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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was with Keenie and I met her her friends Cletus and Collin and kinda looked like her in the small and cute animal and baby kind of way. We were at an old cabin in the woods and I saw a picture of a lumberjack man cutting down a tree or holding dead animals everywhere, so this might be his house, but I think he might be gone because when we got here it looked all dusty like nobody was here in a while. Wonder what happened to him? I was just waiting in a room and soon Keenie came in while I heard the boys cleaning out there.


Keenie-I have great news! Since it was a tragedy for your daddy to be taken from you, the boys and I are going to be your personal guardian angels! We're going to make this cabin a home for you and if you have things from your old home you want, I guess we'll just have to do out best to replace every single thing you miss and more! Is there anything you can think of?

(Y/N)-Well, um... I d-did have a big pile of stuffed animals before they I sleep on.

Keenie-Awww, that's adorable. Any animals you want?~

I just thought of all the stuffed animals I had and if I was really living here and hiding from Millie, Moxxie, Loona, and Blitz...

(Y/N)-Well, I do love doggies, kitties, monkeys, and goats.

Just then I knew what I said and she did look a lot like a goat and I thought that was being mean to her, but she just smiled and she cupped my cheeks in her hands and they were just so soft, maybe even a little more than Loona's hands.

Keenie-Awww, well if you need someone to sleep with at night, i'll be happy to help you. I know children can get scared of sleeping in new places.~

She just kissed my head and pulled the washed blankets over my since it was getting close to sun down.

Keenie-You try to go to sleep early while it's still light out. I'm going to see what I can do about those stuffed animals you want. You can even snuggle with me tonight if you can't sleep.~

She kissed my head before she flew out to the hall to close the door, but before she did I saw her a little annoyed before she finally closed the door.

Keenie-Collin, I said that Moose head was the first to go!

I just tried to get comfy and this bed was a bit more comfy and better smelling than my old bed, so I did try to go to sleep before it gets dark outside.

(Keenie's POV)

I felt so happy that he listed sheep as one of his favorite animals and I happen to be part goat. It was almost like it was meant to be for us to find him and the lord does work in mysterious ways. It was bad at first, but these child, so helpless, so cute... he needs to be protected and i'm starting to believe we were supposed to be here to care for him for our redemption... I might even want to stay on earth until it's his time to go to heaven.

(Fantasy Start)

(Y/N) was cuddling with me next to the place and his head was on my lap with a warm smile on it while I was just stroking his hair. Everything was calm and the only sound in the room was just the crackling and snapping of the fire. I played with his cheeks and he just had the cutest giggle come out of him.

(Y/N)-Mommy, can I have some hot chocolate, please?

Keenie-Cletus is making some right now. I want it to cool down a little first before you drink it.


Keenie-Also if you get some on yourself, it's bath time for you.

(Y/N)-I can have my ducky while you give me one.

Keenie-Of course you can. We'll have to go to bed after, but i'll let you play in the bath before bed time.

(Y/N)-I love you mommy.

I just kissed his head and he just nuzzled into me and let me give him some more love.

(Fantasy End)

My heart just skipped a beat and I tried to snap myself out of that fantasy, but I just loved it so much... I don't think it's so bad that I want the child i'm gonna help take care of to call me mommy anyway.

(Loona's POV)

I opened a portal and so far Blitz and Moxxie don't know about this and they don't need to know and Millie even stole something from her families farm after we got back from that festival.


She had it loaded and ready and when we tracked down (Y/N) it just showed us to some fucking cabin in the woods at sundown. If he was here I was taking him back and whoever had the balls or guts to take them, I was going to shove them up their ass.

Millie-Living world? You sure it's the place?

Loona-One way to find out.

I just walked up to the door and I smelled (Y/N)'s scent, so there was no doubt he was here and I smelled to other scents I smelled on Blitz and the others before when they mentioned those cherubs... good thing we brought this gun to make sure they really are double dead.

Loona-KNOCK!!! KNOCK!!!

I kicked the door in and when I did I saw 2 of those angel midget fucks on a couch and when they saw me they summoned crossbows, but Millie drew her gun.


Millie-You fucks again?! Where's my kid?!

Collin-Y-Yours?! K-K-Keenie s-s-said you kidnapped him!

Cletus-You're not ruining this chance of redemption for us! Now go!

Loona-Give. Him. Back. *growl*

((Y/N)'s POV)



I woke up scared and my heart was pounding from the loud noises and I was breathing a little fast until I calmed down. I had no idea what that sound was, but just then my door opened and I saw Loona then she ran to me and pulled me out of bed and into a hug.


Loona-Thank fuck we found you!

I hated it when she used bad words, but she just rubbed the back of my head and soon Millie came in and she just dropped a gun before she joined in for a group hug.


Millie-Oh, I was so scared and sad, but mostly angry when I turned around for a second to see you gone! Oh, my baby!

I just looked at her when she said that, but just then Loona gave me to her and pulled out a book before she did something and opened a portal back to Millie and Moxxie's place.

Loona-You 2 go first. I'm gonna do something here real fast.

Millie-Come on baby. You're getting a bath with me before bed.

Just as we got through the portal and into Millie's place where the light was better, I saw she had blood on her and it was almost the same color as her skin and now I was really scared. Loona just walked back into the hallway of the cabin before the portal closed.

(Y/N)-M-Millie, what did-?

Millie-Sweetie... What did I say about you calling me by my name? Call me mama... Now.~


My body just acted on it's own and I didn't mean to say it, but it made her happy and she gave me some kisses before she took me into the bathroom with her and closed the door before she put me down to get my clothes off before she got her bloody clothes off and turned on the water.

Millie-Alright sweetie, let's get you a bath before Moxxie comes home. I need to talk to him about something.

She just picked me up and took me in the bath that she turned into a shower with her and when I backed away to not touch her she just wrapped her tail around me before she put some shampoo in her hands while looking at me.

Millie-You first.~


(Keenie's POV)

I got a few stuffed animals with me for (Y/N) and I was excited to cuddle with my little human child on his first night at his new home if he was still awake, but when I got home... I saw the door was kicked in and my heart just shattered.


I dropped the bag of stuffed animals and when I got in, I saw Collin and Cletus on the ground and I recognize those kind of wounds... those were angelitic wounds, they were really dead! Their bodies were even cut opened, flipped and their asses were stuffed with their insides and I thought I was going to be sick.

Keenie's mind-Wh-Who would?... NO!!!

I just flew to (Y/N)'s new room and I just fell to the ground crying to see that he was gone and it had to be those demons. They took what little I had left... No...

Keenie's mind-I... I "WILL" HAVE "MY BABY" BACK IN MY NEW HOME!!!

(No POV)

Meanwhile in hell Moxxie came home to find Millie just sitting on the couch with (Y/N) and she wanted to have a talk with him, but for him to understand she told him about what happened with the cherubs, leaving out the rifle that Striker had. She was worried that one of them that wasn't there might come back for him she didn't want to risk them sneaking off with (Y/N) again.

Moxxie-What can we do? All we can do is just keep an eye out.

Millie-Moxxie... I want to take him to Wrath for a while until things calm down.

Moxxie-... Excuse me?

Millie-I'm calling my Pa in a bit when i'm sure they're done working for the day and already told Loona and Blitz, we're going to Wrath in the morning for a few days.

He tried to talk her out of it and (Y/N) was getting nervous from the points that Moxxie was giving, but Millie made up her mind. One of the toughest places of hell will be a place where the last cherub can't get to them without a fight and she plans to stay with her family and is going to be sure to keep (Y/N) at arms length the entire time some of her shady siblings is around.

Millie's mind-Let's see you take my baby now you titless bitch.


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