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(Linsey's POV)

I left this morning for the others to get my baby ready for his walk and I let them use my shower, but the doctor was still not allowed until i'm 100% sure that she's decently cleaned off a couple of times which will most likely be never. I was almost to my dad's house and I haven't seen him since the police were called on me and I was taken away during one of his punishments and he deserved it anyway. I wanted him to do a simple foot massage and he had the nerve to say "just wait a minute" and it still pisses me off a little. When I finally parked in front of the house I saw my dad did some redecorating and helping himself since I left, but that just shows me that he still has millions coming in a month, so I went up to the door and knocked on it and when the door opened I saw my dad and he was surprised and horrified to see me.



He backed up from me and I walked in while closing the door keeping a calm look on my face.

Linsey-Hey daddy, long time, no see.

Dad-You're su-supposed to be in the mental hospital!

Linsey-Oh really... SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!

I walked up to him and I know his weakness is if you pull on his ear and I yanked on it extra hard and he fell on his ass and I stomped on his dick.

Linsey-Do you know how bad it was in there and it was all your fault that I ended up there! Now you listen to me!

Dad-Pl-Please, I didn't call the-!

I brought my foot down on his balls and he held them in pain while shutting up.

Linsey-I know you don't want me and frankly, I don't care. I found a better place, but if you want to keep me from coming back here and give you a "play time" you're gonna do what I say. I want half of what you get every month and don't even try hiding it from me because we have connected bank accounts and I know how much you make a month!

Dad-Linsey, I can't do that. Y-You're not healthy.

Linsey-Fine... I expect 55% of what you get every month now and if you want to make it 60%, i'm fine with that.

He didn't talk back and I got off him and held my foot down in a way he knew that I wanted him to kiss my foot and before I left, I went to my room and the whipped man kept my whips in my room or he just couldn't bring himself to come in here after I left. After I got the stuff I need incase he makes me come back, I don't need to waste a trip to this room.

Linsey-Bye dad, don't bother visiting unless you give me something. I'm done with you otherwise.

With that, I was heading back home to get my baby on his walk and I wonder what they were doing now.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Mary was holding me and Cammy and Bridget were in Bridget's room putting up some kind of crib thing on her bed saying that my mommy was going down for a nap while we go out for a walk and if i'm bad they said I will get grounded. I tried to go see my mommy, but Mary wouldn't let go of me and she even made me drink from her boob a bit ago. Soon Cammy came out very happy and skipped over to us before she sat next to us then kissed my head.


Cammy-Hi sweetie! Is Linsey back yet?! I wanna go right now!

Mary just shook her head no and Cammy just kicked her feet in place and groaned like she was throwing a fit about it and soon after we saw a car pull up outside. Cammy went from being sad that we weren't going to getting up and bouncing and Mary held me tighter and turned me away from her when she screamed a little, but it was more like a squeak.


Cammy-We're going, we're going, we're going!

She kept on repeating that and pulled a tac out of her pocket and started to poke herself a few times before she put it away and I saw the blood coming off her arm and when Linsey came in holding a bag she looked over to me then saw Cammy's arm was bleeding.


Linsey-You better cover that blood if you're coming with us. Where's Bridget?

Cammy-In her room feeding Anna!


Cammy-Yeah, we gave Doccy a new name since we didn't know it. Mary even gave her the name.

Linsey-Whatever, i'm just gonna put this in my room then we'll go walk a couple of blocks.


She went to back room and soon she came back without the bag this time and Bridget was with her now, but I wondered what was in that bag that she had.


Bridget-Bridget wants to hold baby.

She came over to Mary and Mary didn't want too, but Bridget took me from her, but now she just clung on to her while we went out the door and when we made it outside Cammy ran circles around us while Linsey just came up to me and made me look at her while Bridget was holding me like a baby still. She leaned into me and whispered this into my ear.

Linsey-I would be good on this walk or you and your old mother can both be punished. *whisper*

She stayed next to Bridget and we all started walking and Cammy was just dancing around us. I would call out for help, but then I thought about my mommy getting hurt, so when I see people, I have to be quiet because I know Bridget is really strong.

(Bridget's POV)

Mary was holding onto Bridget and my baby boy was so cute in Bridget's arms for the world to see while our baby girl was at home, strapped down, and safe in bed. When the first people we saw, saw me holding our baby, it made me feel proud, even more when Bridget took care of her baby doll before. They were looking at us, but when they kept on getting closer... Bridget's tummy and chest didn't feel good and I turned my baby boy away from them it felt a little better and taking a step away was better too, but now they looked at me differently... Bridget thought she wanted this...

Bridget's mind-Mine... (Y/N) is Bridget's baby now!

Cammy stopped going around us in circles and got in the middle of us and the dangerous strangers, but then the lady came closer to us with a smile.

Lady-Awww, are you 4 babysitters or something?

Linsey-... Oh, we're nannies while the mom is in the hospital.

Man-So she hired 4 for one kid?

Linsey-We're a service. She even asked for 4 of us.

Bad people just looked at us and when they were looking at our baby boy.

Lady-(Y/N), are these 4 really your nannies?

We were surprised that they knew our baby, but it made Bridget mad that the bad people were talking to our baby. Linsey just looked at our baby boy with the mean look she give others when she wants them to do what she wants.

(Y/N)-Um... Yes.

Lady-Well... can you tell us which hospital she's at?

Linsey-She's at Sutter, but we must be going now. We're only letting him get some fresh air.

Man-... We know you're lying. Give us the kid.

When the mean man said that, it made Bridget's heart shatter that he wants to take her baby from her. My Breath was getting faster and happy thoughts weren't working and when Mary took our baby out of my arms...

Bridget-Don't... TOUCH HIM!!!

(No POV)

Bridget went on a small rampage and lucky for them there wasn't a house for another quarter mile, so nobody was coming to help these 2. The others stayed out of it and (Y/N) was horrified of the adults he knew getting rag dolled by Bridget and it ended with them both being unconscious and thrown in trash can on the curb. They continued their walk, but (Y/N) didn't want to and wanted to make sure they were ok and Linsey had a soft spot for this kid and got Bridget to get these 2 back in there house, but she did smash their phones to leave them as a message... Don't. Tell. Anyone. With that they went back to their walk, but (Y/N) still wasn't happy about it, but thankfully nobody else was out to risk getting hurt by them. (Y/N) also said he wants his old mommy and this annoyed Linsey and she finally said yes, but under 2 conditions... She gets a bath up to Linsey's standards and...

(Timeskip 20 minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

I never went to sleep and soon I heard the front door open and Bridget came in and she wasn't happy and I was worried about my son until I saw Mary coming in and holding him.



My son tried to reach to me, but Mary kept him while Bridget put down one of the walls and reached in to take me out of bed and held me in a cradle position again and I had no idea what happened, but I felt Bridget was kinda sweaty and holding my a little rougher than usual... Did she lash out at something?

Bridget-Anna getting another bath before you can cuddle (Y/N).

She gave me a kiss before she took me out of the room with her and Mary went to her room with my son and when we got to the hall bathroom I saw Linsey giving Cammy Instructions on a bath that must be for me.


Linsey-I'm serious, if her hair isn't very soft when it's still wet, you're gonna do it again and I don't care how many times, but you're doing it at least 3 times!

Cammy-Ok, our daughter is gonna be super duper clean!

Linsey-She better be if she's touching (Y/N) or spending the night in my room tonight!

I was surprised to here that even if she sounded mad about it and Bridget grabbed belts she left in here before she stripped me in front of the 2 of them and it was so humiliating. Linsey was about to leave, but before she left she grabbed my face to make me look at her while Bridget was tying my arms behind my back.

Linsey-If you're going to be touching my son even if it's just to spoil him, just know it won't be an everyday thing and before you even start, you're gonna learn who's in charge now. Understand?

She let me go and left before Bridget just picked me up while I was naked and Cammy turned on the water.

Bridget-No hurting Anna too much. Anna is Linsey's daughter too.


We heard her going to her room and I was soon put in the bathtub and Bridget was telling me to listen to Linsey and everything would be fine, but nothing about this was fine. All I need to do is get to my son and maybe we can get out of here, but one thing kept on bothering and scarring me a little...

(M/N)'s mind-What does Linsey have planned for me?


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