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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to something smelling really good and now I felt a tongue licking my face and I woke up to Betsy licking me in her sleep. I pushed her away which made her wake up and look at me before she smelled what I was smelling. She sat up and woke up some of the others too and I tried to get up, but Betsy grabbed me to hold me while she got out of bed. We all went out to the kitchen and I saw Misty wearing my mom's apron while she was making plates before she saw us.


Misty-My baby!

She came over to me and Betsy and rubbed her cheek on mine like she still was a dog and gave me a kiss. I looked at the french toast she made and they looked like they came from a good restaurant and the girls went up to the food.

Sophie-Food looks great!

Isabella-Smells so good!

Jessica-It's so big!

I had no idea where she learned to cook, but I didn't care about that or the food. I just wanted one thing right now, so I tapped on Misty's shoulder and she looked at me.

(Y/N)-Misty, I want my mommy to come back in.



Just then Sophie took me from Betsy and Betsy didn't like that very much, but Sophie looked a little mad at me too.


Sophie-She stays outside.

(Y/N)-But what about her breakfast?

Sophie-She will eat outside.

I was gonna talk again, but she covered my mouth and just then Betsy grabbed me and yanked me from her. Sophie got so mad that I saw her tail fluff up a bit and Betsy just held me tighter.


Betsy-I had him first! He's mine!


Mist just grabbed them and made them both sit somewhere with a plate of food and got everyone else seated before she took a plate outside for my mom and watched as she opened the cage and put the food in the house. When she came back in and at with us, Betsy was already done then started to feed me like how she saw someone do it on a commercial.

(Betsy's POV)

She might have had him longer, but I had him in my arms and at my old home others hated it if you took what was theirs. I remember a brother and sister from my owners family would fight over a lot of things... I also remember the oldest son doing something to other cows, hogs, and bulls and I did see it a lot.

Betsy's mind-How did he do it again?

((Y/N)'s POV)

After Breakfast Betsy put me down and I wanted to go outside to see my mommy, but Isabella picked me up and sat in the middle of Grace and Faith with Jessica on Faith's shoulder. They just watched more T.V. and went channel after channel, but I still wanted to go outside. I tried wiggling free from Isabella, but she held me tighter.

Isabella-No. You stay with me.

(Y/N)-I wanna go outside to my mommy... What if she's cold?

Grace-You stay!

Faith-Don't yell at him. Misty said it scares him.

Faith just rubbed my head and Jessica jumped on my lap and rubbed my belly with her tiny hands before she laid on me. Isabella was giving me kisses and Grace was just watching us until she slowly leaned in and rubbed my cheek with her hand. Some of them made some noises like you would when you talk to a baby and I just felt my cheeks get a little warmer. I hated it when older women like my mom do this stuff because they talk how red my cheeks are now and I look cute at parties and even when I turn away or cover my face all they do is laugh and is was going to be the same here, only this time they didn't let me look away.

Jessica-Awww, it's cute!~

That was more embarrassing because she was as small as... well, a mouse and she was calling me cute. When I was still trying to get away Isabella didn't like it, but she just got up with me and took me outside with the others and to the cage my mommy was in and if I peaked in the house, I saw an empty plate and my mommy was wrapped in a blanket sleeping.


(Y/N)-Mommy,... mommy!

This woke her up and she came out looking happy and she had no clothes, but didn't care and she always said that not wearing clothes outside is very bad.

Mommy-Kikabu sasa!

Faith just put in a few fingers in the cage and my mom just licked them and I didn't like watching this. Isabella bent down while still holding me, so my mom was looking straight at me and made more noises before she put her fingers through the cage and I just touched them.

Isabella-*Whines* No.

Isabella just pulled from my mommy and held me in a tighter hug and I don't think she likes my mommy since she did chase her off a lot. Isabella just gave me kiss on my head and grabbed my hand I touched my mommy with to hid it from her.


Soon Misty and Sophie came out here with his and Misty smiled while Sophie looked a little mad and when they got to the cage Misty opened the cage and let my mom out.


My mommy was making noises again before Misty grabbed her and pushed her to the house. My mommy tried to come to me, but Sophie got in the middle of house and my mommy looked up at her to see how mad Sophie was and crawled back a tiny bit.

Sophie-No. Go inside.

Misty-Come on, let's get you dressed.

Misty was taking my mommy inside the house again and Sophie came to me and got down to hug me and she even licked my cheek. I wanted to go with them to see my mommy and try to make her normal again, but when Isabella let me go, I ran to get in the house, but Grace ran past me and blocked me with an evil smile. I tried to go around her, but she would just jump in front of me and she was laughing a little like this was a game until I was grabbed from behind by Faith and tossed in the air a bit before she put me down, so Grace could play with me some more.

(Y/N)-Grace, let me inside!


Just then Sophie went to her side and it looked like she was playing now too and I wasn't gonna get them. I just gave up, but that made Grace run over and grab me looking like she won.

Grace-My prize.~

She just kissed my head before she picked me up off the ground and into her arms before taking me inside. When we got inside I saw my mommy crawl in with clothes on with Misty and Betsy and Betsy had something behind her back.


Grace just went to my mom's room and laid on the bed with me and started to licking my face, neck, and arms.

(Y/N)-Grace, no!

Grace-I won. I get a prize.


Just then she stopped and we turned to see Sophie, Betsy, and Misty and Sophie jumped on the bed to pull me away, but Grace grabbed me and it turned into a tug of war with me.


Sophie-I'm gonna mark him!

Grace-I got him first!

Sophie-He was "mine" first!


Just then we looked at Betsy and she showed us what she was hiding behind her back and it looked like the rope my mommy has for tug of wars at some parties our neighbors have.


She had it tied and put it on my leg before she pulled me away from them and wrapped my legs a bit and it was already hard to get out. Grace and Sophie grabbed me again to pull me together this time, but then...


This made all of them look at her and I saw her tail and hair was really puffy and she came over and yanked me from them and took the rope off my legs before she looked at Betsy.

Misty-I said, do it to (M/N) for her body leash, not our baby! I'm taking him and no touching until I say so!

She left the room and went to my room and slammed my door before locking it and she put me on my bed and calmed down before she laid next to me. She sniffed me a bit before she just looked at me and gave me one lick... then another... and another.

Misty-My poor baby pup... I'm marking you.~ *whisper*

(Y/N)-M-My mommy said you can't lick me a lot.

Misty-... I'm mommy now.

I felt a little weird when she said that and she started to lick me a lot and it was where Grace got me, but then she took off my shirt and when I tried to leave she just sat on top of me to hold me down.

(No POV)

While Misty was marking her baby in peace the others wanted to come in, but Misty didn't let them. Meanwhile back at the lab the girls came from was doing testing on their new subjects and learning at an incredible rate given their vocab could use a bit of work and they were studying the serums to make their own and more employees that were coming in for work, don't come out and they find their files for names and "addresses". There is a leader and right now he noticed a file of a woman he never saw her, but he wanted more human subjects and have what he calls "Happy Human Shots" and was getting a few ready for another trip out.

???'s mind-(M/N), (Home Address)... More human for tests.

Just then he turned to look in a mirror and fixed his hair before he headed off to go get his friends and head out.


While he was heading out he checked on his subjects and right now they were all fine, but most fight after a while and he won't have damaged humans, so some go in cells until testing to find out more about humans.


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