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(Kalma's POV)

Blair-You! Did! WHAT?!?!?!

I just told that we were going to expect some company later after that human in the woods is gonna have his friends come over and their gonna see the little welcoming decoration I left for them. Blair was actually mad, but Sarita and (Y/N) were inside and could barely hear shit, but they might've heard her yell. I don't even see the big deal because we dealt with worse than a group of humans, I even told her this to ask her to bring up my pack.

Blair-What were you thinking?! Bringing dangerous humans here, near our baby! Are you trying to get him killed?!

Kalma-... You done, because I got more to this.


Kalma-Good, now here's something that you might like. I want my territory to be known as something dangerous, so if they know and start rumors that means barely anyone is going to come here. Unless you think a hellhound pack or maybe even if it was just you, would you really be worried about losing?

She knew I had a point and if I had my pack here, we would only have trouble leaving survivors to tell the story.

Blair-Our baby stays in the house, he's locked in, and I want at least 10 nearby, but out of his sight! I don't even want him to hear so much as a gun shot close to the house!

Kalma-Cool, so... my pack?

(Timeskip To Tomorrow)

(Jeremy's POV)

I had 20 cars packed with men armed to the teeth and I had a picture of this girl named Blair he scouted, so we're gonna show her what happens when she messes with the wrong fucking people. I don't know what exactly, but that was my boy they just fucked with. We saw a truck blocking the path and it looked like the glass got punched in. The trees were in the way to just go around, so we had to get out and walk the rest of the way and we had our google maps, so the house is just almost an hour walk from here.

Jeremy-... DENNIS!!! WHERE YOU AT DENNIS?!?!?!

We just started the walk, but when we made it to the we smelled something fucking nasty and when I looked in the truck where it was coming from... and I saw Dennis with his guts slashed open, his eyes were dangling from his eye sockets, and his jaw was gone. I felt like I was gonna get sick, but just looked away, sucked it up, and got pissed.

Jeremy's mind-Fuck taking her! She's fucking dead!

Jeremy-Come on! You see something move, kill it!

We got started on the walk to the fucking house and before we could get far from the truck we saw something run and it looked like a wolf or some shit. Not worth going after, but if it comes back, it's fucking dead.

Man#1-What do you they got on them?

Man#2-Some fucking food would be nice.

All my men were talking to each other and I was deep in thought until we saw something run across the path super fast and someone tried to shoot it, but missed. Just then we heard something behind us and I saw an animal out of the corner of my eye for a split second before it was gone.

Man#1-Man, fuck this!

He just ran off into the trees to go kill that wolf or whatever it, but I didn't give a shit, so we all kept on moving. Some guys wanting a fucking hunting trip and split up, but it doesn't make a difference to me because the bitch was gonna be dead today. We were all still walking until soon we heard something and it sounded like... my men.

We were all standing still for a minute before we got our guns ready and some wanted to puss out, but I wasn't going to let them. I motioned them to follow me because we can still get to the house, kill the bitch, and barricade ourselves inside until we find up what's going on.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was on the couch with Sarita and we were watching whatever I wanted to watch, but she got to cuddle me how she wanted and I was in her boobs again. I don't know why she like me here since most girls hate being touched there, but at least I was turned to my side then soon I saw something... or didn't.

(Y/N)-Hey, where did Blair and Kalma go?

Sarita-Oh, don't worry about that baby. How about after this, let's put on some some music and soak in a bath. I wanna spend some time with my favorite wittle boy toy.~

She was petting my head and I know she was going to take me to the bath with her anyway. She just kissed my head and I felt like stretching a bit and she only laughed a little before she lifted my head and pulled me in for one of her kisses and I didn't like them, but I was started to get used to them by holding my breath. Her breathing was getting a little faster and so was her tongue before she stopped the kiss.

Sarita-*Sigh* I can't spoil you just yet. I think your Sugar Mama needs to step out for a bit. If you stay here, i'll make you a big ice cream sundae when I get back.~

(Y/N)'s mind-Spoil me?

She didn't give me any toys, so I don't know how she could spoil me with no toys, but maybe with ice cream. She just put me down on the couch before she covered and tucked me in and put a pillow on my belly.

Sarita-Don't move too much or no ice cream. I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you.~

I did want that ice cream and I had my favorite show on, so I guess it won't be hard to wait here, but I wonder why not wanting to spoil me made her want to leave.

(Jeremy's POV)

We were 40 minutes away and, so far nothing, so maybe it was just a pack of wolves and now their fed. We just had to calm down, stick together now, and keep our cool, because I know wolves won't take us on if we're in a group. Suddenly our GPS's were out and there was no service and that doesn't make any sense since there's a house up here, there has to be something up here. I just put my phone away since it's just going straight.

We all had our guns out and looking where the noise came from and were ready to kill it, but while we were looking for it we heard rusting in the bushes and a few shot at it.

???-Oh boys.

We all turned and pointed our guns and I saw it was the girl from the photo, but something was different besides just her clothes... She has wings... and they're moving! I calmed down and thought it had to be some kind of cosplaying suit with a back piece to make them move, that had to be it.


Jeremy-You're that bitch from the photo! SHOOT HER!!!

We all fired our guns and her fake wings covered herself, like that was gonna help her and soon all our clips were empty and I was smiling,... until she uncover herself and there wasn't scratch on her. I was stunned, but I just started to reload then suddenly wolves came out of nowhere and picked a lot of us off and when I got a good look at one of them... I was speechless and my body didn't even know what to do anymore.



There was only 4 of us left and these monsters were everywhere all the sudden, dozens of them, but one walked next to that girl and it looked bigger and stronger than the others.


Jeremy's mind-What?... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!

She only looked at us with a glare and her arms were crossed and if I was gonna die, I wasn't just going to stand in. I finished reloading my gun, but one of those monster grabbed it in it's month and when I was just gonna fire anyway... it bit through my gun and walked back to the others and my men just dropped their weapons.

Man#1-W-W-Woah, l-let's talk about this like adults, huh?

Blair-You come to our home with weapons, wanting to kill or hurt us, putting my baby boy in danger, tried to have someone kidnap me before, and now you want to talk?... I think you just wanna beg. What do you think Kalma?


Man#2-Come on, we can get you anything! Money, protection, jewelry, you name it!

Blair-*Laughing* You know what I really want? It's what you already want to do.

Jeremy-Wh-... What?

Blair-I bet you want to go home and tell "everyone" about this,... but whose going to believe you?... Guess it's just gonna be a rumor, just think of it. Over 3 dozen men come in and 1 leaves.

Man#3-... 1?

Just then she flapped her wings and she came at us hella fast and past me and literally punched through the guy that just spoke to him and flung his body off her arm. Before I could process the big wolf monster named Kalma tackled another and bit into his neck and ripped out a chunk. It was just me and one other guy and they were circling us and only one of us was gonna live.

Man#1-W-Wait! He's the boss! It was his idea to come here and kill you, he just made us come!

???-Ohhh, the big boss?~

We all turned to where the voice came from and I saw a woman and she had horns and she was licking her lips at me.


Blair-What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be watching our baby!

???-Calm your tits, I told him if he stayed tucked in and didn't move he gets ice cream when we get back. I thought you were done by now, but it looks like I get free delivery again. I'll take the big bad boss if you don't mind.~

Blair-Sarita, we're saving him to go back and spread rumors! Don't kill him!

Sarita-Oh please, I think he can handle a few hours of play time.

She just walked up to me and pushed the other guys back a bit and propped herself on me and I was getting turned on because she was hot as fuck.

Sarita-You like what you see? Well guess what...~ I play rough.

She pushed me and swept her foot to knock me down before she got on top of me and the guy was watching before a monster wolf grabbed his leg and pulled him in the woods kicking and screaming, but she made me look at while she was getting her dress off.

Sarita-You 2 just go home... I'm gonna give him a taste of hell before I send him crying home to mommy.~

I would like this under different circumstances, but this was all completely fucking insane, but before they left they just had to blow my mind one more time when I looked at the dog and my whole vision of reality was shattered.


Kalma-Fine, make sure you don't kill him. I want humans to know that my territory is dangerous.

Sarita-Oh yeah, big bad dog, big girl.~

Kalma-What the fuck did you just call me?

Blair-Deal with it later. Let's just go and leave the others to clean up. I need help to spray the gun powder off my wings.


The both just turned and left and I looked back to Sarita and she was smirking at me while she was working on getting her bra that barely covered anything off.

Sarita-I think i'm in the mood for some humiliation play, i'll start with some cock and ball torture.~

I was about to punch her, but she slammed her face into mine and deeply kiss me, but she got her lips on my tongue before she pulled it in and bit on it and it hurt like a bitch, but now I felt a little weaker before she pulled out and dodged my punch since it was kinda slow.

Jeremy-What the fuck did you-?

Sarita-Let's just get these pants of yours off.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still waiting here watching another episode of my show now when the door opened and I saw Blair and Kalma in and they looked very wet like they just went swimming somewhere.


Blair-Awww, you look so snug.~

(Y/N)-Where's Sarita?

Kalma-Fuck Sarita! I hope she chokes on it!

Kalma just picked me up from the couch and she was wet, but she still held me in the blanket while she looked mad and I think they got into a fight.

Blair-She'll be back and I heard her say that she promised you ice cream if you stayed still.


Blair-*Sigh*... It's lunch, so i'll tell you what. No ice cream until after dinner, but i'll make and throw in some brownies. How does that sound?

(Y/N)-... Ok.

Blair-Good, just stay with Kalma while I made some food. Tell Sarita she's not allowed to touch you until after she showers.

Kalma-Like hell she's even getting close to him after the shit she called me! She can go back to hell!

Blair just rolled her eyes before just started to lick my cheek again and again while she was still a little mad and I tried to turn away, but she made me turn back and growled a little before she got even more mad and put me on the floor.

Kalma-All fours, "now".

I just did what she wanted and this made her calm down a little and she even made me do tricks and "bark" for her. I still just need to wait until it's a good time to get help and I just hope it's soon.

(No POV)

While Kalma was playing with her "puppy" to get her mind off Sarita calling her what she hates to be called most, Sarita was having fun with her prey to keep her from claiming her "favorite toy" too soon. She did let him and just in time for lunch, but she kept his clothes and cars keys and made him walk back to town naked to get more attention. They expect the occasional group of idiots, but it's nothing they can't handle. After a few more "visits" by said idiots and none of which made it back alive or at the very least "well" the rumors spread like wild fire and the woods was given a new non-official name and the people in the town and city call it... Dark Blood Woods.



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