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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to the girls moving around and I didn't pay much attention at first because I just wanted to g back to sleep, but then I felt one of them crawl onto my chest above the blanket and blew on my ear then leaned into my ear to say...

Carta-Open your eyes for a nice surprise.~

She was so close and when I finally opened my eyes I saw that I was still naked, but now Carta, Wentri, and Opal were all naked now too.


Wentri-Like what you see?~

Opal-By why look when you can have it?!~

(Lemon Start)

Opal pulled the blanket off me and it was cold for a bit, but Carta turned around to look at me dick and showed me her ass in turn. She even turned back a bit just to face me with a smile before she slowly scooted a swayed her way closer to my dick.

Carta-Why Don't you 2 go keep him company up there... I'll have some fun down here taking his first time.~

Opal and Wentri both switched places with Carta, so now I had 2 naked gnomes right in front of and I didn't want this, so I tried to push them off, but they only sat on my arms to hold me down and I was too tired and weak to fight them off right now from that weird bath again, but I was only good enough to stay awake.

Opal-Aww, I was hoping for a ride. Guess that bath still does a number on him.

Wentri-Better for me. I love to take control.~

Wentri took my hand and shoved my fingers in her pussy and using it to masturbate with instead of her own hand then I felt Carta putting my dick n her mouth and trying to get me hard and the worst part was that is was working and she was looking at me while doing it until Opal hopped back on my stomach.

Opal-Pucker up big boy.~

I thought she was going to kiss me, but all she did was starting to bring her pussy up to my face until it was on my mouth. I wouldn't lick, but she just started grinding on my face to make up for it. Soon I felt that she was getting wet then she pulled away only to came back to lick her juices off me and give me a kiss. Meanwhile Wentri was going really fast with my hand until she finally came and my hand was soaked and I just cringed at this before I felt Carta stop sucking my dick before I came.

Carta-Lets move on to the main event.~

I looked passed Opal to see Carta guiding my dick into her and just slammed down on my and it actually kinda hurt a little which made me grunt. She kept on bouncing and all the girls were looking at me like they were suspicious of something.

Opal-You're being "real" quiet.

(Y/N)-I'm tired... and you're all draining me with this... What do you want from me?

Opal-Now that you ask...~

She came in for another kiss and now it was a one and she was looking into my eyes the entire time and I couldn't push away and felt her tongue go around my entire mouth and I tried to fight back, but it was just like I was just kissing her back and she held my cheeks now to hold me still and her tongue went faster. When Wentri came again she just took my fingers out of her pussy and started to lick them clean while I felt Carta bouncing up and down on my dick and I was trying to hold it in, but I couldn't hold it and came into her before she came on me before she got off me and stretched.

Carta-I'm gonna go get to work for a while. Have fun you 3.~

Wentri-Oh, we will.~

Wentri just took Carta's spot on me while she was getting dressed and started to lick me clean and jerking me off to get me hard again and noises were starting to slip out of me before I was starting to get a little strength back and managed just to flip on my side and that made Opal break the kiss to fall to my said and I could breath again.

Wentri-Ohhh, you still got some fight left in you. I'm gonna have fun with that.~

(Lemon End)

(Carta's POV)

I left the room for those 3 to have some fun and i'll have more later for some "alone time" with him. I just left my house to see the fairies flying around and my people were hard at work adding improvements to our wall. As much as out traditional wall was holding I always saw room for improvement and we had the resources to do it while still having enough for our village and repairs if something were to brake. When I did my rounds around the wall and village everything was fine then I saw the queen and she was arguing with her husband and soon I was close enough to here what they were saying without them noticing me in the crowd.


Giava-I said "no"!

Sinjin-Do you have any idea how huge this can be?! We get a few humans working for me by offering them deals, we can have more of these car machines for us!

Giava-This is very important, not just to me, but for most likely everyone in this forest, good or bad! We can even be looking at something to unite all tribes and intelligent species and I will not have you and your business ruin it by exploting these humans when we find them!

Sinjin-What better way than to offer them jobs?!

Giava-Don't you even consider going near that human if that's all you're going to do!

She just flew off and he just pouted before just shrugging it off and mumbling something to himself before he took off. I'm not having my human doing any labor for him and I wonder why he wants humans to work for him since he seemed to turn down my people from helping his during our search for (Y/N), but his wife let us. I just went over to where the queen was and this time I made myself known to her and she looked at me.


Carta-You wanted to talk about (Y/N)?

Giava-Oh, yes indeed. These humans made something incredible unlike anyone has ever seen and I have a feeling they have even more!

She sounded excited and I was confused, but also hooked onto what she was saying about (Y/N) and humans.

Carta-What kind of thing?

Giava-It's broken now, but we're gonna try to fix it and clean it off along with something else then we can use it to take u back to the other humans. He calls it a "car" and it's simply sounds amazing if he was telling the truth.

Carta-What does this car do? Is it a weapon?

Giava-It's a machine that can move on it's own with nothing to pull it.

That does sound useful because then you could cut back on feeding animals when you travel far. I really wanted to see this car now and see it working. We kept on talking and she wanted to go see (Y/N), but I said my girls were busy with him right now and when she asked and just gave her a look and a little whistle and now she understood.

Giava-Oh, I didn't know he felt that way about you 3.

Carta-He doesn't, but after a special bath he's basically completely defenseless and I decided if he's going to be living with me then he should get used to our company.

Giava-And he won't be in a bad mood later?

Carta-He can get fussy all he wants, but I saw how he loved it. He can lie all he wants, but his body can't.

Giava-B-But, *grunt* You shouldn't do it without his consent! You s-sedate him with an enchantment bath and take him while he's vulnerable?!, Y-You beast!

I saw her cheeks blushing and she just turned away to not look at me, but it only added to how much she was thinking about it and probably wanting it to be her and it's not gonna happen for a few reason. The main one being that his body belongs to me since I took his first time and I could tell it was his just as it was mine, so he owns me rather if he likes it or not, but as to who's dominate in the relationship is clearly me unless he learns how to properly fight and hunt.

Carta-Uh-huh. When I have my duties taken care off, I would love to see this car thing later.

Giava-*Hmph* W-Well I want the human to come with us. It's his property.

Carta-He's not leaving our side, so he is coming.

(No POV)

As Carta walked away from Giava, she just flew off to be alone somewhere for a bit and tried to "rid her mind of dirty thoughts". The gnomes and fairies were hard at work and Sinjin was having fantasies of being the boss and king among humans that he "will" have work for him. Soon after Giava was fighting herself until she thought...

Giava's mind-One peak couldn't hurt, right?


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