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((Y/N)'s POV)

Octavia had me with her still and Charlie was just sitting in the lobby with us and she wouldn't stop looking at me while they were talking. This place did look fancy like rich people or demons come here, but I heard other voices upstairs. I was trying to listen to the voices upstairs, but then Charlie held out a hand to me and I don't know if I should shake it or not because she looks very different than other demons I meet before.


Charlie-Well hi there. Never thought I would have a living human in this place.

She sounds so happy and nice almost like Millie, but somehow nicer almost like she was my aunt before my dad sad she wasn't allowed at our house anymore. I slowly took and shook her hand and she let go, so nothing bad happened.

Charlie-This is so exciting! I never saw a human in person before! Oh, I think I know a few friends of mine that will love to meet you! I'll go get them!


Charlie was just so happy that she ran up the stairs and was something Millie would do and Octavia only kept me in her lap when soon Charlie came back and she had 2 other demon girls with her and they looked surprised to see me, but the small run ran up to us really fast.


???-Hi, i'm Nifty! I always love to make new friends!~

Her eye did something weird like the middle dot in it got very smile and her smile was creepy, so I tried to hold on to Octavia tighter. The other girl just grabbed her and pulled her away then Charlie got in the middle of us.

Charlie-Sorry about that. You met Niffy and this is Vaggie.

Vaggie-... That picture was actually real?

Octavia-Yeah. I thought I would come over while my parents were fighting again.

Charlie-And doesn't he just look so cute.~

(Charlie's POV)

I saw him blush a little at that and it was adorable and I don't know if it's just me seeing my first human up close with a feeling like seeing a hellpuppy, it was like you wanted to smother them in love.

Charlie-Hey, let's move this to my room. We'll take the elevator. We just got it working a few days ago.

Octavia just got up with her adoptive brother and I showed her to the elevator with the others and it took us straight to my floor, but when the doors opened we saw Angel snorted something from a small plastic bag and Vaggie just blocked (Y/N)'s view of him.


Angel-Whose the kid and bird?

Octavia-The 2 wishing we didn't run into the towns stripper.

Angel-Ohhh, well if you know who I am then you know you want a piece of this baby.~ Sadly, i'm taken though.

Vaggie-Husker said no to you multiple times.

Angel-Then it's a good thing I don't listen to others. I even didn't listen when you said not to put a camera in Charlie's room.


Just then Vaggie ran out of the elevator and we got out and Octavia was protective of her new brother when Angel walked in past us and took the elevator. We made it to my room and saw Vaggie look for a camera and I think she was lying... until I saw she found a small one hidden in a plant.

Vaggie-I'm going to fucking shave him bald!

She just smashed the camera and saw we were here and (Y/N) was with us and she didn't know what to say, but if he was around Octavia's mom, i'm sure he heard worse. We all just sat down somewhere in my room and Niffy quickly cleaned up the wreckage of the camera Vaggie broke and I did shiver that there was a camera. I couldn't take my hands off (Y/N) because I never heard of a living human in hell and it was so hypnotizing to me.

Vaggie-How did he even get in hell in the first place?

Octavia-I think it had something to do with my dad's side piece.

Charlie-Can I hold him?!

Octavia-Um... How about something smaller?

Charlie-... Oh.

I thought of something and got up to go sit next to her and I just pet his little head and it felt so soft and fuzzy almost like a hellhound after they get fresh out of a shower. He was nervous at first, but Octavia held him tighter and rubbed his cheek and all he did was blush a little again.

Charlie's mind-I never knew humans could be so cute!~

Just then Nifty and Vaggie got closer and Nifty was moving too fast and it was making him jump a little each time. Octavia was getting annoyed by this, so I just grabbed Nifty before she really gets mad. She can't use her eyes on me, but Nifty and Vaggie are different stories and I saw his lips were a looking a little dry.

Charlie-Are you thirsty little guy?

(Y/N)-... A little.

I could see he was a little shy, but I just went to the mini fridge in my room and got him some water for him and he took it, but had a little trouble getting it open. He did get it open and drank it with both hands and it was cute and I know I think that a lot, but it's just so exciting. I live human in my hotel meant to rehabilitate a demon and they were sitting right in front of me on my friend's lap! I just wanted to hold him!

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everyone was watching me and I didn't want to move, but my legs felt a little weird, so I stretched a little and that made them feel better, but I heard Charlie make a little squeaking noise while she was looking at me still. Just then I heard Octavia's phone rung and when she answered it she didn't even say hello before we all heard yelling from the phone and she quickly hung up and put her phone away.

Octavia-... How much does it cost to stay here for the night?

Charlie-We'll go over that later.

She got closer and and rubbed my head and Vaggie got on the other side and she got the back of my head a bit.

Vaggie-We have a few suits up here on the top floor.

Charlie-Or you can room with me and Vaggie! Think of it like old times! Now we have 3 others to join us.

I wonder what she meant by that and maybe she was talking about make overs or stuff that a lot of girls like.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

It was a game of spin the bottle and I never played before and I still didn't play, so I stayed on the bed and watched and I think I liked it better when they picked truth because the dares they came up with... were scary. I didn't even know Charlie's scary face can make her really look like a monster. I was just thinking about Millie, Loona, Moxxie, and Blitz before Nifty turned to look at me.

Nifty-Hey, how come he's not playing?!

(Y/N)-Um... no thanks.

Nifty-Don't be like that and have some fun!

She quickly ran to me and she was pretty strong by picking me up and putting me in the circle next to Octavia and Vaggie.

Nifty-Come on, play with us!

I really didn't want to play this game, but when I tried to get up her eye shrank a bit again, so I just sat back down which made her happy before she spun the bottle and it was going pretty fast. It took a bit for it to stop and... it landed on Vaggie.

Nifty-Truth or dare?!

Vaggie-*Sigh* Dare.

Nifty-Hmmm... You tried to be calm about it when you were excited too, so i dare you to have Octavia's new brother in your lap for the rest of the game.


(Y/N)-Wait, do I ha-?

Nifty pulled me with her and O landed on Vaggie's lap on my stomach and she put her arms up a bit.

Vaggie-You couldn't just dare me to stick a needle inside me?!

Nifty-Nope, nope, nope! *Giggles*

(Vaggie's POV)

I could see Octavia just starring at me and Nifty for her put her new little brother her and I could already tell she was protective and I don't feel like being a statue in a fucking garden. I just looked at the little human boy in my lap and he was still on his belly, but he turned up to look at me and I could feel my heart melt a little.


After you see fucked up monsters for a long ass time you start to miss the cute things that were back in the living world. I love Charlie and I want this hotel to work and as nice as he seems, this isn't a place for him and I hope never is, so I can't get attached to him. I just tried to take my turn with him still laying there and it landed on Octavia and she just looked at me.


Vaggie-... Are you mad?

Octavia-I would like "my" brother back when this game is over.

The look on her face said it all and I just glared at Nifty while Octavia took her turn and it landed on Charlie, but I got distracted with (Y/N) trying to sit up on my lap and he was having some trouble with her and just wiggled and it was getting hard not to just adore that, but I could feel it.

Vaggie's mind-Don't give in. You know he can't stay here and will rarely it not ever see him again. You got a hotel to help run... Just imagine him in an ugly Christmas sweater when you were little and made you mad Vaggie... UGH, HE'S STILL CUTE WHEN HE'S POUTING!!!

This wasn't helping, but then I saw the bottle landed on me and I looked over to Charlie and she was smiling before she scooted over to me until we were touching and she put his head on her lap by making him lay down across us.


Charlie-Mind if I dare you to share?~

I just smiled at her being so nice and funny then she started to coo him and he was getting flustered again. This feeling of being with my girlfriend and holding a little human boy in our laps...

Vaggie's mind-Is this what heaven feels like?

I shouldn't be feeling this,... but I didn't want to let go.


(Octavia's POV)

We went a couple more turns and I was getting used to seeing my little brother with them, but I took him back and ended the fucking game. I suggested a movie together and Charlie could pick and she got excited in picking one, but I just focused on holding my little brother. I could tell he was uncomfortable here, but he'll get used to them... eventually.

Octavia's mind-... I wonder what you would look like wearing my kind of clothes?

(Husker's POV)

I was just sitting at the bar/front desk her serving what few demons we have here then suddenly I heard the bell and groaned before I finished up what I was doing.

Husker-Give me sec. Will it be a drink or a room that you want?

???-Actually, we're looking for someone.

I just turned and I saw an imp and hellhound and I think I saw them before on a commercial for something... I think they were some kind of hit men for humans or some shit, but I don't know who they were looking for here.


Hellhound-Have you seen a little boy?


Isaiah Weeb

Awww yeah, its all coming together!