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(Octavia's POV)

The three of us were in my room and this was actually kinda nice and made me feel what I guess was like being a big sister to someone. Never had a brother or sister and Satan knows I could've used one a couple of times before. The only problem was my mom constantly glaring at him and it was making him more uncomfortable than he already was and it was starting to really get on my nerves.

Octavia-Mom, can you just stop glaring at him like you're ready to turn him to stone.

This made him more scared and my mom still didn't let off. This was getting annoying and we still got a few hours until dinner tonight and I just wanted to relax until then and I could (Y/N) wanted to leave, but that can be the worst thing he can do with my mom like this.

(Stella's POV)

I was still watching and waiting for this human to slip up even a tiny bit to give me reason and all he was doing was cowering in the lap of my daughter. When she just laid down with him in her bed she was stroking his head and it made my blood boil. She was just cuddling him and turned him away from my stare and I was tapping my finger on the arm of the chair to calm myself, but it wasn't working. Soon the door opened my husband came in and noticed I was here with them.


Stolas-Ah, Octavia, you don't mind watching the child while a few associates and I step out for a bit.

Octavia-I already have him dad.

Stolas-Of course. We'll be back before dinner is ready and be sure not to damage them because Blitzy goes on about wanting them back with us.


Stolas-Ok, bye.~

He just closed the do to go off with that fucking imp he can't take his hands off of and that really pisses me off that he unloaded this child on us! I had enough and got up to walk over to my daughter and that brat and she just held him tighter and he only whimpered and tried to hide his face from me.

Stella-Octavia, put that human down!

Octavia-Mom, stop! He isn't doing anything!

Stella-He shouldn't be here and neither should that fucking imp!

She only looked mad and held him tighter before she tried whispering to him and calming him down and I don't fucking understand why she was being so fucking nice to such an inferior creature!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I didn't wanna be here in the first place, but so far Octavia is the only nice one here and her mom is very mean and scary. I could only hold on to Octavia to hide from her and it just made her look more mad before she just grunted and walked out of the room. Octavia just looked at me and she still looked kinda scary, but so did everyone else here.

Octavia-Don't mind her. She just gets mad at everything sometimes... most times... almost at everything.

I kinda remember my daddy was mad at everything too and just won't be happy about something or anything. She just played some music before she held me up above her for a bit and put me on her and just then her phone started to ring and she answered it.

Octavia-Hello... Fine, I guess... Not today, I have this stupid ass dinner party tonight... Ugh, my dad's book being borrowed... Anything to get me away from this house tomorrow. Bye Charlie.

I think she just hung up on her boyfriend or something before she got up and stretched a bit.

Octavia-Stay here. I'm gonna go take a shower.


She just rubbed my head before she went in the bathroom in her room and when the water turned on I just looked around since I was gonna be alone for a bit, so I got up and looked out the window and saw a garden covering the inside of the walls of this place. It actually did look pretty and better than the small gardens from my old neighborhood. Soon the door opened again and I saw her mom come in again and she was mad, but I couldn't get to Octavia since she was naked in the shower.


(Stella's POV)

This fucking brat was all alone now, so I walked up to him and all he did was bend down to curl up, so I grabbed him and covered his mouth, so my daughter didn't hear him before I walked off with him to my room and put him on a chair. He was shivering, but I leaned over him to look even more menacing to him.

Stella-What do you think you're doing with my daughter?!


Stella-Say something!

(Y/N)-*Whimper* I-I d-d-don't *hic* Know.

Stella-So why do you think you can get comfy with her?!

He was crying now while he was still trying to hold back, so he could talk to me still.

(Y/N)-Sh-Sh-She t-t-t-took *hic* me with her.

I kept on asking him more questions to break him down to make him think again that he was right to be with my daughter like that. After 4 more he wasn't crying as much as I thought, but he was curled up, whimpering, and shaking.

(Y/N)-I-I'm *hic* *hic* sorry. *whisper*

This got me a bit since I thought he would be wailing like other grown servants I get to do, but he just shut down. I just bent down to him and made him look at me and his face would be an excellent addition to my statue collection in my garden and I was about to do it until... he put his hands on my arms gently and looked down at the ground, so that shows me he knows to bow in presence of royalty. Now he started to really cry and wail like the others and it was amusing, what what really caught me attention next was...

(Y/N)-P-P-Please, *inhale* d-d-don't hurt me. *sobbing* I-I- *sobbing*

He was looking at me with those pleading eyes and it reminded me of my daughter when she was little and my marriage started to go to shit. It was clear the he started to learn his place and I was thinking about how much I missed raising a child before no thanks to my now shit husband... I thought it over for a minute before I snatched up this human nd held him in front of me and all he did was curl up in the air and squirmed a bit.

Stella-Stop your squirming... I said stop!

He froze and just looked at me with fear again and I somewhat enjoyed it.

Stella-Now, listen carefully.

(Octavia's POV)

I just got out of the shower a bit ago to see (Y/N) was gone and this actually made me worry or something. I never felt this feeling, but I felt a little sad, mad, and it was only getting worse by the second and soon I found my mom in the hallway holding him and he wasn't a statue.


Octavia-Mom, give him back to me!

Mom-I don't think I will. I have matters to attend to for him. Come with us if you want, but you won't be stopping me.

I felt just angry now, but she was walking off with him now, so I just followed them and we got to my parents room then she went into a chest I never saw opened before and it was full of classic boy clothes.

Octavia-The fuck?

Stella-Your father and I prepared for a boy and a girl while I was pregnant with you.

She got an outfit and shook it a bit to get the dust off and was about to take (Y/N) again, but I just snatched him before she could and she got pissed.

Stella-Give him to me this instant! He's getting ready for the dinner party!

Octavia-Then i'll get him ready! You just yell at him!

Stella-If he's staying for dinner, he's going to look "exactly" as I fucking want him to!

Octavia-I'll do it!

I grabbed him by his arm, but my mom held on tight to him and she just took off his jacket while yanking him back to her and got in my face.

Stella-You can have him after i'm finished, understand?!

Octavia-... *Tch* Fine.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Blitzo's POV)

I brought the kid to keep Stolas from breathing down my neck all day long, but they just had to take the kid from me. We were at the dinner table with everyone and all I had to do was be calm since I won these fuckers over to be ok with my deals with Stolas, but I wish I had the kid between me and Stolas because I could feel his claws rubbing on my leg, but right now he was 2 seats away from mine with his wife and on the other side his daughter. I even saw they dressed him up as a butler or some shit.


Blitzo's mind-Maybe I can get this feathered dick to stop if I have the kid on me.

Blitzo-Hey, you mind if I just take my daughter's human back for dinner?

I just reached for him a bit, but she stabbed a knife into the table and almost hit me with it too, so I just pulled back before she could try it again. Meanwhile, (Y/N) flinched too and fell backwards a bit on Octavia and she rubbed his head before putting him back.

Stella-He's staying where he is!

Stolas-Calm yourselves, everyone. Blitzy, your daughter's human will be fine a few seats away from you and she have him back when you return home.

Stella only glared at him when he said that and the whole time the daughter was on her phone taking pictures, listening to music, and whatever the fuck she does on it. Soon she took a picture of him with her for a fucking selfie and her fucking dad went back to playing with MY FUCKING LEG!!!

Blitzo's mind-I just wanna fucking go home, give this edgy bitch magnet back to my daughter and forget this fuck fest ever happened.

(Octavia's POV)

The fight with my mom worked out earlier and I could tell from how silent (Y/N) was, he was shaken up from it still, but whatever, he'll learn to get used to the fighting and have a big sister to help him. When my mom buys him from my dad's dickhead side piece of a boyfriend I have plans for him to be in my room since i secretly wished I always had someone to be with when the fighting starts. Right now I was talking to Charlie and even showed her the selfie I took of me and my new little brother and so far she didn't respond or maybe thought it was photo shop.

Stella-Listen imp, i'm willing to offer you 2 million for this human.

Blitz-What?!... Sorry, I might be low enough to take the kid without others knowing at first, but I won't be selling anything of my daughters... that she cares about mind you... ok, maybe those "few" times behind her back-.

Stella-Just take the fucking money!


They were fighting now, but I didn't really care because Charlie just sent me a text and I think I was gonna do it and bring my new little brother by later to prove something.

Charlie(text)-That looks very realistic. Anyway, do you want to come over later? Things are actually changing at my hotel.

I texted her I would be there, but when I came back to the scene I zoned out of since I got really good at that over the years, I noticed my dad holding my mom back a bit while they were yelling, Blitz was gone... and so was my little brother.

Octavia's mind-WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Just then I heard tires screeching outside and I rushed to the window to see that I.M.P. van driving off and out of the gates and just then my heart did something I thought it couldn't do much anymore... it broke... I was furious and there was no way in hell I was going to let this shit happen!...



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