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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to see that the sun was starting to go down and I tried to get up, but I was stuck in a wheel chair and my mouth had a washcloth in it, so I couldn't talk either. I looked around and saw I was back in Lola's room and I smelled something in the air before I saw Penelope come in and she was licking her lips to get a little bit of food off her face and I tried to scream at her to help me even a little, but all she did was jump on my nap and she used her paws like hands and played with my cheeks and kissed them.


(Y/N)-Helnopfe, helf he! *muffled*

She only smiled used her finger to play with my nose and even brushed her tail in my face and it made me sneeze,


I just starred at her and thought if a cat just laughed at me and she just gave me a hug and kiss before she just played with my cheeks, nose, hair, and whatever else she wanted and I couldn't stop her. Soon I saw Loona come in and she was finishing eating something while she had a bowl of food and she closed her door and her window before she untied the rope that was keeping a the washcloth in my mouth.


Lola-Alright, that's enough playtime for now. Off you go Penelope.

She pushed Penelope off my lap and she sat on her bed next to me and held a spoon of potatoes to me and I was too scared to even scream for help since she might hurt me.

Lola-Awww, don't be scared baby. I'm not gonna hurt you if that's what you're thinking. What kind of mommy would I be if I hurt my baby boy.~

She just kissed my cheek before held the spoon closer to me and I was pretty hungry and I could smile everything she put in there, so I just took the bite and her smile got a little bigger.

Lola-Do you like it?~

I just nodded my head a little and she got another bite for me and it was pretty good and I was just so hungry. By the time the bowl was empty, I was a little full.

Lola-Good boy. You might be in time out, but I think someone earned desert.~

She left the room and Penelope got back on my lap and soon Lola came back in and she had a some cake with her and it looked so good and she also had milk with her too.


Lola-I hope you like it. It's home made just for you.~

She sat back on her bed and she sat on bed and Penelope stayed on my lap while Lola got a bit ready for me and I really loved sweets... I don't have to stop trying to get home because of this, so I just took the bite and she covered my face in kisses while I was chewing.

Lola-Come on, let's get some treats in that tummy of your.~

She got another bite and this cake tasted good, but the taste that comes after is kinda funny, but I kept on eating until it was all gone and she gave e the milk to wash the weird taste down and she just sat there looking at me like she was waiting for something to happen.


Lola-... Sweetie, do you know what you made me feel when you ran away?... I felt really alone and sad after I just wanted to care for you and keep you safe. I know you need to be in time out, but I just want to hold you in my arms again so bad.

Just then I felt a little... tired and my eyes were a little heavy and she got up and stood in front of me before she started to let me out of the chair and Penelope hopped off me.

Lola-After I let the cat in and she drew her name out for me, I thought a cat that smart will be able to help me keep a better eye on you. You're just a cute wittle hand full.~

When I was free I tried to get up, but I just felt so weak and she just picked me up and held me on her side and gave me hug.

Lola-Awww, I know you're drowsy baby, but you just look so cute.~

(Lola's POV)

I know putting sedatives in his cake was a little crazy, but I just couldn't wait and found another way to put him in time out and I could hold him without worry about him trying to run away from me. I just sat on the couch and laid down with him on top of me and Penelope hopped on his back and laid on him.


I just played with my baby's cheeks and hair while rubbing out noses together and just plain adoring him while all he could to resist and to turn his head once in a while and it was easy to put it back and harder for him to even do that every time until soon he just gave up. I saw a frown on his face and I know he's still adjusting to the thought about living with me, but he'll love it eventually and i'm gonna teach him how to love it.

Lola-How about we take a bath together in a bit and get you into some new clothes?~

(Y/N)-*Groan* No. *mumbles*

Lola-No?... *giggles* You're so silly as you are dirty... I think we're gonna do it right now actually.

I got up and Penelope followed us to the bathroom and I put him on the floor to strip him for the bath and he just looked away before I got all my clothes off and went to get the bath ready and Penelope just pet his head while he was down.

Lola's mind-Awww, he's so helpless now... It's so cute!~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I just kept my eyes closed while the water was turned on in the bath and soon I opened my eyes and saw the bathroom door open and tried to crawl to it slowly, but Penelope just walked to it and closed the door herself to keep me in here then Lola got in front of me and tapped her foot and I saw her completely naked and my mommy and daddy say that's bad.

Lola-Going somewhere?

(Y/N)-... P-Please-.

Lola-No. You're filthy, I don't know where you've been, you're getting in this bath, and that's final.

She picked me up off the floor and put me in the bath with her and had a cup to pour water on me before she started to get the shampoo she bought me at the store and put it in my hair.

Lola-Ugh, so greasy. You needed this bad, didn't you baby?~

After she was done with my hair she even did conditioner before she scrubbed my body with soap then she washed herself before she just filled the bath with clean water and put my head on her chest. She was just petting me and Penelope was leaning over the bath without getting in the water and she scratched my chin and it did feel good, but I still wanted to get out.

Lola-Isn't this better than running around aimlessly outside? You look like you're relaxed.~

She gave me a kiss then Penelope gave me one too and after a while we finally got out of the bath and she dried us both off before she took me to her room and she gave me underwear before she pulled out some pajamas for me and I was so embarrassed that she wanted me to wear something like this, but I can see why.


I tried to stop her, but I was still too weak and when she zipped me in she and Penelope were just looking at me like they were loving a baby.

Lola-Awww, you just look so adorable and with your size... maybe I can get you some big plushies for you to sleep on. I can see the pictures now.~

She finally got dressed herself before she just got 3 belts and put 2 around my legs and 1 on my arms behind my back. Lola was on one side of me and Penelope was on the other.

(Y/N)-Lola, I don't like this. Take the belts off.

Lola-Awww, I wish I could, but I can't trust you to not run away while we sleep... I was thinking about a crib for my aby boy, but then I can't cuddle with you.~

She gave me more kisses then Penelope ran off and came back with a mask and she showed it to me before she put it on me.


I couldn't see anymore, but Lola held me  and I tried to say something as best as I could, but Lola covered my mouth.

Lola-Shhhh, it's bed time again baby. You'll be out soon enough and tomorrow we're gonna teach you how to be a good baby boy for your new mommy and kitty. Goodnight.~

She kept her hand around my mouth and I was tired and it was dark even when I open my eyes thanks to the mask I was forced to wear and soon I did fall asleep.

(Penelope's POV)

I know she said she didn't want a crib for him and I don't want to lose cuddle time either, but I want a place for him to have naps with just me... I don't think she'll care that much if I got a big pet bed just for us and while she's teaching (Y/N) to listen to her, he will learn to listen to me too.

Penelope's mind-You might be her little baby bunny, but you're going to be "my" little kitten.~


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