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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to sunlight hitting my eyes a little and someone holding me while we were in the water and when I opened my eyes I saw it was just about time the sun comes up and lights up the sky a bit. I turned my head a bit to the side and saw that Marline was the one holding me and she was giving me a lot a mom would give their 1 year old baby to let her eyes say good morning by themselves before she does and it made me feel a little weird to my stomach.


Marline-Good morning sweetie.~

That just made it feel worse and I just yawned from waking up and stretched a little, but she would not let go of me and soon she put me on a rock that was still in the water and I saw my parents were being taken out too and were waking up and saw me and while my dad feel back asleep my mom was put next to me and she gave me a hug.

(M/N)-(Y/N), i'm so happy you're here. They said you would be back.~

Just then Marline pulled my mom away from me a bit and she just did what she wanted like she was a confused child.

Marline-Be careful please, he might be a little sore.

(M/N)-Oh,... ok...  How bad is he hurt?

Marline-Oh, he'll be-.


I felt something bit my big toe and it hurt like a bitch and Marline just gasped before she reached in the water and pried what was on my toe while I was screaming and my mom was worried and my dad woke up looking at me. Soon Marline came back up and she had a fish with her and holding it by the gills and she looked made at it.

Marline-Shame on you! Hurting a defenseless human like that!

She just tossed the fish into a basket before she went back to look at my foot and other mermen and mermaids were going back inside in a hurry then soon the other mermaids "taking care of me" came out and looked worried and my mom just held me in a hug while my toe was still hurting like a motherfucker.


Shelby-How bad is it?!

Nixie-What happened?!

Grace-Where does it hurt?!

Marline-A big fish just bit on his poor toe. We just need to clean and wrap it.

They let my mom keep on holding me and I felt like a child being taken to the hospital and being cooed while doing it. My toe got cleaned and wrapped like they wanted, but just then a branch just fell on top of me and hit my head and it was a big enough for it to kinda hurt, but I didn't feel anything wet like blood, but of course...


I was just hugged by everyone and just then Shelby took me from the group hug and rubbed my head and it kinda hurt before she checked her hand.

Shelby-You're ok, you're ok.

(Y/N)-I know i'm ok.

Grace-Let's just... have some breakfast and get a hot water pack for that bump on your head.

She just kissed my head before she just moved me to my mom's lap and my dad was brought over here and seriously, do they think we're fucking toddlers or some shit, like for real? We just sat her and I got off my mom's lap which wasn't hard since the water almost makes you feel weightless, but when I tried to stand up on my I slipped on a rock under water and it made a pile of rocks come down on my foot and they were more heavy than what they looked like and it really fucking hurt!


HOW THE FUCK WERE THEY THIS FUCKING HEAVY, THEY MIGHT AS WELL BE FUCKING BOULDERS!!! When the girls turned back to me the rocks suddenly got lighter and they saw my foot was stuck and looked worried for me while Shelby and Grace got the rocks off my foot Nixie picked me up and now my foot looked swollen and kinda bruised and she looked like she just saw it cut off or something. It's bad, but not that bad.

Nixie-My poor baby. Why did you get up?~... That's it, you just need to be held and watched more carefully than we thought.

(Nixie's POV)

My poor human just woke up and he got hurt 3 times before we could feed him breakfast and I think the best thing I can do is to keep him near his parents since they were worried sick about him and he must've missed them too. When we got our humans breakfast I would suggest a nice swim, but we're keeping him close by for a better chase of nothing else happening and now he needs to heal more. I know he hates cooing for now like his parents did when we found them, so i'll hold off on that for now until he's more comfortable around us. We think a nice hot soak in our enchanted hot springs should do just the thing and it wasn't far while others will be there too. He should be able to get hot water all over his body that he needs and it should be a way to relieve stress as well and I know we all have to have that by now.

Nixie-When we get to the hot spring, let Shelby see your hurt foot.

(Y/N)-*Grunt* Fine.

He was a little cranky, but if I was him and I got hurt 3 times when I just woke up, I think I would be a little annoyed myself.

(Nova's POV)

Celia was bent on this search mission, claiming to see our human and it might be a good idea to let Nisha calm down some more before we tell her anything. It was just our team and a few other scavengers to help increase our chances in finding him and poor Celia was broken about this for the first day of searching from saying an elf took him by force, but no sign of him being there, so we didn't bother charging in. I just needed some water and thankfully we came across a river and I could refill my water pouch. When I got to the river with my team we noticed a gathering of mermaids and mermen, but they're normally harmless to anyone unless you pick a fight, so we didn't mind it.

Celia-*Gasp* Look!

We looked to where Celia was pointing and it was at the mermaids, but it took a minute to see our human and he was surrounded by 4 mermaids and Celia just went ahead and charged in to go meet them and we were right behind her.



This got their attention and it's the kind you don't want and while some panicked and swam away underwater the 4 we wanted to talk to were still here, but were very defensive of (Y/N), so I got in front of Celia before she can give off more of the wrong idea.

Nova-Woah there Celia. You gotta calm down... *Ahem* Hello, we um... that human creature you got there belongs to us.

???-No... He's ours.

Kaleen-We have our orders to bring him back. We see you formed a bond. Rest assured that he will be safe.

???-Well not to be harsh, but he's already safe with us and is already hurt. We were in the middle of treating him.

Celia-Please, we need him... We, We, We... We can work something out!... Please?

???-We... can try.

Marv-Then let's start by saying what we want then compromise.

So we started to play the negotiating game and it was better than being leered in by their songs and that can be really dangerous. The others with us saw what was happening and knew to stay out of it, so we can end this peacefully between us. In the end we came to an agreement.

Marv-Alright, we bring stranger medicine and supplies to help heal him faster then we borrow him, in exchange 3 of us stay here.


Nova-I'll go. I'm the fastest and i'll report to the elders before my return.

It was settled, so I was off to go back to our village and the others stayed behind while I brought the scavengers back with me. Mermaids must've known we never leave an ally behind, it was disgraceful to our kind.

Nova's mind-To think he ran into mermaids of all creatures. Don't know if it was luck or being unlucky.


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