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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being taken out of the cage by Kalma and while I was still trying to wake up she just left the room with me and the light stung my eyes a bit, so I his my face into her to get the light out of them and she was holding the blanket over her shoulder. When we got to the living she laid on the couch with me on top of her and covered us both in the blanket.

Kalma-Good morning pup. How was the cage?~

(Y/N)-I didn't like it. It was so small.

Kalma-Then maybe you'll be a good boy for your alpha and not try to pull shit that will put you back in there.

I didn't like it when she says bad words, but I didn't want to make her annoyed and have her put me back in that small cage and he started to play with my hair then soon she thought of something before she smiled at me.

Kalma-I think next time you're gonna wear ears and a tail when you go in that cage and you're so much easier to put in there too. I stuff pack members twice size your in there, but seeing you have room in there just makes it so cute.~

She played with my cheeks now and soon we saw Blair come in and she had food with her and it was only carrying 1 one bowl of fruit before she sat down.


Blair-Let me see him. He needs breakfast now.

Kalma-Fuck off. I'm comfy the way we are. I'll feed him.

Blair-*Sigh* Fine, but only because I don't want to fight in front of him.


Kalma got the bowl of fruit from Blair and used her nail as a fork to get some pineapple first and held it up to me.


I slowly did what she said and when I did she put her finger in my mouth with the fruit and wiggled it around before she pulled her finger out of my mouth and just let me eat the pineapple while she was getting another bite ready for me and Blair was just watching us and smiling.

(???'s POV)

I was looking in on the house from a safe distance and I could kinda see the 3 sitting on the couch having a nice breakfast and the human kid looked so adorable, but you know what would make that face even more adorable... it showing he was so helpless and scared of me.~ I just have to wait for the 4 to be together and I can easily get the drop on them and knock them out and take my new toy all for myself.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Kalma was still feeding me and Blair was giving me a foot massage while she was doing it and soon Sarita came in and just laid on a chair looking a little tired.


Kalma-What happened to you?

Sarita-Just had a late night job about 4 or so hours ago. Cocky virgin bastard didn't even make it 3 rounds with me.

Blair-Can you not talk about this in front of a child please.

Sarita-Oh sit on dick. I did more than just talk about sex with this kid.

Blair didn't like that and I didn't know what sex was, but before I could ask I saw some smoke come in from the hallway and all the girls were talking, but Kalma sniffed the air and looked at the smoke I saw.

Kalma-What the fuck?!

The girls looked at this and just then the smoke came in really fast and we were in it now, but it wasn't hard to breath, but it still made me dizzy and so did the other girls and Sarita fell asleep after we heard a door open. I heard footsteps coming down the hall then Blair fell asleep and by the time Kalma fell asleep I saw someone come in before my eyes were too heavy and I finally fell asleep while this demon lady was walking to me and I saw the smoke was coming from her.



I woke up and I was in a different room I didn't see before and I was getting scared, but what made it worse was that I couldn't move and I was on a bed with my mouth covered and I think that new girl did this to me. I tried calling for help, but because my mouth was covered, it wasn't very loud and something was in my mouth too. I just looked around the room to see if I could find the demon lady, but I was alone.


I just tried to move again, but it was like my body wasn't working and I could just only move my head a little, but soon I heard something in the room.


I couldn't talk to ask who was there, but it sounded like it was right next to me, but when I looked, nobody was there. I felt something touch my leg and I saw it the whole time, but nothing was there still.


???-*Chuckles* Where am I?~

I kept on looking around until I finally something blew into my ear and my eyes just shut all by themselves and I just heard more laughing at me then soon I saw the woman on the side of the bed after it looked like her skin and clothes to change colors or turn invisible and she was looking at me.


???-You look so cute when you're scared.~

She just got on the bed and was leaning over me and her eyes were almost as scary as Kalma's, but she didn't even look mad. I tried to get up and at least sit, so i'm not under herm but I couldn't even do that.

???-Awww, I saw a little twitch. Are you trying to move? Well...~

Just then I saw her show me that she has a tail and the tip of it looked like it had a pointy stinger or needle and I was afraid of needles and getting stung.

???-I wouldn't get too excited or I might have to give you another dose, but I won't be using my mist this time... You'll get the stronger stuff.~

I was crying and all she did was lick my tears when they came out of my eyes and it was so scary and gross. She kept on licking until I didn't have any tears left and was only whimpering.

???-Mmmh, you can just taste the innocence... Curbs my sweet tooth.~

She just rubbed my cheek with her tail while she just laid on top of me and I was afraid she was going to sting me.

???-Where are my manners? My name is Andromalius, but everyone just calls me Andria. As for your name... I think i'll just call you "Toy" for now until I care enough to know your real name.

Andria just picked me up and I couldn't even hold up my head and she just licked my neck and it tickled, but I couldn't even laugh even when I was still scared and this made me even more scared.

Andria-Oh Toy, your fear and body sweat just taste so much fucking better than any demon down here! I might get fucking addicted to you!~

She just licked me a little more before she stopped and tossed me back on the bed and she got on top of me.

Andria-I'm gonna step out for a bit and you're going back to sleep, so your body can rest... I'll bring you back some water and some food. I need to keep my toy healthy after all.~

Just then she blew some of her smoke into my face and I accidently breathed it in and started to feel dizzy again. She just got up and left while waving goodbye to me and closed the door and her smoke was still in my face and I soon went back to sleep even after I tried very hard to stay up and get up.

(Blair's POV)

I was flying high in the air to scout the area and so far there was no sign of our baby and Sarita was going to where a lot of her servants hang out to send them on a hunt for (Y/N) and bring him back to us. I soon just landed when I saw Kalma and she jumped down from a rocky mountain and landed right in front of me in her alpha form.




She only looked down to show she didn't have anything yet and I was so fucking pissed and just then a some group of smaller demons that like to gang up on bigger demons and rob them then it looked like their "leader" came out.


Blair-Get out... OF OUR WAY!!!

Just then Kalma went in first and easily cut down the first 3 small demons before reaching the leader and slicing his gut up just for all his fat, blood, guts, and shit spilled out.

I just charged in and flew as fast as I could and in the blink of an eye I zoomed past him and ripped his arm clean off and heard him scream in pain. His followers were cowards since they just tried to run, but now I was in a really bad mood...

Blair's mind-I need to take a load off.

By the looks of it too, so did Kalma when she just pounced one of the running demons and bit into the back of their neck and I just quickly landed while squishing the skull of one of the demons and I hate to admit this, but this felt just as good when I killed to protect my old human.

(???'s POV)

My sister just left and told me to "keep my slutty ass out of her room"... I was heading to her room to see what the fuck my sister wanted me to stay out off so bad. She's a sadistic sleep paralysis demon, so if it's just some fucking demon in there she's tormenting i'm not gonna give a shit... I might have some off my own fun with them, but what the fuck does she expect? I'm a succubus and a leader of one of the biggest harem groups in hell.

???'s mind-Thinks she can tell me what to do with that bitchy attitude of hers. I might fuck them just to fuck with her.

When I made it to her room I went inside and found something on her bed and I was honestly surprised to see a child sleeping in her bed.


???-Da fuck?

I just walked up to them and I know my sister loved to torment adults and demons down here, but I guess she's either experimenting or just really bored. I wanted to see if anything was special about this kid and wonder how she even got him here because she can't do deals to claim humans and drag them here. Soon I found a mark behind their shoulder and when I saw it, I knew how he got here and how ballsy my sister is to take this child from "her".


???'s mind-Sarita, top of the succubus ranks.

I found it interesting that the so called "queen succubus" claimed a child since their so inexperienced, doesn't last long for a good time, and... highly impressionable.~ I guess if you put in the time and effort to train them you can mostly turn them into any kind of lover you want, but I could just smell he was just a virgin still, so I guess she was saving him or just lost him the moment she brought him here and my sister captured him.

???'s mind-You belong to the so called queen, huh?

If anyone saw my mark on her property, just think of the reputation I can have and some of her servants and sluts might come over to me since i'll be known as the one that stole from the queen... or maybe even be the future queen succubus.

???-Oh yeah, you're mine now.~

I just lifted up his shirt and he was still out cold thanks to my sister and I knew where I was going to put my mark... I just put my hand on his belly and took his other hand into mine to shake on it for a deal and claim him and when I moved my hand off his belly button I saw my mark and licked it.


???-When my sister gets done with you, i'm taking you out to show everyone who your new owner is now.~

I just gave him a deep kiss in his sleep before I looked in my sister's mirror to fix my hair before I left the room.


???'s mind-I can't wait to show the queen that I own probably one of her most prized bitches and he'll learn to be at "my" beck in call... This is gonna be fun.~


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