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((Y/N)'s POV) age: 5

I was just coming back from another day of school, and I had no homework since it was a Friday, but there was nothing to do in this town except go home and play games. You need money to do anything fun and I would love to go to the fair even when i'm just walking by it, I just want to get inside and go on the rides, but you need tickets and those cost money. It's unfair that I don't get an allowance when I do chores and have to come straight home while some other kids can do what they want. I finally made it home and just went in my room to get my homework over with and play some games after. When I was done I did find a $20 bill on the coffee table in the living room and the fair was still open.

(Y/N)-... Mom?... Dad?

I heard no answer and soon smiled since I don't think they would miss $20, so I got my shoes on and i'll just pay to get in, go on a few rides and i'll be back before dinner. When I left the house I ran to the fair a few blocks away as fast as I could and getting in cost $5, so I had $15 for tickets to get on rides. When I got in and got tickets I went on that small roller coaster I can go on and there were some other rides I can go on, but not all of them. Soon I went to the fun house and looked into a normal mirror before I went to the fun ones and my favorite was the one that makes me look tall.


(Y/N)'s mind-I wish I could big and tall already... I'll be strong too!

I took off my scarf and jacket for a bit before I tried to flex as much as I could and I can't do it and wonder how others make it look easy.

Woman#1-Awww, look at that.~ *giggles*

Woman#2-Come on, leave the kid alone. Let's go.

I hate it when others call me cute, adorable, pumpkin, or worst of all... little jelly bean. My dad says one day i'll be big and strong and be taller than all my friends and I can't wait for that and I think i'm already strong. Yesterday at the store I carried "2" half-gallons of milk all the way to the car all by myself. Soon I bumped into a man and he looked kinda weird and his beard looked a little... messy.


Old man-Hey kid, you seen anything "odd" like monster odd?

(Y/N)-Um... my mommy and daddy says I shouldn't talk to strangers.

Old man-Come on kid, help an old timer help you out, help everybody. Now did you see any monsters?

(Y/N)-... No.

Old man-Drat... Just get on out of here and back home, They're nearby.


I just walked away from him and my mommy was right, there are crazy people out here. I had to go to the bathroom and when I found it I went inside to go and i'll go on one me ride before I go home and soon I found something behind a tree and went to go see what it was and it looked like a piece to a ride here.



I went up to it and the door was open, so I thought a peak inside won't hurt and I started to think that this was not a ride or belonged to one, but I don't know what it is. I don't think I was supposed to be in here, so I just left before I get in trouble, but when I got outside I saw something and it looked so real and scary then I thought about what that old man said.


(Y/N)-M-M-... MONSTER!!!

He ran at me and hit me really hard I went flying back in this thing and when my back hit something the door closed. I could hear it pounding on the door trying to get in while I was crying and scared, so my body got up on it's own and I ran to where there was a lot of button and maybe I can do something to get someone over here to help me. That monster was still trying to get in, so I just pressed everything that might be a horn, but soon I heard something.

???-Auto-pilot engaged, warp mode activated to next world.

(Y/N)-What?! No, no, no, stop!... MOMMY!!! DADDY!!!

I felt this thing was starting to fly and I don't know how to stop it, but just then that monster slipped in through the sides of the door and was coming to get me.

(No POV)

Suddenly the ship took off and with nobody wearing seatbelts or in seats the 2 went flying to a wall and (Y/N) hit his head on something that knocked him out, but as for the heartless, its head hit a sharp corner and the impact was enough to kill. The gummi ship was heading to a new world, but you can imagine one angry pilot was confused as to who took off with his ship and left him stranded in the world, he was in now with no way out.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke to my back, head, and tummy hurting, but something scared me... I WAS STILL IN THE SHIP!!! THAT WASN'T A DREAM!!! I looked around for the monster, but I don't see it, but what if it was hiding?! I checked everywhere and couldn't find it and I was starting to cry from getting scared, but I went to the button table again and looked out the window and it looked... kinda like I was in a cave then I saw a screen pop up.

Ship-Critical damage to engine, authorizing system cool down. 0%

I found a button that said launch, so I pressed it and hoped it would take me back him,... but it won't fly. I guess it has to finish, so i'll just wait in here and sit down.

(Timeskip 1 hour)

It was only at 2% and I was getting hungry, so maybe there was something out there I can eat or maybe someone might give me free food. I pressed a button that said door and it opened the door, so I got out. I saw the way out and left and when I made it outside... I saw no town, but just a lot of rocks, grass, hills, and it was almost like I was in the wild from the animals anyway.

(Y/N)'s mind-Where am I?

I looked around some more and saw a tree with fruit on it, but when I tried to climb it, it was too hard and the bark hurt my hands a little band my back, tummy, and head still did hurt a little. I was so hungry and wanted that fruit, but maybe I can find something else. I walked a little farther and some kind of weird looking deer was just bouncing past me really past me and when I looked I found a tree that looked way easier to climb and there was fruit on it, so I ran to it and it was a little tricky and wobbly, but I could get up and knocked a few down before I got off and went to pick the up and they kinda tasted like oranges.

(Y/N)-Finally, something to eat.

I just started eating, but soon I stopped when I heard a sound and now I have a weird feeling... like I was being watched.


(Y/N)-*Gasp*... Hello?

Just then I saw bunch of girl lions slowly come out from a the tall grass and a few small ones too and they were surround me and I was so scared and didn't know what to do since they were faster than me. I even saw a smaller almost get close to me, but one of the bigger lions grabbed them by the neck and pulled them back.


Lioness#1-What is this thing?

(Y/N)'s mind-They can talk?!

They all kept on moving around me and I was almost about to cry, but I held it in because i don't know if they would get mad and attack me.

Lioness#2-It's like monkey... a hairless monkey with very little meat.

Lioness#3-With weird and loose fur?... A man cub?

Lioness#4-Impossible, man never comes out here, much less a cub.

Lioness#1-What do we do with them?

Lioness#3-... We bring him to king Mufasa and let him decide what must be done.

I didn't want to go, but suddenly I pushed from behind by the head of a lion and I jumped before I started walking in the middle of this circle looking for somewhere to run and get somewhere they can't get me, but the only place is the ship and we were getting far away from it. I was too scared to even talk right now.

(Y/N)'s mind-Am I... dead... That monster killed me and now i'm dead!

(Nala's POV)

I wondered what a man cub was, but I was almost as tall as him and he looked scared and I wanted to get closer, but my mom won't let me. When I looked back to him I saw he was looking around a lot and everyone was looking at him and it was hard to look away from something this... new.


Nala's mind-Where does a man even come from? His fur looks kinda weird.

(Sarabi's POV)

It's been 2 weeks since Scar's betrayal that almost killed my husband,... but my son Simba wasn't so lucky. Mufasa has been so cold and isolated himself since the day he murdered his brother and I just felt so alone and heartbroken over my lost cub. I couldn't even take out my anger on Scar because he was already dead and my cub was still not coming back. Just then Zazu flew in and it better be good because he of all in this kingdom should know we're not in the mood for much right now.


Zazu-Good evening your majesty. I have an important report due to the hunt.

Sarabi-What is it Zazu?

Zazu-Well I checked in with the pride and they have a creature with them. One I believe to be a cub, but i'm not sure of what kind.

Sarabi-*Sigh* When they get here, tell him I wish to see this cub at once.

Zazu-Yes, your highness.

He flew off and I just went back to relaxing by myself and bothering Mufasa is an even worse idea right now. I wondered what was so important about a cub that they have to bring them here instead of just taking back to their parents. I waited for them to arrive and when they did I just raised my head then an eyebrow when I saw the cub they must be talking about and I never seen one like this, but I heard stories from when I was a cub and it does seem to match from the stories.


Sarabi-A man cub?

The others whispered among themselves before I saw how scared the man cub was of everyone and something caught me off guard from my closest friend.

Sarafina-Sarabi, we came to ask what should we do with this man cub. We need the king.

I took another look at this scared and young cub of man and thought about Mufasa and I don't think the state he's in will not be a good idea right now. I fear for all cubs and believe all living things deserve a chance to live and I don't know if he'll have a fair one with my husband... I'll deal with this myself, so I got up and walked over to the man cub and he was terrified of me and backed up until he saw he was getting really close to the others, so I kept a bit of space between us.

Sarabi-Has the cub said anything? Where did you find him and we're their others?

Sarafina-Along the east side in the valley all alone. They have not said a word since he saw us. All he said before was "Hello".

So the man cub can speak if only a little and the little thing just looked shaken and when he accidently bumped into an lioness he jumped and let out a little noise... I can't face him to my husband right now.

Sarabi-Half will continue the hunt, the other half will go see if more of man is near by where you found. Don't encounter them... The cub will stay here with me and no other cubs are to leave Pride Rock.


Sarafina knew I would watch her cub Nala well and the other cubs will stay here with the other few lionesses with me. Man is said to be very dangerous and controlling and when the others left Nala just pouted a little since her mother told she has been looking forward to this for days. The man cub tried leave with them, but I just blocked his path and nudged him deeper in the cave with me and he soon just walked ahead still scared and jumpy. I still had Nala to think about

Sarabi-Come Nala, if you want a job, here's something any lioness must learn. We don't just hunt, we guard as well.

This did cheer her up a bit and when I got the man cub in my corner I just laid down and Nala was just pacing while watching the man cub.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just felt so scared and trying so hard not to cry because these lions were so close to me and I was stuck in a corner now and if they wanted too, they could eat me. I remember what names they have, I think. The big one is Sarabi and the small one is Nala.


Nala-So what's gonna happen if we can't find other man prides? Do we keep them?

(Y/N)'s mind-Keep me?!

Sarabi-Let's not get too excited, i'll decide when they come back.

(Nala's POV)

This man cub looked so weird that it was cool, but my mom's friend won't let me past her to get closer and I don't know why because he doesn't look dangerous and she's right there. I just looked over her and I heard him talk before, so maybe I talk to him.

Nala-Hey, man cub.


He only curled up more like how other cubs get when their in trouble and it did make him smaller somehow like I was taller than him.

???-... H-Hi. *whisper*

Just then we looked at him since he finally talked to us and I tried to talked to him again, but no he wasn't talking anymore.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

(Sarabi's POV)

The lionesses came back and they had no food, so they had to be the group sent to search the place where they found the man cub. One of them stepped up while Nala decided to stay near me and the man cub and I was curious to hear this report.

Sarabi-Did you find more men?

Lioness#1-We're not sure what we found in a cave, but no other men were there... What do we do now.

The fact Mufasa still hasn't come down from the peak says his mood, so i'll make the choice myself on what to do. Letting a man cub run alone is a death sentence and Mufasa will be unfair due to his anger and I took one last look to the man cub... Scared, alone, helpless, weak... It reminds me of... my son.

Sarabi-We... I will keep the man cub until further notice.

They were surprised by that and just then I saw the man cub moving out of the corner of my eye trying to sneak away, but me looking made him move back. If he's going to stay here for until something happens then he needs to get used to us, so I went up to him and I could hear him whimper.


I just licked his cheeks and head and he was still scared, but also a little annoyed by this and his skin was very smooth. Those eyes he looked at me with were soft as well and when I laid against him he didn't move and this feeling... a cub pressed against me, the warmth, it felt so familiar and I know I can never replace my son, but... I just got this feeling back... I can't lose it again and I won't. I nudged him some more and it made him fall to his side on my hind legs and it made me chuckle again like I haven't done in weeks. Just then Nala came up to us and everyone got closer too and it made him shiver a bit on me and covered his mouth and nose with that red thing on his neck to try and hide, so most took a step back.

Nala-Hey, can I see him?!

She got very close and  pawed him a bit.


She pawed him some more until he finally pawed back, and it was adorable to see him play with my son's old friend... Maybe this was a sign by former kings to show us we were cheated and made it right in a way...

Sarabi's mind-My new Cub.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

Nala won't go away, and now other lion girls were smiling, but some were not and everything stopped when...


We all looked and I saw a very big lion and he looked very mad when he looked at me and I had a few tears coming out of my eyes while he was coming closure and Nala got on my lap and chest.


???-What is going on here?... A man cub.

Sarabi-Mufasa, stop! I made the decision and i'm keeping him.

Mufasa-What?! I will not allow for a man cub to join the-!


Sarabi-If your worried about passing down king blood lines then don't... He won't be king, but my minds made up. I'm keeping him.

They both just growled at each other before he just left after a while and Sarabi grabbed my jacket with her teeth and pulled me over to the front of her. I think was very serious about keeping me, but I can't stay here. I have to get back to my mommy and daddy... maybe if she knows... I waited until some of the others lions left and it made me feel a little better, so I think it was as good as it gets, but it was still weird that I was talking to lions.

(Y/N)-Um... excuse me.

Just then Nala, Sarabi, and the other lions in the room and I had to keep going and maybe they'll let me go home.

Sarabi-So you do speak more than one at a time.

(Y/N)-Um... My name is... (Y/N) and I have to go home and um, I know how... I just need to go to that cave.

(Sarabi's POV)

Nala just looked at him and I felt something break inside me that I felt when I heard the news of my son's death and Scar's betrayal... I couldn't... I couldn't go through with it, not again, I can't lose anyone else! I just put a paw over him and pulled him into me and he did get scared, but I just licked him to show him I mean no harm.

Sarabi-Why don't we get some rest first? You had a long day.

Nala-Can I play with him?!

Sarabi-Let him rest first dear. He's clearly needs to rest.

I got him to rest after he struggled a little and Nala did paw him a bit more before she settled down and her mother took her back and he just laid there under my arm and it felt so good to have this feeling to help me feel better. He wasn't sleeping, but as long as he stopped struggling, I didn't mind.

Sarabi's mind-You will never be king,... but you can by my 2nd prince.~


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