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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to someone playing with my ear and I tried to move and I could move a little, but not a lot and when I opened my eyes I saw nobody again, but I knew it was that demon from last time. It still scared me that I couldn't move and she was doing what she wanted to me and the only thing that finally made her stop after playing with me for a while was when my tummy growled and now I felt her get off the bed and soon I saw a plate floating in the air before she finally showed herself with a smile on her face.


Andria-Awww, is my little prey hungry?~

I just looked at her and tried to get up, but all she did was use one finger to push me back down and sat on the bed with the food and she got a bite ready for me and I was hungry.

Andria-Open wide.~

She held it to my mouth and I just opened it, but she didn't give it to me, so I had to try really hard to sit up to reach the bite and I did do it. The next bite was the same and after 8 bites my neck was getting sore and that's when she really started giving me the bites until the food was gone.

Andria-I guess you couldn't wait just for me to tease you a little. Maybe a little torture will make up for it~

She put her hands on my belly and had an evil smile on her face and she moved her fingers to the sides of my belly and give them little squeezes to tickle them and all I could do was laugh. When she lifted my shirt to tickle me some more she suddenly looked very mad and I had no idea why, but I was kinda scared now.

Andria-Are you fucking kidding me?!


She lifted my head up and showed me what she was talking about and I saw a mark that I didn't have before, but I don't think this was Sarita's mark.



She just dropped me back on the bed and left the room swinging the door open while I still couldn't get up.

Andria-I told you to stay the fuck out of my room! *distance*

Tanya-Let me know when I give a fuck to listen to you. *distance*

Andria-Take your fucking mark off him! *distance*

Tanya-Blow me. *distance*

Soon Andria came in and slammed the door shut while she was really mad and I had no idea who Tanya was, but if I got a mark, maybe she was like Sarita, but I hope it's not like that.


She just came to me then pulled me out of bed and held me and took my shirt off and just looked at the mark on me.

(Andria's POV)

That bitch thinks she can just walk in here and claim what I clearly have in my possession, let's see how she likes it when I really rub it in her fucking face. I just put a robe of mine on him and took him out of my room and brought him out to the living room and passed Tanya's room with her door open and didn't even look at her. When I made it to the living room I laid on the couch, opened my robe and put him on top of me before I closed it. I put his head on my shoulder, so he wasn't uncomfortable on my shackle around my neck and when Tanya get's out here, she's in for a show and I know she can be a jealous and possessive bitch.

Andria-Give me your hands.

He looked confused and I know I didn't need to ask because it was happening anyway, but I just both of his hands under him and on my tits and his face got really red and that works out better for me. I shifted my legs, so one of his limp legs was between mine and when he tried to move I wasn't having it and blew some of my sedative venom into his face, just enough to keep him awake.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I wanted to get up so bad, but I can't even move still and Andria just looked at me with her scary eyes and showed me her sharp teeth and that made a tear slip out and she licked it off me and I think she thinks it tastes good.

Andria-*Sigh* It's so sweet.

Soon we saw another demon girl come in and she was red, had the kind of feet that a goat would have, a tail, horns, and some of her clothes were just nets. I thought about it for a bit and I think this might be Tanya and she just looked at us.


Tanya-Excuse me, what "the fuck" are you doing?

Andria-Oh, i'm just getting comfy with my toy.

Tanya-Your toy? Bitch, I marked him, he's my boy toy to me more than he is to you.

Andria-Says the whore who's not holding him and has in him one of her favorite positions.~

Tanya-Says the hack that used her paralysis to keep him still. I like being on top and showing them who's boss.

Andria-Well you can forget that fucking happening. I grown to like his taste and unlike you I get my treats from things other than blowing his load.

Tanya-Oh, I have other plans for him and if the queen is gonna be saving him then i'll do it to, just to spite her before I make sure I take the prize she wanted right in front of her. Now give him.

Andria-Get dicked.

Tanya-He has my fucking mark on him. Give him.

Andria-... Make me.

They were both made now and I couldn't run and just then Andria blew mist out of her mouth again and Tanya just walked in and took a a deep breath, but she wasn't getting dizzy or tired.

Tanya-You wanna play? Fine, let's play.~

(Kalma's POV)

I was sniffing the ground trying to find my pup's scent only to come up with nothing and now I even had my whole pack out looking for him after I provided a scent and I even said, "If I see a fucking hair out of place and if you did it, i'm ripping off all of yours". Someone has to have to something soon, so I just went back home since I was getting tired, but I knew I was gonna have to deal with Blair. She wrecked one of the shadiest markets in hell and even ripped off a few tails from demons out of pure rage. I fuck with her sometimes for fun or just because she gets on my nerves, but I wasn't pulling the pin on that grenade this time. When I made it home I changed out of my alpha form before I got in and this place was a wreck with small demons cleaning everything and this place did see worse before, but I walked into the living room and saw Blair just sitting on the couch watching T.V. until she looked at me with a blank face.


Blair-Oh Kalma... it's just you... No luck?

Kalma-*Grunt* No.

Blair-Right now, I think it would be nap time. Wherever he is doesn't matter because he's not in "my" room.

Kalma-... Kaay.

Her voice was just so bland let a chat bot with a speaker from the living world and I just left the room and heard her talking to herself practically and I smelled Sarita down the hall then suddenly I heard a noise in her room.





I don't blame her because I will do the same shit, if not worse if my pack came back to me empty handed, but if they brought my pup back even a little hurt and it was their fault, neither Satan or God will be able to help them. I just made it into my room frustrated from the day and I even punched a hole my wall and I didn't give a fuck because I know someone was going to fix it and it won't be me.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

I was just licking my wrist for the past hour since I can't relax for shit right now, so I just went to go get some raw meat to snack on and I heard Blair "still" talking to herself, but now she had a small demon in her arms out in front of her. I wasn't in the mood to even be sucked into that, but just then we heard scratching at the door and I sniffed the air and got a faint scent of a packmate, so I went to answer the door to see them turning back into their normal form, but what pissed me off was that... he didn't have my pup.


Kalma-Did you find my pup? Yes or no?

Packmate-We have 5 others staying near the place wear the scent is the strongest. It's a house.

Kalma-I told you to bring him to me, not tell me you found him. *growl*

Packmate-B-But alpha, there's a sleep paralysis demon and another well known succubus in that house too.


Just then a hand was put on my shoulder and I saw Sarita and Blair angry too, but at my packmate them Blair opened her wings and glared at him.


Blair-Where's my baby?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was actually crying loud now from Tanya and Andria fighting and they stopped a while ago when I was able to move a little and Andria couldn't make more mist, so Tanya only held me tightly in her arms and Andria slipped her arms in the middle of me and Tanya to hug me without hugging her. It's been what I think was almost 30 minutes or something and I was calming, but these two still looked like they wanted to fight from the way they were looking at each other.

Tanya-I'm taking him to my room.

Andria-Like fuck you are.

They both pulled on me and when I accidently whimpered they stopped, but still looked mad at each other, but at least I could move now... As long as you don't count being stuck in the middle of these two and I just want to leave and just then...


We heard a window break and Andria went to go check and Tanya followed her while holding me while they went outside even more mad than they were at each other and when Andria swung the front door open we stepped outside.

Andria-WHO DID THAT?!?!?!

We saw a bunch of those wolves out here and they looked scary, but I saw "them" standing far away, but in front of us and they didn't look happy.


Kalma-Put! My puppy! DOWN!!!


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