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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in my mommy's room with the girls and my mommy was still asleep and her breathing was deep sometimes. I tried shaking her awake, but she was still asleep and I asked why she was sleeping this hard and all Misty did was try to give me kisses. Soon they white tiger girl just came through the others and picked me up off my mommy's bed, but I wanted to stay on.


(Y/N)-Hey, put me down!

White Tiger-No! *Growl*

Her teeth were sharp and I was crying a little because she looked scary and mad then Misty took me from her.

Misty-Don't do that! You scare him!

Misty just rubbed my head before she just started to leave the room and I just reached out for my sleeping mommy, but she just took me back out to the living room and sat on the couch with me on her lap. The others came with her and I tired to get back up, but Misty kept me on her.

(Y/N)-Misty, I want my mommy. Let go.

Misty-No, you stay here.

Sophie-I want him.

Misty-Share... You, here.

She passed me and she put me on the cow girl and the mouse was still on her shoulder and holding on to that collar are the cow girl's neck.


She just looked at me and she pushed me down on her lap like she wanted me to bounce on it and it was very squishy.


Mouse-I wanna try.

The mouse girl just climbed down and I didn't want to just call them by what animal they are, so i'll start with the cow and mouse girl first. I thought about it for a while and I think some farm names would be perfect for the cow girl, so soon I thought of good names for them and I just looked at the cow girl first and pointed at her.

(Y/N)-I'm going to name you, "Betsy".

Betsy-B-... Betsy.

Next I looked at the mouse girl and I just thought about that movie from HBOMAXX called Tom and Jerry since she was still a mouse... kinda and soon I thought of a name for her.

(Y/N)-I'll name you... "Jessica".

Jessica-J-Jessica?... Jessica!

I think she liked it, so I just looked at that sheep girl next to think of a name for her and I didn't see a show or movie with a lot of sheep in it to help me name her, but I thought of a name and it did sound good.


(Y/N)-I'm gonna name you... Faith.

Faith-Hm?... Faith?... Faith, Faith, Faith.

I laughed a little that she had a little fun saying her name and with those 3 out of the way I just had to do that mean tiger girl. At first I didn't care because she was mean to me, but my mommy did say if you're nice, they'll be nice back.


I kept on thinking of a name for her and she was just looking at me and I don't know if she was made or not, but it looked like she was ready to run to me a little, but just then I thought of a name and it made her stop.

(Y/N)-I'll name you Grace.

She looked like she was thinking about it before she looked like she wasn't about to run at me anymore, so I guess that's it for names. I still wanted to go back to my mommy, but now Betsy holding me tight while watching something on T.V. and was copying it. It was just a part of an ad that a family was cuddling on a couch together.

Betsy-... I'm never letting go.

She held me tighter while she was happy and Jessica climbed on my shirt and rested on my chest before she tried to give me a hug. Soon Faith came over to us pulled us in a hug and that's when Sophie joined next.

Sophie-I'm never letting go!

Isabella, Misty, and Grace got in the hug now and it was hard to move now with everyone on me right now and soon I wiggled so much that they got off me. I got up and turned to look at them and I saw Grace looked a little mad at me and when I took another step back she hopped off the couch and ran to the hallway to block it.

Grace-I'm never letting go. *growl*

She just walked up to me and picked me up before she put me back on the couch, on her lap and started to lick my cheek and when I tried to move she growled and I stayed still only for Sophie to grab me and pull me away from Grace and bumped me into Isabella.


Grace-Give him.


They just looked like they were about to fight and I felt really scared and wanted to stop them. I quickly thought of something and just laid down on both of them and they looked at me. It did stop them from fighting and Grace held my head close to her belly while Sophie just held my legs. I was glad they didn't fight, but I still wanted to go to my mommy and all we did now was sit on the couch until...

*Stomach growl*

They all just looked at me and I was kinda embarrassed, but Misty was the first to get up.

Misty-Food. He's hungry.

Betsy-... I'm hungry too.

Isabella-Me too.

Misty-Food for everyone.

She just went into the fridge and took out cheese, salami, and crackers like I have for a snack sometimes and everyone started eating and after they saw Misty feed me one time since they were getting to the food first... Grace fed me next, then Betsy, then Faith, until everyone did it sometimes until all the food was gone.


I wasn't full, but I wasn't hungry anymore, but I thought about how mad my mom will be since she was saving this for an office party she was talking about. We just went back to watching T.V. and they were learning a lot and after a few hours while we were watching Pirates Of The Caribbean The Curse Of The Black Pearl, I heard footstep down the hall and soon I saw my mommy walk in and she was all wobbly with her legs.



I got up and ran to her to give her a hug and looked at me confused before she just smiled and tried to bend down and give me a hug, but she accidently fell to the floor.

(Y/N)-*Gasp* Are you ok?!

I tried to her stand up again, but it was hard and when she did get up, she only fell back down and just got on her hands and knees to just crawl until she pulled me into a hug.

(Y/N)-Mommy, do your legs hurt or something?

She looked like she was trying to talk, but she couldn't even say a word. All that came out was...

Mommy-Eh,... E-Eh ba damma ked.


She just gave me a few kisses while she was hugging me until she just crawled somewhere and I tried to stop and talk to her, but Misty just picked me up.

(Y/N)-Misty, put me down! I want my mommy!

Misty-No baby. Movie. Watch the movie.

I just reached for my mommy still and Misty held me tighter and soon my mom opened the cracked opened back door and crawled outside. She was just looking around until she saw Misty's dog bowl still full of food and she was smelling it before... she tried to eating it, but by her face she didn't like it and just crawled back inside. I was so confused on what was happening to her, but Misty just took me back to the couch.

(Y/N)'s mind-Why is my mommy acting like that?!

(Grace's POV)

It makes me feel mad when our (Y/N) tries to leave us and even wanted that human he calls "mommy". He wouldn't even take his eyes off her and she just tried to get on the couch with us, but I wasn't going to let her, so I made her look at me to show her that she's not coming on here with us.



She backed up and Faith just reached down to her and rubbed her head and she just leaned into it before she crawled away and went to something in the corner of the room.


She curled up and laid in it and it was far away from us, so I guess it was fine, but if she tries to come back over here, i'll make her wish she didn't.

(Faith's POV)

I kinda liked this human, but I liked the little one more and he was cute just sitting on Misty's lap while the bigger human was laying on something else. Suddenly the little one tried to get up again and I didn't want him to leave, so I helped keep him here.

Isabella-Where are you going?

(Y/N)-I need to get on my computer for school. I'll get in trouble with my mommy if I don't.

I have no idea what school or a computers, but if it's not in here with us then I don't like them.

Sophie-The boring times when you sit and do nothing at a table? No!

Misty-You never stop to play with us... You're not going to that table.

He was now trying to leave and that made Grace get mad and make that noise that scares him and he just tried to get away and he bumped into me, so I just wrapped him in a hug.

((Y/N)'s POV)

One of my eyes were covered by Faith's big boob and I tried to get away and call for my mom to help, but she looked kinda dizzy and tired while trying to get to me, but when she did make it, all she did was push on Faith's leg and Faith wouldn't let me go.

Faith-Shhhhh, shhhhh, shhhhhh.~

She was just rubbing my arm and side slowly while still keeping me on her and soon I was getting tired of fighting my mommy calmed down and kissed my head, but would not stop acting like an animal. I just hugged her head and held her close and she rubbed into me and I felt a little better, but i'm starting to really think that my mommy isn't pretending. I was just thinking about what happened because first these new girls show up and now my mom is like this and this all happened the 2nd time I made a wish...

(Y/N)'s mind-If you make a 2nd wish come true, does it cost anything?

I tried wishing to take my second wish back in my mind, but I stopped when Faith moved me to sit on her lap and lay back into her arm like I was a baby, but her boob was getting into my face again and her sweater just made it very soft and warm.

Faith-That's better.~

Isabella-Wow. *whisper*

The girls all started to come around me and when my mommy got more dizzy she went back to Misty's dog bed. I tried to get up to go to school again, so when my 3rd wish works and my mommy acts like herself again, I won't be in trouble, but just then I heard something.


???-(M/N), are you in there? I wanna talk to you about the block party next week.

I knew that voice and it was our neighbor from down the hill, Mrs. Doling. She's a mean lady that cares a lot about rules, even stupid, but my mommy calls her strict, but she still doesn't like her. Just then Misty and Sophie went to go answer the door and Isabella just got on top of me and gave me kisses, but right now I was scared because Mrs. Doling doesn't like a lot of surprises and will want to now what's going on.

(Y/N)'s mind-What do I do, What do I do?!


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