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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were all heading to the bathroom for a bath and I told them I could do it alone, but Misty said no and Sophie was mad when I said it and started to carry me there and Isabella was scared off being alone in the house. My mommy wasn't here anymore and I didn't know where she went, but when we got to the bathroom Sophie put me down and took my clothes off while Misty and Isabella were trying to learn how to turn the bath on and when they got the water to turn on...


She hopped out of the bath and I saw they only turned the hot water on, so I just added some cold water and that' when Misty took her clothes off and so did Sophie, but Isabella stayed away from the bath for a bit before she came closer. Misty put me in the bath with her and we sat in the water.

Misty-(Y/N), lean back.

Misty pulled me back into her before she put soap in my hair and started to scrub my hair and I closed my eyes and I felt Sophie get in, in front of me. She started to rub my front body and I didn't like being treated like a baby, but when the soap was rinsed off I just opened my eyes and saw Sophia in front of my and was washing herself with the bar of soap and she was trying to get her back, but she gave up when she couldn't get all of it. Misty took the soap from her and did the same thing, but I looked at Isabella who was just watching us in the bath.


She came closer to me licked my cheek and I just rubbed it and when we got out of the bath Isabella just grabbed a towel and helped dry me off before she picked me up in the towel.

Isabella-B-Baby... My baby.

She smiled when she said that and gave me more kisses and I tried to get out of her arms, but she just held me tighter.


The others got out of the bath and Sophie took me from Isabella while she was still soaked in water and we all went out in the hall and they were getting water on the floor and my mom hates that.

(Y/N)-Hey, you have to dry off first. You have to do after every bath.

Sophie-... Oh.

She just rubbed me on her since I was in the towel still and I guess she was kinda right and Misty took me to dry her back and Sophie did the same. We went to my room to get dressed and they wouldn't let me dress myself and I had to fix my shirt since they put it on backwards, but they got dressed just fine and Isabella picked me up again then Sophie grabbed my arm.

Sophie-Hey, give him!

Isabella-... N-No. I want him.

Misty-Both of you, share.

Just then Misty took me from both of them and held me in her arms before she just rubber her nose on mine and licked it before we just went out to the living room to watch some more T.V. since they like it and sometimes try to repeat what they say in the cartoons we watch together.

((M/N)'s POV)

I told my boss and co-workers what this serum did to my pets and at first they didn't believe me, but I showed them the live feed from my cameras to make them believe. My boss is still pushing this project forward by still bringing in the other animals he was able to obtain, but i'm under orders to bring these 3 back to the lab immediately and no matter the cost and it would be our best interests to keep these 3 calm. This is still highly unpredictable and dangerous and for all we know, they can get angry and turn into something like monsters with sharp fangs and a thirst for blood. I just got home and pulled up in the drive way and I know Sophie and Misty loved car rides as long as my son was with us and if I bring him i'll just put him in the break room. We're only going to be there to drop them off in the lab anyway, so I don't mind bring my son to work for only a brief moment, but the tricky part was going to be that rabbit girl. I just got inside and I saw the girls with my son just watching a cartoon and I caught Sophie trying to copy what was being said on T.V., so that means she's able to learn and the others most likely must be learning too.


Sophie just grabbed (Y/N) and it was time to put on my act and I just hope they're all dumb enough to fall for it. They can be mad all they want once they're in containment cells ready for them and my son is at a safe distance for me to bring him back home. We're working on another serum to reverse the effects on them and soon they should just be our cat, dog, and rabbit that gets on my nerves again.

(M/N)-Hey, who wants to go on a car ride?!~


Misty looked very happy and she took (Y/N) with her and Sophie came too since (Y/N) was coming, so that was 2 and just one more to go and I had an idea. I went into the fridge and pulled out something that I think she might like.


(M/N)-Hey bunny. If you come with us, this carrot can be all yours.~

(Y/N)-Mom, her name is Isabella.

Isabella just looked at the carrot I was holding and came over to me slowly before she took it and followed the others to the car. I got in the car too and started to drive and this part was super easy... the next part is gonna be kinda trick though and that's getting my son away from them when we get to the lab and I just hope they don't react too much when they see the building, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem since i'm gonna be using the back entrance and I texted my boss at a red light and got clearance from him to use it.

(Timeskip 20 minutes)

We made it to my work and they don't recognize the building from the back of it, but now Isabella was scared and Sophie and Misty were getting skeptical of me now. I just parked in the garage parking lot and we all got out of the car and Sophie was holding my son.

(M/N)-Come on, let's go in.

Misty-*Sniff* *sniff*... Hmmm.

I just kept my cool and they followed me in the elevator and I texted my boss on the way up to tell him I was coming up and to have help and sedatives ready. I just turned to Sophie and I want to get my son away from her, so he doesn't get shot in the ambush. I waited until we were between floors and before the doors could open I reached to my son and ripped him away from Sophie and got down while the doors were opening and there was 3 men there with tranquillizer guns and opened fired and missed us with the few shots they fired and (Y/N) held on to me tighter out of fear of being shot, but it was over quickly and quietly with the girls falling to the floor still awake, but very weak and dizzy. I could tell (Y/N) was scared and worried for his animal friends, so I just sat up and had him look at me.

(M/N)-Baby, it's ok. They're alright, they're just going to sleep for a while, so we can turn them back.

(Y/N)-I-I... What?

(M/N)-Look, they're still breathing just fine. They're just. Going. To sleep.

(Y/N) just felt their backs and they were still rising and lowering due to heavy breathing from sleeping. This made him calm down and I stood up with him in my arms while the men were taking the girls to the containment area and I was taking my son to the break room and nobody was in here right now, so he can have some time to himself before we go back home and i'll just get him some ice cream and have a talk with him while we watch his favorite cartoon or something when we get home and make this as easy for him as possible. He'll have his pets back in no time and I might even get a cage for that rabbit to make up for this. When I made it to the containment area, I didn't see the girls since they were definitely being examined to help improve the serum to help reverse the effects on them and turn them back into normal animals. I even saw some of the other animals we have before I ran into my boss.


I just walked up to my boss and he was just typing something on his tablet while observing.

(M/N)-I thought we had more than this coming in?

Boss-We do, but I decided to start with the females first and test on the males later. I don't want to risk losing all our lab subjects and if the males live they can still reproduce or if this serum only works for a certain gender then we'll have to tweak the serum a little. We have the serum to turn your pets back to normal in due process. We shall have it ready by tomorrow.

(M/N)-I have to take my son back home now. I don't like him here.

Boss-Yes, yes, go home. We'll notify you when we have them injected.

(Timeskip To Night)

(Misty's POV)

I was on a table, held down by 3 belts, and very scared. I have no idea where Sophie or Isabella are, but I do know how I got here and it was all that mom's fault. Soon a human came in holding something and speaking to their phone while walking to me.


Man-Now I shall prepare for the first injection to attempt to devolve subject #1, named Misty.

He was wiping the needle and I hated those things, so I kept on trying to get out and when he looked at me something in my snapped and I felt something on my hand and I saw veins popping out of my hand and I felt stronger, not enough to break free, but enough to use my claws to cut through the belt enough to break it and the other one holding my upper body then slipped my legs out quickly.

Man-Asset out of containment!

He was about to run, but I jumped on top of him and he dropped the needle and I was just so mad.

Misty-Let's see how you like it!

I grabbed the needle and pulled on his shirt to show my his neck before I stabbed him and pressed on the button thing to put the stuff in him.


He tried to get up, but I just grabbed his head and slammed it to the ground until he was asleep. I got up and left the room and I found a whole case of those needles he had and I took them incase more people show up and I ran when I heard lots of footsteps coming. I went into a room and closed the door and I heard crying in here and looked to see it was Isabella trapped on a table.



I put the case down before I went to try and cut her loose and it took a bit, but I did it and she just hugged me and cried into my chest and I hugged her back.

Isabella-Scared, i'm so scared!

I just hugged her some more because I was scared too, but we had to go, so I took the case again and left with Isabella and she was hiding behind me. I just tried to find Sophie's scent, but I couldn't and when I heard more people coming I took Isabella and we hid in a closet while they ran past and soon after... I smelled blood.


We just got out of the closet and I followed the scent where the people went and when we got there Isabella was scared that we saw Sophie with blood on her hands and her claws were very sharp while she looked at us then put them away.



Sophie-Misty, Isabella!

She ran to us and she got a little blood on us, but when she stopped hugging us I just looked at the case and was very angry that the mom would do this to us...

Misty's mind-If she wants to do it to us... We're gonna do it to her.

We just went down the hall and Isabella was hiding behind us and soon we made it to a room were we heard animal noises inside cages and it sounded like they were in pain, but ther humans were here and I really wanted to know...

Misty-Where's... the mom?

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was being tucked in by my mom and she said Sophie and Misty are coming home back to normal tomorrow and she even got a big cage for Isabella and she was letting me look at the picture of it in the backyard and I can go in and play with her.


(M/N)-Sweetie, I hope you know it's for the best that the girls are going back to normal.

(Y/N)-... I know, but... it was cool that I could understand them... They were also not very good at doing stuff yet.

(M/N)-Well tomorrow, we'll put Isabella in her new cage and you can teach her tricks all day long. Ok?


She just gave me a kiss before she left my room and I just closed my eyes and went to sleep while I was happy that my mommy was finally letting me keep Isabella.


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