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(Blair's POV)

This man was helpful in getting me back home with all my groceries without being spotted, but I do have an odd feeling about him and that comes to no surprise since I killed humans like this that tried to kill mine before and i'm fully prepared to do it again. He thinks he's going to claim me or something as a reward, but I have another thing coming to him and I just hope he has a last moment change of heart when he realizes I have my baby waiting for me at home.

Dennis-Do you like living alone out here where it's quiet?

Blair-Something like that.

Dennis-Well anyway, I love the scenery up here and would like to get away from all the noise sometimes.

Blair-When we get there I think it would be best if you just help me put the groceries out on the porch and just go before my friends see you.

Dennis-You live with friends?

Blair-And my son. I'm gonna warn you that you don't wanna stay long or you might not like it.

Dennis-Come on, i'm sure you got a wonderful home... Seriously, out here is where a lot of the good homes are.

We were getting close to the house and I was going to give him this chance since he knows I have a son at home to take care of, so now it's up to him. When we made it to the house we just parked out front like I asked him too and just put the groceries on the porch while I brought the cold ones inside.

(Dennis's POV)

While Blair was inside I just sneaked to the back of my car in my trunk and grabbed my kit and got some chloroform ready for her then her friends and kid are next. It's her fault for inviting strangers over and she was going to be my 5th sucker and maybe even my little prize. When the rag was wet and ready to go I held it behind my back and waited for her to come back out and she did with a smile on her face until she looked at me.


She just got the bags by the porch, but I made my move and I know how to smooth talk with girls and get them close enough to me.

Dennis-Hey, I was wondering, these friends of yours, is any of them the father?

Blair-Oh, no. My son is just adopted. It's just my girls and little boy here with me.

Dennis-I see... He must be lucky to have a mother like you, just being nice to even strangers,... but that can also be really dangerous.

Blair-Oh, I have to agree. You gotta be careful with strangers, you don't know what they might be capable of... Anyway, I think it's time you be on your way back to your family or friends or whatever.

Dennis-I got friends and I think they would love "meet you"!

I rushed her and slammed the cloth in her face and she wasn't struggling much while I was holding her still and just then then someone came out of the house and she was fucking hot.


???-Blair, did you pick up any-?... Who's this?

She seemed... actually calm that this was happening right in front of her and just then I was elbowed in the stomached by Blair so hard that I started to cough up blood and flew back and I saw Blair was perfectly fine and wide awake while my insides were killing.

???-Heh, nice one.

Blair-Shut up and just go help put food away. We'll let Kalma deal with this.

Dennis's mind-Kalma?

Blair just walked up to my truck, opened the hood, then she ripped some shit out of up, so I got back up as fast as I could and it hurt like a bitch.

Dennis-Get you're fucking hands off my car!

She listened to me and went back inside with the food and her friend, but when I checked my car it was completely destroyed and I don't know how a girl can be that strong when she looks so fragile. I felt like I was gonna get sick and my stomach was killing me, so I better go, but when I come back, i'm bringing friends and enough guns to light this place up like a Christmas tree! I just left my car and started my walk back to town or to a part where I can get decent cell phone service.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kalma had me in her lap while we were watching a show while Blair and Sarita were in the kitchen putting a lot of food away and Kalma was rubbing my head. Soon Sarita came in and sat on the couch with me and Kalma and rubbed her finger on my cheek down to my chest while Blair walked past us.


Sarita-How's my baby boy toy. Come to sugar mama.~

Kalma-You're fucking smoking something if you think you're getting him.

Blair-I actually got you something and made it a little fun for you.

Kalma-... I'm listening.

Blair-I know you love the hunt, so I was gonna bring in some meat, but let it get away when we got home. Happy hunting.~

Just then Kalma held me in front of her and gave me kiss before she got up and gave me more kisses.

Kalma-When I get back and cleaned up, you're with me again. Understand?

I just nodded my head and she just gave me to Sarita and she instantly put my face in her boobs again and laid down, so I can still watch my show and she even rubbed her boobs on my face like she was playing with me.

Sarita-Good boy. You know to stay still.~

While she was leaving Blair just went to the front door to yell something at her.

Blair-And clean up your mess after!

(Dennis's POV)

The pain was still agonizing, I can't call anyone, and I was in the middle of fucking nowhere in the woods no thanks to that bitch. I was gonna make her suck me off in front of her son when I get my hands on her next time I get back there, but I can call my boys soon enough and get them over here.

Dennis-Come on, give me fucking signal already!

Soon I heard rustling like a rabbit or something was sprinting off on a pile of leaves and I just looked to see nothing, but I don't think much predators were up here. I only focused back on my phone and soon I saw a faint signal and I smiled.



I just looked into the trees and bushes where the noise was coming from and I found something that left me speechless and I don't know if it was from eternal breathing and maybe hitting my head on the ground too hard, but it doesn't make me feel better about this.


I just acted out and quickly grabbed a rock and threw it at the whatever the fuck that thing is and made a ran for it and all it did was stand there while I saw it run off somewhere. I soon found a place to hide and looked at my phone again and saw I still had a faint signal, so I tried calling them,... but it failed. I tried again, and again, and again until...

???-*Whimper* H-Hello... Someone help me. *sobbing* Th-There's a monster out here.

It sounded very close and my phone was still ringing and she might know what's going on or if this is some joke, I at least won't be leaving empty handed. I was about to go look, but soon a foot came out from behind a tree and tripped me and I dropped my phone and I was pissed about to beat the bitch, but then I saw something that made my mouth drop.


???-P-Please help me, sir. I'm so scared from the big bad monster in these scary woods... *chuckles*~

I was about to get up and run, but this monster stomped on my stomach and I screamed in pain and soon... she started to change.

???-The monster doesn't like it when you come near her baby , but she does love to play with her food.~

Dennis-*Hyperinflating* AAAHH-!!!

(Kalma's POV)

I was enjoying my pray, but then my ear twitched a little when I heard something like a phone ringing and I looked to see the phone this poor dumb bastard must've dropped after my game with him and I just transformed back before I picked it up and answered it and when I did I didn't talk to see who this was.

Phone-... Hello?... Dennis, did you find someone?... Hello?!

I could hang up with this, but I want some more fun and there's a number one rule to claiming a territory in hell... Always make sure that everyone knows that they are not welcome uninvited. I think I can have some fun with this and while this guy was yelling on the phone.

Kalma-*Chuckles* I'm sorry, you're friend Dennis can't come to the phone right now... He's... playing in the woods.~


I just laughed before I hung up and I was about to enjoy my food again, but then I had a better idea. By the time this is all over, i'm gonna make sure my territory is something all humans will fear. I always dreamed of coming to the surface and living up here, but I didn't know it was going to be like this.

Kalma's mind-This is going to be fun.~


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