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((Y/N)'s POV)

We all had new rooms and I still had my room... kind... it's Cammy's room now, but she likes all my toys and fun bedsheets and right now she was cuddling me with on her new bed now and dinner should be here soon since Linsey just ordered a pizza for all of us. Linsey said that all the rooms got new beds and I think this bed was softer and I when I tried getting up to go to the living room, but Cammy grabbed and pulled me back in her lap.

Cammy-Where are you going Short Cake? You have to stay with mama. Ohhh, I love saying that!

(Y/N)-I just wanted to go to the living room.

Cammy-Why can't we stay in my room? It's got yours toys and stuff, but i'm thinking about hanging knives on the wall.

I have no idea why she likes talking about knives and hurting herself like it was fun, but Linsey said no blood getting on stuff in the house... A while ago Cammy cut her leg a little outside and gave it a Band-Aid. She just started to give me lots of kisses then I saw the open a tiny bit and soon we saw Mary peak in a bit and Cammy got excited got up to pull her in the room and Mary did scream a bit.


Cammy-Look who's here and without her teddy bear! Come on (Y/N), now you got 2 mommies to cuddle you!

Cammy pulled her on the bed and she bounced a bit while she waited  for Mary to slowly pull me into a hug and laid down with me and Cammy quickly joined and pulled us both into a hug.

Cammy-This is so nice!~ Oh, oh, since you listen to us now, I want you to give us kisses!... Give mama Mary a kiss first!

She held my face up to Mary and her cheeks were red and she slowly kisses my cheeks and Cammy shook my head and held me closer until I was against Mary and forced to kiss her, but... my lips were against hers now, but I still did it and when I did Cammy squealed and was about to pull me back to her, but then...

Mary-*Gasp* N-No! *whisper yell*

She grabbed my head and pulled it back to her and now my face was in her neck.

Cammy-Awwwww, she loves you!~

She hugged both of us again and when I tried to get out I think that made Mary sad enough to cry a little and Cammy made me look at her.

Cammy-That wasn't nice. Give her another kiss to say you're sorry.

(Y/N)-B-But... i'm just hungry.

Cammy-... I guess dinner is taking long, but Linsey might have something against a snack.

She kept thinking up she came up with an idea and she took off her shirt and Mary quickly looked away like it scared her and next Cammy got her bra off.

Cammy-I saw this in a mommy and me class video before I was put in the hospital and since i'm your mommy now, I can do it!

I didn't know what she meant, but then she brought her nipple up to my face and hooked her fingers in my mouth.

Cammy-Open wide!~

She got my mouth open and just then she put her nipple in my mouth and started to rub and massage her boob until I tasted something weird in my mouth and I wanted to pull away, but she didn't let me and soon Mary saw this when she finally looked at us.

Cammy-Mama Cammy can do this whenever you want a snack time. Mary, you should be next to feed him!~

Mary only looked away and whimpered and Cammy gave me a little more milk before I could finally push away and she smiled at me.

Cammy-Ok, I don't want you getting full yet. Come here.~

She pulled me into another hug with Mary and I can see why she was in the hospital in the first place and know I wondered what my mommy was going through.

((M/N)'s POV)

Bridget was sitting in a rocking chair with me that she got from my "old room" that was now Linsey's and was rocking me back and forth with her. I hate that she was really treating me like a baby, but she loved it and I can't talk her out of this because I can't talk from this gag in my mouth and when I tried she just laughed at me a little like it was adorable to her and she poked my nose.

Bridget-Doctor lady looks so cute for mama.~

She tickled my neck to make me laugh then she closed her eyes and smiled like she was having a fantasy and I was scared to know what it was and when she opened them and looked around the now empty room with only a bed and dresser she smiled.

Bridget-Doctor lady might want naps when Bridget doesn't... Doctor lady needs a nap time bed.

I had a good idea on what she actually meant and it would be a crib, but there was no way that I was gonna let that happen. Soon we saw Linsey walk across the door and she looked disgusted about while she was holding a box and I know what was in that box... I was a single mom, but still a human that wants to relieve herself. Soon Linsey came back and just then she looked in here to see Bridget cradling me as I was powerless to stop her.


Linsey-What are you doing?

Bridget-Doctor lady is our baby too know. Yours too.

Linsey-Yeah, no.

Bridget-Mean Linsey like it or not, she's doctor lady's mommy now. Bridget, Cammy, and Mary are her mommies too and to her baby.

Linsey-Fine, fucking ground her then.

Bridget didn't like that and held me tighter, but didn't go on her rampage because I was taking the place of her therapy baby doll right now.

Bridget-Bridget wants doctor lady to have a nap time bed and mean Linsey needs to get it for her.

Linsey-I'm going to my dad's tomorrow to get more money, but that's not going to her. Use her own money. When I get back i'm taking (Y/N) with me on a walk.

Bridget-Doctor lady can come too. We all can.

Linsey-She'll just scream for help and get us in trouble.

Bridget-She's Linsey's baby too!

Linsey-*Sigh*... You're right, but if she gets us in trouble we lose her and her baby... How about I come in here and help you find something for her to have naps in and before we go on the walk tomorrow, her favorite mommy can put her down for a nap.

Bridget-L-Linsey thinks Bridget is doctor lady's favorite mommy?

She got Bridget to be flustered then she walked up to Bridget and put her hand on her shoulder and sat her on the bed while she stayed standing.

Linsey-Tell me, what else do you think "our" new babies need and i'll help you look for them.~

I knew she was filling Bridget's head with sweet words and she's too impressionable to know not to listen to it and i'm lucky she didn't say things like diapers and stuff like that, but I saw 5 things Linsey got with her before the doorbell rang which meant the pizza was here.


(Linsey's POV)

The extra straight jackets were my idea since I was wasting time on her just to keep Bridget on my side. Right now I just found the pizza on the porch and the pizza guy was heading back to his car and better that way, so he doesn't see what's going on. I was heading to the kitchen where I saw Cammy playing with (Y/N)'s cheeks while he was sitting on Mary's lap then switched to the doctor when Bridget was copying Mary.


I let them feed my baby and just then Cammy had that face when she's about to blow a secret that most likely I won't care about, so I just kept on eating. I thought about wanting to see my dad today, but got busy cleaning instead.

Cammy-Ahhhh, I breastfeed (Y/N) while Mary and I were cuddling him in my bed!

Just then I was caught off guard and choked and coughed on my food and the doctor was looking at Cammy with shock while Bridget was too and just looked at the doctor.

Linsey-*Coughing* You did what?!

Cammy-I know and he looked so cute!

I was so mad that this happy crazy bitch breastfeed (Y/N) so fast and I wasn't going to let this stand. After dinner I went to Mary and took (Y/N) from her and she was being fussy about it.

Linsey-Calm down, i'm taking him for a bath and he's sleeping with me tonight before we take a walk tomorrow.

Cammy-Awww... *Gasp* We can sleep with our new daughter!

She pulled Mary into a hug with Bridget and the doctor and I just rolled my eyes before taking (Y/N) to my room and he saw how clean it was now and I have matts coming and everything for it.

(Y/N)-Linsey, I wanna sleep in my room.

Linsey-You don't have a room anymore. I gave it to Cammy and they insist on taking taking turns on who sleeps with who. Now enough talk, let's get in the bath.

She put me down and stripped me before she did the same and opened the glass door to my mommy's shower and bath area and pulled me in before she closed the door and turned on the water.

Linsey-*Sigh* I got the good soap for us. Now let's get started.

She let us get wet in the shower part before she turned on the bath and put us both in and she scrub us both down with soap and this soap smelled really good and my hair felt a little more soft when it's wet than usual. After she was done she just grabbed a bag and poured some water in the water and I asked her what it was and she said it was going to help our skin before she covered my face in kisses and held me a little tight.

Linsey-Honey... Was Cammy telling the truth about what she did to you?

(Y/N)-Um, n-no!

I could tell he was lying to me and that made me furious and nobody was going to take care of him better than me and i'll show that tomorrow... and right now.

Linsey-Sweetie... open you mouth.


Linsey-I'm feeding you... "now"!

He was about to try and talk his way out of it, but I wasn't going to let him even attempt it and just ignored him and shoved my boob in his mouth and when he was about about to pull away...

Linsey-(Y/N), if you pull away, you're gonna be in big trouble and your not gonna like it if your in trouble. I know how to "punish boys".

He was scared and stayed still, so I just massaged my boob until milk came out and he was going to hold it in until his cheeks were full and he finally swallowed and it made me so happy more than I have ever been getting other things I wanted or torturing my dad just for the fun of it.

Linsey-As annoying as Cammy is, she was right about this being cute.~

I just gave him a kiss while I kept on feeding him a bit more and I think he should be very full and I don't want my baby getting sick on me. Soon we got out and I got him dressed in some cute pajamas that matched mine.

Linsey-Awww, tomorrow everyone is gonna see me as your mama and even your old mom is gonna see how much better I am.~

I just cradled him in my arms and into a hug before I got us into bed and Bridget can treat that bitch like a baby all she wants and put her in an adult crib, but she won't ever see him in there. If he's taking a nap, they better believe that it's going to be in my arms or just with me in general. I was just resting with him and talked to him about stuff and it was mostly him wanting his room, to have stuff like alone time with his old mom, or all this shit that was never gonna happen.

???-*Muffled screams from down the hall*.

This got our attention, so I just closed my door and turned on some music, but (Y/N) just looked at me.

(Y/N)-What was that?

Linsey-Don't know, don't care. How about we go on my new phone and let you watch a cartoon online?~

(Y/N)-Is that just my mom's phone?

Linsey-Is that the thing you would be saying if you want your new mom to give you a spanking?


Linsey-That's what I thought.

I just put on a video for him and I just want to spoil him, but also let him know that i'm in charge of him now. I don't care what the others are doing as long as it doesn't bother us.

(Mary's POV)

Bridget was spanking the doctor because she accidently bit my finger when Cammy wanted me to put a ring gag in her mouth, so she could show Bridget what to do. I was still crying while Cammy was just hugging and shushing me after she got the gag in the doctors mouth.

Bridget-Bad doctor lady!


Bridget-You don't bite your mommy!


I couldn't look because I was so scared of the loud sounds of each slap. I just want (Y/N) more than Berry right now, but I don't think I can even get up... I just want my baby boy since the doctor hurt me when Cammy just wanted me to help and I can't even do it right.

Cammy-You're just starting! Oh, oh, it's like a mommy and me class and this time you're trying to get the baby under control!

That just made feel worse that the doctor wants to hurt me and Cammy just gave me hugs and when the spanking finally stopped I could only hear the doctor crying and if I didn't get her to accidently bite me then she would be getting feed by Bridget or something right now. Now i'm hurt and got her hurt too and if the same thing happens with (Y/N), i'll just get him hurt too. I just cried again from the thought of it then I was picked up and I looked to see it was Bridget holding me and I thought if I was a little heavy for her, but remembered how strong she was and liked carrying people, so I didn't try to leave because I got used to being held be her.


Bridget-Doctor lady is sorry... How about Mary will feed doctor lady?

I felt my face burn up as she took me to her bed and sat me down and put the doctor on my lap and waved her finger at her and she was still crying a little.

Bridget-Doctor lady, be nice to mommy now.

Cammy-Come on Mary, let's get you ready, it's easy! Here!

Bridget pulled the doctors legs to her and I held her upper body up, so now I couldn't stop Cammy from taking one of my boobs out and I freaked out when she touched me.


She didn't stop and now my boob was out and I covered it with one hand and the doctor was looking at it with a scared look in her eyes and I just cried because now my ugly body was scaring her.

(Flashback Start) Mary: age 7


Daddy-Look at you! This pageant had a grand prize of $50,000 and we could've been out of that shit hole apartment! You wanna know why you didn't win?! You had no posture, no talent, and to top it all off-!

(Flashback End)

Mary-I-I-I'm u-ugly! I-I c-c-c- *hic* can't! *sobbing*

I just curled up crying and I trapped the doctor's head in my while I just kept on breathing faster and faster until Cammy shook me and when I opened my eyes to look at her she only smiled and pointed down and I looed to see and now kinda feel my nipple was in the doctor's mouth and she tried turned to get it out of her mouth, but she looked at Bridget who just looked mad at her for a second and she stayed still.

Cammy-You're not ugly, silly. Doccy even said it too back at the hospital. You're like cute and scared bunny!

Bridget-Mary is pretty... Doctor lady, let your mommy feed you... 3... 2.

Just then she closed her eyes and more tears came out, but she started to suck and it made me jump.

Cammy-Awwww, she's scared like you.~

I looked at the doctor and she did look scared and it made me think about "daddy" and how I was scared of him. I remembered that the people at the hospital told me they can help me not be scared and others won't be scared or mean to me. I thought it was a total lie, but now I saw the doctor that was nice to me was now scared... I didn't want to be scary and she always said to try new things that scare us... I just held her head and I just wanted to go to a corner alone, but I can't right now... I tried, but Cammy wouldn't let me.

Cammy-Hey, I just had a great idea! We don't know Doccy's real name because she never told us, so how about we give her a new name?!

((M/N)'s POV)

I felt my heart sink deeper that I couldn't say no or at least my real name to them and stop them. Cammy came up with names like Princess Glitter Sun, or Hot Rose Cheeks and I hated that she was trying to name me those while pinching herself very hard to where her nails dug into her skin and bleed a little and thankfully Bridget said those weren't real names and Cammy was such a child to argue that they are real names because she said them. I took my mouth away from Mary's boobs and stopped drinking her milk, but Bridget slapped my side and put me back herself and stared at me until I sucked again accidently getting drops of milk from Mary

Bridget-Enough silly names Cammy! It's doctor's lady new name. It can't be silly.


Cammy-What'd you say?


Bridget-Mary, speak.

Mary-A-... Anna. *whisper*

I knew that name... her deceased mother . She just held me tighter and this time she put her boob back in her shirt and held me close to her face and kissed my cheek before hugging me and this is all I wanted her to do since the beginning to open up, but this is not what I had in mind.

Cammy-I like it!... *Gasp* I'll call her Anna Banana!

Bridget-Anna... Bridget like cute name. We tell Linsey in the morning.

(Mary's POV)

I just "my daughter" close and I thought about "my son" too... Why did giving her a name make me feel this feeling I haven't felt in so long... I feel... happy, I don't want her to look sad or scared anymore, but... her hair looked a little messy, I saw tear stains on her eyes, and... I didn't like it.

Mary-... Bath... t-time.

Cammy-Oh yeah, we still need one. *giggles*

Bridget-Bridget will give Anna a bath.

Mary-I-... I wa-want to too.

Just then Bridget looked surprised then happy.

Bridget-Mary wants to help?!

I just nodded my head and she took our daughter with her and grabbed some belts before we went to the bathroom and stripped her of her clothes before strapping the belts on to her and Cammy changed the gag to keep water out of her mouth and Bridget was turning on the water and Cammy was stripping now as she was taking my daughter in the bath with her and just then I panicked and...


Just then they both looked surprised now I was terrified, but... I ran to my daughter and took her from Cammy and she just looked at me like she was curious.

Cammy-If you wanted to get in first, you don't have to yell.

I just nodded my head and got my clothes off before I got in the bath and Bridget put our daughter on my and she looked scared and I didn't like it or know what to do.

Bridget-Bridget will clean you both.

Cammy-I wanna help too!

Cammy just had the job to pour water on us, but then I got to thinking if the water was too hot or cold for our girl, so I just pulled her into me and it did make me feel better.

((M/N)'s POV)

This bath was just so wrong and I just wanted to leave and when Mary pulled me into her for a hug it made it worse and soon she said as a whisper into my ear, but I think it was more to herself than to us.

Mary-My... son. My... daughter. *whisper*

She was talking about me and my son being hers now and I don't think the others her much through the running water. I can't live like this, I don't even know if I can take them back as patients when they go back to the hospital.

((Y/N)'s POV)

Linsey was making wear this creamy face mask with some kind of wet bead pads on my eyes and she was just playing with my hair.

Linsey-We'll get this mask off soon. I think you're getting tired.~

She flopped my ear a bit before she suddenly kissed it and soon took me in her arms and to the bath to get this stuff off me and I didn't look any different n the mirror and she just kissed my cheek.

Linsey-Come on. I'm gonna let you sleep in while I go see someone tomorrow then when I get back i'm gonna show everyone around the neighborhood that i'm your new mommy. Bridget is gonna put your old mom down for a nap, so you're gonna be all ours and be the cutest baby in the world for mama, aren't you.~

She covered my face in kisses and I didn't want to do this, but before I could talk she pulled me into her chest and just got her shirt in my mouth. She turned off the lights and snuggled with me in bed.

(Y/N)-Linsey, I want my mommy... My first one.

Linsey-... Goodnight baby.

(Y/N)-Linsey, I-.

Linsey-One more word and i'll make the walk embarrassing for you and better for me on purpose.

I didn't talk anymore and she just smiled before she kissed me and hugged me a little tighter and I just gave up and stayed awake as long as I could before I fell asleep.

(No POV)

By the time (Y/N) was asleep the others were asleep too and (M/N) was asleep with the other 3, but what was weird was that before the others went to sleep they were cooing their daughter even when she didn't like it like her son did with Linsey.


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