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(Red King's POV)

We got back in our room after dinner and my wife has been in the bathroom taking a bath with that boy we found today. It was like seeing a whole new person with her because even during dinner when she had others feeding him, she fed the child herself and gave him a big slice of cake after dinner until he was full then she ate the rest. I tried to insist on joining her in the bath with them, but she only said no. I actually think I should get my fair share of this new attention and soon the bathroom door opened and she had the child back in his old clothes while she was in her bathrobe and still holding him while looking happy before she put him on her side of the bed and I was surprised because when I even get too closed she yells at me and said if I got too close in bed, I would lose my head. I'm the king, so she can't do that... I apologized to her anyway.


Red Queen-Wait here, I will have the guards make you some nice pajamas for tomorrow night.~

She kissed his head and the most she ever does for me is pat my head, even on our wedding day and when the priest said we can't marry until we kiss she had head be taken off. She left the room and I would some of this attention and this boy only curled up and looked at me a bit before looking away.

Red King's mind-I think it's fair I get some alone time with my wife while she's in a good mood.

I just got up and went to the door and opened then I saw 3 guards.

Red King-Guards, will you escort the child to a guest room. I wish to have alone time with my wife.

They came in and the child was scared, but I assure that he would be fine, so I gave him a few nudges out of the room before I got back in the back to wait for my wife to come back in and I couldn't wait for her to be back and see the look on her face when she see's her loving husband.

Red King's mind-Oh, she'll be so happy to have quality alone time with me!

((Y/N)'s POV)

These card men were taking me somewhere and I saw a lot of room, but which one was I going into? We past a lot of doors until I saw one that was at the end of the hall and surrounded by stone, made of wood, and had bars on it. I think I know what that door was and when they opened it... I saw stairs going into the dark and I was very scared of the dark and sleep with a nightlight.

(Y/N)-No! No, not down there. Put me somewhere else!

I tried to run, but they grabbed me and while I was still screaming and crying trying to get away I kicked on card man and the bottom of his card by accident and he let go and laid down while holding it.


The other 2 were looking at him and when I tried to run again, I ran over the other card man and it was actually easy and I just made a run for it.

Card#2-Hault, stop! The queen will have my head if I lose you!

I didn't listen to him and kept on running and he was catching up to me until he tripped over a rug and I made it to the front door and made it outside and I saw the maze we came in on. I just ran inside and there was a sign that said, "Follow your heart" I just looked around and I saw hearts cut into some of the bushes.

(Y/N)'s mind-That has to be the way out!

I just started to run and hope I can make it back to the ship and I don't care if it's still broken as long as it can fly.

(Red King's POV)

I was waiting in bed for my wife to return still and I wondered what we could do first. Maybe cuddling, kissing, just talking about couple stuff or even our first date... she threatened to cut off my head if I cheated on her, but I never did. Just then the door opened and I saw my wife happy again and she had a pair of pajamas with her.


Red Queen-Oh, (Y/N). They had a pair ready for-.~ *gasp*!

She suddenly dropped them and it was just a little surprise nothing bad and i'll explain everything to her.

Red King-Hello my dear.

Red Queen-Where is he?! I told him to stay put!

She did sound worried, but I just took a breath and she was looking at me.

Red King-Now relax dear. I just sent him to a guest bedroom, so we may have some nice alone time while you were happy.

Red Queen-... What?

Red King-Yes. I saw how happy you are, so I wanted to be alone with you, so I told the guards to bring him to a guest bedroom.

Red Queen-... We don't have "guest" bedrooms.

Red Kings-We don't? You sent others to guest bed rooms before.

Red Queen-That was a lie for the guards to know. You sent my baby TO THE DUNGEONS!!!

Red King-Ohhh... Well I c-can go get him back.

I just got off the bed to fix my mistake and she only looked at the ground while I walked past her and out of the room then soon I heard her come out of the room.


Red King-Yes, yes, off with his head. Order by the king, the king is-... Me?!

I just turned and I saw how mad she was before I was surrounded by guards with weapons pointed at me.


I was grabbed and being dragged away with my wife in toe until we reached the dungeons and there we saw the 3 guards I ordered there and the shame on their faces was enough for her to snap her fingers and have them taken away with me.

Red Queen-WHERE IS MY BABY?!?!?!

Card#1-H-He ran outside! Please, your ma-!


Red King-Please, you can't do this! I'm the king, THE KING IS ME!!!

She only opened the doors and slammed them shut on me while I was being dragged away to have my head cut off.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Following the hearts only took my to a tea party set, a little park, and a pool, but not the way out! I remembered these were bushed and I can just push through them, so I felt kinda stupid, but soon I felt something else when I heard...

Red Queen-(Y/N), where are you?! Come here, right now! *off in the distance*

I started to run to the place where I remember I came from and I just hope I can beat them there. I just ran through bush after bush and I got cut sometimes and I tried not to cry because they'll find me and I didn't want to stay in this crazy place. When I made it place where there was a bush on the ground it had to where I came from, so the door is easy to find now.

Red Queen-(Y/N)!!!

I just turned and I saw her and she looked happy until she saw how far we are from the castle then she wasn't happy anymore.


Red Queen-Were you... leaving me?! After everything i've done for you?!



I just looked at her then the path and I was so close that I just made a run for it and she didn't like that.

Red Queen-(Y/N)!!!

She was running after me, but I made it to the door and saw the ship, so I got inside and quickly closed the door and I saw the ship was at 99% percent this time then I heard pounding on the door.


I just ran to launch button and pressed it, but it won't start because it still was not at 100% and I could see the card men surrounding the ship from the window.

(Y/N)-Come on, start!

I just kept on pressing the button, but nothing was happening until it finally hit 100%, but I guess I pressed the button too many times, because it took off without warning me and I flew back against the wall and I hit it really hard that I started to cry and I didn't think I could breath. I started to slowly breath while I was still crying and soon a bright light came then stopped before the ship landed and I was hurting really bad. My arm hurt really bad and I couldn't stop crying. I needed help, so I slowly got up and hit the button to the ship and the launch button just incase before I left and I was in some kind of town and I was in a grass part of a garden inside tall walls and it was night time. My arm still hurt a lot, so I had to find help, but I just hope their nice this time.

(Y/N)-*Sobbing* Help! *hic* *hic* S-S-Someone hel-help m- *hic* me! I-I-It hurts!

(Jasmine's POV)

I wish just looking in the mirror and i've been miserable for weeks now. The only guy I ever liked and even loved is buried in the dessert no thanks to a betrayal of my family's old advisor and his bird. My wish to seal Jaffar was too late because he got blasted and killed and I couldn't use genie because the lamp was missing and I couldn't find it. My daddy and Rajah tried to cheer me up, but it just wasn't fair. The first guy that felt like a real person rather than a spoiled or self absorbed prince or other royalty shows up and he's taken away from me. I just looked into my reflection of my small mirror and sighed before I just shed a tear.


Jasmine-*Sniffle* *hic* *hic*... Why?

I just closed the mirror and sighed, but soon I heard someone crying and it sounded unfamiliar, but still in the garden of the palace walls. It also sounded like a child, so I got up to go see.

Jasmine-Hello?... Is someone there?

???-Help! *sobbing* *off in the distance*

Went a little faster and this was weird because even if a child is one of the servants parents, I don't know what they would be doing out here crying for help. I could hear that I was getting closer to the crying and soon it was just behind one of the hedges and when I got around it I saw a little boy in weird clothing that I didn't see before and he was crying while holding his arm.


Jasmine-Excuse, hello.

That got his attention and he looked at me and I could see he was kinda afraid of me, but I was thankful that Rajah was still in my room or he would be terrified. I just got closer and he didn't move back before I knelt down to him and looked at his arm, but his sleeve was covering his whole arm, so I couldn't see.

Jasmine-It's ok, I won't hurt you. May I see your arm though?~

He was still skeptical of me, but he let his arm go and I gently took his injured one and rolled up his sleeve and he whined a little when I did and I could see why... His poor little arm was bruised almost everywhere on the outer part and was bleeding a little.

Jasmine-*Gasp* What happened?!

He didn't answer me and I didn't care if he was the son of a servant, or an intruder, I was getting this boy some help and I do have bandage wraps, and some rum and ice in the kitchen. I just picked up the child and it was easy, but I was careful of his arm and I think his other might be fine, but to make sure, i'll check him after I have everything I think I need.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

I had the child in my room in secret and Rajah was not in there, but with my dad since they both remember I wanted to be alone in there. I got everything I remember the servants used on me when I got hurt and when I got back in my room the child was in my long chair where I left him, so I got everything I needed out of the bag and went up to him.


Jasmine-Ok, let me see how bad it is.

I took his scarf off before I got his jacket and there was bruises on his side and partially on his back. He must be in so much pain, the poor thing. I got started by pour rum into my hand  before rubbing it on the parts that were bleeding before I wrapped his arm in bandages before I laid him on his side and got a few of the ice packs I got on him and he whined and shivered a bit.

???-Th-That hurts. *whimper*

It was like seeing a hurt baby animal and I don't know what could've happened to this boy to make him end up like this, but I think now would be a good time to talk.

Jasmine-Hey there. You're going to be ok now... My name is Jasmine, what's yours?

???-... *Sniffle* (Y-Y/N).

Jasmine-You look like a nice boy... Can you tell me how you got hurt?

(Y/N)-... No.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I don't think I would believe me if I told myself that talking lions and a queen of cards tried to keep me when I just wanted to go back home. Jasmine just moved the icepacks a bit and it felt cold and hurt a little, but she just rubbed my head and she does look like she's nice, but I don't know... I don't even know how I should feel or what I should tell her. My daddy said if i'm in trouble or hurt I should tell an adult, but all the adults I see now were weird, mean, or crazy. I don't know about Jasmine though.

Jasmine-Are you hungry?... I can have some food brought up. Would you like anything?

(Y/N)-Um... I-I'll have, what you have. I'm not really hungry.

She only smiled a little before she got up and went to her door and looked around by just peaking out there then sounded like she was talking to someone before she just closed the door and walked back to me.

Jasmine-I have some food coming now... Oh, your poor arm... I want you to keep it still for me, so the ice packs to fall off. Does your mouth hurt too?


Jasmine-Ok then, you might just need some help.

(Jasmine's POV)

I waited by (Y/N) for the food to come and it just looked so sad to see a child like this. Hurt, sad, scared, confused, and completely helpless. I sat by his side until there was a knock on the door and when I opened it I saw the servant with the food, but I saw Rajah was with them.



She just helped herself in and I just took the food and quickly thanked the servant before I closed the door and tried to rush back to (Y/N) and he was already scared of Rajah and I know a tiger can be scary to most, but Rajah's sweet.

Jasmine-Rajah, wait!

I got in between them and just put the food down and saw that (Y/N) was terrified of Rajah, so I bent down to him and tried to comfort of.

Jasmine-(Y/N), this is my friend Rajah. She's actually very sweet. She's not going to hurt you.

I don't think he believes me and the face he was wearing says it all, so I motioned for Rajah to come and he got more scared, but I just rubbed my head on Rajah's and she showed love back and even licked me.

Jasmine-See, she's nice. Now, let's go ahead and feed you. Just eat as much as you can.

He was still nervous about Rajah, but still had some food. He only had 2 pieces of grilled asparagus, a few bites of potatoes and a bit of the steak before he stopped and looked tired. I didn't want to risk him falling off the chair and hurting himself more and I wanted to keep him close if it makes him feel safer. during his stay, so I took him to my bed with me and Rajah slept in her bed next to mine. I was careful with him, but when I put him down I accidently bumped into his arm with mine and he winced.


I tried to comfort him and soon he did relax a little and it felt nice to know the child was starting to show a bit of trust to me. He was so tired that he was wanting to go to sleep, but having trouble and I guess when I was little, I hated the idea sleeping at other palaces, so maybe he was just homesick. I just took him into me closer like my daddy did when I was little and had a nightmare and he did look at me with tired and almost pleading eyes and it was adorable and heartbreaking.

Jasmine's mind-Aww, I just wanna take care of him with sad eyes like those!~

(Timeskip 2 hours)

He was sound asleep with me now and this felt simply wonderful to actually care for someone else other than Rajah and she was peaking over the bed to look at him. I allowed her to climb on, but to be careful not to wake him and despite his injuries he was a cuddlier in his sleep. Rajah, just licked him a little and I was scared that was going to wake him up, but it didn't, it only made him stir a bit while nuzzling into me. I let it go, but I made it clear for her not to do that, but suddenly my door opened and I saw my father come in and I was worried if he were to see (Y/N), so I quickly covered (Y/N) in my blanket and put my finger to my lips to warn my father to be quiet and he seemed confused.


Dad-Jasmine, what's wrong? Is it that prince again?

Jasmine-Daddy. *shhh* *whisper*

He just looked confused then got closer and I decided to show him (Y/N) and he definitely looked shocked and I covered him back up.

Dad-How did a child get in the palace walls? *whisper*

Jasmine-I don't know, but he's hurt and I thought I would help him. *whisper*

Dad-We'll help by sending him to the town and finding his parents or drop him off somewhere. *whisper*

Jasmine-But I have never seen clothes like his before. How are we sure he even lives in the city. *whisper*

Dad-Well, we can't just take in someone who might be a possible thief or even intruder. I'll let him sleep here tonight, but in the morning he will be off. *whisper*

Jasmine-But daddy, when I found him he was hurt and scared. I don't think he's a thief. *whisper*

Dad-I'm sorry, but it must be this way. *whisper*

The thought he thought a child was a threat to anyone just sounds crazy to me at least and i've been out in the marketplace before and almost got my hand chopped off after trying help a hungry child. I'm surprised children will be allowed near places like that now that I think about it and my father wants to put him out there while he's still hurt and something bad had to have happened to him if he doesn't want to talk about it yet.

Jasmine-... No. *whisper*

Dad-What? *whisper*

Jasmine-I said no. I'm not going to let you do this. Unless i'm completely sure he'll be alright, he's not going anywhere. *whisper*

Dad-Jasmine, i'm sorry, but-. *whisper*

Jasmine-I said no!

That just slipped out and my dad was shocked a little and I regretted yelling, so I checked on (Y/N) by lifting the blanket and saw I woke him up, but he only looked at me for a few moments before he closed his eyes again.


Jasmine-I'm sorry, go back to sleep.~

I just put the blanket back down before I looked at my dad.

Jasmine-I'm not letting you do it dad and that's final.

He only left and I just held (Y/N) closer and Rajah got closer to us on the bed and since he didn't know, he didn't mind. I can already see him back in that city all alone with nobody to care or love him while he's still scared and hurt.

Jasmine's mind-Such a poor thing... You don't need to be thrown out in that mean city to fend for yourself, you just need to be cared for and loved... and i'll make you are.~


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