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(Blair's POV)

It's been 5 hours since we through Amy out and our poor baby was still scared about what happened, so I was holding him close to my chest and stroking him to comfort him, but I think Kalma's idea of licking his cheek ruins the moment i'm trying to make, but it's still doable. I can't afford to fight her right now in anyway because my baby is already so stressed and scared, so I have to think of a way to get her to stop.

Blair-Kalma, can you go get him something to eat?

Kalma-Can Sarita do that?

Unfortunately no, she was in her room preparing something for (Y/N) and I have no idea what it even is.

Blair-Please, he's on my lap, so I don't want to get up and move him. He's very fragile right now.

Kalma-Ugh, fine. You're giving him to me when I get back because i'm feeding him.

She just left to go to the kitchen and I just rocked (Y/N) as best as I could and I hate that he's just so quiet right now. I just wiped his cheek and gave him a kiss and stroked his head.

Blair-Baby, can you try talking to me, please? I wanna hear that cute little voice.~


Blair-*Sigh* I know you're just scared and confused baby.~

((Y/N)'s POV)

I could only think about what happened and what the girls are able to do and they are super strong. Soon Kalma came in and she had something with her before she took me from Blair and put me on her lap.


Kalma-I made you some fresh ribs. Open up.~

They did smell good and I was hungry, so I did open my mouth and she fed me while her tail was starting to wag and when I looked at she made me look at her face before she fed me some more.

Kalma-*Chuckles* You were hungry?~

She gave me kisses and I didn't want them, but when I tried to push her away she growled before she held my arms down and her kisses turned into licks. Soon she finally stopped and just held me while Blair was just looking at me too.

Kalma-Are you gonna say anything for a thank you or am I gonna have to get it some other way?

I wanted to talk, but I just froze when I thought of Amy and what happened again and just then Kalma smiled at me before she grabbed one of the rib bones and put it in my mouth to let me hold it and played with my cheek with one finger.

Blair-I know what you're doing! He's not a dog!

Kalma-He owes my a thank you! A few minutes of puppy play sounds fair if he won't talk!... Dogs don't talk anyway, so he's already a good job.

Blair was mad, but Kalma just put me on the floor on m hands and knees like I was a dog and she was petting my head and cooing me until I saw Sarita come in.


Sarita-I'll be taking my honey boo now if you don't mind.

She would up to me and took the bone out of my mouth before she gave me a kiss on the lips and got her tongue in my mouth while she walked off and the others weren't allowed to come since this "surprise" was for me and her. When we got to her room she broke the kiss and I was catching my breath while she put me on her bed or at least I thought she did, but she put me on a chair and was getting my clothes off.


Sarita-You ready for your massage baby. My select few servants usually get one for after care, but you're gonna get one without going through the hard part.~

She made the chair flat and put my face in the hole before she went down to cupboards and got some oil and started to rub my back and legs and I tried to get up, but she pushed me back down.

Sarita-Don't be nervous, I washed you in a bath and you even washed me, so this should be nothing by now.

She did have a point when she made me give her a bath and just then I felt her kiss the back of my neck.

Sarita-I can tell you're gonna be my dream sub by the time i'm done with you. I think I enjoy taking care of you a little more than others do to me.~

She pressed on my back a little harder and after a while she finally stopped and covered me in a towel and kissed my cheek before she flipped my and put up arm rests and turned the table back into a chair.

Sarita-I know Blair loves to pamper you and I can be gentle too, but there's one thing that she can't do that I can.


I had no idea what she was talking about, but just then she took my hand and put 3 of my fingers in her mouth before she started to suck them and laugh a little when she saw how uncomfortable I was and my face was warm which meant I was blush. She stopped before she leaned into me with a smile on her face and cupped my cheeks.

Sarita-I can make you blush anytime I want.~

She held me close and stripped before took me to bed with her to put my face in her boobs again and later she fell asleep and I couldn't sleep, but maybe that was a good thing... I slowly slipped out of bed and she was still asleep, so I got dressed in some new clothes before I snuck into the hallway and closed the door slowly to keep it quiet.

(Y/N)'s mind-I gotta get out of here.

I walked down the hall and I know where the front door was, so I just have to get there without being seen and maybe I can find another fallen angel like Blair to take me home to my mommy. I made it to where the living room should be close by and that means the front door is 2 halls away. When I made it to the living room I saw that Kalma was completely naked and sleeping in the living room.

I was super quiet, but I saw her move and stretch and I was scared thinking she was waking up, but she went back to sleep. I just sighed before I went to the front door and slowly opened it and when I closed it I was about to run, but then...


I turned to see that Blair was sitting outside on the porch and she looked... I don't know what to call that look, but I know she wasn't happy I was out here on my own and this did look bad.


Blair-Baby,... why are you out here?


Blair-Sarita or Kalma are not with you... Were you... running away?

She had tears coming out of her eyes and I didn't know what to do,... so I ran as fast as I could.

(Blair's POV)

I felt my heart shatter when I saw my baby, the one that was sent to me by god for a test of redemption. I thought for a moment I failed, but then I remembered the last time this happened it was similar to these moment, but instead of them accidently killing themselves when I revealed my secret on accident to save them (Y/N) knows already.

Blair's mind-This doesn't make any since, what did I do wrong??! I loved them, fed them, pampered them to where they even feel safe enough to fall asleep, and protected them!

As I saw them running away into a dangerous world the answer was clear to me... He doesn't understand that I truly love him and the incident was a test for both of us and he might've failed,... but I won't. I just spread my wings and easily caught up to him and landed right in front of him and he fell back and started to cry.


(Y/N)-D-Don't hurt me! I wanna go home!

Blair-Awwww, it's ok sweetie. I'm not gonna hurt you, I know you're just scared and confused, but I want you to know what you did was very dangerous. Now come here.~

I just picked him up and put his head on my shoulder and he was still clearly scared that he was in trouble and he was, but I have something in mind.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I knew Blair was gonna punish me and I just wanted my mommy, but when we got back in the house she started to walk down the halls.

Blair-I know you were scared and just begging, but i'm happy that you talked.

I had no idea what she was planning while she was acting so calm and soon we made it to her room and she went into her mirrored closet and got a big fuzzy blanket out and put me down before laying it on her bed.


Blair-Nice and fluffy.

She picked me up again and just put me on the blanket and I was confused and she looked so calm and even smiling a little.

(Y/N)-Are... Are you mad at me?

Blair-Aww, sweetie. I'm not mad, i'm just disappointed in myself.


Blair-I should've seen this earlier. A child taken from their home good or bad is a traumatic thing for them, but it's just for the best sometimes.

She just laid me down and wrapped me in the blanket and it was comfy, but then she went into a drawer and pulled out something and it looked kinda weird.


Blair-You just miss your old home and I know what it feels like too. When I was kicked out of heaven I was sad and confused too, but a child in these situation... they needn't to be tested, they need guidance and to be taught to understand.

She was flipping me and wrapping the ribbon around the blanket and when she cut it, it glowed and I saw the ribbon like it was one with the blanket now.

Blair-I can't be mad at a baby that doesn't understand and needs protection and i'm going to protect you... even from yourself. *giggles* Go on... try to get out.~

I was scared that she said that and I just tried rolling and almost off the bed, but Blair caught me and put me on the ground and I tried rolling both ways, but it wasn't working. I tried wiggling and forcing the blanket open, but it wasn't working at all and she she clapped her hands a little like she was at a golf game.


She picked me up and kissed me again before she just held me like a baby in her arms.

Blair-Now we can move to your punishment.

(Y/N)-I th-thought th-this was my p-p-punishment.

Blair-Oh heaven no. This is to protect you and keep you from running off into hell were many demons would hurt you. I know you had to have sneak away from Sarita and she won't like that very much, but you have to learn your lesson and the 3 of us gonna decide how you do it. Now come on, i'm gonna have to wake up Kalma and have her get dressed... as little as that is.

She took me out of her room with her and I was scared that she was gonna wake up and tell Kalma and Sarita and I thought they're gonna be very mad when Blair tells them what I did.


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