She only tried to go back to sleep again and I tried pulling her up as hard as I could, but she still won't get up. I gave up and just went to the table and Erelah was coming over with 2 plates while looking at my mom and when I saw the food it looked way better than the places my mommy takes me to, but there was something I didn't like.


(Y/N)-Eww, vegetables.

Erelah-Oh, so you don't like them?


Erelah-Have you ever tried them?


Erelah-How about this, you just try one bite and if you don't like it i'll make you one without veggies and even through in some yummy peaches on the side.

She just got a bite ready for me and held it up to me and I just looked at the vegetables and slowly opened my mouth thinking about what she promised and when I took the bite... it was so good.

Erelah-Do you like it? This is made out eggs and I used bacon, sausage, red bell peppers, garlic salt, pepper, and cheese.

(Y/N)-This is so good!... Can I still have some peaches?

Erelah-Hmmm... Finish half of this and you got yourself a deal.


(Erelah's POV)

I was very happy that he was "finally" eating some vegetables like his mother neglected to give him or herself. I even had something else going on regarding her guardian angel and a higher up angel regarding this problem. I never wanted to do this, but I reported that her guardian angel have been neglected their duties due to her being extremely inactive, so right now they were watching. He won't be kicked out of heaven if she fails my test to at least put effort into bonding with her son later today, but they sure will be humiliated by how bad their human came to be without guidance and protection. I don't want her to fail to show there is good and purpose in everyone if they just try and are given the chance, but if you she fails I made a request to stay in direct contact until further notice for the safety of both of god's children, especially for the actual child.

Erelah's mind-Alright, let's get started.

I got up with the second plate while (Y/N) was eating his food and I saw that (M/N) was trying to sleep in again, but my goal is to try to get her on the right start of the day. I just tapped her shoulder and tried to get her up, but she just groaned.

Erelah-Excuse me ma'am, but I have breakfast ready.

(M/N) just looked at my food and scrunched a little and I hope it was just from the light stinging her eyes... how little of it was hitting her face.

(M/N)-Just got out and get me a few McMuffins.

Erelah-I don't think it's good to eat out all the time at fast food places. You son likes this.

(Y/N)-Mommy, she's right, she can make vegetables taste good!

She only seemed annoyed that her son was trying to get her to eat something new, but come to think of it, I don't think she eats much vegetables even in the burgers and stuff she eats, so I can see where her son picked up that bad habit.

(M/N)-You can eat it, i'll just order something on Door Dash.

Erelah-Can I just insist on a bite.

(M/N)-Honey, I don't do peppers or much of that rabbit food shit, alright. Don't forget what a nanny is and who the boss is.

She sounded like an adult child and a very rude one at that and I saw a light flicker in the corner of the room showing that they just saw that. I just went to sit down and had the food I made for her. I saw he was eating his fair share and during breakfast he ate more than half, so I gave him the peaches I promised before he got full.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

I had (Y/N) settle down to let his food settle for a few before I thought it would be good for him to play a game, but I had to include his mother, but since she doesn't get up a lot, I had to think of a game that didn't involve much moving for her and I had just the one. She did have a game system, but just to get movies since she thought it was cheaper to get a big T.V. then something else to stream movies on, but I thought it cost more, but anyway, I got a game and a spare controller for them to play.

Erelah-Hey (Y/N), do you want to play a game with your mommy. It'll be fun and I got a video game just for you.~

(Y/N)-Really?! What game?!

Erelah-It's a lego game. I even got another controller, so your mommy can play with you.

(M/N)-Pass, i'm not a gamer.

Erelah-It's not being a gamer, it's just spending some time with your son.

(M/N)-Don't tell me how to be a parent. I take my son to places. Just last week I took him to the old spaghetti factory for dinner. Besides, you're hired for child care.

I couldn't call her out that all she takes him to is just restaurants to eat out for dinner, but I was clearly referring to actually interacting in a way that's fun for him. One a second note that this is all a lie and she wasn't paying me anyway, not like it matters to me, but it annoys me that she was so stubborn, so yet another sight for the angels to behold.

(Timeskip To Night)

The test was almost over and all day she has either come up with excuses just to sit there only to get up to go to the bathroom. Said no to my food when there was a small bit of vegetables that she could see, and the only she did accept was my caramelized fruit tart dessert. It was a good time to get (Y/N) ready for bed and time for one more chance and I tried to think of something easy, but not too easy and I think I thought of something.

Erelah-Ma'am, I think it would be good for (Y/N) if you were go into his room for a few minutes and just have a little talk to your son, get to know him a little more or see what's on his mind.

(M/N)-*Chuckles* Like what, the toys I got him or some shit like that? What's to know about him, he's just an average kid. Plays with toys, loves to run around and make noise all day, go to school except in the summer. What's there left to know?

I can't believe she would say that about her own son and right in front of me like she was telling a friend. I was going to push this to either show there's a chance she can be redeemed or that it's clear my volunteer to keep direct contact is coming from good reason.

Erelah-Have you ever thought about things he might want to try to have fun, things he can do with you, what his school year was like before summer vacation started, or if he wants to learn how to swim.


Just then we saw (Y/N) come out from the hallway in his pajamas and he looked as cute as ever in them because those were my favorite ones for him to wear, even if it just was a white t-shirt and a pair of blue sweats.


(Y/N)-I'm not tired at all. Can I stay up a little longer? It's only 8.

(M/N)-Ask your nanny, we have her for another hour.

Erelah-Sleep is very important for you right now. It's how you get bigger when you're all grown up and feel better in the morning.

(Y/N)-Ok... My nightlight is not turning on, so can I leave the hall light on.

(M/N)-No can do. Cost money to keep that on all night. There's no monsters in the dark or under your bed.

I know for fact because i've seen it before that she stays up very late, so she can easily turn that light off after he falls asleep. It's not his fault he has a fear or the dark because one night you brought a man home off the street to have sex with him and he could hear it from his room, but his young mind mistook it for sounds of a monster. Since then he needed a nightlight to help him sleep and now she's saying no or at least offer proper comforting words, so I just went to his side.

Erelah-Come, i'll tuck you in and figure something out.

I took him to his room and now he was scared to go to bed and when we got in his room his lamp was on and that had to go out soon, but I do have an idea.

Erelah-Here, get in bed and i'll see if I can fix it, ok.

He just nodded and looked nervous about going to bed and his own mother caused him to feel that way. I just went to his nightlight and it did go out, but I casted a bit magic while making sure he didn't see and put a little light in the nightlight that should last all night. When I showed him he looked happy that his soft light was back again to help him sleep soundly. I just joined him on his bed and got him tucked in and I hope they were watching me instead of his mother right now.

Erelah-Sweetie, do you want to talk for a little bit?... How about let's talk about something you really wanna do more than anything in the world.

(Y/N)-... I wanna... I don't know, lots of things. Like skydiving, waterskiing, sword fighting,-.

He kept on going about all these crazy things that he thinks is very cool and exciting and I could see him getting a little excited about this. It was adorable, but also getting late, so I tucked him in one last time and he looked at me kinda sad.

(Y/N)-Erelah... do you have to go? Today was so fun.

Erelah-... I think I have feeling i'll be around more often.

I just gave him a kiss on his head goodnight before I turned off his lamp and the soft light from my magic filled the room with a soft light before I closed the door. I also coated the door and inner walls of his room to keep him from hearing what was about to happen.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was kinda glad the day was over and she'll be going home soon because she did almost nothing for me besides annoying me by telling me how to be a parent when i'm clearly a full grown adult, so I can do what I want.

(M/N)'s mind-She can go be a stick in the mud somewhere else.

Suddenly a bright light filled the room and it stung my eyes before I could see and I saw Erelah walked right in front of me and she had a serious look on her face.


Erelah-You. Failed. Miserably.


Just then another bright light came from her and it stung, but when I could see again my mind was blown.


(M/N)-Ah, ah, AHHHH!!!

I fell back with the couch with a big thud and now I couldn't get up since I was on my back, but then I saw her come to my side and lifted me up with the couch with ease. I was terrified and had no idea what the fuck was going on.


Voice-Allow me to explain. This highly caring angel, the guardian of your child has given you chance after chance, offering kindness to prove you were fine as you were... However, you rejected every chance.

Erelah-I called upon a forbidden law to allow direct contact until the end of my assigned human's days, only allowed if proven to be absolutely necessary. Proven with this said test under watch by your guardian angel and a higher ranked angel than oneself..

I knew I wasn't awake because I know how to wake myself up, but this was real, but unbelievable.

(M/N)-Y-You wouldn't kill me, would you?!

Erelah-Heavens no, but it's clear i'm needed to stay here. Your guardian is relived of you and now you are in my care and under my rules. Everything I do will be for what I believe is best and what is deserved.

Voice-And with permission. Be warned, if harm is to come from either of them by your hand, the consequences could be dire. Do you except these terms?

Erelah-... I do.

Voice-Then it is decided.

The whole room flashed before it looked like normal before and I looked to Erelah and she flapped her wings a little right in front of me before she walked up to me and I was frozen.

Erelah-Though I will not harm you,... you can expect a punishment in the morning as your son receives awards.

She just took my remote and turned off my show before she picked me up with ease again and over her shoulder before she was taking me to my room and I was kicking and screaming for help and I saw a bright light covering my sons door.

Erelah-I know you're on disability, so you have all sorts of free time, but just know you're on a schedule like your son now, so if you want to act like a child, you will be treated like one and it starts with a bedtime and no more of these "toys" or T.V. for you for the night.


She just put me on my made bed and pulled the blanket out from under me before throwing it over me then a few rays of light came down and strapped me down on my bed.

Erelah-Scream all you want, but nobody will here your little tantrums when something doesn't go your way anymore... It's bed time.

I was just screaming at her before she just closed my door and I couldn't get up.

(Erelah's POV)

I coated her room in the same spell as I did for (Y/N)'s room by taking his off and putting it on hers. She can throw her tantrum all she wants, but I will not put up with it anymore. I just cleaned what little mess was out in the front room thanks to her. After I was done I just went to (Y/N)'s room at 10:00 and I saw him sleeping so peacefully, so I went up to him and got a closer look at him.

Erelah's mind-I'm going to make sure you're safe and happy... Nothing or no one will ever hurt you in anyway again... I promise.~


Isaiah Weeb

Her pp must stink