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((Y/N)'s POV)

I just followed the fairies back to their village since if I didn't that snow fairy would threaten to stab me with icicles, but last time Leona talked her out of it after they thought I was trying to escape, but I was just thinking of a way. When we made it to the fairy village I never would've guessed that the movie Tinkerbell actually nailed the thing about all the fairies living in and next to a giant fucking tree.

Kianna-Hurry, we kept our queen waiting long enough.

(Y/N)-I'm so ashamed. *sarcastically*

Kianna-Watch that attitude when you're before our queen!

(Y/N)-Don't you have a king too?

Kianna-... I'm not certain the king will be attending. He's preoccupied with this new party of his.

It sounds like she doesn't like her king much, but I guess a ruler that barely does their job to help their people won't be really popular with anyone. Guess there's another thing this place and my home can relate with. When they took me to the tree there was 2 thrones a little bit inside it with lights and the girls flew down to kneel and I heard horns being blown, so I just played along and took a knee to. I don't want to cause more trouble and stress me out to have another breakdown like I did in that cave. Soon I saw the queen and king from before came out and the king looked a little annoyed with his arms crossed like he was a fucking child, so now it was going to be hard for me to take him seriously now, but the queen actually looked like a ruler... if you put her to the same height as me.


Giava-(Y/N), the human... Welcome.

She tried to act serious and it would work if her husband wasn't just staring off into space and I think others noticed this too and when Giava saw she just rolled her eyes at Sinjin and focused on me.

Giava-I have been meaning to talk to you for a while now. I wish to know more about humans seeing as one lives with our gnome allies now. Just a few questions and we'll return you to the gnomes. Carta told me that her and her team were worried about you after you were taken by those elves.

(Y/N)-... What I told you last time was everything.

Sinjin-There, can I go back to planning my ball?

Giava-Shh. Human, we sent out scouts and I hid this from the gnomes so far and I know what you're hiding. I'm giving you this chance to come clean.

I was actually worried because I don't want my parents in the middle of a battle if she does know they're with the mermaids... I gotta play dumb to this.

(Y/N)-I have no idea what you're talking about. I told you everything.

Giava-Then do you mind explaining "that".

She pointed at something and I looked and it was just the car and the destroyed R.V. I came in with my parents and I felt better knowing she doesn't know about my parents yet, so I don't mind saying what these pieces of mossy junk are.

(Y/N)-Oh, that's just my broken car and R.V.. It's like a house you can pull around and a car... well if it worked then I can basically get those wheels moving on their own.

They fairies looked amazed by this a little then the queen stood up and flew up to my face.

Giava-Well, the weird contraptions do somewhat aligned with your saying. How did it brake?

(Y/N)-That moss and rust grew very fast on it, now it won't work.

Giava-So if we were to get rid of all the moss and rust, it would work again?

(Y/N)-Um... I-I guess. Maybe.

I don't know much about cars and I know they don't know shit about it, but if they can actually fix the car, I can use it to get out of here.

Giava-*Snaps fingers* I want all the moss and rust from that "car" removed.

Some fairies went to the car and started cleaning it and I just hope some of the parts aren't too damaged.

(Giava's POV)

I was doing my best to keep my composure, but on the inside I was excited that I cold just scream. Such a machine can help a lot of others and will be willing to join the fairies for a fair sharing. Maybe if we get this machine working he can take us back to more humans and I wonder what else they can make or made.

Giava's mind-This human is far more valuable and interesting than I thought.

No doubt if the elves had him before they will come for him again and if that happens we won't be able to have him use his car machine to take us to his kind. There has to be more and I was going to find them... I refuse to lose the human this time.

Giava-My people, I have made an important decision. It is clear that this human is protecting more secrets and asking for them won't be enough, but soon he will show us after we show we can help one another by helping him return home. We need to make sure we do not lose him again.

This got the attention of my people and even Sinjin and he had a look on his face that he gets when he has an idea.

Giava-I myself will return this human to the gnomes, but... I will be staying there to ensure his safety myself. Any warrior who will come and help secure our bright future, step forward now.

Just then the human was surprised when 3 fairies stepped forward, but one in particular surprised even me before a couple more fairies stood forward and now we had 13 fairies in total, but I was still surprised "he" wanted to come.


Soon we persuaded the human to come with us by "insisting" he do so and my royal guard leader had the other warriors coming with us go in a formation to keep a wide range to scouting and keeping our group together and i'm grateful she was coming along, but I was still confused.

Giava's mind-Why does my husband want to come along?

He was bent on this ball he was throwing for some pity prize for "making peace" with the witch after he complained about it for a while after I had to do most of the work... I'm keeping an eye on him.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just walking with the fairies and soon I heard some eerie noise coming from in the forest and I looked into it's direction, but nobody else did. The sound happened again and nobody even gave it a glance.

???-Why do you want to leave?~ *echo*

(Y/N)'s mind-That voice!

It was that same voice from before and the echo that came off it was just the same too.

(Y/N)-Any of you hear that?

Giava-Hear what?... This better not be an attempt to run. We have guards that will stop you.

Sinjin-Let the human play his game dear. That mind must be full of ideas.

They really don't hear the voice while I can hear it clearly, so maybe I should just ignore it and it'll go away.

Voice-Please don't try to leave me.~ *echo*

(Y/N)'s mind-Not listening!

Voice-... I won't ever let you go. You're mine, all of you are mine.~ *echo*

That last part made me look at the direction of the voice again and I waited for her to talk again, but she didn't and later we finally made it back to the gnome village and it looked like it beefed up security since I left... They had fucking mounted crossbows on the wall now and when the gnomes saw us coming some of them went down and that's when the gates opened and they let us in. Some were happy I returned, some weren't, and a few ran off and i'm sure sure what for exactly, but I had a pretty good idea. The queen just greeted everyone and the king was loving the attention he was getting, but soon I saw 3 gnomes running at me and they hugged my legs so fast and rough that I almost fell.


The 3 of them were talking at the same time that I couldn't even understand them, but Opal and Wentri started to pull and push me away and towards Carta's house and back to the room I was in before while Carta was thanking the queen and they spoke for a bit before she came running back to me and took my hand.

Carta-Those fucking elves! What did they do to you?!


Carta-Not risking it. We're doing a full check up and treatments.

Opal-You're also getting a bath. You're filthy again.

Wentri-We added a few new things to make our village more safe as you can see, but we did something special for your room.

I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it and when we made it to the room they had me in before I saw a line of mushrooms just outside the door and we walked right past it and I don't know what a thin line of mushrooms is gonna do.

Carta-You two help me strip him and look for anything, even so much as a scratch, you better tell us.

Opal-Got it. Help me strip him.

(Y/N)-Would you 3 calm down?!

(Timeskip 5 Minutes)

I was naked after they forced all my clothes off and I forgot how good they were at fighting and apparently wrestling is something they're good at when it comes to getting my clothes off me. I had a few cuts on my and based on what happened to me I wasn't surprised and they were cleaning them and when they were done I was finally allowed to stand up again.

Opal-Alright, bath time now. You're covered in dirt and sweaty.

(Y/N)-Can I at least take it alone?

Carta-No. We're keeping a closer eye on you to make sure you're ok. I already have to talk to the queen about something later, but for now, we're taking care of you. Now, get in the bathroom.

They all pushed and pulled my in and got their clothes off and I didn't bother leaving since there's gonna be an army outside to keep me here. Opal was getting the ready and Carta was checking me out then that made the others do the same before they finally forced me to get in the tub.

Carta-Opal, you get his hair, Wentri and I got his body... I'll take his lower half.

Wentri-Of course you will.~


They started to wash me and even put effort in to make sure I didn't do anything myself and soon this bath was as relaxing and tiring as the last time I was in her and when I was clean they started to fill the tub while cuddling with me. Even after I was this relaxed I still thought about one thing before I couldn't think about it anymore.

(Flashback Start)

Voice-... I won't ever let you go. You're mine, all of you are mine.~ *echo*

(Flashback End)

I tried to think about it again, but Carta brought her face to mine and she had a smile on hers now.

Carta-Let me give you a taste to hold you over for later.~

She gave me a deep kiss and I was too weak to stop her then when she was done...

Wentri-Hey, I want a kiss too.

Opal-Me first.~

The girls each took turns kissing me and even played with my body before I was getting so tired that I could barely hold my eyes open anymore, so they got me out of the bath and dried me off, not bothering to dress me before they helped me in the bed and it just felt so... cozy.

(No POV)

Carta's mind-The queen can wait for now. I'm gonna stay here until you wake up and the moment that you do... the 4 of us are gonna have some fun we should've had last time.~


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