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(Blitzo's POV)

I was still getting over this hangover from yesterday and just sat on a chair before I put my phone up to my ear again since Stolas said he would give me a minute collect myself because he could hear the groaning in my voice. I just massaged my head and just grabbed some leftovers from last night's dinner to help me a little more before I was somewhat ready to talk now.

Blitzo-What is it now Stolas?

Stolas-You see I was having a dinner party tonight and I was having a little problem with some of my advisors that giving my book to you was a bad choice. They kept on insisting I take it back, but I think a nice meal to wow them will make them feel a little better.

Blitzo-*Groan* So let me get this straight, I come over for a dinner, impress some uptight fuckwits, and I get to keep the book.

Stolas-That sums it up, my wife and daughter will be there too, and I was thinking maybe we could sneak in some "fun".~

I could tell he wasn't gonna take no for answer, but I need this fucking book to do my job.

Blitzo-Fine, whatever.

Stolas-Oh goodie. I can't wait to stick my drooling tongue in the a** of yours and tear it open. After that I shove my whole hand in to grab your **** from the inside to j*** you off from the inside, while I blow you so f***ing hard on the outside, just so I can hear you scream like a f***ing b**** from pain and pleasure before I-!

I just hung up and I wasn't in the mood for any of that and I tried to think of an excuse ahead of time and soon it hit me.

(Flashback Start)


(Flashback End)

I have a feeling that there's a 50% chance Stolas will keep himself under control in front of a kid and i'm sure Loona and Millie won't mind if I borrow the kid. I'll do it in a way that will be the easiest way to let the girls know that i'm borrowing the kid and bring him back tomorrow.

(Timeskip 4 Hours)

(Millie's POV)

I was waking up to feeling a little dizzy and Moxxie was still out cold on my bed with me, so I just got up to go splash some cold water in my face in the bathroom and tried to get it together before I finally got ahold of myself and realized something I just overlooked.

Millie's mind-(Y/N)!!!

I got out of the bathroom mad as fuck before I checked my parents room to see that it was empty since my dad was downstairs still, but I went to Sallie's room next to see those two in the bed and they know as well as I do how we settle shit in this family.


I didn't see (Y/N) in here, but I know they had to have him last, so I went up and grabbed my sister by her shirt and pulled her too me and it woke her ass up.

Millie-Where's my kid?!


She just looked at ma on the bed and she was waking up to this now and we noticed a not sticking out of her pants and even pulled out her panties a bit when I snatched it from her and opened it while letting Sallie go.

Millie's mind-Dear Lin, I don't know why you had the kid, but tell your daughter i'm borrowing him and taking him to a dinner party to use as a cock blocker. P.S. You're husband has a lot to work with, with you. Love Blitzo, the O is silent.

I felt my blood boiling that my boss just snatched (Y/N) after my ma and sis snatched him, but most importantly... my baby was gone.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the van with Blitz and I still think the others are going to be really mad, but I don't think he cared or was just too stupid to care. He said we were going to a dinner and he needed me to be his number one "cock blocker" to some kind of bird man. I had no idea what that even means, but he thinks it's important.

Blitzo-Alright kid, do a good job on this and i'll by you an ice cream or some shit you want.


Blitz-Relax, you'll do just fine. Just stand there and you'll be a fucking natural. Now get ready because we're here.

I looked and I saw a very big castle or something and there was stone statues, gardens, and monsters working all around it. Soon we stopped and got out of the car and I followed him to the front door kinda scared since it was a big door maybe for a big monster and he knocked on it and I wanted to hid behind him, but Blitz pushed me in front of him. When the door opened I saw a very tall bird man and at first he was happy, but then Blitz pushed me a little closer then he saw me.


Blitz-Stolas, hope you don't mind I brought a plus one. Just had to watch him for the day for my daughter and he was dumped on me last minute.

Stolas-Oh... well come in, come in.

After Blitz's lie we walked in and this place looked like it belonged to a kind and queen and soon we made it to a living room that had a T.V. in it and someone was watching it and she looked at us. When she saw me she raised an eyebrow a bit.


Stolas-Oh, Octavia, you're just in time to meet our guest for tonight's dinner, Blitzy and... um...


Stolas-Yes, that... Well, how about the kids can chat while I show you the men that are dying to meet you.

I was pushed forward by a bird claw a bit and Stolas picked up Blitz and left with him, so now Octavia was just looking at me and I was too nervous to even take a step.

Octavia-Uh, hi.


(Octavia's POV)

I had no idea how to react to a human kid in my living room since the last time I seen them it was through a portal and in the world of the living. He was just standing there like I was about to attack him and I even wondered how and why he's even in hell in the first place since he's still alive. I just went back to watching my reality show about a group of imps and hellhounds locked in a room together for 48 hours to see what happens... It's always nice to see a good fight. While I was watching I noticed in the glare of the T.V. when the screen went black a bit in between commercials that (Y/N) was still standing there and watching the show, so I turned back to him.


Octavia-*Sigh* Would you just take a seat if you're gonna stay in here.

He stayed silent, but he slowly went to an empty chair a bit of ways from me, but I didn't care that much, but soon my mom came in just reading something before she noticed the kid and he only reacted by trying to hide behind a small pillow and thanks to his size, only his head and some of his arms was sticking out.


Mom-Who the fuck is this and why are they here?!

Octavia-It's dad's guests plus one for the dinner party.

Mom-When did I agree to have plus ones?!

Octavia-Take it up with dad. He let them in.

My mom went on another one of her fucking rants and normally I don't care because I stopped caring a long time ago about those, but this human kid was getting scared and whenever my om walked close to him just to pace around it made him curl up more and I saw a tear in his eye. I can at least sympathize with that because it used to make me cry and when my mom finally left to yell in the hallway I saw him still threatening to cry, so I went to him, but I don't know how to help that much since I mostly just keep to myself in this family.

Octavia-Uh, hey... you.

I took a few steps closer to him and all he did was hide his face from me and I just sat next to him and I could just feel him shaking. Normally I wouldn't care, but when he peaked at me again I saw the same kind of look I gave myself in the mirror when I was his age... I think I have an idea on what to do now.

Octavia-You don't like the yelling either, do you?

He just looked at me with those sad eyes of his and it made me think of me when I was little again. If I was being honest with myself, I did used to want this... I just scooted closer to him and used one arm to hug him and he was still nervous, but he didn't move away.

Octavia's mind-Huh,... so this is what it feels like to be the one comforting... Feels... nice.

The show came back on, but I just turned it off since it was kinda ruining the moment.

(Stella's POV)

I was fucking furious that my imp fucking husband allowed a fucking human child in our just to please that low life mooching imp! I grabbed a vase and smashed it against a pillar in the garden for servants to clean up before I just went back inside and when I did, I found my daughter holding the hand of the human child and taking him down the hall and when they see me that little human runt hid behind my daughter.


Stella-Octavia, what are you doing?

Octavia-I was... just taking him to my room.

Stella-And why would you do that instead of returning him to that fucking imp?

Octavia-I don't know, just feel like it.

I had no idea why my daughter wanted anything to do with this brat since humans are so beneath us. I wasn't going to let my daughter be alone and let the child take so much as one step out of line, I will be there to correct it.

Stella-Then I will be coming with you 2 and stay with you 2 until dinner.

Octavia-Just please don't make us stress by yelling.

Stella-*Tch* Let's get a move on then.

I just followed my daughter to her room with this boy and he was deathly afraid of me and he should be because with just one look into my eyes when I go off, he'll be another statue in the garden.

Stella's mind-Let's see how a mere human child acts and responds in the presence of demon royalty.


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