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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was just petting Penelope and she was very friendly and she even had cat toys she loved to play with. I had a string toy and I was quickly moving it for her to try to get it and it was so fun, but sometimes she would surprise lick my face before going back to playing with her toy. Soon while we were playing the front door opened and I saw the lady and there was a cop with her and his outfit looked kinda old.


Lady-Hello dear, I found a police officer on the way home. He'll be able to help you.


I got up, but just then Penelope grabbed my sleeve with her mouth and tried to pull me back down to play with her. The lady just picked up Penelope and pulled her away, but Penelope was trying to get to me.

Lady-I'm sorry Penelope, but it's time for this boy to go home. Say goodbye.

I just tried to pet Penelope goodbye, but she only grabbed me again and I had to pull away from her before I left with the cop waving goodbye.

(Penelope's POV)

I was heart broken to see (Y/N) leave like that after I even made it clear I wanted him to stay and my human is supposed to give me what I want. When she put me down I ran to the window to see my new human walking away and at first I was sad,... but then I was furious when my bad human pet my head.

Human lady-Oh you're gonna be fine Penelope. How about I feed you before I take the trash out for trash day.

I only stared at her and hissed while she was walking away and I don't want her if she's going to be a bad human like this and she got rid of stuff I liked before,... but she crossed the line this time.

Penelope's mind-Trash day... I think I have "someone" that can go out.

(Lola's POV)

I was putting out a few posters offering an award for my son's and I even have something in my purse incase someone has a question about the award, but they shouldn't be that excited since I can't stand the idea of others touching my baby and I don't even know where they've been. While I was putting up a poster I saw a little man coming up to look at it before he looked at me and I knew who he was.


Sam-I say, what's this here award worth?

Lola-Read it one more time. I don't want him getting hurt.

Sam-That depends. Hehehehe.

I knew what he was saying and I can't really stop him, so I reached in my purse and took out the reward i'm offering, but what he doesn't know yet is that it's fools gold.


Like a deer in the headlights he was just staring at it and chuckling a bit and I hit him over the head with it and it made him dizzy with birds flying around his head.

Lola-Not one scratch better be on him. Got it?

Sam-I-III gotcha.

He held up his finger be he wondered off and I just put up a few more before I headed home to wait for my phone to ring.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking with the police officer and I was excited to go home, but suddenly was a man that looked dizzy for a bit until he shook himself and pulled out a pistol and shot at the cops feet and the cop was scared now and so was I.


Cop-Yosemite Sam?!

Sam-Yeah that's right and here to claim that there missing kid for the reward money. Now hand him over if ya know what be goof for ya!

He shot at the cop again and the cop ran when I thought he was supposed to be arresting him now and I was about to run too, but just then my feet got shot at and I turned back to him.

Sam-Where do ya think you're going? Ye be my ticket fer a gold bar.

(Y/N)-Pl-Please don't hurt me. I'm not worth a gold bar!

Sam-I think so other wise! Now hands where I can see them!

I put my hands up and he smiled before he walked behind me and we started walking and everyone was afraid of him. I had to think of something and quick because I saw a posture of me a few blocks down and I saw Lola's name on it somewhere and I thought about a few episodes and I wonder if this would work.

(Y/N)-Um, why are you going after one gold bar when... you can have 50 of them?

Sam-Do you take me fer a darn imbecile?

(Y/N)-N-No, it's I think a bank is getting some from what I heard and I think the toughest in the land would be able to steal them.

Sam-What bank?

(Y/N)-That one.

I pointed in a random direction and when he looked away I ran around a corner as fast as I could.

Sam-Ooooohhhh, get back her ya varmint!

I kept on running and soon I reached a dead end and he was right behind me about to crossed the street, but he got hit and sent flying while he was yelling and landed in a trash can in the park, so I just ran away while I could. I kept on running until I ran into a cave with wooden boxes outside of it and I turned to see that Sam was right behind me.


Sam-Come back here and prepare to meet your doom!

I just ran in the cave and hid behind a rock and he ran past me without seeing because it was dark and I got out of the cave.

(Sam's POV)

I had my gun drawn, but can't see were that varmint went, but maybe it would help if I had a light. I just reached into my pockets and lit a match, but what I saw just made me regret this and wish I just had a flashlight.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I was running until I heard something that made me turn around and something shot out of it that had a smoke trail going far, far, away.

I just walked now thinking he was gone at least for now and I was getting hungry now, but I had no money, so maybe I can find an apple tree or something, but if Lola is giving an award for someone to take me to her, I have to be careful.

(No POV)

Penelope's owner was taking out the trash and checking her mail while chatting with her neighbor for for a bit. She told them about Penelope being "grumpy" and just then she the garbage truck was coming and she hated the smell, so she was about to go inside and so did her neighbor to their home, but when she opened the door she saw a bunch of her stretchy yoga pants tied together to make a slingshot and a rope was holding it back from launching an iron for her clothes, but what caught her eye was her cat standing behind it.



Just then Penelope yanked on the rope to release the slingshot and the iron was sent flying very fast to her and hit her it the face and sent her flying and landed in the moving garbage truck where all the trash was in and she passed out. Penelope walked out the open door of her "old home" and left to go find her human that she wanted and find a new home.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was in the forest right now looking for something to eat and so far I didn't find anything, not even berries in a bush. I wish I got something to eat at that lady's house before I left and soon I gave up and went back to down and maybe some place might have free samples somewhere and hopefully I don't find Lola. When I made it into town I find a restaurant giving out free samples of something out from and we were only allowed to take one, but the man let me take 3 and I did look a little sweaty and tired from that chase with Sam.


I wasn't that hungry anymore, so it was something, but not enough to make me full, so I went to look for more free samples until I found something else... it was a poster of me and I took it down and looked at myself in the picture and it was me from when Lola took pictures of me during a game of twister after each turn and it looked like I was just standing in this while smiling at the camera like she asked me to.


(Y/N)'s mind-Missing. Name, (Y/N), reward... 1 gold bar.

I remember Sam talking about a gold bar and I just ripped it up and threw it in the trash and I have to find all the postures before anyone else sees these things and tries to take me to Lola. I need to find a way home and fast too and I just looked at the sky again to see anything, but nothing still.

(Y/N)'s mind-HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE?!?!?!

(Lola's POV)

I tried staying at home, but I couldn't and went out to look for my baby then I saw 2 of my old friends and I think one of them can defiantly bring my baby back to me safe and sound.


They didn't notice me yet, but let's change that. I prepared myself to make tears and when I did I sat on a bench and started to sob and when they got closer I heard them come closer.

Daffy-You would think our agents would-.

Bugs-Not now. Lola, something the matter?

When they got close I just threw myself at Bugs and gave him a hug and he gave me one back thinking it's for my support, but it just shows me that he buys my act.

Lola-*Sniffle* Oh bugs, I ust adopted a child from the 3D world *hic* and I knew he was going through a l-lot, but I didn't know how bad he was handling it! *whimper* He ran away and is trying to go back to his family that neglected him! *sobbing*

Bugs-Hey know, turn off the water works.

Lola-*Sniffle* I would really appreciate it if you helped me... *sniffle* I'm even offering an award.

Bugs-No need for-.

Lola-A whole gold bar. I even have it on me incase he comes up.

I just pulled out the fools gold and Bugs didn't react much, but someone else did.


Bugs-Eh, keep it. I'll help look for him with you if-.

Daffy-No! It's mine, that's my reward! I'm gonna find this 3D kid, i'm gonna be the hero, I should get the gold! I'm gonna be rich! Woah-ho-ho!

He just dashed off to go look for my baby and I think Bugs needs more motivation from me, so I just pulled him in for a surprise kiss and he had a dumb look with hearts in his eye.

Lola-Oh Bugs, thank you! I think we should split up to look for him and when you find him, here's my address and phone number. Drop on by with him and you'll get this with your reward.~

I kissed him again then gave him my address and phone number a a piece of paper and he floated off and I walked away to go check a few more places the he might be drawn to before I head home to see if anyone calls and tells me they found my baby, but still...

Lola's mind-You'll be mine again sweetie. Now I have others looking to bring you back into my loving arms and when I have you again, i'm gonna make sure you can't leave me again.

I can't wait to teach my baby to love me and not run away again because I have something in my room waiting for him that I will use for a well deserved timeout for him.


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