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((Y/N)'s POV)

Linsey was getting changed to take me with her to the spa and she brushed my hair the way she liked then she kissed my head. Most of my hair was going to one side while my sides were all down and it looked nice, but I don't think she needed to spray my hair with a spray bottle and she even said that she's gonna get some hair gel for me after we leave the spa. She picked me up into a hug before we left her room and I saw my mommy and the others in the room looking at my mom's new clothes and Cammy did say she wanted to play dress up with my mom, but my mom didn't look like she was happy to play.


Linsey-We'll be back in a few hours. Try not to destroy the house while i'm gone.

Cammy-Ok, bye, bye!

Linsey took my mom's car keys and we went out to her car and she buckled me in the backseat before she got in and started the car and drove off with me. She played some music in the car, but I only looked out the window and I really didn't want to go to the spa, but when I said that she said, "Too bad, my baby needs one".

(Cammy's POV)

Our daughter was being as shy as Mary when we stripped her except for that jacket she wearing since Bridget will only change her in those. I grabbed one of Anna's skirts and is was short and adorable, so I wanted this to be the first thing we put on her.


She wouldn't look at me and her cheeks were so cute and pink, so I gave them a kiss and it made the almost red now. We all changed her into other clothes she had before Bridget got something to put her in and I think we need all her clothes off for this one.


Cammy-Oh, oh, we can keep her in this and she Linsey when she gets home! Mary, help me get her clothes off!

Bridget-Bridget will get her jacket.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Linsey and I were on chairs right now getting out feet massaged and scrubbed in water and our hair washed, but my hands were soaking in some kind of slime. I had to be good or she said me and my mom will both get spankings when we get home, so I had to let them do it and can't say anything she thinks is bad or my mommy and me are going to get hurt. Linsey was just rubbing my arm and these people think she's really my mommy because Linsey made me call her that when we got here.

Linsey-Make sure after my baby is done soaking his hands to get under his nails. I want them cleaned, clipped, and filed. Also by the tie all the dead skin and crust is off his feet, I expect them to be as soft and smooth as mine.

Worker-Yes ma'am. We will also have that mud bath you like ready by the time we're done here.

Linsey just smiled at that before she just closed her eyes, leaned back, and relaxed while the workers took her foot out of the water and they did the same to mine and got something to scrape our feet and I didn't like it at first, but it later felt good and even tickled a little. After we were done we went to the mud bath they even put some kind of cream on us before they left and Linsey got our robes off before we got in the mud together and just relaxed.

Linsey-After this we'll get in a steam room for a while to sweat a bit then rinse off before we go home. I even think someone earned some ice cream for being such a good boy.~

She put me on her lap and we relaxed together and she even had her arms wrapped around me.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

(Bridget's POV)

Anna was so cute in her full jacket and she could barely move and Bridget even wrapped her in a blanket, so we don't see her jacket and now it looks like she was just snuggling with her mommy. Bridget forgot that it was lunch time, but she didn't want to get up while she was just so comfy with her daughter on her lap. It was hard to decide, but something helped Bridget make up her mind.

Anna-*Stomach growls*.

Bridget-Awww, Bridget's baby is hungry... Snack time before lunch later.~

Bridget took Anna's gag out and when she did...

Anna-Bridget, please stop! You can't do this!

Bridget-Bad Anna. You don't call mommy by her name... Anna is cranky.

She had to be cranky when she's hungry, so Bridget lifted my shirt and bra and the others watched as she started to feed her and Bridget even had to give her a warning spank before she started to suck and soon got some milk. Bridget's daughter might need a nap, but she really wanted Linsey to see her daughter being so good now. Soon the front door opened and Linsey came in holding (Y/N) like Bridget was holding Anna by cradling them and Anna stopped feeding.


Cammy-Yay, you're back! Can I hold (Y/N) now?!

Linsey-He's tired after his spa day and almost fell asleep in the steam room. He's going down for a nap.

Bridget-Anna needs a nap to. They can nap in Bridget's bed, we made it safe, so they don't fall off.

I saw a look on her face like she was trying to think of something.

Linsey-I want someone to be with them to watch them. I was going to put them in my room while I do my make up.

Mary-... I-I'll... nap with them.

Mary looked at the ground when she said that and Bridget thinks it's a good idea since Mary just wants both of her babies with her.

Linsey-*Sigh*... I want "Anna" in the full body straight jacket first.

I took off the blanket to show Linsey that Anna was already in it and I even put her gag back in her mouth since I know she likes that too.



Mary was so happy and when she ran to Linsey to get (Y/N) Bridget got up with Anna to take her to her room and Mary followed us and got in my bed before I put Anna in and tucked her in and Mary got in the middle of her two babies and it looked adorable. Just then Cammy came in and she had one of Anna's sleeping masks that we used to play dress up and put it on anna before giving her a kiss.


Cammy-Awww, you're so cute in bed, oh yes you are!~

(Mary's POV)

Soon the others left and it was just me and my sleepy babies and (Y/N) already had his eyes closed, so I kissed his head. I turned to Anna and saw she was a little fussy and I wanted to calm her down before she does something bad and Bridget has to come in and spank her again. I thought about how many times we had to spank her and (Y/N) didn't get spanked once... I left my baby boy alone and wrapped my arms and legs around Anna and tried to calm her down.

Mary-Shhh... I-It's nap time... You are c-c-c-cute. *whisper*

I felt my face heat up and I gave her a kiss and she wasn't calming down and that was starting to hurt my feelings.

Mary-St-Stop it, please... I... I... *whisper* I-I said stop.

I grabbed her ear and yanked on it since I was getting mad after I was trying to be nice and nobody ever made me want to do this because I just normally cry.

Mary-I... I will get Bridget in here or... I-I will punish y-you myself. Now... go to sleep. No more struggling.

I... I never felt so alive when she actually listened to me. She wasn't moving at all now and I just gave her a kiss for being good and my son just looked at me for a bit before he looked a little sad and closed his eyes again. I don't want my babies to be scared of me... I soon had an idea that we can do after their nap and with that I just went to sleep while holding my son and daughter close.

Mary's mind-Anna... we can just do exercises like we did back at the hospital, only this time, you and our son will be learning from us.


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