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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was waking up and I felt something just so cozy, like I was in a snug sleeping bag and at first I just wanted to be comfy and relax, but soon I snapped out of it and opened my eyes only to see it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything at all or move like I was just tied up, but I struggled for a a bit I felt the thing holding me move.

???-*Moan* *yawn*.

Whoever was in here with me sounded like a girl and I tried moving again, but this time the thing that was holding me just got tighter.

???-*Chuckles* Well look who's up, it's my little mystery prey.~

(Y/N)-Who are you?

???-Huh, I guess you can't see in the dark. Let me light a lantern for you.

Soon the lantern was lit and it turned into a roaring flame when I saw it spread to a fire place and I saw the room I was in and the... tail that was holding me?! I just looked to where the tail lead and I saw my capture and after all the shit i've seen it shouldn't be that surprising, but if she's part snake she can be very dangerous.


???-Well good morning. You sure slept like a baby after that funny little panic you had.~

I remember that hole that I fell, so maybe she was watching from there and I snapped out of my thoughts when she held me tighter.

???-So what are you anyway? You're not a warlock or an elf.

(Y/N)-What difference does it make?

???-The difference if I decide to eat you or not. Now talk.

(Y/N)-... I'm a human.

???-Never heard of it.

(Y/N)-Neither did anyone else.

???-And i'm supposed to believe you're not lying to me?

(Y/N)-How am I supposed to prove it? I fucking can't.

???-Ohhh, looks like someone let all their frustrations out back at that cave. Maybe I should introduce myself.~

Just then she was squeezing really hard that my back popped a couple of times and it was really hard to breath now.

???-Hello, my name is Chelma and i'm a lamia that can easily break all your bones and swallow you whole without chewing. What's your name?~

She let me go a little, so now I could be just fine again and I was catching my breath while she was just waiting for me to answer her question.


(Y/N)-*Pant* My name is (Y/N). *Pant* I really am called *pant* a human.

Chelma-Good boy. Now i'm gonna guess you're new around here since you're in lamia and naga territory, so let me tell you something. You're so lucky that I found you "after" I had a big meal or you would've dinner.

She started to leave this room and go down a hall that was lit with little lanterns and there was a lot of other holes and I saw some of them were lit and I saw more snake men and women in them while Chelma was taking me deeper down the hall.

(Y/N)-Where are we going?

Chelma-I just want to show you what will happen if you don't do what I say before I start laying down rules if I decide to keep as a little companion of mine. You're my catch, so I can do whatever the fuck I want with you.

So it was almost like the ogres, but now I was going to see what happens if I don't behave and when we made it to what I guess was the kitchen there was a few fires to light the room and I just saw piles of dead animals and even some other species I saw out here and I kinda expected this, but this fucking sight and smell made me almost get sick.

Chelma-You're lucky you made it this far to even see this and i'm deciding whether or not to keep you. If you just annoy me then i'm sure everyone will be happy to add you to one of these piles and will take you before you go bad, that's not if I just eat you myself.

I just coughed and gagged on the smell before she finally took me away and back to her room.

Chelma-It's still night, so we're going back to sleep and in the morning i'll see if I get breakfast in bed or I take you out while I go hunting, just be a good boy and it'll help me decide.

She just laid on her bed and unwrapped me to use her tail to kick dirt on the fire to put it out and put out the fire in the lantern before she wrapped me in her tail again before I think she went to sleep and the last thing I need is to be breakfast, so i'll play along and go to sleep and we'll be outside in the morning. I just need to be calm and I think I got a lot of it out earlier and I feel a little better,... not good, but better.

(Timeskip 3 hours)

(Chelma's POV)

I was just watching this human sleep since I could see in the dark and we don't need much sleep and he did wake me from my nap with his ranting before I took him and went back to sleep for another nap. I like to play with my prey, but I really never saw anything like him, so i'm gonna keep him around and it seems fear of being devoured makes him a good boy.

Chelma's mind-I hope you try to escape in the morning during my hunt. It'll be so fun to tease you with freedom only to have me keep it just outside your grasp. I wonder if I can even make you lose your mind like that again.~

A smile just curved on my face before I thought a small nap wouldn't hurt before a hunt and I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.

(Timeskip 6 hours)

(Kianna's POV)

I was with Leona on a mission to look for this human and if we were to find him the queen wishes to speak to him herself before we return him to the gnomes. It was morning and I was just splashing my face with water and getting a drink to help me wake up and Leona was doing the same before we got a move on and I can't shake the feeling like we're getting no where and for a good reason too. We got no leads, not even rumors to go off of, and lots of hostile territories to search. We were near Lamia and Naga territory and this should be easy since they only come up to hunt in the day and we can easily fly to stay out of their reach.

Leona-How many days have we been searching now?

Kianna-It doesn't matter. Until we find the human or sure he's dead, we keep looking.

Leona-Fine... We should stop to eat soon and we'll have to make a trip to the village today to get more magic dust since we're running low to defend ourselves out here.

Kianna-*Sigh*... I guess it can't be helped. We'll have a quick meal, scout the area, then head back to restock.

We landed on a tree branch and Leona pulled out the strawberries she found yesterday and they were ripe now and ready to eat, so she gave me one and had another to herself.


We just kept on eating and I wasn't happy about going back to the village in shame of not fulfilling my orders of finding this human. As we kept on eating I saw bushes moving a bit of ways away, but anyone would have a hard time seeing us from there, but soon I saw them and I couldn't believe what I was seeing... the human was alive and just being wrapped in a lamia's coils and Leona couldn't believe it neither.


Kianna-Leona... get the sedative dust.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Chelma was just looking for something to eat now and I wasn't excited for that sight and suddenly she held her cheek and it looked a little sparkly.

Chelma-What the?... Dust... F-... Fairies.

She just passed out and finally let me go and I can't believe my luck. This is the first time since I got here that something finally went my way. Suddenly I saw 2 fairies fly in front of me and I recognized one of them.


???-Halt! My name is Kianna and head of the fairy royal guard! You're coming with us!

(Y/N)'s mind-I should've known it was too good to be true.

I so much as took a step back and this new white snow fairy or something threw some dust at the grass behind me and froze it and when I tested it b stepping on it with my shoe, I felt how hard they were and they were like spikes now.

Leona-Just come with us. Our queen wishes to speak with you then you'll be returned to Carta and the gnomes.

I weighed my options and it definitely beats going back in a dark hole with a monster that looks at me like i'm a snack. I just held my hands up and I got away from Carta and the others a few times now, so I think I can pull one more escape off or maybe I can even use them to get my parents,... but i'll save that for Carta. I even met this queen before, but...

(Y/N)'s mind-What does she even want to talk about?


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