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((Y/N)'s POV)

Thora was just walking by this river still, but I could hear her breathing getting a letting faster, but I couldn't see why it was. Soon I felt what I hope wasn't her licking my leg on purpose  then soon she just walked in the water a bit and sat me on a rock and I saw a look on her face that just told me she was thirsty and I don't think it was for water when she took her top off.

Thora-Edith can have you next, but you pushed me to this and i'm not waiting anymore.~

Alright, so I was... cursed or drugged or whatever before I was raped by gnomes, but I wasn't gonna just stand here and let it happen. I'm faster than her, but the water is gonna slow me and I don't know if that was her plan or not, but all that mattered is that running was more risky and swimming into a strong river current was most likely suicide and I don't feel like dying here. She was coming closer and I was running out of time before I thought of something and I knew it was kinda stupid and I don't expect it to work that well, but you get what you get from a plan that took you 5 seconds to think of.

(Y/N)-Hey, I don't think I want to do it out here. Maybe we can go somewhere... private.

Thora-I don't care if others see.~

Just then she grabbed me and I kinda expected something like this since I took her for a bold stubborn warrior, but I was not prepared for what she just said. Now my reflexes just splashed water in her face, but I think she only took that as me challenging her or something and now... I got nothing.



I think I saw one of things before and Thora grabbed her sword from her side and now that thing was heading right for us. Thora swung her sword and that sea horse thing bit down on it and they swung with the blade and flew at a tree to by impaled in the leg by a branch, but it recovered and got back up.


She ran at it and I thanked whatever the fuck you call this thing is for trying to kill us when it did because now I can make a run for it. It was hard with the water and getting around the fight at first, but by the time I made it to land... Thora grabbed me and when I turned back to her I saw her covered in a bit of and holding the head of the creature and blood was pouring out of it and now I think I was gonna be sick.


Thora-Where do you think you're going? We're just about to get to the real fun.~

I just gulped and she dropped the head to bring me back in the water with her and she was about to take her shorts off, but then something else got our attention.

Thora dropped me and tried to go back for her sword and I was going to run and cover my ears to block this out since I dealt with this and know what happens next, but... it was just so relaxing. I slowly got down in the water and it carried me a little before I felt a pair of hands grab me and they were so soft and being held by them felt so good as they even covered my eyes.

???-*Shhh* You're safe again. She won't hurt you anymore.~

I was pulled into a cold current when the singing stopped and I still felt tired and relaxed, but somethings were starting to come back to me like the feeling of how cold this fucking is, but it wasn't as cold on the one Chusi and Kaida put me in before. I could feel the current go against me while I was being pulled and when I finally snapped out of it completely I just looked to see who had me and it was Nixie and the others.


Shelby-I think he's coming back to his senses.

Marline-We should be back in a bit. Sing him a solo to keep him under. His mom and dad should still be sleeping and we don't need him waking them up.

Just then Shelby swam in front me and I tried to wiggle my way out of this and quickly covered my ears to block out the song, but it was no use since I could still hear it enough.

I felt tired again and Grace took my hands off my ears and held on of them in hers while rubbing it.

(Nixie's POV)

I was happy to have our human back with us, but my worry of the ogres hurting him was aching and when we get back i'm checking for cuts, bruises, or anything that shows they heard him. He went limp in my arms again and by the time we made it back to the cave, he was still under our influence on him and both of his parents were sound asleep together with everyone, so we had to be quiet.

Nixie-Take his shirt off. I need to check for injuries. *whisper*

I put him on a rock and Shelby and Marline got his shirt off and took those socks and shoes off his poor feet. I heard him crying for help earlier today, so he had to be hurt somewhere or scared half to death. When I was checking him there was a few small bruises and smudges of dirt on him like last time and I even looked at his poor feet and they were a little swollen and had blisters on them.

Nixie's mind-My poor human.~

This simply can't wait until after a nap, we were tending to him right now, rather if he sleeps through it or not. I got the girls to go get some banana leaves for bandages and to heat up some water in a bag to help his bruises in a more relaxing way. If we need to sing to relax him again it shouldn't bother his parents that much to wake them up, but even so my human needs attention now and clearly needs to be watched better.

Marline-His poor feet. Shelby, be careful when you add hot water bags down here. *whisper*

Shelby-No, I think it should be fine. They don't look exposed yet. We just apply light pressure. *whisper*

Nixie-Grace, I don't want him getting fussy soon and wake others up. Start singing something gentle.

She just prepared her voice for a bit and took a deep breath before...

It was working. Everyone was still asleep in here, the parents still looked peaceful, and our human was just about ready to fall asleep to Grace's song, but this song was a classic to our kind, so it's very popular. When we were done, I wanted to do one thing to make sure he's safe, even from himself.

(Timeskip 5 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to where felt like a great nap, but when I did I felt something on top and all over me and I remember who had me last after that incident with Thora. I just lust looked down before I saw Nixie, Shelby, Marline, and Grace laying on top of me and were holding my arms and legs down by being on top of them.


I was gonna wake them up if I move, but when I turned my head I saw my mom and dad cuddling each other on a rock with other mermaids and mermen. Last time I planned to leave with them and since i'm here... I might as well try it again. Maybe this time I can try it some other way... by playing their game... and win.

(No POV)

It was a shame for that accident to happen when my ogre lost my human when she did and she would've done a good number on him too. He was on the right trail to me now and doesn't even know it, but I just thought of something to use this to my advantage by using my other good humans against him.


Voice's mind-I hope you enjoy my little game in the morning my little human. I'll make you love being a good boy for me.~


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