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(Blair's POV)

My baby boy was sleeping soundly with me and right now Sarita was getting ready for bed and claims to find a lover tonight to fest on. I don't care if someone summons her to have their soul sucked out by her, but as long as that doesn't disturb my baby, i'm fine with it. I just carefully laid my baby next to me and tucked him in without waking him up. Just then I heard howling and I assume that's just Kalma have a fun time on the surface and she was close by not to start any trouble.

Blair's mind-What should I make you in the morning for our first day in our new home?... How about some delicious smoothies.

(No POV)

Just as a car was pulling into the woods the battery died on them... again and this time the girlfriend and a few friends thought they were close enough. They just got out of the car and the girlfriend kicked the "crappy car" and her boyfriend took the good one.


When the 3 others got out of the car and 1 was kinda drunk they just watched her throw her fit.


Harley-Mother! Fucker!

Johnny-Would you just calm down. Matt probably just got drunk and passed out after getting the house.

Harley-I'll smash the fucking bottle over his stupid fucking head!

Ken-Good talk. Let's just go and get this fucking party started!

Liz-You already started when you finished half a 12 pack on the way here.

They all just started walking into the woods to find the house, but what they don't know is that they walked into the wrong territory and someone didn't like how they smelled.

Kalma-*Sniff* *sniff*... *growl*.

(Harley's POV)

My piece of shit boyfriend was gonna get it if I find him passed out or even wide awake. It was really dark, so I turned on my flashlight on my phone and so did the others, so now we can see where we're going again and soon we heard some bushes rustle, but I know there's not much dangerous animals up here. Maybe some snakes, but nothing too bad that we can't see coming.

Ken-Maaatt... Where are you man?! We're gonna drink all the beer!

Liz-*Chuckles* You mean, you.

Harley-Would both of you shut up?! He's not partying tonight until i'm done with him!


These fucking idiots know Matt better not disrespect me like this by keeping me waiting and not answering my phone calls. When i'm done with him, sleeping on the couch will be the "least" of his problems! While we were walking... we saw a blur run by for a split second and it did look black, but I think I was tripping because there might've been some orange or red light... I had to be imagining things and it's just one wolf, so it won't attack a group without it's pack and I know that because I grew up in the woods when I was little, but Liz was freaking out.

Liz-Oh, hell no!

Ken-Babe, calm down. It's just one wolf and there's 4 of us and Johnny has a knife. I think we're ok to walk the rest of the way to the house, can't be that far.

Liz-Well while you all go to the house, you can come back and pick me up with the truck. I'm going back to the car.

Just then she turned to head back and the boys and I were calling out to her to come back and stop being such a fucking drama queen, but she only responded by flipping us off while she walked away and I didn't have time to fuck with her tantrums.

(Liz's POV)

I couldn't see them anymore and I was scared, but when I made it back to see the car in my sight, I just ran in, sat down, and locked every door before I finally felt safe. They can come pick me up with the truck after they get to the fucking house, but in the meantime I went on Hulu to watch Medium. During the loading time, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, but when I looked there was nothing there.

Liz-... It's just a wolf, you're locked in a car, they can't get you, and the others will come soon. *whisper*

I just tried to calm down and by the time the episode got started with my cellular data.





(Johnny's POV)

I still feel a little bad for Liz and leaving her alone like that since we all know she doesn't do the outdoors much and is more like a mall rat. I was looking back and thinking if that wolf is out there, it's pack could be near by and that can be dangerous.

Johnny-Hey, should one of us just go back and drag her with us?

Ken-My dude, take it from me. She wants you to feel bad for her, so she can think she's right always. Let's just get the truck so the trip and her ranting isn't as long.

Johnny-... *Sigh* Fuck it. I'll see you guys at the house later.

I just turned back to ignore whatever they wanted to say about me going back because I didn't care and I had a knife and got into plenty fights before, so I won't go down from a few wolves so easy. On my way back I saw that there was some marks on a tree and it looked like a scribbled "K" and I don't this this was done by a knife.

Johnny-What the fuck? *whisper*


I turned to the noise and there was nothing there, but I had a strange feeling like I was being watched, so I pulled out my knife.


Johnny-Is that you wolfie? I don't mind giving a girl a new fur coat.

I just held out my knife still and there was rustling in the bushes and soon something came out and at first I saw the nose and got ready, but when I saw the eyes... they were glowing and soon i saw the whole body and I dropped my knife from shock.



Johnny's mind-...

I was frozen, I couldn't think straight, but soon my body acted on it's own and took off faster than I ever did before back to the others screaming to the top of my lungs.


(Liz's POV)

We heard screaming off in the distance and it sounded like Johnny and just as we turned around and shined our flashlights, we only saw a path leading back into a pitch black darkness in the woods.

Ken-... Johnny?!

All that did was leave an echo into the woods and if I watched horror movies going back is a good way to run into a creepy big man with a hockey mask and knife or some shit, so now we're gonna double time it to get to the house. I just turned to Ken and he was only looking into the woods and running might not be enough, but if I had someone to stay behind...

Liz-Ken, go check on him. The house shouldn't be that far and I can call the police.

Ken-What shouldn't I go with you? I don't even have a weapon.

Liz-Just break a glass bottle and use it as a shank.

Ken-... Cool.~

He walked up to a tree kinda wobbly and smashed the bottle to make it break and made a shank, but he broke too much off, but the drunk idiot went off anyway and I started to run to the house.


Liz's mind-Idiot.

(Ken's POV)

This was reminding me of Friday The 13th and I think it's safe to say that i'm gonna be Tommy. I'm gonna kill the killer and get the girl... I just hope Liz doesn't mind sharing her boyfriend.

Ken-Alright yoouuu fucking camp killer wanna be. Come out, so I can be the hero! I fucking Tommy in this bitch!... Wait, what happened to Tommy again?

Ok, so I know he lives and he gets the girl at the end of the movie... Oh yeah, he never actually killed Jason, he just left him at the bottom of the lake...

Ken's mind-Ok, so where do I find a lake and a motor boat?

I was thinking when all the sudden.


Ken-Hello?... Johnny?... Liz?... Jason?... I'm warning you, i'm Tommy in this motherfucker!... Just as soon as we get to a lake and I have a motor boat!


Ken-Alright, I FUCKING WARNED-!!!

Just then some came rushing out from behind a tree and rushed to me and I held up my broken bottle and this... glowing wolf just grabbed my leg and bit down hard to make me bleed and this was the worst pain in my life.



I just to stab them, but she were shaking me and swinging me around like I was a toy behind it let go and flung me to hit a tree. I was screaming in agonizing pain and now trying to get away... THIS WASN'T A WOLF, IT WAS A MONSTER!!!

Ken-HELP!!! B-BAD DOG!!!

Just then it stopped, but it just looked more angry before it came closer and jumped at me.

(Liz's POV)

I was still running without stopping and I could finally see the house, but the truck was missing or somewhere else, but I didn't give a shit. I just ran to the front ready to start pounding on it, but just then it opened and I saw a woman with fake horns looking like she was about to go party before she saw me and smiled.


???-Well, hello.~

She just stepped out and closed the door behind and suddenly it hit me.


I was about to yell at her, but she had a few good inches on me, but bent down a little reach reach behind me to pull me into her and grabbed my ass.

Liz-Get off me!

I tried to push her away, but she held on and soon pinned me to the ground with her on top.

???-I was planning on going out to eat for a bit and to think I wasn't gonna make it and use my favorite toy early, you come along.~

She played with my hair and was giving me a seductive look and I was trying to get away, but I couldn't and just then I heard something behind us and when I looked I saw... A MONSTER!!!



???-Fuck off Kalma... She's mine.~

Just then this crazy bitch surprised kissed me and it was so deep and I tried to bit her, but her tongue made me feel so weak. This fucking monster just walked past us and went around the house leaving me alone with this crazy woman. When she broke this kiss, I felt a little tired already.

???-Aww, worn out already... Nah, let's take this to my room, but for a warning~... Don't wake up my baby boy toy.

She picked me and threw me over her should and she was already started to take off my pants while we weren't even in the house yet.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the living room watching a cartoon alone while Blair said she was going out to get bags of food and stuff and will be back to make breakfast. She also tied the front door shut to a wooden pole outside, so I couldn't open the door. Just then Kalma came in and she looked kinda mad about something before she sat down and pulled me onto her lap to hold me close and made me look at her.


Kalma-(Y/N), do you still think i'm a dog?

(Y/N)-Umm, no.

Kalma-Then who's the dog here?

(Y/N)-... Me?

Kalma-... That's right.

She pulled my face between her boobs like Sarita does and didn't let me go while she playing with my hair and ears. When Sarita came out stretching her arms in the air before she sat next to us and leaned close to me and kissed the back of my neck and the way she did it felt so weird it made me shiver a bit.


Sarita-*Chuckles* Good morning honey.~

Kalma-Don't touch him with those hands you put all over and in "her" last night.

Sarita-Like she was a enough to fully satisfy me. She caved in after the first 2 hours and just when things were getting good too.

Kalma-Then go find someone else or take a fucking shower! I can smell her all over you and I don't want it on my pup!


Just then Sarita took me from Kalma and this made her really mad and she got up and growled.

Kalma-Give. Him. Back... Now.

Sarita-Oh please, he didn't have a shower and I don't want your "leftovers" from last night all over my favorite toy. You take a shower with us if you want, but i'm taking him with me.

Kalma was mad, but she followed us and soon I did see some meat stuck in her teeth, so maybe she just needs to brush them. When we got in the bathroom the both took their clothes off and Sarita undressed me and I was sweating last night a little and I could feel my clothes peeling off a little.



Sarita-Oh, you needed this shower too. I can't have my favorite toy all dirty.~

She just turned on the water and waited for it to get warm before we all got in and she put me on the bench in her to make me sit down.

Sarita-Stay right there. When i'm done, i'll get you next.~

Kalma-Um, fuck no. I'm washing him how I want to make sure my scent is still strong on him.

Sarita-You're funny.

They both looked at each other kinda mad and I backed up against the wall and curled up while they started to wash themselves kinda fast and I guess the first one to finish is washing me, but I would rather do it myself... I reached for the shampoo in here, but Kalma saw this.


I just backed away from it and she smiled before she went back to washing herself.

(Blair's POV)

It figures that I had to call a few demons to this world to clean up their mess before I had to send them back and go shopping this morning. I even forgot to give him a bath this morning because I was so rushed to clean up the girl's body in Sarita's room and toss her body in the river before he could see it. I was calming down since they were most likely coming to our house to cause trouble and while I was shopping men were looking at me with dirty eyes a little and it was quite disgusting. While I was shopping for food I suddenly felt someone tap on my shoulder and I turned to see a human male that had a couple of inches on me and a stupid smile.


???-Well, hello there little lady. Shame to see you by yourself.~

Blair-I think i'm just fine. Thank you.

???-Are you sure. Bad things can happen to beautiful woman when their by themselves. At least let me offer you a lift home with all those groceries. I saw you walking across the street to get here, so i'm guess, no car.

It would be easier and if tries anything funny I have no problem killing him and taking his car if I have to.

Blair-Fine. I could use a ride home.

???-Perfect. Names Dennis.


(Dennis's POV)

I could tell she was annoyed, but she'll be feeling something else when I found out where she lives and that's when she, everything she owns, and everyone that lives there winds up on the black market. I can even tell from the pretty body of hers that she'll be worth a good amount.


Dennis's mind-I might even keep you for myself.~


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