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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was morning and my mommy was trying to call her work to ask about our pets to see if they were normal again, but they weren't answering. I wanted to go to my mommy's work with her, but she said no and we were staying home until her work called us back. I was worried about Misty, Sophie, and Isabella and hoped they were ok and not getting hurt. I was told to just watch cartoons, but it didn't help because I didn't want to watch cartoons, I just want my pets back.

(Y/N)'s mind-Please, just give me one more wish... I want Misty, Sophie, and Isabella back.

(Misty's POV)

It took all night, but we finally found a thing called a computer that the human told us about and got it working for us and when they showed up where the mom was I couldn't forgive him for sticking needles into the boy and girl animals... I gave him a shot and he panicked at tried to hit me, but Sophie pushed him and he hit his head on a table and fell on the floor.


We looked out a window and the sun was starting to come up then I remembered the animals were in the cages still and when we started to open them we saw there was T.V.'s inside showing them how to do a few things like put on clothes and the first cage I opened had a name or something on it instead of numbers... "sheep".


She just looked at me and we just stared at each other then Isabella suddenly ran and hid behind me after she opened her cage.

Isabella-Scary, scary!

I just looked at the cage she opened and soon another girl walked out wearing clothes like the T.V. was teaching her and this cage said "white tiger".



She was really angry, but not at us, at the human and she jumped on them and was about to bite them with her sharp teeth and I know these humans are bad, but I already poked them with a needle too to make it fair.


She just looked at me and I quickly grabbed them human from under her and she stood up still looking at them, so I just put the human in her cage and closed it to let it look and this calmed her a little bit. I just looked over to Sophie and she was helping out a tall girl and this cage was named "cow".


I saw one more smaller cage in her and went to open it and I saw a scared tiny girl in here hiding in a corner and this cage was named "mouse".


She could fit in my hand, so I took her out and looked to see the white tiger girl throwing more humans in cages and closing them to look them in like I did, but she was still mad. Some of the humans came from the room where they talked about "males are still secure and progressing". I think male meant boys, but I didn't know what "progressing" meant, but I just wanted everyone to be safe and the bad humans to be hurt just as much as they hurt us. I just put the tiny mouse girl down and everyone looked at me.

Isabella-W-We go home now?

Sophie-I want (Y/N)!

Misty-We go after boys are ok.

Sheep-H-... Home?... We go... home?

I just looked at her and I don't know where her home is or how to find it.

(Sophie's POV)

Misty was thinking, but didn't say anything before she left and this white tiger girl just started punching the cages the bad humans were in now and this scared Isabella and that mouse girl.

White tiger-Where is home?! I want home!

She kept on punching the cages and soon Isabella stepped forward and the new girls just looked at her.

Isabella-W-... We have a home.


Isabella-You... c-can come too.


I was mad now that she wants these new girls to come into our home and if they do come they might to have or take what's mine! Isabella just looked at me and she had a little sad look on her face.


Sophie-*Grunt*... *hmph* Fine... No taking my things!

Soon Misty came back in and a few boy animal people did too and I heard noises out in the hall.


Misty-We go home now.

(Timeskip 12 hours)

((M/N)'s POV)

I tried to call my work all day, but nobody was answering and that was strange, but there was no way just 3 girls can just over run our security team of 47 people with tactical gear. They were even being prepped for the serum by the time I left, so I just tried to calm down and thought maybe someone was sleeping on the job. Right now I just got out of the shower after dinner and when I got dried off and dressed I went to my son's room to see that he was ready for bed now too.


(Y/N)-Mommy, I want Isabella, Misty, and Sophie to come home. Did your work answer yet?

(M/N)-No baby, but it's bed time and I have work tomorrow, so I can check on the girls.

(Y/N)-Can I come with you? You never let me go to your work except that 1 time.

(M/N)-And that's 1 time too many. You got online school tomorrow and i'll be sure to bring your little friends back with me and you can play when I get back home tomorrow.

I just picked up my son and put him into bed and tucked him in before I gave him a kiss goodnight and left his nightlight on when I closed his door to let him sleep and I just went to my room and I just crawled into bed and pulled out my favorite book called (F/B) and relaxed in bed. After a while of reading I heard noises coming from outside and it was probably just racoons, but I think I better go check. I got out of bed and went to the living room to look out the sliding glass door into the backyard and saw that nobody was out there. The house was looked up tight, so nothing to worry about that much and maybe it was just some racoon or the wind outside or something that made the noise, so I just headed back to bed.

(No POV)

While (M/N) was walking back to her room she didn't even hear the tiny footsteps in the vents that were on the floor and the covers just pop off for easy cleaning and replacing filters and Sophie and the other 2 gave her an idea on what to look for and soon a cover popped out of the floor in the living room and the mouse girl climbed up and made it in the living room.


She just looked around the house and thought it was very nice, but soon she heard tapping on the front door that the girls were at and she saw a table next to the door that she could climb up to get to the lock on the door.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was just trying to go to sleep since I got a big day tomorrow and I was bringing pepper spray with me tomorrow just incase something did happen. I tried to just breath to calm down then soon my door opened, but I knew it was just (Y/N) since the doors and windows were all locked.

(M/N)-Alright (Y/N), just get in the bed.

I didn't even look, but I felt him get on the bed while I still had my eyes closed, but then someone bigger got on top of me where my arms were stuck between their legs and when I shot my eyes open I saw Sophie still half human and she was holding a needle in her hand.


Sophie-You... hurt us again... I'm going to hurt you.

I tried screaming for help, but her hand was covering my mouth and just then she poked my arm with the needle and injected me with the serum inside, but it looked different and I was terrified.

(M/N)'s mind-WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?!

(M/N)-*Muffled screams*!

I kept on trying to get out, but my head was starting to hurt and I felt dizzy before I just past out with Sophie on top of me.

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up and heard the T.V. was on in the living room and I got out of bed and saw it was 10:00, so I guess my mommy forgot to wake me up before she get ready to work to go get out pets. I'll get on the laptop in a bit, but right now I was gonna go out there before she leaves, but when I made it out there I was so confused on what I saw or who I saw in the living room.


Just then Misty, Sophie, and Isabella ran to me and pulled me in a group hug and they were happy, but I thought they should be normal again.


She gave me kisses and stuff before Misty just took me from them and brought me to the others and I was just looking at the tiny mouse girl on the girl that was dressed like a cow and had a tail. I don't know if they heard my wish wrong because I didn't ask for more animal girls. I don't even know their names.

Misty-Everyone, this is (Y/N). Our baby now!~

Sophie-*Hmph* Mine more!

The girl with I think was a tiger came up to me first and sniffed me and she looked mad the whole time before she just licked me and took me from Misty before she turned then put me in the middle of her and the new girls.

Sheep-Small human baby.

Mouse-Big to me.

Tiger-Weak and light.

Cow-Smells better than other humans.

They kept on saying weird stuff before the girls just took me on the couch with them to watch more T.V. and the mouse girl tried to copy something a cartoon did on T.V., but just landed on her butt. I just looked in the back yard and I think Isabella can still go in her cage outside because I played in it a little yesterday and my mommy came in to pull me out, so it hold both of us, but then I thought of something else.

(Y/N)-Misty... Where's my mommy?


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