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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all in the living room and Lola was making me sit on her lap and my mommy and daddy were sitting on the other couch while Penelope was sitting next to use and holding a hammer. I was scared on what they were going to to do with us or at least my parents because I know she just wants to take me back to her world and she already hates my parents and I could tell because she didn't let them eat the food she cooked. She just had the T.V. on and watching old cartoons and smiled at when others got hurt and after a while she turned off the T.V. and took a deep breath.

Lola-So I think we need to go over the new house rules with my baby now, don't you 2 think?

My mom and dad just looked at me a little differently like they were worried and sad before Lola just turned me to the side and made me look at her before she just kissed my cheek and Penelope got on my lap and belly.

Lola-Now then, let's go over a few simple rules. First is that there will be no leaving for school anymore, instead you're going to be homeschooled by your old mom. She won't be allowed to touch you, so let's keep each other at opposite sides of a table. Second, i'm letting them keep their room for now and me, you, and Penelope will be sharing yours. Third is that there will be no more calling them mom and dad since they clearly don't deserve that title. They lost you by letting you wonder off, so it's clear I should take the place as your mommy. I'll go over other rules later, but just stay close to me and let me love you and everything will be just fine.

She kissed my cheek again and I just looked at my mom and dad and they were just sitting there, but my dad looked a little mad. Lola just looked my dad like she was mad too and Penelope held me a little tighter.

Lola-Is there a problem "(D/N)"?

(D/N)-... No.

(Y/N)-You 2 are just gonna let her do this?!

Lola-Of course they are, aren't you? We talked about this last night and it wasn't that hard for them to see things my way.

(Flashback Start)

(No POV)

Lola gave (D/N) a bloody nose and (M/N) got strangled a little by Penelope when she feared her screaming might wake up their baby. After a bit more of torture, Lola pulled out a few sticks of dynamite and a match to light it and hold it inches away from the dynamite and this put the fear of god into the couple.


Lola-Great, now that I have your attention and you know we're serious about this, you got 2 options. The first is that you submit to me and what I want which will be (Y/N) and this house. You will follow my rules and not touch "our" baby you neglected, but will help me care for him. Seems fair really, him running into me must have been fate, but there's always option 2 and that's I take him back to my world and get rid of the both of you and this house. Either way, I win.

The mom was horrified, but the dad thrashed around and that said it for him, but Lola just looked at the mom and roughly grabbed her face.

Lola-Think carefully. You get to at least see him and help care for him in a few ways, but i'm gonna be the one he calls mom now.

Lola let go of her and got off the bed, but the couple never took their eyes off him.

Lola-You can say yes, I let you go and even maybe call the cops of me, but here's what's gonna happen even before I smash your phones. You go to a neighbors to use their home and say *ahem* "Help, Lola Bunny and Penelope the cat are holding us hostage".

They can even here how crazy that sounds and that took a blow to their confidence in this situation.

Lola-Or this. "Help, there's someone in my house and they tried to hurt us and are crazy!", but when they get there and see us, how do you think their gonna take this mind blowing truth?... Long enough for me to act looney and cute until I get the drop on them? You can also deal with me head on, but keep in mind, your world or not, i'm still a cartoon and that means we can do a whole lot of almost "anything".

That was actually a really great point and the dad slowly lost his fight and Penelope and Lola both had smiles on their faces.

Lola-Now then... let's get down to business.~

(Flashback End)

((M/N)'s POV)

Penelope just shoved a list Lola made into me while Lola was shoving my husband out the door for work since she's letting us go about our normal lives to bring in money, but we keep her a secret and she gets most of the spare money to spend.

Lola-You off to work and you better not try anything!

She closed the door and locked it to keep him outside and not coming back in and I just looked at the list I was given.

(To Do List)

1. Clean up kitchen after breakfast.

2. Take out anything I marked with a sticky note last night. (I don't care where you put it, I just don't ever wanna see it)

3. Make room for some of my clothes in my baby's closet when we get in the shower.

4. Set up table for homeschool. (Sit on opposite side of table from (Y/N) at all times)

Lola-I kept it short since it's your first time, but I do expect those all to be done... Come on honey bunch, let's go see what we can do with our new room.~

All I could do was watch as 2 cartoon characters take my son up to his room to share it with him and I was stuck being told what to do for chores. I could call for help, but who would believe or even understand what's going on?... We're on our own now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Lola was taking me to my room and put me on my bed before she poked my nose and Penelope was laying on my pillow. Lola just looked around my room and had a smile on her face before she bent down to me.

Lola-You got a cute little room here, but i'm afraid that bed is too small, so we can replace that with my bed. If you're a good boy i'll let you pick out some new sheets, whatever my baby wants.~

She gave me a kiss before she got on my bed and laid down with me before she just turned on the small T.V. in my room and she looked at all the shows I watch and just put SpongeBob on and cuddled with and when I tried to get away, she got mad and mad me look at her in the eye.

Lola-Listen, i'm tired of this game of having to chase you. You wanted to go back to your old home and now you're here, but if you wanna keep on being bad, I "will" punish you the old fashion way and get a belt.

I was scared and she just held me tight for the whole episode and Penelope was starting to do this weird thing where she was licking my eye, so I closed it and tried to her and at first it worked, but then she slapped my hand and it actually hurt, so I pulled it back to hold it and she went back to licking my eyes.

Lola-I think that's enough of a tongue bath Penelope. I'm gonna give our baby a real bath now. She should be done with the kitchen at least.

She just got up with me and went to the bathroom in the hallway and Penelope came with us before they closed and locked the door and just got my clothes before Lola did the same thing and she looked a little different with not being in her cartoon world anymore.


She just turned on the water and Penelope opened a sink to find some of my bath toys I played with and added them to the bath and Lola smiled.


Lola-How adorable, now you can play while mommy cleans you up. Are you going to thank your other mommy now?~

At first it felt weird to look at Penelope now because of Lola wanting to call her mommy and she was just a cat and can't even talk. She was getting mad from waiting and I remember she would get a belt out, so I just looked at Penelope and she was smiling at me.


(Y/N)-... Th-Thank you... mommy.

She looked so happy and jumped over to me, grabbed on and gave me a kiss and Lola got us in the bath and grabbed the cup my mom uses to pour water on my and gave me the net.

Lola-Just play honey, I have everything under control.~

She just poured water on my head then got shampoo to start washing me and I just closed my eyes.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

I just got done hiding mostly just family pictures from around the house in my room and it was hard to get to some. I had one more thing before I have to set the table up to teach my son for online homeschool, so I just went to his room and I forgot how messy it was. I couldn't come in here while he was missing because it was just too painful. I got started, but by the time I just finished picking up the clothes and toys...


I just turned to see Lola, Penelope, and my son and Lola was just tapping her foot and glaring at me and so was Penelope while her tail was puffed up a bit.


Lola-This "all" should've been done.


Lola-Penelope, take him downstairs.

Penelope grabbed my soon and pulled him with her and he was about to say something, but Lola closed the door in here, so it was just us now.

Lola-Do you think this is a game? I gave 4 simple and easy things and I even took my sweet time in that bath with my baby and just wanted to come back to a clean room to cuddle with my baby boy... How did it take you so long?

She slowly just walked around the room to the unmade bed, and a few dishes in her and looked back to me. It was stupid I had to explain myself to her and I got to thinking that she's all alone and i'm bigger than her... I just ran to her and grabbed her tight.

(M/N)-You're getting out of my-!

She used her ears to poke my eyes multiple times and it really hurt, but while my eyes were closed, she tripped me and I fell back on my ass then head. When I opened my eyes I saw her come at me with my son's blanket and when she landed on my we suddenly started to spin very fast for some reason and before I knew it, I was wrapped up tight with her on top of me catching her breath.

(M/N)-This... This doesn't make any sense!

Lola-"Looney", right?

She sat on my face while she played it off as relaxing and I was struggling to get free, but couldn't anymore and I was terrified.

Lola-I think maybe you didn't learn last night... Let's fix that.

She stayed on until I felt like I was about to pass out then she finally got off and I felt light headed while she was looking down at me and kicked me in the side of the face a few times.

Lola-I don't mind killing you both and taking my baby back to my home! Get that through your stupid head!

She kicked me again and I was about to cry, but she covered my mouth with her foot.

Lola-Now, what should I do with you? I still have the dad unless I need to get rid of him as well.

She flipped me on my belly and put her foot in front of me and she looked like she was thinking things over before she gave me glances that was like she was giving me a choice... and I knew what she wanted me to do. I just sucked it and and slowly kissed her foot and she just smiled before she had me keep on doing it before she bent down and grabbed my head.

Lola-I'm done looking at you.

She just stuffed my mouth with my son's socks and taped over them to keep them in before she dragged me out of the room and to the small pantry where we keep our towels and clear out the bottom one before she pushed me in there to where my legs were over my head and it was hard to breath while my butt was sticking out making it impossible for me to push it open to get out.

Lola-You can stay in here until hubby gets home. Let this be a lesson to you.

Just then she kicked my ass as hard as she could and even with a few layers of a blanket it made me yelp and cry before she closed the pantry door leaving me in the dark just trying to get out, but I could barely move... I was stuck in here.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Penelope won't let me back up stairs and I heard a few things upstairs before I just saw Lola come down and she smiled at me before she picked me up and took me to the couch with her.


(Y/N)-Where's my mom?!

Lola-I'm right here sweetie... As for your teacher, she's in timeout, so school's canceled today. Maybe we can do something fun when my stuff gets here later with a help from a little Martian.

(Y/N)-I want my mommy!

Lola-... *Sigh* I'm just gonna let that go since this is still new to you. I'm your mommy and you're teacher is in "timeout"... How about I teach you some things?... I saw a pool in that backyard and it looks clean, so how about we go swimming when my bathing suits gets here.

I struggled a bit before she got mad and smacked my side hard and it hurt which made me stop.

Lola-You're going down for a nap until my stuff gets here now! You're being a bad boy!

She just took me to my room and I saw my blanket was gone, but she just wrapped herself around me and Penelope got on top of us and I tried to talk, but she covered my mouth and Penelope covered my eyes to make it dark. I just laid there since I didn't want to get hit again and soon I was getting tired until I finally fell asleep.


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