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(Misty's POV)

I was looking around our "backyard" or at least I think that's what I remember they call it, I just know I loved it when (Y/N) would want to play out here with us and when I found my food with my favorite treat in it... it tasted awful and Sophie and Isabella thought so too. I used to love it when (Y/N) would sneak us treats when the mom was not looking and now they taste bad. Sophie looked at the tree to see birds in it now and went over to go stare at them, but I just went to my bed and if I want to fit, I need to curl up more and it wasn't as comfy. Isabella was just looking in the house and put her hand on the door.

Isabella-... (Y/N).

Just then I shot up when she said his name and I was kinda excited until I quickly knew he wasn't here or he would've come out by now. Soon Sophie came back and just hopped on a chair out here and almost fell back until her... feet touched the ground and she was sitting like our owners do.

Sophie-It's cold.

Misty-Warm inside. The door is locked.

Sophie-*Gasp* Broken door!

She got up and went to the side of the house and Isabella and I followed her and this was the door to the place where our owners like to put their car for car rides. Sophie looked at her hand before she slowly opened the broken door and it did we went inside, but Isabella was scared.


She only took a step back then Sophie looked at her with a smile.

Sophie-It's (Y/N)'s home.


She slowly came inside while still looking around a lot like something would hurt her, but we just took her inside and I went straight to (Y/N)'s room and went on his bed and I could still smell as good. I could hear the others looking around the house for a while before they came in here with me and Sophie came on the bed with me and Isabella poked it a few times before getting on.



She tried digging into the bed and I wasn't going to have her ruin his bed, so I stopped her and she looked at me.

Misty-(Y/N)'s bed. No (Y/N) here.

She just looked kinda sad and I was too because I know (Y/N) needs to be protected and watched and I know he's safe the most when he's with me. We just stayed in his bed and Sophie just fell asleep while I stayed up waiting for his return.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I finished my breakfast and right now we were heading home, but mommy said that she wanted to talk to her boss and would be home later, so she gave me the spare house key when we got home and when she parked out front of the house, I just looked at her.

(Y/N)-Mommy, I don't want you to go to work today.

Mommy-I'm not staying there. I'm just gonna talk to my boss then i'm out and coming home. Also... don't let Misty and Sophie in until I get home and if anything weird happens I want you to call me immediately. Understand?

I just nodded my head still sad that she was leaving and she gave me a kiss before I got out of the car and she waited for me to get inside and lock the door before she drove off. I just went to the living room to watch some cartoons, but then I heard something.


I was confused and scared now before I saw 3 girls come in to look at me and I had no idea how they got in here, but mommy told me that we might be in a good place, but people might want to break in still and know I think she was right.



Two of them ran to me while the girl with bunny ears came too, but she came over like she was shy. I tried to run and scream to get to a phone and call 911, but I was grabbed and pulled into a group hug by 2 of the girls before the last one joined and they were licking me and I had no idea why, but mommy did say some strangers might want to do weird stuff to kids.

(Y/N)-Who are you?! Let me go!

I got out from the hug and they all looked at me while I backed up into a corner then the girl with bunny ears just covered her mouth and cried a little.

???-(Y/N),... Misty.

(Y/N)-Misty... That's my dog.

Just then she pointed at herself and I saw the ears on top of her head move by themselves and I was surprised to see that and thought about my wish.


I just looked at the ears and they looked so much like my dog's ears and I looked at the ears and tails of the other girls and they were tails of a dog, and cat, and a bunny.

(Y/N)-M-... Misty,... Sophie,... Isabella?

They just smiled and I made wishes before, but they never came true and I think since I made the wish the day after my birthday, maybe it was somehow stronger... Is magic really real? I was picked up by Misty and she was really happy and her tail was wagging and I still didn't know how to react to this, but she was still my dog... person... girl.

(Y/N)'s mind-What do I even call her now?

Misty-I is so happy to see you!


Sophie came over and licked my cheek and Misty got my other cheek and when Isabella came over... she was slowly licking my face and nose. When they finally stopped they took me to the couch and sat down with me on her lap and she laid me down. Sophie had my feet and was playing with them and even got my shoes and socks off and she didn't tickle them much, but she did play with my toes which tickled a little and my head was on Isabella's lap a little and just on one of them. Misty pulled up my shirt and rubbed my belly like I do to her and Isabella was just petting my head trying to copy Misty.

Misty-Do you like it. I like it when you do it.~

I did feel nice and did everything else, but soon I had to go to the bathroom, so I got up, but...

Sophie-Hey, where you going?!

(Y/N)-The bathroom and to call my mommy.

Sophie-I want you here!

(Y/N)-I'll be right back.

I just left and went to the bathroom and after I was done I just washed my moth to get the syrup of me. I was about to leave the bathroom to go call my mom and tell her what's happening and she won't believe this until she sees it, so I was excited to tell her, but when I opened the door I was quickly picked up by Sophie.


Sophie-I said no! You going back!

(Y/N)-I have to call my mommy.


(No POV)

Sophie was feeling better that (Y/N) was back with them on the couch and not alone anymore. They just kept on watching T.V. and with each second characters were talking and doing stuff (Y/N) couldn't possibly know that they were quick learners now and will soon know how to form full sentences at this rate. It helped them more as he explained some stuff to them in the show and other stuff too.

((M/N)'s POV)

I just got down talking with my boss about reporting the shedding and I helped clear for getting more serums out and ready for some animals that will be coming in a week or so to be tested on and i'm to maintain observation of my pets and see if I can find that rabbit and bring it in. I'm gonna be at home with pay, so i'll have more time to observe and send in reports if anything else happens until further notice. When I finally made it home I just pulled up front and just went on my phone to write down what I know so far about massive shedding.

(M/N)'s mind-I gotta find that rabbit before someone else does. Shouldn't be hard since it loves my son and stays close by.

I just got out of my car when I parked in the garaged and I saw the stupid broken side door was opened again, so I closed it and put the weights back before I headed inside.

(M/N)-(Y/N), i'm home!

(Y/N)-Mom and i'm in the living and I have a question... Is magic real?

(M/N)-Huh, what's bring this up?

(Y/N)-Come in here.

I was curious, so I went in the living to see a show playing, but that's not what caught my attention when I saw what my son was talking about and he was being held on some woman lap, but when I saw the ears and tails, my mind was blown and blank.



This... THIS WAS FAR BEYOND WHAT ANYONE COULD "EVER" ESPECT!!! I knew it was Misty, Sophie, and that rabbit because it was all that made sense as crazy as this was and I even dropped my phone in shock. When I could finally get a grip I knew I had to get my son away from them since anything could be possible.

(M/N)-(Y/N)... come to me, right now.

(Y/N)-Um, ok.


Sophie held him closer showing she was not going to let go and I knew my pets were possessive of my son which made this even more dangerous because they're half human and already learned to speak basic english as far as I know.

Sophie-(Y/N) stays with me!



They were clearly able to communicate, but the rabbit girl was too scared to talk, probably because she remembers me chasing her away a lot. She was hiding behind Misty and I think I can work my way to their trust and they should be like baby adults right now, so maybe I can appeal to them.

(M/N)-How about we trade?... I give you something you like and you give me something I like. How about that?

They got defensive, but I could tell they were listening, so now was gonna be my best chance.

(M/N)-How about I give you all some yummy treats and you give me (Y/N). Deal?

Sophie just stuck her tongue out at me and i'm guess she remembers (Y/N) doing that sometimes while she was still just a regular cat, that means the others might remember things too like how to get dressed and maybe the rabbit saw me putting extra clothes on in the backyard sometimes when it gets too hot or cold. That would explain it, but I can't think about that right now, I need my son at a safe distance from them.

Misty-We keep (Y/N), you keep yummy treats. Deal?

She just took my words and basically told me that it was a no. Maybe I can show dominance since that's how animals work, it's in their instincts to have an alpha or something, right.

(M/N)-Listen, that's my son! I want him and I want him-!


She took a step closer and my body acted on it's own since I don't know what she'll do and took a step back and they saw this.

Sophie-I!!! KEEP!!!

She thinks she has dominance now and this gave Misty some backbone too and the rabbit.

Misty-You keep yummy treats.

She grabbed Sophie and pulled them to the hall while she was still holding my now scared son in her arms then I saw the rabbit never took her eyes off me and clearly scared and got more scared when she saw the girls leaving without her.


She ran to go be with them and I was about to follow them, but Sophie just ran into my son's room and the others followed her and they even closed the door. I was about to go in, but I can't accelerate the situation too quickly with so little to go off of, that could be very dangerous for my son to be in the middle of. They didn't seem to want hurt him, so i'll give this some time for them to settle down and i'll take this time go over what I learned and add it to my notes.

(M/N)'s mind-My cat Sophie that hates me most of the time is the most passive aggressive so far, Misty is a bit rational and got Sophie to calm down, and the rabbit is very timid and scared of me...

I need to get pictures later and send them to my boss as soon as things calm down, but I still need to get those girls under control somehow.

(Isabella's POV)

The mean lady was so scary and mean out there and I was holding (Y/N) close to help me feel better. I hate that mean lady, but her kit was very nice and sweet. I gave him kisses before I looked at Misty watching the door until she did something that made it click a little and I think I saw this on the... T... V... She locked the door before she got on the bed and tied her best to hold all of us, but she just got me and (Y/N).

Isabella-Mean lady.

(Y/N)-My mommy's not mean.

Isabella-Yes, she is.

Misty-(Y/N), come here. Bath time.

She took (Y/N) from us and started licking him, but he pushed her away.

(Y/N)-Misty, this is not a bath! You saw it on the show we watched!

Misty-*Sigh*... Bath in little bit. Lay down.

Sophie-Give him back!

Sophie reached over me and pulled him over me and held him closer this time and I wanted him too, but she only let me have a little bit of him until she relaxed then Misty got on top of us.

Isabella's mind-I... I want a bath too.


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