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((Y/N)'s POV)

We were in the living room and Blair was telling Kalma and Sarita what I tried to do and I don't think they were happy when they heard it. I just tried to look away and Blair only made me look back at them and I remember this feeling when I get in trouble with my mommy and daddy. When Kalma got up and came over to me she made me look at her and she was mad.

Kalma-Why would you try to run away?... After all we did to love, have fun with, and protect you.

(Y/N)-I-... I just-.

Kalma-Do you know what it felt like to hear that you tried to run away from us?

Sarita-Maybe I should take you out and give others a show.

I knew that meant she wanted to spank me in front of everyone, but Blair held me a little tighter while I was still stuck in this blanket.

Blair-We're not hitting him. Our poor baby was just scared and home sick. We just need him to learn his lesson.

Kalma-We have to punish him without hitting him? I don't think a timeout is gonna be enough.

Blair-I had something else in mind. I wanted to do something to make his skin even softer than it is now, but the only thing is that it burns when it cleans the skin. We punish and help him at the same time.

Sarita-Baby soft?... Alright.

Blair-Kalma, hold them while I go get the stuff.

She gave me to Kalma and I was scared and tried to get out of the blanket again, but I couldn't and Kalma just played with my nose.

(Y/N)-Please, I won't do it again! J-Just don't hurt me!

Kalma-Well maybe you should've thought of that earlier.

Sarita-And this is the good kind of pain sweetie.

I didn't want any kind of pain, but when Blair came in she had a plain white bottle in her hand and Kalma unwrapped me and I didn't know how she did it so easily.

Blair-Strip him and hold him down. I'm starting with his chest and belly.

(No POV)

When Blair started putting the cream on (Y/N) he didn't think it burned at all... until 10 seconds later and he started to feel the burn bit by bit until it hurt. He was crying and Blair was trying to comfort him, but she still put the cream that was burning all the excess oils and waste in his body to make his skin more healthy and smooth. After a whole hour of slowly spreading the cream on his body he was only left with the burning on his body and he could only cry. The girls were gentle with him since they think he's been punished enough and now he just needs to wait for the pain to pass, but until then...

(Kalma's POV)

I don't think he knows this, but he was crying into my lap and I don't know if he was sweating from the pain or the lotion or some shit, but I didn't give a fuck. He was cute like this and maybe now he'll even be scared to think about leaving. I just pet his head and Sarita was trying to tick his feet, but I don't think he was gonna be ticklish right now.

Blair-When the burning stops we'll give him a bath.

Kalma-Wait... Pup, look at me.

I made him look at me and he was still crying, but trying to get himself under control .

Kalma-Why would you fucking run away from us? Were you trying to go home, hm?... Wait... *chuckles* Don't tell me you thought some demon in shining armor was gonna help you? They would either kill, torture, or even get inside you before they just laugh at the idea of them helping you.

Blair-Kalma, that's being too harsh!... Sweetie, the bad people are down here for very good reasons or they were just born bad here. It's madness out there and nothing good is going to come from it.

Sarita-And here we are giving you a home. I even casted out my number one slut for you and I still don't regret it. I told her not to touch and she went way beyond that... I want you to be my perfect little sub, but not like my other ones that fear me... I want you to feel safe, so when your guard is down, I can do whatever I want to you and the fact you won't know what to do just sounds... *moan*.~

She was going through her own shit with him right now and I personally just want him to do whatever the fuck I say, but only for entertainment. When his cries were done, he just felt all sweaty, sticky, and disgusting.

Kalma-Ugh, yeah, it's bath time.

Sarita-Let's use my bath. I wanna see how good he feels after this treatment.

We were taking my pup to Sarita's special bath we all had together that one time and I was carrying him and motherfucker did this feel gross, but that should mean he's gonna feel better than ever after this bath. When we got there we all stripped down and got the bath going, but we poured water on our baby first before filling the huge tub and you could kinda see and as for me, just smell all that gross shit coming off him. I even had him on my lap while I was getting shampoo to scrub his hair and Blair was trying to give me a fucking crash course on how to wash someone's fucking hair, but I just ignored her. I wasn't hurting him and after this bath is over, i'm taking him to my room for my own punishment for him, but for now, he was getting scrubbed down.

((Y/N)'s POV)

The burning was gone now during this bath and I could fell the sweat coming off me and I don't feel anything different. Sarita came over and swung her boobs in my face and I tried to stop her, but she held my arms down and Kalma didn't do anything to stop her.

Sarita-Come on baby, you've been in these so many times. You're gonna have them rather if you like or not.~

I looked at Blair and he was coming over and pulled Sarita back and this made both of them argue and I didn't like it, but just then Kalma stood up in the water and turned me to her and rubbed my arms.

Kalma-Wow, you do feel more soft and smooth.~ ... I'm taking him to my room. My turn to have him.

Sarita-*Tch* Fine... I'll just have a few toys waiting for him when it's my turn again.

Blair wasn't happy about Kalma talking me, but I don't think Kalma care when she took me out to dry me off and she didn't even bother to dress either of us before we went down the hall and made it to her room and she just put me down before she closed and locked her down and she turned to look at me.

Kalma-Get on all fours... Now!

I was scared and just did what she said and she just smiled at me and I think she just wants to treat me like a dog again. She bent down to me and held my chin to make me look at her and she squeezed my cheeks together.

Kalma-Now what should I do to my bad puppy? Running away from his owner like that.

I was about to talk and beg her that I was already punished, but I knew what she wanted me to do and if I didn't do it I would be in more trouble with her.

(Y/N)-... B-Bark. *whisper*

Kalma-Aww, good boy, you remembered that puppies don't talk.~ It's not gonna change anything... Should I take you out for a walk like this and you can see hell better than before... Oh, I got it, follow me "puppy".

She let go of me and started walking before she got into her closet and there wasn't a lot of clothes since I think she mostly just wears underwear, but she pulled out something and I knew it was for me.


Kalma-I usually lock food in here for when i'm hungry later, but I think you're gonna be an exception... Get in.

She opened the and she at least tossed a pillow in there before I slowly got in and she locked it before pushing me next to her bed.

Kalma-I think since you didn't sleep earlier, you can do it now. Let's see how much you miss sleeping in a bed when you're not allowed to. I'll let you out when I wake up.

I just stayed quite while she got into her bed and I was stuck in this cage with only a pillow big enough to cover the bottom of the cage. I tried to get comfy, but it was hard when I couldn't stretch in here, so I had to curl up and I didn't feel comfortable doing that right now.

Kalma-Good night.~

She turned off the lights in here and I looked under her bed to see nothing under it, but a couple of bones. There was scratches on the metal in here from others that tried to get out and I didn't have claws or anything, so I can't get out. All I could is try not to cry and go to sleep since I was tired.

(Blair's POV)

I know Kalma is punishing (Y/N) and it was good and bad at the same time because it will teach him not to run away again, but I don't know what she was doing since when I went by her door, I didn't hear screaming or anything and her door was locked. Maybe she just gave him an early bed time or something, but when I get him when he wakes up, i'm gonna have something ready for him to show him that I still want this to be as much as a loving home as possible.

(???'s POV)

I heard from one of my spies that the rumors were true of an alpha hellhound, the famous succubus Sarita, and a fallen angel have a living human child. This was certainly interesting and what better way than to see this child for myself and see what these girls do when I take what they claimed as theirs.


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