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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to my body aching a bit and hitting cold metal bars, but there was something soft under me and when I looked, it was a very big pillow that didn't really fit the cage. I just heard the cage being tapped and when I turned over I saw Chusi and Kaida in their somewhat human forms and they opened the cage and pulled me out and dropped me on a pile of gold.


Kaida-You've been a bad pet. Making us worry when you ran off like that.

I just tried to get up, but Chusi wrapped her tail around my stomach and lifted me that way before she took me over to another part of the cave where it was dark until they blew fire to lit a few torches. I saw a big stream leading in and out of here nd Chusi put me down in front of them.

Chusi-Normally we would heat up the water for a bath, but I think good slap on the wrist for your first punishment is for you to take a cold bath.

(Y/N)-... That's it?

Kaida-Now take you're clothes off before we make you.

I know how strong they are even by their looks and I taken cold baths before and did far more humiliating stuff since I got here, so I just took my clothes off before I started to get in the water, but what I put my foot in I pulled it out and wondered how the fuck was this water not ice!

(Y/N)-*Brrr*... Where the fuck did this water come from, the north pole?!

Chusi-Huh... We just tunnel in this water from a river in the mountains. It does get very cold and you're punishment is that you're taking a bath in it.

(Y/N)-Fuck that!

I tried to get out, but Kaida just pushed me back in to dunk me and it was freezing as hell to where I thought I was going to get hypothermia , but she splashed me with his until I was soaked and took me out after 5 minutes and I was shivering and on the ground trying to get warm.

Chusi-You can expect warm baths if you're a good boy, but if you wanna be bad, don't think you won't get this again.

I wanted to say fuck you or at least flip them off, but I was too busy shivering and chattering my teeth, but just then they grabbed my legs and tied them together with a vine or something and I couldn't stop them before Chusi picked me up and brought me close to a fire to warm up and it was slowly working and now they were petting me like they didn't just punish me by making me take a literally ice cold bath. I was still shivering and they only added more flames to the fire and it was pretty warm... and their laps they had me now was pretty cozy...

(Y/N)'s mind-Wait a minute, what am I doing?!

I snapped out of it and tried to get off them, but they wouldn't let me get off them and even made me look at them again now.


Chusi-Would you just calm down?

Kaida-He could just have to go relieve himself.

Chusi-... Well, let's just warm him up a little more then tie a harness on him and take him out then.

I hope at least getting dressed will be on that list because alone with them or not, I want my clothes back on.

(Thora's POV)

I recently just lost sight of (Y/N), but he had to be close by in this valley of rocks and caves and I kept an eye out for him before soon I heard giggling and I knew that voice. It was echoing through the valley and when I made it to the cent of the valley the had trees and grass with it I saw (Y/N), but he had a vine tied to his waist and it was being held by a black lizard girl... No, not lizard, I heard of these from legends when I was little.


Thora's mind-Dragons.

I wasn't going to let them have my human especially when I have yet to claim him in bed yet, so he was coming with me. I can't just run out there though because that would defiantly go wrong fast if the rumors are true, so I need a plan... and soon, I think I thought of one thanks to my experience in hunting big lizard like animals. Make things cold and they get tired, but the question was, how do I do that?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was lucky to have my clothes back on, but this vine tied around me wasn't making things better. When I was done we were heading back and nobody was saying a word to each other and I had nothing to say to them. On the way back a huge boulder came down from one of the many steep hills and all Kaida did was punch it with some effort to make it break into 4 big pieces and some rubble and while that was impressive and terrifying at the same time they just tugged me with them to walk again.

Kaida-Keep up. When we get back you owe us some love and affection and if you don't give, we're going to make you.

(Y/N)-What are you going to do, wrap me in your tail or claw?

Chusi-Keep this up and it's going to be in a vine and however we please to hold you.

Just then another boulder came rolling down and this time Chusi just hit it to the side and to a wall, but right behind the boulder was a stream of water and it got splashed on us and it was almost as cold as the water in the cave. The girls just took me with them out of there and they were shivering now, but soon...

Chusi-*Yawn* Let's just get back home.

They were rubbing themselves for warmth and blew fire into their hands, but by the time we made it back to the cage they just turned back into their real forms, crashed on the pile of gold and Kai put her tail around me to put me in the cage then closed and locked it.


Kaida-*Yawn* We'll cuddle when we wake up.

They both just got comfy around me and went to sleep and I wasn't tired, so I just stayed up with my thoughts to keep me company. I was just sitting here alone in silence just fantasizing about being at home, in my room, in my bed, before all this shit happened when all the sudden.



*Clank, clank*

I wondered what that sound was and soon I got my answer when I saw someone walk around Kaida and she put a finger to her mouth before she picked up the cage and put it over her should while I fell back and felt the bars dig into my back and it kinda hurt.




She took me out of the cave with her and when we left the valley she put me down then pulled out her sword and held it up. I had no room to back up much in this cage and no a fucking long ass blade was gonna come down.

Thora-Hold still.

(Y/N)-No, no, wait!

She ignored me and brought the sword down and thankfully she just hit the lock and opened the door and my moment of relief was shortly lived when reached in and pulled me out with a look I can only tell as smug.

Thora-Look at you. Teasing me and it just got you in another cage... You're supposed to be in mine, so we're gonna fix that. I'm sure Edith is also gonna love to hear about your little game with me, because we're gonna love our little game with you.~

I tried to get away, but she just threw me over her shoulder and when I just tried to wiggle out of her arms she just pinched me while chuckling and holding me tighter, so getting out was hopeless. I can only hope for now that the game is not what I think it was, but right now... she was nipping my leg like she was giving love bites.

(Y/N)'s mind-How does everyone keep on finding me now? This is way to convenient to be just dumb luck.

(No POV)

While Thora was playing with her pray she was walking by a river and was too busy to notice that there was a pair of eyes watching from the water before they swam away.


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