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(Blitzo's POV)

We had Loona teleport us back and I was hurt that she went out to get burgers and didn't think her dad would want one after a job and did she feel the need to take us back to get us food. No, she did not! She only got food for herself and (Y/N) and I was trying to stay mad at her, but it was hard and when we made it back to the office that bitch was in her office with her hole fuckers. Loona opened the door to our office and looked to the couch before she raised an eyebrow.

Loona-(Y/N), I got the food. Come on out.

When no human boy came out she went looking for him and Millie did too, but after 5 minutes of searching the office without any luck... Loona started smashing shit.



She smashed Moxxie's employee of the month photo and I think Millie got a little excited and threw an axe at the wall and I think it was a good time to step out and have Moxxie fix all this shit after.

Blitzo-Where the fuck did he go?

Over the yelling smashing I heard giggling in the other office and just then the door to my office swung open and Loona came out really fucking pissed.


Loona-*Growl* Oh, hell no.

She marched over to the other office and kicked in the bitches door in and Millie and Moxxie came out of the office to see what she was doing and when she went into the whore's office we peaked in and saw Verosika had the kid.


((Y/N)'s POV)

Loona was in here now while Verosika and her friends kept on saying weird things to tease me in a kinda nice way. She was made to see me in Verosika's lap and so was Millie and Blitz was too, but I don't think he was looking at me, but at her.

Loona-(Y/N)... Come. Here. Now.

I was scared and about to do it, but just then Verosika pulled me back into her arms and held me close while putting up her feet.

Verosika-Sorry, what you steal is practically yours down here. You stole him from the living world like I stole him from your office.

I wonder what kinda of law is that and Loona got on all fours while growling now like she was a real wolf about to attack and just then a big wolf guy got in between us and I remember his name.


Vortex-Sorry girl. Not happening.

Loona-Move! *snarl* *growl*

He looked like he can really hurt Loona and I know she was... not very nice, but I hate it when others fight and I was getting really scared and when the guy growled back at her and I was starting to shake and Verosika felt this. She just pet my head and just then I saw Millie getting mad and she pulled out a knife and a pistol.

Millie-Put him down!


She just pushed Moxxie behind her and Verosika slowly got up not caring about what was happening while I was starting to cry.

Verosika-Instead of fighting and wreck my last available off while risking hurting my trophy child, we're doing shit another way... We're having another Demon Duel to decide this and i'll be picking the game this time.

Blitz-Hey woah, woah, woah! You started all of this bitch!

Verosika-You brought the kid to hell and as much as I would love to have Vortex and the others crush you all, I can't have this baby face damaged before pictures tomorrow.

(Loona's POV)

I think I hate her more than Blitz now and wanted to rip those fucking wings off her and take what is mine back with me and i'll keep him on a fucking leash if I have to! I can't do anything because things will get fucking crazy and he'll defiantly get hurt in the middle of everything.

Moxxie-Now let's just calm down everyone. *ahem* What's the game?

(Timeskip 6 hours)

We were at the fence one of the many junkyards in the super shitty areas and this place smelled fucking awful and you could just feel the creepy hobo eyes watching you, just waiting for you to come in.

Verosika-Rules are simple. Pick one fighter and they fight to the death in there and the winner team gets the kid.

She was just taking fucking selfies with (Y/N) and I don't care who I have to kill to get him back in my arms and have them understand who he belongs to and I was about to go in, but then...

Blitz-Moxxie, you go and for fucks sake win! I need a second victory to rub in that bitches face.

Verosika-This twig?! Hahahahaha! *snaps fingers*

Just then that one demon that asked the fat ass if he wanted a kiss went in and just then Vortex closed the gate and Moxxie just pulled out a gun and when he tried to fire, it wasn't shooting anything, so it was either jammed or out of ammo.

???-Come here and i'll make this feel good.~ *smooch noises*


Just then Moxxie ran off before he could be kissed until we couldn't see them anymore.

Blitz-God damnit Moxxie, you better not fuck this up!

Loona-Why didn't you send me or Millie in?! She took down a giant fish monster!

Blitz-Um, excuse me, i'm not sending my daughter in a place where both demons are most likely gonna get raped and one is gonna enjoy it. Also I wasn't gonna listen to his constant lectures and shit.

Millie-My Moxxie-... Well you could've let me give him a few more clips!... Fuck this.

She just walked off and I thought to hell with this too because we all might steal shit all the time, but i'll show them what happens when you fuck with what's mine. When Verosika was going to her limo with... "my baby" Blitz went to go yell at her and I thought of a plan myself, but first...

(Vortex's POV)

My boss just went to her limo with that kid and I had an eye on it to make sure they don't go near it, I don't really care what my boss does to the kid, he ain't my kid after all. The others went around the fence to see if they can find more action and I think I saw those 2 fighting for second, but it was just 2 hobos trying to shank each other. Just then I felt my tail hit someone and the girl from the last bet came over and had that smile and I just looked at her.



Vortex-Uh, hey.

Loona-About earlier, I hope we're cool.

Vortex-Whatever, I barely understand this anyway.

Loona-Yeah... Anyway, what's been going on?

We just kept on talking and soon I think she was trying to put the moves on me because I saw her tail was swaying side to side like she wanted me to look at it. My girl would kill me if she this and just then Loona got in front of me and swayed a little more one time before she went back to the usual motion.

Vortex-What are you doing?

Loona-Come on, you might have a girl, but you know I look good too.~

She put her hands on my chest and pressed her body on to mine and it did feel good, but then she pushed me and swept my leg to make me fall back and she got on top of me with a seductive smile.

Loona-Get comfy baby, i'm gonna take "good care of you".~

She crawled up higher until her tits and top were dangling in my face and I was feeling the heat and was about to have some fun, but then I heard her grab something with my better hearing then she held up a broken bottle and stabbed my only good eye, so I couldn't see shit.


Loona-Says the one that screams like one!

I tried knocking her off and it worked, but the bottle broke leaving glass shards in my eye and I could feel the blood pouring out and I felt so weak, but couldn't die or move.

Loona-Next time... don't fuck with my shit.

I kept on screaming and soon I think I passed out.

(Verosika's POV)

I just sung a paralyzing lullaby while Blitzo was screaming at me through the window and I only flipped him off as my baby boy was asleep and ready for selfies with me and my page. He wasn't gonna wake up no matter what I do and I think I can do things to really piss Blitzo off, but just then I heard screaming and I knew who it was.


*Bang off in the distance*

Just then I felt my skull get skimmed and I dropped my baby on the floor of my limo and he was fine, but I felt agonizing pain.


If he could wake up right now, he would be horrified and holding his ears and soon after I heard something land on the top of my car.



Just then everything went black and I could feel the pain coming and going.

(Blitzo's POV)

I didn't believe it... I NEVER LOVED THIS WOMAN MORE!!! She just off the car and just then I turned to see Loona coming over and she did have blood on her, but nothing a little washer won't fix.


They got into the car and Millie was the one that took out (Y/N) and cradled him in her arms and gave his cheek a kiss before she soon realized something in shock.



She gave him to Loona and went to go help her whipped husband and Loon rubbed her nose into the kid while she walked away really happy and her tail was wagging faster than I ever seen it go. I don't know everything that's going on, but there was only one thing for me to do, so I leaned in the car and I saw the whore only with her ass in the air kinda twitching.


(Timeskip 6 hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to being held and for some reason I was back in the office, in Loona's room and when I finally opened my eyes completely, I saw Loona smiling at me.



Loona-Shhhh, no talking. I want you to go back sleep until we go home in a bit?~

She just pet me and soon she hit something on my neck and I tried to grabbed at it, but she stopped me and just then laughed a little before she showed me on her camera what I was wearing.


Loona-You almost hurt your little hands. I'll take it off when it's bath time for you, but since I don't have a leash for you yet, I want you back asleep until we're in my room.~

She kept on petting my head and I was still very tired from waking up and it wasn't long before I fell back asleep.



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