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((Y/N)'s POV)

It was night time now and Nisha still hasn't left and right now she was just staring at me while Celia was drawing me and I was just sitting on a cushion that might be the couch for them, but I just wish I could disappear or at the very least, Nisha would disappear. Nova and Kaleen were still here too and I asked if I could go be with Marv or someone else, but the second I did I took it back because Nisha's eyes were turning a little black. Nova was making something for dinner and when she came back, she only had salads with her.


I just ate my bowl and everyone else had theirs before Nisha came up to me and sat next to me to eat and I was really uncomfortable.

Nisha-I will be preforming some magic rituals and see what I can find out more about you. I'm gonna need all your clothes off.

(Y/N)-What's with you witches and wanting my clothes off?

Nisha-If I wanted to study your clothes I would see who made them, but I want to study your body.

(Y/N)-Your sister already did it.

Nisha-A mere novice. She drew your body and movements in detail with only a bit a spiritual work and called it done. I'll be taking samples.

(Y/N)-Like, blood, spit?

Nisha-Blood, saliva, sperm, bacteria, muscle tissue, a tooth, hair,-.

(Y/N)-Woah, woah, woah, you're not getting all that!

Nisha-... You will give it... or i'll take it.

I just backed up from her and into Kaleen and she let me hide behind her, but Nisha was just acting so casual as I saw her eyes go black for a moment and went back to normal. Blood, spit, urine, and cum are already crossing a line, but a tooth and muscles is where there is no longer a line, it's a fucking dead end and I wasn't staying here and the main problem is that witch aside from the centaurs ready to chase me. I thought of a way to get out of everyone's sights and hopefully get out of here since I doubt this place has air conditioning, what's airing out the bathroom?... A window.

(Y/N)-Hey, where's your bathroom?

Celia-Last door down the hall.

I just left, but before I left Nisha grabbed my arm and squeezed it and when I looked at her, she wasn't showing any emotion still, but I have to guess she's mad.


Nisha-Those are my samples. Take these.

She went to her bag and pulled out 2 big jars and I new she wanted me to go in them, but there was no way I was doing that. I just went to the bathroom and it was a small window, but I think I can make it through if I suck in my gut. I put the jars down and pushed the window open like it was a dog door and it was hard and a little painful, but soon I got through and fell on the ground.

(Y/N)-*Groan*. Next time, i'm tossing a towel out first.

I got up from the hard ground and I was in a small dead end, but thankfully I was living it, but there was a couple of centaurs out right now. If I wanna get out of here, I have to be quick and stealthy like I do in Dishonored... I just wish I had the magic and weapons and this would be so much easier, so maybe this was more like Outlast. I was getting off topic and just got a move on by sneaking between houses, but soon...

???-RRRRRUUUUUUAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!! *off in the distance*

I looked back to see a black and purple mist filling the sky and I said to hell with stealth and booked and while other centaurs went somewhere to hide, but I couldn't hide because I need to leave. When I made it out of the village with nobody trying to stop me out of fear and hiding from Nisha I saw a crow in the sky, so I hid because I knew that crow was hers and if it can read my mind or some shit, it can definitely rat me out to Nisha. When it flew away I ran deeper into the woods and when I was tired and sat against a tree in the night...

(Y/N)-*Sigh*... *sigh*... *whimper* *sobbing* I can't take it! Ogres, gnomes, mermaids, dragons, centaurs, elves, fucking witches! I'm gonna die out here! *sobbing*

I was just crying in the middle of nowhere from the best that I could hope and it was getting cold, so I pulled myself together a bit and walked off until I later found a cave what felt like hours of walking I just got some sticks and dry leaves to make a fire in the cave and thankfully I was taught how to do it.

(Y/N)-Ok man, just keep your cool. You might've lost your shit back there, but you got this. There has to be a way out of here and Nisha said the forest won't let me go, but what's a forest gonna do to stop me from leaving? Nothing, it's a chunk of land and nothing more.

Ok, so I was talking to myself, but after going what i've been going through lately, can you really blame me? Maybe I just need to look at the positives, yeah.

(Y/N)-Ok, i'm back near where I came in and the trail back starts from the car, so that's the way out. I know where my parents are now and it might be could, but at least I have a small fire to help keep me warm.

Just then a breeze came into the cave and blew out my fire and something in me snapped a little.


I kept on running around this cave just panicking and losing my mind while being unable to help it! All this shit was too much for me and lord knows I tried to stay calm!

(No POV)

While (Y/N) was still "coping" with all his problems at the same time when they were finally let out he ran deeper into the cave and when he did, he fell in a hole and hit his head on the ground and he heard some hissing and rattling as he was starting to pass out, but not before he felt something wrapping around his foot.

(Celia's POV)

Nisha stormed out of our village, but I was heartbroken that he ran away and I know it was probably because the poor thig was scared of her like we all are... Of course he was scared of her, he couldn't be scared of or hate me, if she wasn't longer than she said then he would still be here and it would've been a nice sleepover with my friends with a guest. It was clear to us that we had to prepare and head out to find him and bring him back and i'll make it up to him by making up for all that fear and hate with comfort and love.

Celia's mind-I'll make it up to you for being so scared and confused. I bet you must feel terrified right about now.


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