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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was with Tionsha, Doppel, Zombina, and Manako in the court room while my moms were out there and I was scared that I might be taken away from them forever if we lose. They were looking at me and I just slowly waved at them and they did the same thing before the people that listen come in, the judge, and that mean lady too.


I stuck my tongue at the mean lady and Tionsha just held me closer and had me look at her.

Tionsha-Don't do anything. We can take care of this. Just be good. *whisper*

She rubbed my head and soon Ms. Smith came in with a few men in suits and sat with my moms at the table and she looked at me for a second with a small smile then looked at the judge.


The trial thing started and I hated just sitting here and I don't like just sitting here. I don't see why I can't sit with my moms since they adopted me I should be allowed to be with them during this. They were all talking about me be exposed to something I shouldn't have too and I was getting hungry, but I don't wanna leave. I just want my mommies, anyone of them at least.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

After a long time of talking and going over stuff, it came to this and some people in the room laughed at little and so did I.

Lawyer-Ms. Papi, did you or did you not either know or neglect to know that your adopted child has been exposed to nudity of other women.

Papi-I don't think you can expose a child to puberty.

Lawyer-No, I said nudity.

Papi-Nuu-id-tea... is that some kind of drink?

Lawyer-No, it is when your child has seen women that weren't his mothers naked.

Papi-Isn't that us giving him a bath?

Lawyer-Other women did it!

Papi-... Did what?

Judge-*Sigh* Recess!

The judge just hit his little hammer on the table and everyone got up and Tionsha took me to my moms and gave me to Arachne and I held on to her and she gave me kisses and I gave them back while others were watching.

Arachne-Aww, poor baby. We're almost done.~

(Y/N)-Are we winning?

Centorea-When we present our evidence of those pictures being illegally taken and the guidelines Ms. Smith needs to present, we should be fine.

Ms. Smith-As long as a mother is present, she is allowed to ask for or receive help from official agents for any task in providing care as long as all mothers and the child have consent.

(Y/N)-Can I stay with you?

Miia-We're actually going to need you for the next part sweetie. All you need to say that it was just a shower during a spa day. Ok.

(Y/N)-I... I have to go up on that chair?

I hated being in front of crowds and it makes me very nervous and when everything was getting started again they were all talking and I was getting scared and Manako was rubbing my head now to try to calm me down, but then I saw that mean lady look over to me.


Judge-Ms. Mulder, is there something wrong?

Haley-Oh, no your honor.

Judge-Now, you were saying Ms. Smith.

Ms. Smith-Yes your honor. According to the 17th article stating if a new mother or father in the Interspecies Adoption Program requires or offered assistance by official agents for any task, she or he may accept the offer as long as the mother that was present, the other parent or parents, the said agents, and the child consent unless under emergency.

Judge-Do you all consent with the actions taken in the pictures, witness reviews, and security footage?


Judge-Now we need to bring the child forward to hear their answer.

Haley-Objection your honor! A child is highly impressionable and might not even understand!

Judge-Over ruled. Bring the child to the stand.

Tionsha took me from Manako and got up to carry me to the stand and she put me in the chair and I didn't like everyone looking at me and Tionsha left while looking back to me, not really wanting to leave and I didn't want to be alone up here and I was scared to talk now and Haley was staring at me like she hates me.

Miia-Objection, may one of us be up there with him for comfort?

Judge-Can't allow that, he has to have someone that's not too close to the case or he has to do this alone.

Papi-What about Suu?

Judge-... Granted.



Just then I saw Suu get up and come over to me and I felt a little better when she picked me up and sat back down with me on her lap, giving me a hug.


She gave me a kiss in front of everyone then the judge looked at us or just at me.

Judge-Now (Y/N), were you ok with being bathed in a shower by Ms. Smith, one of your mothers Lala, and Tionsha?


Judge-Now can you tell us why you were taking the shower in the first place?

(Y/N)-W-Well... we were at the spa and um,... we just got out of the steam room and we were all sweaty, so um, they wanted to take a quick shower to get the sweat off of us.

Judge-How often do you bathe with your mothers or agents that help them and are you ok with it?

(Y/N)-Yes... They're just trying to help.

Judge-I see... We shall all wait for the jury to reach a verdict.

He hit his little hammer on his table and Suu took me with her back to the others and they all started to hug, kiss, or rub my head.


Mero-You were very brave up there.

Miia-I'm so proud of you.~

This felt much better and I was getting thirsty and they let me go down the hall in the lobby to the water fountain and Centorea was with me to give me a boost since it was too high for me. I was in the middle of drinking when I heard heel steps coming really close and when I was finished we turned to see Haley and Centorea held me close when they saw how mad she looked.


Haley-Are you always this incompetent?!

Centorea-Excuse me?!

Haley-Do you really think he'll fit in with monsters and after the summer ends, what are you gonna do, put him in a human school to be bullied for having monster parents or put him in a monster school and have him "in danger"?!

Centorea-Unlike you, I trust the organization will come up with something.

Haley-I read the damn guidelines and it's a home school program! You're gonna deprive this child or socializing and ruin his life! He won't have friends of his own kind or any kind!

They kept on arguing and I thought about the orphanage and how others were mean to me and since then I got moms and after...

(Y/N)-I have friends.

She just looked at me still very mad and crossed her arms.

Haley-When, who?!

(Y/N)-*Whimper* Z-Zombina, Tionsha, Ms. Smith, Doppel, Manako, and Papi and Suu are pretty fun.

Haley-I mean friends your age! You were at an orphanage, you were surrounded by humans like yourself instead of these dangerous monsters!

(Y/N)-... I was only... kinda like friends with adults there. I didn't have friends before.

Haley-Well when you come with me, i'm going to find you friends and you're going to make them rather if you want to or not.

That doesn't sound nice at all and I just held on to Centorea a little tighter and she held me.

Centorea-We have consent and followed the guidelines, so we broke no rules.

Haley-You really think you're still going to win? You know how many people I know hate monsters?! When this is over you won't be seeing him again!

She just walked away still angry then Centorea let me get more water to help calm me down then she held me close.

Centorea-Hey... You're not going with her. I promise.

She gave me a kiss and we went back to the court room to wait and the whole time we were there Haley tried talking privately with the judge, but the judge looked busy with other things and this got her more mad.

(Timeskip 4 hours)

I fell asleep, but I woke up to see I was being held by Mero and she shook me a bit to wake me up and I saw the other people came back and everyone took their seats and the judge looked at them.

Judge-Has the jury reached a verdict?

Man-We have your honor.

I was scared and Haley was looking mad at the jury people and I was scared about going with Haley since she was right about a lot of people hating monsters.

Man-We find the defendants,... not guilty

I think that means we won and the girls were so happy and even hugged me and some of the people in hear were clapping, but just then a water bottle flew over us and hit the wall, but when it bounced back it hit my foot and we looked over to see Haley was really mad now and her face was even red.



Papi-Oh, I think they meant other girls we know giving (Y/N) a bath!


She ran to us and looked like she wanted to hurt and Arachne just spun a web to tie her legs and trip her and she just tried calling to us and police came over and pulled her back while she was kicking and screaming and being taken out of here. She was saying a lot of bad words and Miia covered my ears after I heard 2 and when the doors closed he uncovered my ears and kissed my head.

(No POV)

The girls took (Y/N) back home and he was very happy that he was no longer worrying about leaving the family that he loved and the girls loved their son or their little buddy. The happy family went back to... however normal they were before and planned to have a good life for the summer and see what schooling is going to be like for their sun. As for Haley she was on her way to jail to await her trial for attempting to attack monsters and a child under their care, but she got something while she was in there... a pink slip.



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