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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to Mary holding me close to her while she was still sleeping and I looked over to see my mommy was still asleep too, but I couldn't stay up for long before it got too hard, so I just laid back down. I just turned to my other side to just see Bridget at the side of the bed on a chair looking at me before she just reached in to rub my head while smiling at me like I was a puppy then she slowly took me out of the bed without waking up the others and it was cold.


I was shaking a bit and she saw this and just grabbed a small blanket to wrap me in before she started moving back and forth like she was on a rocking chair.

Bridget-Mommy Bridget's baby boy sleep good.~ *whisper*

I didn't think it felt right to call her mommy because I already have a mommy, but when I didn't answer her she just took her shirt and bra off before she made me open my mouth to put her nipple in and I remember what she wants me to do. I didn't want to and tried to move away, but she kept me there.

Bridget-Mommy Bridget knows (Y/N) is hungry. Dinner is not ready for a while. Drink. *whisper*

I still didn't do it, but then she held me tighter when she got a little mad.


I just did what she wanted me to do since she was getting scary and holding me tighter, but when I did it she was calming down and holding me less tight. Her talking did wake up Mary and my mommy and Mary helped her sit up before they saw Bridget feeding me.


Bridget-Morning. Dinner coming later. Anna might be hungry too.

Mary just looked at my mommy and just cuddled with her and soon Bridget let me go a little, but was still holding me before she left while Mary was whispering something and lifting her her.

(Y/N)-N-No, I wanna stay with my mommy!

Bridget-(Y/N) is with his mommy. Mommy Bridget.

(Y/N)-No, my mommy, mommy... My first mommy.

Bridget-Ohhh, Anna is (Y/N)'s big sister now. Bridget, Linsey, Cammy, and Mary are mommies now.

I was confused on how that works, but she was a crazy person from my mommy's work, so I know it's not true and they hurt people. I just need to call the police.

(Y/N)'s mind-Wait, what's the number for 911?

I was trying to think about it while Bridget took me out to the living room and Cammy was sitting on the jut waving a knife around until she saw me and put it down as Bridget was sitting next to her and Cammy reached for me.


Cammy-I wanna hold him! I wanna hold him!

Bridget-Bridget is holding (Y/N) and fed them. Happy Cammy must wait.


Bridget kept on holding me until Mary came in dragging my mommy's feet on the ground and Linsey was coming in after her. Mary looked kinda happy about something and Linsey just sat on the couch and laid back with her feet on Cammy's lap while filing her nails.


Linsey-Alright, what are you so excited about?

Mary-M-Mommy and Me l-l-lessons... We can t-t-teach A-Anna and (Y-Y-Y/N) to be good.

Cammy-*Gasp* I LOVE IT!!! We can carry them or feed them random food while they're blindfolded, or, oh, oh, oh, falling back into us! I even saw a few video classes where the mommy plays with her baby by just tickling them and made them laugh and happy.

(Cammy's POV)

I could just leave a huge gash on my arm that i'm so happy, but I was just looking at my son and daughter and thought I could be a teacher. I think (Y/N) would do better since he's a good baby boy and can even show Anna how to be a good girl for us, so I just got in front of Bridget and (Y/N).

Cammy-Can I have (Y/N), please?! You're the only one that can hold Anna anyway!

Bridget-... Fine, Cammy can have (Y/N).

She gave (Y/N) to me before she helped out with Anna then I got in front of everyone with (Y/N) and Mary went over to Anna with Bridget, but Linsey came over to me.

Cammy-Are you going to be like my assistant?!

Linsey-How about you be the assistant that gets the promotion for a good job

Cammy-What's the promotion?

Linsey-Um... top assistant person.



(Linsey's Dad POV)

I can't submit to my daughter like this again, but I couldn't bring myself to call the police on her when she just needs to go back to the hospital. I was working up the courage to call the hospital and after a few hours... I did call and it was ringing and I wanted to hang up so bad, but then...

Phone-This is Moonlight Asylum, how may I help you?

Linsey's dad-Y-Yes, hello, I have a daughter that has escaped your asylum and wish to speak to her doctor.

Phone-Do you know where she is or where she could've gone? What's her name?

Linsey's dad-Her name is Linsey Parks

Phone-... Alright it does show her as missing and she has a sever case of PTSD, is this true.

Linsey's dad-Yes. Can I speak to her doctor?

Phone-Her doctor has missed several days of work after her missing.

Linsey's dad-Then can you get a hold of the doctor or see if anything is wrong? She said she had another place to stay.

Phone-Yes, we will send police to her address.

Just then something in me snapped and what I said just came out.

Linsey's dad-N-No wait, no police!... I mean... can you just send someone over to get her. She's not dangerous and will just need a little push.

Phone-*Sigh* Sir,... we can send someone from security to go check on our doctor, but the police will have to be involved if something happens. Do you understand?

Linsey's dad-I... I do.

Phone-Thanks for the call sir, have a good day.

She hung up the phone first and I just stood there until I started pacing and panicking that my daughter was getting involved with the police again.

Linsey's dad's mind-What have done, what have I done?! Should I call and tell Linsey?!... No, she'll be very mad at me! WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!

(Timeskip 1 hour)

(Bridget's POV)

Bridget's baby's were so cute when they laugh and after a class with Cammy and videos, Anna did need a spanking, but she was a good girl after. Bridget wondered why her baby boy was good and didn't need spanking until Bridget remember the video that said babies act out to get attention. Bridget's baby girl just need more attention and maybe some toys since Linsey took her phone. Maybe Bridget can get her comfy things like rocking chairs or small rocking cribs or huge stuffed animals that are bigger than her...

Bridget's mind-So cute!~

Bridget was going to get those for Anna now and was very excited, but then we heard a knock at the door and Linsey went to answer it and when she did, Bridget saw security guard at the door and Mary was scared of him and hid behind Bridget.

Man-What the-?!... Y-You 4 need to come with me!

The mean security guard just grabbed Linsey and she just pulled her hand away from him and got mad. Linsey started to yell at him, but he just pulled up a pair of cuffs and they only do that when... they put us in our cells... Bridget can't go to her cell and taken from her babies and her new home. Cammy was yelling at the man and calling him a meanie and Mary was holding me tight and I was starting to get mad and the thought of Bridget not being a real mommy anymore.

Bridget-*Heavy and fast breathing* RRRUUUAAAGGGHHH!!!

Bridget got up and ran to the man and he tried to run away, but Bridget grabbed him and slammed him to the ground. He tried to reach his radio and call other guards, but Bridget stomped on his hand.


Man-*Muffled screams in the ground*.

Bridget was still very mad and stomped on him again and again while he was crawling away, but Bridget grabbed him and he looked only a little awake now and bleeding.

Bridget-Don't touch Bridget's family again! UNDERSTAND?!?!?!

I threw him away from "Bridget's house" and into his car and I saw his radio broke and now he was only moving a bit, but only to crawl away and this still mad Bridget angry. Bridget marched up to him and grabbed him to lift him and he tried to say something, but Bridget put him where he belongs... Bridget went to the trash can to open the lid and stuff him inside before she closed it and went back inside to her family and everyone was looking at Bridget.


Bridget went from angry to sad quickly and just went to have her daughter and she wiggled trying t get away, but Bridget held her still.

Bridget-... Mine.

((M/N)'s POV)

I felt a shiver go up my spine when Bridget called me hers and tried to talk to her through the gag, but all she did was hold me and I couldn't get through to her at all like this and she even didn't care that I was trying really hard to get her to let me go.

Bridget-Anna... Mine.

She was getting mad and held me tighter and I was scared and I saw (Y/N) just as scared as me from Bridget's rampage and this is why she's a danger to society, she can't control herself. Without anyone to show her she can't do this she'll get in the habit again like when I first met her.

Bridget-Bridget is taking Anna. Buying her new things for her online.

(Y/N)-B-B-But what about that guy?!

Bridget-Bad man! He stay WHERE HE IS!!!

She stomped her foot on the ground and one of the lamps shook a tiny bit before she took me with her to her room trying to calm down at least remembering what I told her only this time i'm taking the place of her doll.

Bridget-Bridget is a good mommy! Bridget is not leaving her new home and family! Bridget... doesn't want Anna wearing mean jackets all the time anymore!

She put me on the bed and she was actually taking me out and it did feel cold, but I didn't care because I could finally move around again and the first thing I did was stretch before she picked me up and even took my gag out before she held me closer to her and took deep breaths and now was my chance, but I need to play it smart and calm until I can get my phone to call the police.

(M/N)-Bridget, remember to slow the breathing.

She did what I said before she finally laid down and held me close while still stroking my head and treating me like a child. I just need to by myself time until I can get to a phone without being seen.

Bridget-Bridget wants her baby to be happy. Anna is Bridget's now.~

(M/N)-Actually Bridget, my real name is (M/N).

Bridget-... No. That's not you're name anymore. (M/N) is Anna now.

I really need to get to a phone and get these girls back to that hospital, but if I get them back in there will I be able to take them back, because my son and I are gonna need therapy after all of this is over, hopefully soon. Just then Bridget got on the computer and looked up giant teddy bears and I knew that it was meant for me and when I scooted away a bit she just pulled me back to her and smiled at me and I gave her the best fake smile I could while I was uncomfortable.

(M/N)'s mind-I need to sneak in that call to the police or just get the police here somehow and the quicker the better.


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