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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was still running through this forest and the voice went silent, but it didn't change a damn thing for me. This bitch destroy my last chance and I was at least going to get one hit in before this is all over. After a while I got tired of running and stopped to rest, but I was still pissed off and just looked around while catching my breath before I just took a deep breath and...


I got no answer and had to start catching my breath again before I heard something and I thought it was my heart pounding at first, but when I could clear my head a little, I realized that wasn't my heart at all... it was clopping.


I just turned to see Celia looking at me and she looked relieved before she came up to me and I was too tired to run fast enough to get away from her.


Celia-You little trouble maker! Why would you make me run all the way out here?! I was worried I just lost you again!

I had no idea what she was talking about unless she was running aimlessly and just found me by dumb luck, but what are the odds of that. She lifted me off my feet and I just wiggled out of her grasp and landed on the ground because I wasn't going anywhere until I see who this voice is.

Celia-(Y/N), you can't stay out here. It's dangerous.

(Y/N)-How did you find me?

Celia-Huh,... you lead me out here when you were at my village fields.

(Y/N)'s mind-What?

I was never anywhere close to that village of hers and I was starting to think is whoever this is can throw her voice around, what else can she do? She can't be a fucking god or I would've heard someone praying to or about this shit. Celia just grabbed me again and I told her to let me go, but soon something else made us stop... It was an arrow flying past us and hit a tree, so we turned and I saw "her"


Olivia-Take your hands off him!

She had another arrow pointed at her and Celia was really scared and put her hands up a little while starting to cry a little.

Oliva-... (Y/N), get over here... Now.

I was not gonna be doing that, but I had questions going on through my head... How did she find me too, her, specifically? She could've followed Celia, but what are the odds of that? I kept on asking questions in my head, but Oliva just came over and pulled me back with her trying to leave with me.

Celia-P-Please, don't do this. Don't h-h-hurt him.

Olivia-He's coming back with me and I suggest you go home too... I don't want any trouble.

She backed up with me and we could hear Celia crying from far away before we think she ran off and that might come back to haunt later, but Olivia quickly turned to and lifted my shirt and looked confused.

Olivia-Where's your wound?... You looked hurt not even 10 minutes ago.


Olivia-You were scared and holding yourself before you panicked and ran off. I thought she was the one hunting you.

What the fuck was going on? First Celia said she saw me and now Olivia said I was being hunted... It has to be the voice and I would guess the voice can be an invisible shapeshifter, but how can she be in 2 places at once.

???-Let. GO OF HIM!!!

We both turned and saw Carta and Giava and if I do remember correctly, I think elves and gnomes have shit going on with each other and Carta pulled out her knife while Oliva got a shoot ready then Giava was getting ready to use magic dust.


Shit was about to go down and I was gonna get caught in it if I don't move right now, but before I could...





If I know something big enough to make those big footsteps,... I just hope i'm wrong and just thought to hell with it and was about to leave before suddenly a tree came down in the middle of the 4 of us and the dust made me cough a little before I looked up and saw the huge dragon girls, Chusi and Kaida looking at me.


(Y/N)'s mind-Are. You. KIDDING ME!!!

There was just so much shit being thrown at me so fast and I don't even care how they found me, but I don't think I was going to get lucky getting away this time.

Chusi-(Y/N), you're in "BIG" trouble.

Oh, that's right, they think of me as a pet of theirs and when Kaida grabbed me with her huge claw she wasted no time in flying up high with me and the shock and sound of the wind blocked out most of the screams of the girls as I was being taken and I was actually starting to black out and I was terrified because of the shook and maybe something broke and I don't know it, like how some people don't know they got shoot or cut because of a adrenaline rush.

Kaida-When we get back to the cave, you're going to sleep while we decide your punishment in the morning!

As much as she sounded like a pissed off mom to her kid right now, I don't think going to sleep is going to be a problem. I soon couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and just passed out while we were still high in the air.

(Thora's POV)

I was still chasing (Y/N) alone and his constant mocking was starting to really piss me off because he would slow down before running faster when I got close to him. Soon he changed course and headed for some place else and as pissed as I was getting, this hunt was actually getting my heart pumping and turning me on since I was into the chase before claiming my prize. I don't even know if i'll be able to control myself from playing rough with him without Edith... Maybe a bit of fun won't be so bad, sorry Edith, but this prey is mine when I catch him.

(Y/N)-Come on Thora, aren't you supposed to be the chief? Must be embarrassing that you can't catch little old me!

Thora's mind-Ohhh, i'm going to leave love marks all over you before we even make it back to camp.~

(Chusi's POV)

Kaida put (Y/N) in his cage and it was easy since he was already asleep, but as cute as I thought it was, he still had to be punished for making us worried and search for him. I just used my tail to grab his cage and hanged it on a chain before I just laid down with my sister after a very, very, very long hunt. We started to think of punishments that won't kill him since we do still want our pet around.

Kaida-Winter is coming soon and he'll won't be leaving the cage even for going to the bathroom, so maybe we can take his clothes for the winter.

Chusi-Then he might just get sick.

Kaida-We'll keep it warm in here. We already do since we sleep for most of the winter and our last pet wasn't much of a cuddlier, but we made them be one.

Chusi-Then it's not much of a punishment... Maybe we can do that and tie his legs together too. Keep him from running.

Kaida-Fine, but we don't have locks for chains, so we'll need vines or find a rope.

Chusi-Just cut a vine outside, i'm done traveling for a while.

She just left the cage for a bit and I just looked at our sleeping pet and remember everything he put us through. We'll be keeping a closure eye on him even when we just caught his scent earlier to help us find him and he did make us lose it for a bit before we found it again. I don't know how he does it, but if he can't leave my sight then it won't matter.

Chusi's mind-You might've gotten away a few times before, but it stops now.

I was actually for a good nap since I had a rough few days and soon while my eyes were closed I heard Kaida come back in, but I didn't bother to open my eyes until I was finally asleep and just had to deal with the giving our pet his punishment when I wake up.


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