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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being in a bed and I was all alone in a room, but I remembered what happened, so I think this was Loona's room. I felt the collar on my neck and when I tapped one of the spikes it was a little sharp, but not enough to make me bleed unless I grab it really hard. Soon the door opened and when it did I saw Loona come in and she was on her phone and had a beer bottle in her hand like my daddy has one a lot.


When she was done, she put the bottle down and saw I was awake and smiled at me before she got into bed with me and pulled me close to her before she was starting to take the collar off me and I remembered what she said about a bath. I just hope she'll let me take one alone instead of what Millie did to me.

(Y/N)-Am I getting bath?


(Y/N)-Um... Can you show me where it is?

Loona-I'm taking you there with me. I'm making sure you get the scent I don't want on you, off you.

(Y/N)-But I can wash myself!

Loona-*Growl* I don't care.

She got the collar off before she took me out of bed with her and went down the hall and I didn't see Blitz here. When we got to the bathroom she just closed and locked the door before she turned on the water and stripped me before she put me in the water and started to get in herself. I wish she was at least like Millie that kept her clothes on and stayed out of the bath because this was worse than that. When she was washing my hair I closed my eyes and felt her claws scratching me a little and it didn't hurt, but sometimes she scratches somewhere that kinda itches just right and I think she noticed somehow and scratched there some more.

Loona-Do you really like that?

(Y/N)-Um... I don't know.

Loona-*Chuckle* Well let's see if you like it in other spots.

When she washed out my hair she started to scrub and scratch my body and there was a spot at the middle of my back and it felt so good that I shook a little and she laughed.

Loona-Huh, look what I found.~

She went faster and I couldn't help, but shake more and tried to keep quiet, but soon I fell back into her and I looked up to see her looking at me.

(Loona's POV)

If this kid were to die right now, he would be in heaven. This was just adorable and I plain to have more fun with that spot on his back I found because he was shaking like a leaf, he even stretches a little when you scratch an itch for him, and he even blushes at this kind of stuff even when he's trying not to look at me and I know others in hell would want to sneak a peak. Let's see how fun he is to tease.

Loona-I know Millie thinks you're adorable too. How about I tell her about this spot on your back?

He just shook his head very fast and I smiled.

Loona-Why shouldn't I tell her? Don't you like this?~

I scratched the spot on his back when he was about to talk and what came out next was too precious.

(Y/N)-I-I-I d-d-d-don't-t l-like it!

Loona-You're a horrible liar... Say you like or i'm gonna video chat her and tell her right now.

He blushed even harder and I could tell he was too shy to say it and I wasn't gonna tell Millie, at least not yet because I don't want to risk her coming over just to play with him. I'm having him all to myself while Blitz is out creeping on people.

Loona-Fine, don't say it... I'll just have more fun with it later.

Just then I finished washing him and turned this bath into a shower before I stood up and he just curled up at the end of the bath while still not wanting to look at me. After a while I was done and turned off the water before I got us both out and started to dry us off and he was defensive of his back and kept it turned away from me while closing his eyes to not look at me while I was naked. It was cute and I remembered that I had no other clothes for him and I wasn't putting him back in those clothes until that scent was off them completely too, but I did have that box of clothes Blitz had when he had plans on adopting a kid and they were punk girl clothes, but they can pass for boys too. I just took him to my room and got him dressed and those clothes aren't exactly made to be cute, but he did make it cute with that face he was wearing and when I got dressed after... he was still looking away.

Loona-Hey, i'm dressed now. You can look.

He just shook his head no and I just took his chin and lifted it up to make him look at me and when he saw me he just blushed and I wonder if he was thinking about our bath.

Loona-Are you embarrassed you saw me naked? Get over it, because that's gonna be normal for you now.

(Y/N)-... You're gonna scratch that spot on my back again. *mumble*

Loona-Wait, that's it? Me just scratching that sweet spot?

He blushed harder and nodded his head and the fact he was embarrassed and flustered about that and not my body was just adorable. I just picked him up and he tried to twist a little to try and keep his back for me and when I turned him back he just stopped and looked at me with a pair of puppy eyes.

Loona-Awww, is it embarrassing for when I get your spot?~


He said that in a higher pitched voice and it made me think... how cute it would look to make him submit to me by just scratching that spot he loves so much.

Loona-Well when you put it like that... i'll do whatever the hell I want with you.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Loona put me on her bed and took the shirt she gave me off before she pushed me on my belly and sat on my legs and I just covered the spot she wants to scratch, but she only took my arms and tied them together a little lower on my back, so now I can't cover the spot.

Loona-Just so you know, to most down here, this could be so much fucking worse.

She just started to scratch the spot on my back and it just felt so good and I kept on making noises even when I tried not too and she was just loving this.

(Y/N)-St-St-Stop it pl-pl-pl-please!

Loona-Why should I? I think I might even send a video of this to everyone. You want that?~

I just shook my head no and just then she stopped and flipped me over to look at her and she got off me.


Loona-Are you gonna do whatever I say?

I just nodded my head yes if it meant to keep this a secret and she just smiled before she picked my up and put me on the ground standing, but my arms were still tied behind my back.

Loona-I gonna lay down a few rules when you're in my room and if you don't follow them, i'll make sure everyone in hell knows about that sweet spot of yours.


Loona-It's only one simple rule... Do whatever I say... Turn around.


Loona-Did I stutter? I said turn around.

I did what she said and I heard her go into a drawer and I didn't see what she got, but I just hope it wasn't something sharp.

Loona-Back up into me and sit on my lap.

I backed up and when I sat on her lap she picked my and pulled me on her bed and when she did that I felt her started to brush my hair and I had some knots in it.

Loona-When i'm done, i'm gonna go get some more liquor for me and i'll get something for you too. We're gonna watch some horror movies tonight.

(Y/N)-B-But I don't like- *gasp*!

She was scratching my spot again and I didn't like how embarrassing it was and she kept on going until I fell back into her.

Loona-I didn't ask and if you're that scared, I guess you'll just have to snuggle into me.

She left the room after she was done brushing my hair and I thought about running, but soon she came back with beer for her, but she also had some soda I never saw before in her other hand.

Loona-I'm letting you use the soda I use for drinks. It's basically (F/S).

I did love that soda and when she opened a can and poured some into my mouth, it tasted exactly like that and it was nice and cold. Soon she closed her door and turned off all the lights except for the T.V. and she just put on a movie called "The Shining" and my dad saw this, but won't let me see it and I never wanted to either.

(Timeskip 10 minutes)

(Loona's POV)

This was priceless, nothing's even happened yet and he's nuzzling into me like he thinks every second was just one away from a jump scare. I didn't give a shit about the movie since it wasn't that scary to me, but I picked it to scare him into me and wanting to cuddle after the movie when we go to sleep. I even took a selfie of him being scared into me and posted it before I just watched the movie.

(Y/N)-Please, I don't wanna watch this.

Loona-You want others to know about that spot?

As if I was going to tell everyone, but I know it scared (Y/N) into doing what I want and when he shook his head no I just wrapped my arm around him and gave him a sip of soda before I got some beer for myself.

Loona's mind-Such a timid baby... I'm gonna enjoy making you submit to me by you're own will.~

(???'s POV)

I left the boys for a bit after I saw a few demons looking at a picture of a hellhound with a human little boy. I even saw a hashtag that was the name of that dreadful company that ruined our lives when we were just trying to do our job. I even had an idea and saw this as an opportunity for redemption to get back into heaven.

???'s mind-If we can return this child to his home, we can prove that we didn't mean to kill that old man or at the very least make up for what we did.


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