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((Y/N)'s POV)

When we got back to Blitz's house Loona was very mad and some things were kinda broken in the living room. She even yelled at Blitz after she yanked me away from him and went to her room with me to hold me while she had me in her bed with her and that was almost an hour ago and she's still mad. Even when I move to get more comfortable she thinks I leave and growls at me to make me stop. It was just so quiet in here and I at least wanted to watch some T.V., but I don't think asking her anything is a good idea since when I did this kind of thing with my dad and sometimes he hits me. We just stayed in bed together and she went on her phone to talk to people online and I was getting really bored, so I just looked at her and she looked at me.

(Y/N)-Loona, can I just watch a show?


She just turned on the T.V. and put it to a dating game show just getting back from a commercial, but when it started I just saw a man getting beaten up by 3 girls while the host was tied to a chair and everything was on fire.

Host-Stop it! We should back back from commercials any second!

People were screaming and just then 1 of the girls just grabbed the host and threw him at the camera, but before I could see more Loona just changed the channel. Soon she found a cartoon for me then Blitz opened the door and Loona got mad again and held me.



Blitz-Alright, calm down. I just got a call and it's Octavia, Stolas's daughter-.

Loona-I don't give a shit! FUCK OFF!!!

She grabbed a picture frame and threw it at him, but he ran out and slammed the door and she turned me to her other side away from the door then held me tighter. I think she needs to calm down, so I just held on to her and rubbed her back then soon I saw her tail was wagging a little, but she still looked a little mad.

(Y/N)-Loona...  I think people there were nice.

Loona-I don't care! When did I even say you could go there?!

(Y/N)-But your dad never told you.

Loona-And you can see how that pisses me off!

Her tail stopped wagging and fluffed up while she was really mad again before she got with me on her lap. I felt like I was in trouble then she got up and took me with her to a drawer where she had the collar and she quickly put it on me and I was afraid if I fight her, she would hit me.


Loona-I don't care what Blitz says or anyone else! If Millie or I are not there or not coming, then you're not allowed anywhere! Understand?!

I just nodded my head yes at her and she just went back to her bed and put me on it while she was still on it.

Loona-Lay down and "don't" get off this bed.


She just left the room and I just laid down on her bed like she wanted too and soon she came back with some sandwiches and I heard Blitz down the hall trying to talk to her, but she slammed the door on him.


She came back on the bed and I was about to grab one, but she just stopped me before just grabbing one of the small sandwiches and held it up to me.


I just did what she said since I was kinda hungry and took a bit then she pulled me close and made me look at her while I was chewing and she just rubbed her fingers through my hair. When we ate all of them she just put the plate on the table by her bed and covered us in her blanket before she turned off the T.V. and closed her eyes while she pulled me deeper into her. I guess she wants to nap now and I don't wanna make her angry again, so I just closed my eyes too.

(Octavia's POV)

I was on my way to pick up my little brother alone and it took longer since the last driver had to be smart about it for me wanting a human back, so I turned him to stone and smashed him to pieces in front of my new driver. I got the address from my fucking dad and mom was dealing with him and after a while of driving to "avoid bad areas" not like I gave a shit, we finally arrived to some shit hole apartments and I just went inside while my driver was waiting for me outside then when I found the door I just knocked on it and soon it opened for me to see the red dickhead himself.


Blitz-Oh,... you're here.

Octavia-Are you going to make this easy for you or hard?

Blitz-Listen, maybe we can work something else out.

Octavia-You mean how you "work things out" with my dad.

Blitz-... Um... Is it going that way?

I just went ahead and used my eyes to turn him to stone and if my dad loves him so much he can come here and turn him back, but now my eyes were sore, since i'm not used to using my eyes unlike my mom and dad, so I don't think I can use them again without it really starting to hurt. I just walked inside past the statue I made and checked the few rooms in here and soon I found my little brother sleeping with a hellhound and if I could and if she was awake, she would be stone too.


I had something else that helps me sleep when my parents fight late at night and I always have it on me, so I pulled the capsule out from my bra, opened it, and held it up to the hell hound and she did jolt awake for a second before she passed out again and now it was easier to take my little brother from her without waking him up. He did stir a bit and it was cute, but when I got him settled into me carefully, but when we got outside he did open his eyes a little.

(Y/N)-... Octavia?

Octavia-Good morning (Y/N).~

(Y/N)-Where's Loona?

Octavia-Oh,... i'm just borrowing you for a while. She'll come get you when she's ready.

(Y/N)-... Ok.

He didn't look convinced, but at least he wasn't trying to get away from me, so I just got in the car and the driver got in too and I knew exactly I want to go to show off my new little brother.

Octavia-Driver, take us down town. I want to go to the Hazbin Hotel to see a friend.

Driver-Yes ma'am.

He started to drive and the confused and groggy look was just adorable and he was about to talk, but I put a finger to his lip since I didn't want to hear him speak right now and get him to go back to sleep.

Octavia-Try and go back to sleep. I'll wake you when we get there.

He listened to me and closed his eyes and I think it was because he thinks Loona gave him to me to actually watch him. At least he knows who's in charge.

(Millie's POV)

Moxxie was feeling under the weather when we got back from Wrath, so I left him at home for him to sleep and in the mean time, i'm gonna go see my baby. When I made it to my boss's place I saw the door was still open and when I pushed it in... I saw Blitz was a statue and I was shocked, but horrified when I thought about...

Millie-My baby!

I ran to check the house and when I made it into Loona's room I saw she was asleep alone, so I went to her and tried to shake her awake. After a while of yelling a screaming I was only meet with slight breathing and I was getting pissed at her until I noticed a small bottle next to her and grabbed it and I could smell it a little from here and I recognize this because my home had some drug addicts I met. It's no wonder she's out cold, but who would do this? I went over everything and with my boss being turned to stone...

Millie's mind-Those fuck shit birds!

I just got up and I was gonna need help and her nose was gonna come in handy in this, so I was gonna have to take her with me, so I got the keys to the van and dragged Loona to the van and threw her in the back of the van.

Millie's mind-When I get him back, i'm locking him down at my house, so I can keep an eye on him myself!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt a fluffy and feathery hand rubbing my cheek to wake me up and I just opened my eyes to see Octavia and we were walking up to a huge building and it also looked kinda... weird.


Octavia-Are you ready to see Charlie? She has another friend that might like you.~

I felt really nervous like when I first got here because I hate going to other houses and soon we made it to a front door. When she knocked on the door I just got so nervous and curled up to turn away a bit before the door finally opened and I looked away.

???-Oh, Octavia. Come... in.

I just took a peak to see who was talking and she looked kinda scary, but she looking at me like I was a surprise to her.


Octavia-Meet my new little brother. I just got him yesterday at my dinner party.


Isaiah Weeb

Ah, Charlie! Meet my kidnapped brother! He already met 5 girls and counting and they all turned yandere... So why don't you too!