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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being carried and I knew it was still by Lola and she was putting me back on the bed on a blanket and wrapped me in it before she picked me back up and gave me a kiss. I couldn't see because this mask was still on, but soon I heard a little jingling sound before something tight wrapped around the blanket and I think she was putting belts around me and she added 2 more.

Lola-There you are, nice and snug.~

She gave me another kiss before I think we left the room and she put me on the couch and I felt Penelope climb on top of me while I was laying down.

Lola-Watch him while I make us breakfast.

Soon I felt Penelope's tail brush on my face before I felt her play with my cheeks and she finally took the mask off me, but the light was stinging my eyes a little and she saw this, and tried to block of the light.


She just stared at me like I was a puppy at the pet store and put the mask down before she just gave me more kisses before hugging my head where it was on her chest, so I could hear her heartbeat. I was about to talk, but she just covered my mouth and pulled me deeper into her and I heard her heartbeat get a little faster for a bit. Soon I smelled something good and that's when Lola came in and she had some kind of bread and looked good since I was hungry then when she sat next to me Penelope just moved over a bit, but still held me.


Lola-I made a whole loaf of banana nut bread, just for you sweetie.~

She held a slice up to me and I just took the bite since I can't do anything and she just smiled at me until Penelope took a slice held it up to me too and I was surprised that a cat could do this. Lola just watched as I swallowed her bit, but I just stared at Penelope's until she was getting mad, so I just took her bite and she just smiled. This tasted a little funny on some bits and I felt a little dizzy again, so Lola put the food down before she picked me up off the couch.

Lola-Looks like someone is ready for another bath.~

(Y/N)-C-Can I take it... alone?

Lola-Of course not. I can't leave you alone, even for a second and after the bath, i'm going to go get something for you and Penelope is going to be in charge.

(Y/N)-What? Sh-She's a cat.

Lola-You do know you're going back in this blanket after bath time, right?

She just took me to the bathroom and Penelope came with us then Lola got the water going before she took her clothes off and came over to let me out and when she did, I tried to stop her, but my arms and legs were like noodles and she easily got my clothes off before picking me up.

(Naked Photo On Patreon)


Lola-This is why I have to make you your own special food. Just stop trying to fight me or i'm gonna have to make sure you can't.

(Penelope's POV)

I just watched my kitten getting a bath and he looked adorable when his was getting a little fussy, but Lola at most just had to gently pull his hand back in the bath and it looked so easy. After they were done she got them dried off and dressed then back in his blanket, so now he was ready for me to watch and do whatever I want to him while he can't do a thing about it. When she got dressed and about to leave she just put him on the couch and I just jumped onto him.

Lola-I'll be back just in time for lunch and if your a good boy while i'm gone, i'll let you have the same food as us.~

She gave him one last kiss before she finally left, so now my kitten was going to be all mine. I played with his little nose and all he could do it slowly turn his head until I held him still by curling up on his head again.

(Y/N)-Penelope, *groan* stop.

I wasn't going to do that and it just made me mad that he doesn't want my love, so maybe a punishment is needed. I thought about it for a minute before I thought of something and put his sleeping mask back on before I got off the couch to go get the things I need to "groom" him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't see anything again, but soon I felt Penelope hope on me again and she took off the sleeping mask and I saw some things she had.


She just put them on the edge of my eyebrow before she pulled and it stung and burned a bit then I saw she had 3 of my hairs and just dropped them.

(Y/N)-Ow, stop it!

She just kept on going and every time it just hurt me more and more until I was crying and begging her to now, but she wasn't listening to me until she finally stopped and gave my cheek a kiss after wiping my tears. Soon I stopped crying and she just turned on the T.V. to cuddle with me again, so I just watched the show and it was Looney Tunes still, but then I thought about if this was like news to them.

(Daffy's POV)

I had the kid in my sights and he was in an apartment with some skunk, but it doesn't matter. I'm getting in and bringing that kid back to Lola for my gold bar. Lucky for me that I came prepared and had everything set up after I spotted him on T.V. at these apartments before I just stopped it there and came rushing in to save my gold bar... and to give these kid back to Lola, I guess.


I had the rope tied to the plunger and fired it to where it stuck to the wall then I put a hook on the rope and gave it a few tugs before I jumped and ziplined down.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just watching the cartoon while Penelope was just cuddling my head and my eyebrows still hurt a tiny bit to where I can only feel them a bit. Everything was as calm as it could get right now until...


Penelope and I looked at the wall and some of it was pushed in to show a shape of a person until I looked at it a little more and saw it looked like a duck. Just then we saw Daffy climb in through the window and he looked hurt, dizzy, and birds were flying around his head.


Daffy-Ssssweeet, sweet vvictory, yeah!~ *dizzy*

He just fell to the ground and Penelope held me tighter and just hissed at him before he got up and shook himself for a bit before he looked at me with an evil smile.

Daffy-Ah ha, I got you now! That gold bar is as good as mine as soon as I get you to Lola!

I was confused for a second and I think he doesn't know that this is Lola's place and Bugs already got me back to her. He can help me get out of here and he just undid the belt holding my arms in this blanket and Penelope didn't like that and jumped on his face and started attacking him and it even made a dust cloud on his head with Penelope's paws coming in and in.

Penelope-*Loud angry meows* *hissing*!


I just wiggled my arms since I could move again and soon I got them out of the few wraps of the blanket and undid the other belts before I just ran to go get changed then got out of here while Penelope was busy with Daffy. I just ran down the stairs and made it outside before going down the street and with Bugs Bunny around here, I need to get out of this town and I did see a road going out into the dessert that left this town, so I started to go there... I'm not staying in this town where nobody is going to help me!

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

(Lola's POV)

I was so excited to get back to my baby and wanted this elevator to go up faster because I bought something in this bag just for him I just pulled it out of the bag to get it ready to show him when I get inside.


I can't wait for him to be a good boy and when I put him down for naps if he gets tired and i'm busy with something I can just see him sleeping and cuddling with this plushie of me. When I opened my door and got inside I was so happy until I saw that Daffy was here, Penelope was hitting him, and... MY BABY WAS GONE!!!


Penelope stopped when she saw me and ran up to me very mad, jumping in place, and pointing at Daffy.

Lola-Daffy... What happened?

Daffy-Ugh, I was getting that kid from this place to get him back to you.

Lola-You wanna hear the funny thing?... THIS IS MY PLACE AND I ALREADY HAD HIM BACK!!!

He just looked around and saw my pictures, uniform from the Space Jam, and even he's been here before, but never bothered to look around during a little party with the others, but now he recognizes it.

Daffy-Ohhh... Um... Tidy place. Spring cleaning?


He saw my shaking fists and how mad I was was and his pupils shrank down 3 sizes in fear on what I was about to do to him.

Daffy-... Mother.


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