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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just looking for a place to hide in the woods until I know someone is coming to help me and I found a river and my daddy said it's ok to drink from a river as long as you're careful. I was thirsty, so I got a little drink by scooping the water in my hands a bit at a time until I was done. When I walked away from the river I saw some signs on the ground behind a bush and they all said "Duck Season" on them and I remember these kinds of episodes. I just shrugged it off and started walking around the woods again and maybe I can find a ranger or someone to help me that hopefully won't run away and leave me alone again. Later I found a few men with guns, but they didn't look all that friendly and guns are very dangerous, so I just left them alone and soon just left the forest giving up on finding help her and just then I ran into someone and they had an evil smile on their face and I knew who it was.


Daffy-Hold it right there, buster!

I don't think he was here to help me, so I just backed up before I ran back in the woods and he chased me.

Daffy-You're going back and that sweet gold bar is gonna have my name on it!

I knew it, he was helping Lola find me and was gonna take me to her. I just kept on running, but he was catching up to me and soon I made it back to the river and I couldn't swim that good, so I was cornered by him.

Daffy-Ah-ha! Now I got you!

This was all crazy! I just wanted to go home, but i'm stuck in this world full of Looney Tunes trying to give me to Lola... Wait... Looney Tunes! I thought of something and I just hope it works, so I had to think about what Daffy likes and I think it's just himself and money, so...

(Y/N)-O-Ok... You got me, but before you take me back to Lola, can I at least go get my diamonds.

Daffy-Ha, i'm not stupid. I know you don't have any diamonds at your age.

(Y/N)-Well,... it's my family's diamonds. It's all I have... I can give you one if you let me go get them. You'll have a gold bar "and" a diamond.

He had his eyes wide open before he just run behind me and started to push me in the woods.

Daffy-Alright, alright, we got a deal, but I get to pick the diamond!


He actually bought it! I started walking and now I was going to the bush where I found those signs and when I could see it I just ran to the bush and went behind them and I just hope this works or i'm doomed.

Daffy-Wait, that's where... OH, NO YOU DON'T!!!

I think he knew the signs were here and I grabbed a Duck Season sign and tried to hold it up, but he grabbed it and pulled it from me and had his foot on the other signs, so I can't pick them up.

Daffy-You got to get "pretty early" to pull a fast one over me.

(Y/N)-Give me that!

I jumped at him and he pulled the sign up above his head and I fell on my butt and he just stuck his tongue at me while he was still holding up the sign then...













My ears were ringing, but I looked at Daffy and he looked funny and I kinda laughed.


He fixed his mouth and dropped the sign and he looked mad, but I just quickly grabbed the sign and held it up again and there was more gunshots again, so I took this chance and ran while he was dizzy.

Daffy-Get back here!

I ignored him and ditched the sign to run faster before I tripped over something and he was still coming, so I got up and ran again while trying to think of something, but I got nothing because I only know him from a duck season and a rabbit season episode other than the movies I saw him in.

(Y/N)-Leave me alone!

Daffy-Give me my gold bar then i'll leave you alone!

He kept on chasing me and I saw a cave and it worked for me before and this place was a mine with some lanterns inside lighting up the place and I saw something in here and it did not look friendly, so I stopped, but tripped nd Daffy tripped over me and stepped on the animals tail and that woke it up and stared at Daffy.



The lion didn't see me and started to beat up Daffy and I didn't see any blood, so I took this chance to run and when I made it out of the cave Daffy was trying to run out, but was grabbed and was being pulled back in.

Daffy-This! Means! War!

He was pulled back in to get beat up while he was screaming and making noises and I think I was safe and if he can take all those gunshot, he can handle getting beat up by a lion. I just walked out of the woods not feeling as happy as I would think.

(Y/N)'s mind-First Sam is after me and now Daffy. How can this get worse?

???-Meh, what's up doc?

I turned to see where that voice came from and when I did I was scared to see Bugs Bunny leaning on a tree and eating a carrot.


I had to think. I fooled and lost 2 people before, I just need to out smart him and think like a looney tune. I couldn't think of anything right now, but maybe he didn't see the posters yet since I took some down, so I just need to be calm and maybe he'll let me go.

(Y/N)-Oh nothing much... What's up with you?

Bugs-Who me? I'm just out for a stroll, doing a favor for a friend. Have you seen a black duck around here?

(Y/N)-Oh, um, no. Sorry... Mr. Bunny.

Bugs-Oh call me Bugs. Anyway you look like you're from the 3D world. What brings ya here?

(Y/N)-I'm actually trying to get home. Do you think you can help me?

Bugs-Sure, why not. Follow me.

I don't think he knows, so I just followed him back into town and he just talked about the weather and stuff, but soon he talked about...

Bugs-Not to pry in, but this friend of mine lost a kid and she was very clear that she wanted him back even after having them for a short time. Know anyone like that?

Just then my heart sank and I stopped walking and he turned to look at me and I can't believe he almost did, but I wasn't going to make it easy for him.

(Y/N)-You're working for her!

He was about to talk, but I just ran around the corner and planned to run out of this town and I saw an alley way and ran into it to hide, but when I did I tripped over something and it was a cat, but when the cat looked at me and I saw it's tail...



She just jumped on me and gave me a hug while actually kissing my face and I just pushed her away and put her down before I ran again, but she got in front of me and hissed at me like she was mad.

(Y/N)-Penelope, I can't play right now.

???-Meh, friend of yours?

I turned to see Bugs was right behind me and I was about to ran, but Penelope ran at him like she was going to attack him, but he just ducked and she went over him only for her to knock something over and fall on top of him.

(Y/N)-Woah. *whisper*

I don't think he was getting out of that for a while, so I was about to leave, but Penelope climbed over the junk she knocked over onto Bugs and hopped in my arms to give me more kisses before I stopped her and when I did, I saw a look in her eyes.


(Y/N)-Penelope, you need to go home ok.

I put her again, but she just grabbed my arm and pulled on it and I looked to see her tapping her foot on the ground like she was mad and when I just picked her up again she was happy.

(Y/N)-Fine, i'll take you home. Maybe I can try the police again.

I just walked down the street and while I was doing that, suddenly a sewer cap popped out and was pushed to the side before I saw Bugs come out of it.


Bugs-Missed me kid?

(Y/N)-B-But you were-. How did you-? You were buried under junk with no way out except crawling out! You couldn't get out that fast!

Bugs-I know there are laws of physics, but I never studied law.

(Y/N)-Wait... I just got one thing to say.

Bugs-What is it Mac?

I just waited for a bit to think of something, but when I couldn't I ran the other way and Penelope held on to me, but when I got around the corner I bumped into a police officer and maybe he could help my unlike the other one from before.

(Y/N)-Officer, I need help getting out of here and getting home... There's a bad man after me!

Just then he turned around and I saw them wearing white gloves and when I saw who it was I was more confused than scared.


Bugs-Give me details kid! I want no funny business!

I just ran again and soon I made it to a park and sat on bench when I was out of breath and Penelope wasn't happy that I was running a lot, but was trying to comfort me, but someone sat next to us and when I looked...


Bugs-Is this seat taken?~ *fake woman voice*

(Y/N)'s mind-You gotta be kidding me.


Penelope just attacked him and tore his costume at some places as I started to run and she easily caught up to me. I just need to lose him and he should be getting tired too, right?

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

I was out of breath and I don't know how he could change clothes so fast and still keep up with me after I only sit or rest for a few seconds. Penelope was right next to my feet as I couldn't even run anymore and just then I saw Bugs just walk around a corner eating a carrot and leaned on the wall.


He wasn't saying anything and I just fell to my knees tired, hungry, and thirsty. He was just standing there and I don't know why because he already won and just had to take me to Lola.

(Y/N)-Why are you *pant* just standing there? *pant* Are you *pant* gonna take me to Lola?

He just shook his head no with a smile on his face and looked at the building and I looked at it too and I recognized this building too and now he just pointed behind me and when I turned around.


Lola-Welcome back home sweetie.~

I just fell on my belly,  was tired that I was actually falling asleep, but before I did I felt Lola pick me up and Penelope was hissing at her before I just fell asleep.

(Lola's POV)

My baby was passed out on the sidewalk from being exhausted from the chase Bugs put him on that he told me about before I was dragged out here, but now there was only one tiny problem... this cat that I thought was a skunk at first was on my baby's back and hissing at me to stay away.


Bugs-Meh, need some more help. I don't know what's up with this cat.

Lola-If it's a stray i'm calling the pound.

Bugs-I got it. Come here little-. AAAHHHHH!!!

As soon as he touched the cat they just went berserk and clawed at him and crawled all over him before they stopped and at first I was just gonna call animal control, but then I thought I can't keep an eye on him 24/7 even if we're just in the house and this cat seems very defensive of him...

Lola's mind-If I can tame this cat, maybe they'll help me keep a better eye on my baby and make sure he doesn't run away again or at the very least let me know or gives a reason for (Y/N) to stay.

I saw a fish merchant across the street, so I went to quickly buy a fish and came back to Bugs still being attacked before I whistled to get the cat's attention and it worked, so I held the fish out.


Lola-Oh kitty. You want it?~

I just tossed it up to the third story window of my apartment and it made it inside, so I guess basketball paid off another way. I just picked my baby up and went over to Bugs while he was on the ground.

Lola-Oh Bugs, you brought my baby boy back to me, safe and sound.~

Bugs-Shucks, it was nothing.

Lola-Here's your reward.~

I just kissed him and he was love struck again before I just went inside and got in an elevator and headed up to my floor then to my apartment. When I got inside I saw the cat eating the fish on the floor and i'll deal with her in a bit. I just went to my room and put my son in where I have something setup for his time out that will start when he wakes up.


I "borrowed" it from a mental hospital and it was perfect and it was cute how it was still a little big for him, but I managed to strap in completely and he stirred, but I guess that chase really drained him because he only opened his eyes a little bit sometimes before he just closed it. It didn't matter if he was still awake or not before he was in his special wheelchair all nice and snug now and not going anywhere. Just to be sure I just put a clean washcloth in his mouth and used some small rope to tie it and keep it in until he's ready to eat some dinner and I got some meat for him this time. I just went back to my living room where the cat was and closed my window to make sure they couldn't leave and when they were done eating they just hissed at me.


Lola's mind-Alright,... let's see if we can make this work... Not that I have a problem throwing you out if you don't help me with what I want.


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