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((Y/N)'s POV)

I spent all day yesterday with Sarabi and I woke up this morning and hopefully they'll take me now since I ate with them yesterday and everything and I didn't uncooked meat, but a few birds brought me fruit when Sarabi asked them too. I couldn't sleep a lot last night because I never slept away from home without my mommy and daddy, but Sarabi used me like a stuffed animal after Nala played with me and she tackled me a lot or just kept me "pinned" on the ground. Mufasa was very angry last night, but didn't come near me when Sarabi kept roaring at him and looked ready to fight. When everyone was awake I just shook Sarabi awake a little and shook woke up to yawn to smile and lick me a few times.

Sarabi-Good morning little man cub.~

(Y/N)-Can we go to the cave now? I slept and eaten your food.

Sarabi-You slept? *chuckles* You look kinda tired to me.

(Y/N)-I'm fine, can we just go?

She slowly stopped smiling at me and I thought it was weird, but just then I was tackled and had a baby lion on top of me and I looked to see it was Nala.


Nala-Ha, pinned ya again!

(Y/N)-Nala, get off.

Nala-*Giggles* Nah, how about you make me.~

I just rolled onto my tummy and she got and did that thing where she kinda bites my ear and it doesn't hurt, but it feels so weird. When I got up she just laughed a little and Sarabi pulled me back into her and started to lick my head and now some of the lions were getting ready to leave. and Nala's mom came over.

Sarabi-I'll be coming this time. My cub should be safe with the other lionesses while we hunt this early.

Sarafina-What about Mufasa?

Sarabi-He sleeps in a lot nowadays. We shouldn't be gone that long.

(Y/N)-Then can I come with you... to the cave, so I can get home?

Sarabi-... I'll be there shortly. I just need to have a talk with him for a moment.

She just left with Nala and Sarabi just laid in front of me before she just took a breath and smiled at me.

Sarabi-Now my little cub, I know you have this "thing" in a cave, but... I don't think you need it.

(Y/N)-But it's gonna get me home. I can leave.

Sarabi-Let me just be more clear... It's best if you stay here with me and my pride. You can never be king, but you'll be my little prince and besides... I think someone else likes you here.~

She looked over to Nala and I felt scared that she just said she doesn't want me to go home and to just stay here. I tried to get up, but she quickly tackled me to the ground and I thought she was gonna hurt me, so I closed my eyes, but she only licked my face and it felt so gross then I looked to see her smiling.

Sarabi-I'll bring you back some fruit that you like. You just need to stay here and be a good cub.~

I didn't want to stay here, but when she got off me suddenly Nala jumped on me and licked my nose.

Nala-Do I get to guard him again?!

Sarabi-*Chuckles* Of course. Play nice you two.

She just left with 7 or 8 other lions and Nala jump licked me again, so I turned over to get her off me and sat up and she hit my leg a little with her paw. I just thought about my mommy and daddy and how they might feel if I never come home and I didn't want to do that to them, so I had to get out of here. Other lions were taking care of baby lions, but Nala was serious about watching me because she tried keeping me where me and Sarabi slept last night. I had to get out of here, but sometimes it's like my dad said... you gotta think hard and careful about what you do sometimes, so I thought about how I can get out of here and Nala loves to play and since there's no video games or anything like that here...

(Y/N)-Nala,... it's so boring here... Do you wanna play somewhere else?

Nala-Hmm... I do know a few places.

Lioness#1-Not so fast you two. Your mothers are out, so you two are staying in here.

Nala-What?! I went out before!

Lioness#2-You heard the queen. Until she says so we're keeping a close eye on all cubs here.

For animals they acted a lot like people and my mom did say that there's something every mom has called mother's... something. I still didn't want to stay here and I another name that I don't like and it was "cub". Nala followed me to the corner of the cave and she was smiling before she got very close and I still didn't like a lion getting very close to me.

Nala-I know a way out. *whisper*

I just looked at her and the others were talking, and I followed her in the back and she pushed a pile of vines and rocks to crawl out and I tried to do it too and it was a little tricky, but I did get out and saw the grass fields go out very far.

Nala-Come on!

She just jumped over me and walked in front of me, so I followed her and I can get to the cave, but Nala just tackled me again then she bit and pulled on my ear a little.

Nala-My mom was right. She did see your cheeks turn red... It's kinda cute.

(Y/n)-I'm cute? You're the cub.

Nala-So are you. You even stand on 2 legs and i'm still almost as tall as you, so that makes me taller.

(Y/N)-No it doesn't!

Just then she jumped up on me and put her paws on my shoulders and she was a little taller than me now, but it's like standing on your tippy toes, so it does not count.

Nala-Does too.~

She walked in front of me, so we could leave and I didn't like that she even thinks she's taller than me. She started talking about a few places, but I think I remember my way back and when we got next to a lake she calls "the watering hole", but when I kept on walking she jumped in front of me.


Nala-Hey, you're going the wrong way.

(Y/N)-Oh, um... I was thinking that...

Nala-You... wanna go to that cave?... B-But you're a part of the pride now. I thought you were staying.

She looked a little sad before she got mad and tackled me and I could see she was crying a little now.

Nala-I... *hic* I lost my best friend, i'm not gonna let you just leave me like this!

I rolled over to get her off me and sat up while crawling backwards and she still looked mad, but I wanted to go home too and it was just so scary last night.

(Y/N)-I'm... I'm going and you can't stop me!

Nala-No, please don't go!

She was crying more, but I just got up and started to back away and while she cried while running to me and trying to stop me, I didn't let her push me down. Soon she just stopped before she looked at Pride Rock before she got really mad at me.

Nala-Fine!... *sniffle* I'M TELLING!!!

She started to run away and I know she was going to bring the others, so I started to run before they could catch up.

(Sarabi's POV)

We were heading back to pride rock and we had a few good catches, so it was enough for everyone and I have a few monkeys out collecting fruit for my cub. While we were on our way back we saw Nala running back to Pride Rock before she saw us and ran to her mom.


Nala-Mommy, mommy!

She got to her mom and the poor cub was crying and she shouldn't even be out here, but before we could say anything.

Nala-I'm sorry! We snuck out, but then he didn't wanna play. (Y/N) is trying to get to that thing in the cave and leave!

Just then I felt my heart shatter and it was quick to turn into anger and while she was in trouble, my cub was going to be in "BIG" trouble!

Sarabi-Take her back to the cave! Someone show me where this thing is!

One of the lionesses ran off ahead and I followed her hoping that he isn't too far ahead and when I bring him back, I won't be leaving his side until i'm sure this won't ever happen again!

Sarabi's mind-You're not leaving me! YOU'RE NOT "EVER" GOING TO LEAVE ME!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I remember this place when I first got here, so it shouldn't be far now and so far there was no lions. Soon I even saw the cave that ship was in and when I was starting to feel happy that I was going home.


I just turned and I saw 2 lions, but I know which one yelled me name, so I started to make a run for it to the ship.



(Y/N)'s mind-Come on, i'm so close!

I was very scared that I wasn't going to make it after I was so close and they were catching up to me and fast. I made it into the cave and didn't look back when I saw the ship and ran inside to quickly hit the door button and just then I heard crawling at the door.

Sarabi-You get out here right now!

She kept on yelling things, but I ignored her and saw the ship was at %100 now, so I just looked for the launch button and hit it to hear things were started to fly, so I got in a seat.

(Sarabi's POV)

Whatever this thing was it was making noise and started to fly with my cub in it before it just suddenly disappeared with a big bang that made my ears ring. When I looked I saw it was gone and tears were coming out of my eyes and I just fell to the ground crying... He can't be gone, this has to be some kind of trick, yeah... He has to still be in the Pride Lands, so I just got up to my feet and turned to the lioness that was with me.

Sarabi-When there is a hunt, I want it farther away! We will search for my new cub and if you find him... Bring. Him. To. Me. *growl*

((Y/N)'s POV)

This thing was going pretty fast and it actually was making me tired and I didn't even sleep last night even when I tried really hard...

(Y/N)'s mind-Stay awake (Y/N)... You can sleep when you... get home.

I couldn't even think and with a yawn I fell asleep while this ship was still going super fast and bright lands were coming into the ship.


I woke up and I was still in the chair and when I slowly got up I was a little dizzy, but I hit a button on accident and it was the launch button and I was scared that I messed up, but that screen from before popped up again.

Ship-Critical damage to engine, authorizing system cool down, 0%

I just hope whoever owns this ship is not too mad at me when they get it back. I just left the ship happy to be back home,... but I don't think I was home. I was in some kind of forest and it looked kinda weird, but then I saw a light that was coming from a hole in a bush.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why is it shaped like a heart?

I just walked to the hole or door or whatever you want to call it and just peaked to see a lot of tall bushes almost like a maze, but I did see a castle kinda far away. If i'm not home and castle's are full of people, maybe someone that fixes things can help me and make to where I don't have to wait forever for the ship to cool down. I just walked inside and looked for somebody, but soon when I turned a corner I saw something even more weird that talking animals... walking cards.


Card#1-Hurry and paint the roses red, or we shall lose our heads!

It kinda sounded like he was singing and I just hid behind the bush trying to think about this. First it was talking animals and now it's giant walking and talking cards that were singing about painting roses red. Soon I head a horn being blown and when I looked I saw a rabbit in a suit and now I was back to talking animals.


I also saw a whole bunch or cards and they had long and point staffs and the end of then was shaped like a heart.

Rabbit-*Pant* Now presenting, her grace, her royal majesty, the red queen of hearts!... And the king.

Just then I saw a very big lady come out and there was also a king that was just a little bit taller than me and I thought he was a kid at first.


At least there was some people now and I really did need some help, but then saw her get mad at something before she walked over to the rose bush those card guys were painting and ripped it out of the ground.

Red Queen-Whose been painting my roses red?! WHOSE BEEN PAINTING MY ROSES RED!?!?!?

Card#3-Please you're grace, it was all his fault!

Card#2-not me, the ace, the ace!

Red Queen-You?!

Card#1-Not me, the 3!


Everyone just cheered for her and I was scared that those cards were gonna die because of something like painting flowers. I don't think I was going to find help here, so I was about to leave, but I was just grabbed and picked up from behind and I turned to see it was a card man.

(Y/N)-Hey, put me down! Put me down!

I saw everyone heard me and was looking at me now and I was scared and nervous what that mean lady might do, but when I was put down the small king walked up to me and poked me with his non-pointy staff.

Red King-What card to you supposed this is? It's not heart, maybe a club.

Red Queen-Why, it's just a little boy.~

She sounded nice now, but I saw how mean she could get, so I was still scared and for a second, I thought I would rather be back with Sarabi than here. She bent down to me a bit trying to look nice, but I backed up until I hit the card.

Red Queen-Stop looking so scared and stand up straight.

I just did what she said, so I don't make her mad again then she just pat my head a bit before she made her smile a little bigger.

Red Queen-Now, where'd you come from little one?~

(Y/N)-Um... A ship ma'am. It's broken and I was trying to find help to fix it.

Red Queen-A ship? It's broken you say, well why didn't you say so?


Red Queen-Do not answer that!

She got mean for second before she went back to looking happy and nice and I think she was weird or maybe she was kinda crazy. She took my hand and made me walk with her and I didn't feel really safe and just wanted my mommy.

Red Queen-Now little boy, do you play croquet?~

(Y/N)-What's that?

Red Queen-I suppose it is a classic not many children will know about. Why don't we go back to my castle... WHILE MY SERVANTS PLANT THE "RIGHT" ROSES!!!

Just then some of the cards ran around each other to get the painted roses out of here and quickly planted new seeds. The king was even talking like he was telling them what to do, but it was her that told them. We made it to the castle and she was waiting by the door with me like she waiting for something until a card opened the door for us and she walked in holding my hand.

Red Queen-Welcome to my castle. I'll have someone fix that thing of yours.~

(Y/N)-It's a ship.

Red Queen-Did I ask you what it was?!

(Y/N)-S-Sorry you majesty!

She calmed down, but didn't go back to smiling this time and soon we made it to her big chairs in the throne room and she snapped her fingers for the cards to bring her something to put her feet up. I didn't know what to do until soon she just laughed a little at me.

(Red Queen's POV)

I know I didn't offer him a seat, but this confused state he was in was actually amusing to me and now he was looking at me like he was clueless, but in a way that didn't make me lose my temper. I think it actually put me in a better mood and when the king came in I hardly paid him any mind, but the child just sat on the ground before looking at me again like he was hoping he was doing something right.


Red Queen-Guards... bring me the child.

The child looked scared for a moment and when my guards grabbed him I held out my arms and the child was placed on my lap and this felt better than when I do this to my king. It's cuter that he's actually a child and looked at me with those scared puppy eyes.

Red Queen's mind-... Let's see where this goes.

I did get a better look at him and found that this child had dirt on him and he was on my lap. This was unacceptable, but I didn't want him to leave my lap. I thought about it for a moment until I came to a decision and it's one I never made before, but if anyone was going to this, I feel that I want it to be me.

Red Queen-Guards, prepare my bath and the washers! I expect this child's clothes to be clean and dry when I have him out of that bath!

Everyone just looked at each other like the were confused that I was going to clean a child instead of having someone else do it and I was starting to lose my temper.


Red King-Yes, get going. By order of the king, that's me.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The cards were running in circles before some left the and now the Red Queen slowly got up with me and was holding me this time and the king was looking at her.

Red King-Consider my dear, would you rather a servant do this. It just seems that you hate chores.

Red Queen-If wanted a servant to do it, I would have told them to do it! I will be doing things "my way"! UNDERSTAND?!?!?!

He only nodded his head and I was nervous about her giving me a bath, but I think my question if I could do it myself was answered and it was a bigger no than her. When we walked down the hall we soon saw a few card men tired and standing by a door while the queen walked past them and when I saw her room, it was like 3 of my parent's room put together and the bed was the size of 2 king sized beds.

(Y/N)-Woah. *whisper*

She just looked at me before we made it to the bathroom and it was the size as just my parent's room. There was a bath that was steaming a little and there was a card man in here holding a basket before the Red Queen put me down and I know I wasn't going to like this part.

(Red Queen's POV)

The child did fight me at first, but when I was starting to get mad he got scared and let me get it clothes off and in the basket and I put them in the basket for the guard and he ran off with them. I put the child in the water and didn't he looked adorable, but I never thought taking care of anything could make me feel good. I never thought of doing anything close to this for the king on the best days of our marriage.

Red Queen-Hold still.

He only whined a little when I got his hair wet and started to scrub it with my shampoo and he closed his eyes while his cheeks turned red a little and it was my favorite color. His hair just felt so soft and his small noises were cute to listen to, but something was missing. I'll figure it out later and I was going to take my time to get him clean enough for me to hold him. I tried holding my king once, but his hair was too long and a little scruffy and his skin was a little flimsy and wrinkled a little, I didn't like it. I felt his body tense up while I was scrubbed his body with a sponge on a stick and a bubble from the soap flew in the air and landed on his noise before it popped and when it did he took a few breaths before I heard...

I chuckled a bit and he got one more sneeze out before I went back to washing him and it actually felt relaxing to me. I wanted to join him in the bath now, but his hands were getting a little wrinkly, so next time i'll do it, but I just took him out to get him dried off and just in time my guard came in with the clothes all clean and dry.

Red Queen-Leave us.

He did as he was told and I helped get the child all dressed the way I found him and dried his hair off some more until it was just so silky smooth, soft, and fluffy. It felt good to have in between my fingers.

Red Queen's mind-I have been having a problem killing time lately... Perhaps this will solve my problem.

I picked him up and I discovered he's small and light enough to hold in one arm and with no trouble at all. I was loving this feeling, but something had to ruin it and it made me furious.

(Y/N)-Can you put me down? I can walk.

Red Queen-*Grunt* If I wanted to put you down, why am I holding you?!

He hid his face a little in that scarf of his and I think that will teach him to question my actions like that. He'll learn that the only way around here is my way. I just left my room and soon should be dinner time and when I made it to the throne room I saw an extra chair in here, but I see no use for it and my king smiled at me.


Red Queen-My dear, I had an extra chair put... in...

I just walked past him and sat on my throne with the child on my lap again and something was off and I knew what it was. The child's hair was all messy, but it looked easy to fix, so I snapped my fingers.

Red Queen-Brush.

I waited for a few seconds and this little boy looked at me and I felt a smile curve on my face by itself, but it instantly went away when I suddenly saw one of my guards brush my child's hair instead of me. I've been very angry before, but I felt a little hurt before my blood started to boil because I loved taking care of him and for me that's saying something. I just grabbed my guards arm to stop him and he jumped... accidently hitting my child's eye and he covered it a little and the sight of the that somehow made mad more angry than I ever felt. I just pulled my child into me before I took a deep breath.

Guard-My queen, what-?


I took the brush and pushed him down and my other guards grabbed him to take him away while he was begging for a second chance, but for once this doesn't make me feel better, so I wanted to take out more anger. I just stood up with my baby still in my arm and I had everyone's attention.


I sat back down still having anger just bubble inside me and I was think for anyone that stepped out of line before for it to be off with their heads! While I was thinking I started to brush my child's head while he was shaking a little, but brushing his hair... made me feel much better. I stopped thinking about who to behead and just enjoyed myself.

Red Queen-Aww, don't be scared... You belong to me now.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't move or stop shaking because I was so scared from what she just said and that brush didn't hurt, I just had an eyelash in my eye.

(Y/N)'s mind-This place is... just crazy!


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