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(Misty's POV)

Our baby won't won't play, eat, or even talk to us anymore since we let Lenny borrow his old mommy, but he needs to learn we are mommies now and not her. I just looked at my baby in his room with the others and he won't look at us and when we tried to hold him he only screams, cries, wiggles, and yells at us. I don't want him to hate us because I used to comfort him when he was mad or sad before he would feel better and hug me, but now he won't understand I did this because I love him. I had an idea and just walked in the room and sat on his bed and he only curled up a bit more.

Misty-Sweetie... You want better treats?... Ice cream? I know it makes you happy.



I tried to grab him and hold him, but he only wiggled away from me and it almost made me cry until I was getting mad when I had enough of this. I just grabbed him and held him tight and if he didn't want to learn like us, i'm going to make him while the others are watching.

Misty-Listen! Old mommy will not come back if you're bad! She's not your mommy anymore, we are because we are in charge now!

He only looked at me crying a little and I can't comfort him because he's being bad, so it was time for him to learn, so I took him out of his room with me and too the others and went into the living room to put him in the middle of all of us.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everyone was looking at me while I was in the middle of the circle of them and I was still mad, but I was also scared now because Misty looked mad. I just wanted my mommy to come back home acting like her old self. Suddenly Isabella ran to me and hugged me like she was protecting me from Misty.

Isabella-He's just scared!... How about we do that thing with the seat on wheels and we push him.

Sophie-... Stroller?... *Gasp* I wanna push him!

Isabella-I thought of it! I wanna do it!

Misty-Stop!... We all take turns.

I don't want to go on a walk, but when I tried to leave, Isabella just picked me up with her and went to the couch while Misty and Sophie went to get my stroller my mommy got for me. She wouldn't let me go and the others came over to help her hold me while I was screaming for them to let me go and soon I saw Sophie come back and she had my stroller with her.


(Timeskip 15 minutes)

(???'s POV)

I haven't heard from Mrs. Doling in a while and better for me because now I can get everything I need for my capture the flag paintball edition tournament I want for the block party in a few days and that old bag was always a stick in the mud. I had the equipment and everything, so I just need approval of the HOA which shouldn't be too hard since most of them love me. I just got back and it's looking good for them to say yes since I have enough equipment to supply 8 teams of 6 from guns to pads and masks.

???'s mind-This is gonna be great.

I was just strolling around the park for a while where my tournament will be held in a few days and others like the idea too before I was heading home and on my way... I saw a group of cosplayers and I wasn't really into that, but 1 girl with rabbit ears looked fucking hot and her friends didn't look bad either, but I also saw they had (M/N)'s kid in his stroller, so I think they were babysitters.


They were all so hot and I happen to be single and I also see no rings, so maybe one of them is bound to be single. I just fixed myself up a bit before I made my way over to them and I have high hopes for that bunny girl.

(Sophie's POV)

It was my turn to push him and it felt so good even if he was being mad about this walk, he just needs to learn that it's how things are now and I want to do this again, but alone with him next time. During my turn I just looked at Jessica hiding in the basket I used to lay in during walks, but all the sudden I saw a human man walk up to us and smiling at us... I didn't like it.


(Y/N)-Garnett! Help me, mypetschangedintopeopleandtheygotridofmymommybygivinghertoalaband-!

Garnett-Sounds great little man. Who you're friends?~

He got very close and Grace got in front of our baby, but he just went to Isabella instead and she was scared.

Garnett-Hey honey bun, what do you say you babysit me for a while.~

Isabella just ran behind Faith and her tall size made him look up to her and saw she was mad too and we want him to go away. He only had that smile on his face still and I know my baby is already scared and sad, but if he gets too close, I "will" make him hurt 3 times as more as I am when he gets too close.

Isabella-Go away!

Garnett-Woah, fine.

(Y/N)-Garnett, don't! There animals that turned people from my wish and-!

Garnett-Hehehe, hilarious kid. Say hi to your mom for me and keep that old bag busy too. See you at the party in a few days.


He just walked away and I didn't like my baby talking to him or how he scared Isabella, but what needs to happen is our baby learning not to talk to others I don't like. Misty even got in front of him and so did grace and they bent down a little to him and I looked at him from over the stroller while others looked at him through the side.

Misty-No talking to him. I don't like him.

Grace-You only talk to us!

We all told him how we felt before we kept on walking until we got home and when we did we didn't let him go to his room because we were going to take turns holding him while Jessica was in his shirt. After a while we heard a knock on the door and I knew it had to be other people and I had this feeling that I hated, but I answered the door to see a woman and other human babies with her.

Woman-Hello... Is (M/N) home?

Sophie-... No.

Woman-Oh, then can you tell her that if she wants to be a judge for out BBQ cook-off she needs to call me. My name is Kate.

Sophie-Ok, goodbye.

I just closed the door and felt kinda angry that humans were coming here when I just wanted time alone with my baby.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

(Misty's POV)

Right now it was my turn to hold my baby, so I took him from Betsy and rubbed my nose on his. We only had one time when we almost spanked him, but Faith just gave him a few slaps on his wrist and it enough to make him good again. I just our home so much better now and it made me think about the old mom a bit, but then I heard the doorbell ring and took my baby with me to go answer the door and saw a group of humans out here, so I turned my baby away from them since I don't want him close.

Man-Hello, we're going door to door reminding everyone of the block party in 3 days. Bring your kid out to have some fun and we even got someone to share their house this year to watch all the kids.

Other humans kept on talking about a party and my baby was about to talk to them,, but I just looked at him and was ready to really spank him if he did, but thankfully he didn't. Suddenly a human reached in and gave my son a bag of candy and stuff and when he took it... my heart hurt for a second and I was about to bite and hurt those humans, but they walked away, so I closed the door and took the small bag away from my baby and put it on the table.


Misty-It's not from us! It's bad until I say so!

I just locked the door and took my baby's hand to smell it and it had that human's smell on it and I was so mad.

Misty-It's bath time.

(Y/N)-But i'm not dirty.

Misty-Yes you are! Someone help me with bath time!

Everyone just got up to help me and I don't want that human's smell on him anymore. I don't any smell I don't like on him anymore. When we got to the bathroom I stripped him down and he wasn't getting out until i'm sure that smell is completely off him AND I DO NOT CARE HOW LONG IT TAKES!!!

(Timeskip 3 hours)

I was still a little worried the soap was only covering the smell on his hand and we got his hair a few times, but his body... I forgot how many, but I think it should be ok. He was tired from so many baths and I just felt like I can't relax right now and wanted my baby back in that bath, but Faith was holding him and taking him to the big bed to nap with him, I remember I heard the door knock 9 times during the bath and I just want all these humans to leave me and my baby alone... my friends too. They scare Isabella, my baby trusts them more than us after we tried to take him for a walk and I started to cry in the living room from not knowing what to do about this. When I heard the doorbell it just made me cry a little harder because they might want my baby for this party and I just want him all to ourselves...

Misty's mind-Is that too much to ask?

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

Maybe Lenny can help and he did want more humans to give shots, so I quickly ran to where I put his number and looked for the house phone and I think this is how they did it on T.V.. When i was done, I heard ringing and soon...


Misty-Lenny, it's Misty *sniffle* Please, help us.

Lenny-Are you hurt?!

Misty-Humans won't leave us alone... Can you help take them too?

Lenny-... May I... come tomorrow?

Misty-You will help us?

Lenny-I will help. Can you tell me anything right now?

I told him about humans not leaving us alone for this block party and how my baby loved them more than us and how it made me sad and mad and made me cry again. He tried to stop me, but it didn't work for a while until I stopped myself and was wiping my tears and they were just so wet and going down my face now more than before.

Lenny-Stop crying please... I think I can help, I will be coming to your home tomorrow. Ok.

Misty-O- *sniffle* Ok.

He just hung up and I tried to calm down and looked out the window to see humans put something in our mail box and saw me through the window and waved a little and it just mad me feel so mad that they want my baby to go to another house and away from me.



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