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(Bridget's POV)

Bridget was holding her baby boy in her arms getting ready to go to bed with him tonight and he just got done playing with Cammy and was tired. Bridget was still worried about Anna sleeping with mean Linsey tonight, so she can teach her that we're in charge now, but Bridget just hopes she doesn't hit her daughter too hard. She said that our daughter will be able to play and cuddle with our son after tonight and that's what they both want. Bridget was taking her son to her room while Cammy was walking our daughter to Linsey's room while Linsey was just in bed and (Y/N) reached for her.


Bridget-Shhh, (Y/N) can have her tomorrow.~

We just went to Bridget's room and Bridget had a few of his stuffed toys to cuddle with tonight and watch him play a little more before bed. He only looked at the door while Bridget cuddled him and Bridget just thinks he needs something to keep him busy and luckily Bridget has her daughter's old phone Linsey let her borrow and Bridget put on a video for him to watch and he did, so Bridget gave him a kiss on the head and wrapped one arm around his tummy to pull him close. Bridget loved how it felt to hold a real baby close and she would check on Anna in the morning.

((M/N)'s POV)

I was in a pink Straight jacket and pajama bottoms that match it while I was stuck in my old room with Linsey and Cammy closed the door, so thanks to this jacket, I couldn't open it and Linsey was just brushing her hair at my makeup table and looking at me through the mirror.


Linsey-Just stop trying to leave and get on the bed. I'm gonna be dealing with you in a minute.

The tone in her voice just sounded so serious and I just tried to use my foot to open the door, but when I did one of the straps under me caught some of my skin and pinched it. Just then Linsey saw that and turned me looking mad.

Linsey-Get on the fucking bed!

She hit the table and I was scared and helpless like this and I know she hates me, but she couldn't do anything before, but now the tables have turned. I just got on my old bed that had new sheets on it now and Linsey fixed up her hair a little more before she got up and came to me. I was terrified because I remember her report of her torturing her dad and there's this thing with her where she's almost incapable of compassion and a very bad case of PTSD from her mom that always made her perform in pageants to be perfect before she died and it set Linsey over the edge.

Linsey-Let me get something straight here before we start. I don't give a fuck what you're called. (M/N), Anna, fucking doctor, you were always to fucking blind to see I deserved more than what you gave me and treated me like I was no better than anyone else!

She grabbed my face and undid the gag, but kept it in my mouth while she was glaring at me.

Linsey-You're gonna see how it always should've been... "You", beneath "Me".

(Lemon Start)

She yanked off the pajamas and panties the girls dressed me before she pushed and made me scoot back further on the bed by her pulling my hair. When she stopped I was just laying and she took out my gag and got her pajama bottoms and panties off before she got on top of me and her ass was in my face.

Linsey-Kiss it.

I just cringed and looked away, but soon...


She hit my pussy and I closed my legs in pain, but she just opened them back up.

Linsey-Do I need to go get my whips for you?! I use them on my dad, but I can use them on someone else!

I didn't want her to use whips on me if she did have them and screaming for help will just make her want to do it more and she might get a hit in before someone comes it to help and even if they did they might listen to her... I didn't want to risk it and slowly just did what she wanted and I felt a wave of shame hit me when I actually kissed her ass even one time.


Linsey-Who told you stop?!

I just kept on going faster this time and soon she just pulled her cheeks apart and showed me her asshole.

Linsey-Kiss it and I mean "really" kiss it. Tongue and everything slut.

She covered my face in her ass and I couldn't breath anymore.

Linsey-I'm not moving until you do it.

I panicked because I could die in a very hamulating way and leave my son alone here, so as gross as it was I stuck my tongue in her ass and I could hear her chuckling and laughing at me and soon she pulled up to let me breath for a bit before she put me back in and told me to do it again, so I did. I never felt so humiliated in all my life and after a few times she finally got off me and pulled my hair to have me look at her while I was still catching my breath and she had a smile on her face.


Linsey-You understand where you stand now? You should've done this to make it up to me a long time ago, but now you got a lot to make up for.

She moved around until her pussy was in my face, but had it high above me before she slammed it on my face and started grinding on me.

Linsey-I want you to say who owns you now.

She stopped and I just looked up at her afraid of what might happen if I say something wrong.

Linsey-Who am I to you?

(M/N)-... M-My mom?


Linsey-Do I look like your fucking mom?! Who are you going to listen to?!


I had to guess what she wanted me to say and I hated thinking about this, but I thought of a few names, but one stood out to me as to what she might want me to call her.

(M/N)-M-My mistress?

Just then she smiled at me before she got off me and off the bed before she went over to a drawer and opened it before she pulled something out and I was about to get ready to and she saw this.


Linsey-Don't even think about it. You get off that bed i'll just easily trip you to keep you down and get a bigger whip.

I let her threat sink in, but she didn't give me time to respond when she got back on the bed, rubbed my gag on my pussy before strapping it back in my mouth, and flipped me over to whip my ass once with the whip and she didn't hold back. My scream was kept quiet because of the gag and a tear slipped out of my eye.

Linsey-Now that I have your attention, i'm going to lay down some rules if you're going to be touching my son.


(M/N)-*Muffled screams*!

Linsey-Rule number one, you'll only be allowed to touch if he wants you, you had a bath, and been a good bitch.


(M/N)-*Muffled screams* *sobbing*!

Linsey-Rule number two, when we're with the others you can call me mom to set an example to my baby, but when we're alone, you're going to call me... your queen.


(M/N)-*Muffled screams* *sobbing*!

Linsey-Final rule, just like my dad knows, what I say goes, so when I tell you to get away from son, you better do it and I don't care if I have to do it in front of everyone here or even outside if you ever earn that... I. Will. Whip. You. Into submission and make you make it up to me in front of them too... Got it?


(M/N)-*Muffled screams* Y-Yeh! *muffled*

Linsey-Yes what?


(M/N)-*Muffled screams* Y-Yeh, mah heen!

Linsey-Good... Now let's see here. How long?

I was still crying and had no idea what she meant before she went to my makeup table and got my sons tablet and was doing something on it.

Linsey-You said no to that... I hated what you had us do that day. *mumbling*

She kept on going and soon she came up to me and showed my the screen and it was on a timer set for 2 hour and 48 minutes.

Linsey-Each time you do something I don't like or you disobey me, you get a whole minute of spanking, worshipping me, and humiliations and you owe me "a lot" of time... I think we'll start with 10 minutes of whipping.

(M/N)-No wease! *muffled*

Linsey-Fine, we'll add another minute. I go to bed in 3 hours and if we don't finish the time by then, i'll finish it in the morning and have you wake up to it.

I tried begging again and she just added another minute before she just grabbed my hair and pulled me to look at her.

Linsey-You listen to me. My mom, my dad, everyone from my old life knew I was perfect... Then I met you, a jealous bitch that kept on saying like "nobody is perfect" or "somethings just need to be earned some other way" and do you know what I say to that?

She started the timer and held up the whip and I saw the rage in her eyes before she flipped me on my back and spread my legs. I just blushed from her just looking at my pussy, but then I was afraid when she held up the whip then...


(Lemon End)

(Timeskip To Morning)

((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all at breakfast and Linsey was feeding me while I was in her lap and Mary was feeding my mommy oatmeal. We were all just having oatmeal with some strawberries in it that Bridget made.


I was gonna ask if I could be with my mommy, but I was gonna ask after breakfast when Linsey is in a good mood. When we all finished I was about to ask, but then...

Linsey-Oh Anna, do you have something you wanna ask me?~

I just looked at my mommy since that's the name they gave her, but I know that wasn't her real name.

Mommy-... Can I please spend time with (Y/N)... mommy?

I can't believe she said that to Linsey, but the others were happy to hear my mommy say that and even gave her kisses.

Linsey-I guess since you did have a bath... Fine, but that jacket stays on and later i'm taking him to a spa day for some alone time with my son.

Mommy-Ok mommy.

Bridget-Good Anna! Come on.

Bridget picked up my mommy like a baby and Linsey held me in her arms while we went in the living room and she was put on the floor and Linsey put me on my mommy's lap and I just hugged her while she just leaned on me.

Cammy-They look so cute!

Cammy was poking herself with a tac really fast while just came down to hug us and gave me and my mom a kiss on our cheeks.

Mary-M-Mine. *whisper*

She gave both of us a kiss again then Linsey put on a cartoon I liked then I just looked at my mommy thinking about what she said.

(Y/N)-Mommy... why did you call Linsey your mommy?

Linsey-That's a good question. You wanna answer that "Anna"?

Cammy-Oh, oh, oh, I do, I do!

Linsey-Not you! Her!

She pointed at my mommy and my mommy's cheeks turned pink a little when she looked at me.

Mommy-Because... she's our mom now.

She didn't sound very happy to say that, but Linsey just kissed my cheek and she made me look at her.

Linsey-See, even she knows now. Now just relax and i'll go get the perfect outfit ready for you. We're going to the spa alone in a few hours. Others can come next time.

Cammy-Aww... *Gasp* We got her new clothes! We can play dress up with her!

My mom's cheeks turned kinda red a little more now and the girls just talked about the spa and playing dress up with my mom and wanted to do it with me, but Linsey said no because she says that she's the only one allowed to dress me when she's here.

(Y/N's mind-Mommy... are they really going to be our mommies now?... How does that work?


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