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((Y/N)'s POV)

Kalma and Sarita were still making me wear the fake dog ears and tail since Sarita came back mad then felt better when she said I was cute like this. Right now I was laying on Kalma while she was licking my cheek and watching a show with Sarita. I didn't move because I think Kalma would get mad if I do, after a few episodes we heard the door open and almost instantly Blair flew over us and landed in front of the T.V. looking very happy.


Kalma and Sarita just looked at her waiting for Blair to say something and soon Sarita just sighed.

Sarita-I'll bite. Why so happy?

Blair-I just found a nice house for us to live in, in the living world! We don't have to worry about those 2 demons ever again!

Kalma-Well... where is it and it better be good.

Blair-It's a big house in the woods far from any other houses.

Kalma was thinking about this before she smiled and I looked over to Sarita and saw that she already liked this idea too and I did want to get out of here. If we go back to my world then I just need to find someone to help call my mommy or the police and they will help me.

Blair-If you want to come, I have a few rules. We're not bringing any packs with us, at best i'll bring them if we need help, also don't go out looking for trouble.

Kalma-Just so we're clear, i'm marking the woods as my own.

Blair-Don't care.

Sarita-So when are we leaving?

Blair-Starting today. Get demons over here to start packing.

Sarita just got up and left the room and Kalma just held me tighter and her tail was wagging and hitting my legs. She did look happy too before she looked at Blair when she sat next to me.

Kalma-So after years and years of asking, you're finally taking us to the living world to live there. Most fallen angels are against that kind of shit.

Blair-Don't call me a fallen angel for one or i'll leave you down here. I also happen to take the security of my baby seriously... Now give him.

Blair took me from Kalma and she was kinda mad, but Blair didn't care that much and when Sarita came back in she snuck a quick kiss with me before Blair pushed her away.


Sarita-Excuse me, I just called over help and don't forget my mark is still on him. I'm giving him a kiss.

Blair-I went out house hunting and had to deal with another problem on top of paying for a house you're moving into in the living word and doing the hard work. I'm snuggling with him uninterrupted.

She pulled me away from Sarita and rubbed her nose on mine with a smile on her face and Sarita sat next to her on the couch and got close until I felt her boobs on my head and Blair was playing with my ears by flopping it. I wanted to get out of this, but asking to put me down is going to be a "no", I just know it, so I need to say something else.

(Y/N)-Blair... i'm hungry.

Blair-Awww, how about a nice snack in my room before the move?~


Blair just got up with me and left to go to her room with her and I felt a little better with no boobs on my head anymore. We made it to her room and she put me on the bed and I was thinking about this new house and maybe...

(Y/N)-Blair, do I get my own room at the new house?

Blair-... Of course not. I would be terrible if I left you all alone and leaving you with those two is bad enough. Now lay down while I feed you. When we get to the new house, it should be getting dark and that means you'll be going to sleep soon.

Just then she turned and had a plate with a sandwich on it for me and it did look good and when she closed her cabinet and got on her bed with me.


Blair-Now open wide.~

(Blair's POV)

My baby took his first bite of the sandwich I made for him and I think this move out of hell will be good for him. Those 2 other demons won't be able to touch my baby ever again since it's going to be hard to even reach him where i'm taking him, so all I need to do is just smother in him in love. I can put him in a stroller for walks and not have to worry about demons harassing or attacking my baby. While I was feeding him and felt calm and happy, it was ruined by the door opening and demons walking in to get started. I was a little irritated, but this had to be done, but at the same time my baby couldn't enjoy his food as much anymore. I just took him out of my room while it was being packed up and so were the halls as well.

Blair-Do the mean demons scare you? My poor baby.~

He only turned his head into me to hide his blush and I just gave him the rest of his sandwich and kissed his head before I made it to the living room, but down the hall...


She let out a roar down the hall and she better not break shit at the new house or make it feel like those abusive households for (Y/N), she's dogmeat. I watched my baby finish his food and I rubbed his head while rocking myself with him until Sarita and Kalma came in.


Sarita-So when are we going to see our new home. I've been dying to live on the surface since we met you.

Blair-You're "not" bringing men or woman home for a party.

Sarita-Of course not... At least not anymore, but at least I can go out for my own "food" now.

Kalma-Let's go already. I already need to mark my new territory.

Blair-*Sigh*... It's going to be dark and I want you 2 quiet while I try to get him to sleep.

Sarita-Awww, I bet my baby boy toy wants to sleep with his Sugar Mama again.~

Kalma-Um, excuse me, but i'm gonna need him, so he's sleeping with me.

Blair-Both of you can fuck off!... I got the house, I get first night with him, and your needs can come the next day!... Now unless you got a problem and want to stay in hell, let's go.

I just prepared to open a portal and did a little extra preping to keep it open, so the demons can get everything through and when we walked through, the sun was just going down ad we saw our beautiful home.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was looking at the new house while it was still getting darker and Kalma just kissed and licked my face before she went off into the woods and Sarita went in the house with us and it was completely empty. There was 4 rooms, but before I could ask again since there was a spare room they both said no. I guess it doesn't matter since i'm gonna be going home soon since i'm back in my world now.

(Y/N)'s mind-Maybe I can find a phone are a neighbor to help me.

Later demons were coming and putting stuff in the house now and while they both picked rooms, they just picked one for Kalma since she's not here. When Blair got her room going she took me outside and away from the others.

Blair-I know it's not completely dark out, but I still want you to sleep and in the morning we'll have breakfast when all the mean demons are gone.~

She was bouncing my in her arms before she wrapped her wings around me to use as a blanket and it actually was warm. I don't think she was gonna let me go and she even started to turn side to side and closed my eyes for me.

(Y/N)'s mind-Some, please help me get home.

(No POV)

That no good boyfriend of mine still hasn't come back from that damn house yet and his dumb ass took the truck. How hard is it to pull a sign out of the ground and change the fucking locks on a house in the middle of nowhere?! I couldn't wait anymore, so I took some stuff with me to help me get moved in and his stupid ass can come back to get his own damn things.

Woman's mind-Fucking asshole, making me start moving at night time. *mumbling* WE WERE SUPPOSED TO START THIS AFTERNOON!!!

When I get there, i'm giving that lazy bum a piece of my fucking mind.


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