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((Y/N)'s POV)

I was tired of answering Celia's questions and when I tried to be gentle about it she still took it kinda hard and whimpered a little and that's when the others tried to comfort her. When we finally made it to their village I saw they were the most advanced, just a little more than the elves. They had lanterns instead of torches and it did look a bit more organized besides using trees as some of the houses. It must've taken years to build all this stuff and now we were heading to a huge building and when we got to the front door Celia finally put me down and they all looked at me.

Celia-Now (Y/N), these are our elders, so when you go in be on your best-.

Kaleen-Just shut up, look pretty, and let us do the talking.

Just then she opened the door and we saw a circle of tents in the room and they were all talking until we came in and stood in the middle of the circle and they knelt down then Nova pulled me down to kneel too.

Nova-Greetings elders. We believe we have found the source of all the tensions in the forest.

Marv-They call themselves "a human", my elders.

Elder#1-... Rise.

They all got up and I did too and there was some mumbling between tents and soon it stopped.

Elder#1-Where do you come from, "human"?

(Y/N)-I come from... outside the forest.

They all looked at me like a was weird and just then Celia walked up to me.

Celia-(Y/N), this is no time to bring up folk tails.

Elder#2-No, let him speak... You say your from outside the forest then if we were to bring our witch here she will confirm that you're not from here.

This my chance to talk to a witch and get answers about how to get out of here and I wasn't going to waste this chance.


Elder#2-I want one of you to bring our witch here.

Elder#3-No! How are we sure this isn't a trick? We're listening to a folk tale and determining it as a fact.

Elder#2-A creature nobody has heard or seen before in the forest ever... Where might've they come from.

Marv-... I'll go.

Elder#3-*Grunt* The 3 of you are to put this human on lockdown. Don't let him out of your sight.

Celia/Nova/Kaleen-Yes, my elder.


They all took me out with them while the all started to talk again and when we got back outside they huddled up for a quick team meeting.

Marv-It's already decided that I will go and be back around 2 hours. Where will you be holding the human?

Celia-We can use my house.

Kaleen-No, we need a secure location where nobody won't get in or out without us knowing... We use the prison cells.

Celia-No, he didn't do anything wrong!

Kaleen-It's just a precaution.

Celia-It's cruel!

She just grabbed me and pulled me into a hug and thanks to her height, I only reach her stomach and she was getting defensive then Nova stepped in.

Nova-Why don't we just go to Celia's house? She has no actual weapons, so nothing for him to grab and i'll just tie one of his legs to something. We only need to watch him until Marv gets back with out witch then go from there.

Kaleen-... Fine.

Celia-*Sigh* Thank you.

She just put me on her back again and Marv left while we went to Celia's house and when we get there I saw a lot of paints of fields and stuff. She kissed my head like I was a child then Nova took me from her and she followed us to the couch where Nova tied a rope to my leg then tied it to a wood pole in the house.

Nova-Alright, got him.

Celia-Oh, she didn't tie it too tight did she?

(Y/N)-I'm fine.

She was being like an overprotective helicopter parent and I had no plans to run, yet. I wanna talk to this witch about finding a way out of here. The girls and I just relaxed... except for Celia that was trying to offer me food and water and I didn't say no because I was thirsty and hungry and she was enjoying taking care of me a little too much even.

Nova-Enjoying yourself there Celia?

Celia-Oh, i'm just making sure he's in good health for his people when he returns.

Kaleen-How do your people operate? Is it like ours, the fairies, ogres?

(Y/N)-Um... We vote for who leads us if that's what you mean.

Kaleen-A little. What kind of leaders does your kind get to vote for?

(Y/N)-More than half the time... Nothing really special.

Nova-That doesn't sound like a good system.

(Y/N)-It's not.

(Celia's POV)

These humans sound like they're not very happy with their home or at least he's not happy with his home. Maybe that's why he left his people and who knows who else is unhappy with their ways and if the people aren't happy then it's not something I would want to be apart of.

Celia-(Y/N), can you tell us good and bad things about your home?

He told us about his rules and what he thinks and a lot of sounds really unfair and mean with his... "president" whatever that really is. He says there are some good things too, but even Kaleen and Nova think it's a bad place and I don't want to send anyone back to that life... I think the elders will be understanding if I put this human under my care. I can study and sketch him all day when i'm home.

(Timeskip 2 hours)

Marv came back while I was painting and I would love to paint the human's home if he can give me details about his home. I might even make a whole room for him and paint the walls to make him feel at home, but only with the good parts. I also want to know why humans even agree to follow such unfair rules if they're the ones suffering and others abuse power so much.

Marv-The witch is waiting with the elders. We better hurry and not put her in a bad mood.

(Y/N)-Ugh, is her name Camelia?

Celia-Awww, you know her little sister. I think she's adorable.

(Y/N)-She's something.

Soon we made it to the elders and I guess the word spread that the search was over and now all the herds were watching us and I felt like we were about to earn an award by the elders after an honorary march. I couldn't help, but smile and feel a blush on my cheeks then I got so embarrassed that I was blushing and hid my face in my hands and Marv, Nova, and Kaleen got on my sides and in front of me, so I didn't have to see the crowd and it made me feel a little better. When we got inside we saw the witch waiting in the middle of the room and I wish she just wasn't so scary.


((Y/N)'s POV)

I can just feel the dark and gloom in the air for real this time, almost like her just being her just kills the mood and makes you uncomfortable. I came this far and I want answers to get out of here, so I was about to walk to her, but just then Celia grabbed me and leaned into my ear.

Celia-Be careful with her. *whisper*

That wasn't very assuring, but I still walked to her and the elders here were dead silent, but I saw the shadows of their tents and I think even some of them were afraid of this witch too... How bad can she be? I just stood in front of her and she just sat on the floor cress cross and I just copied her and I was kinda nervous to say the first word, but after a bit...

???-You're the human my little sister won't shut up about to my other siblings?

Even her voice sounds bland and depressing.

(Y/N)-Uh, yeah... I have a few questions for you.

???-My name is Nisha, i'm very happy to meet you.

She sure as hell didn't look happy,... or sad, or mad, or... anything, but I don't think it's a good idea to bring that up.

(Y/N)-Right,... sooo, my questions. I wanna talk about leaving the forest.

She just raised an eyebrow before she slide over to me while not moving a muscle and it looked creepy as hell and now our knees were touching. I felt insanely uncomfortable right now and everyone looked on edge as far as I could tell and Celia was squealing in terror into her hands.

Nisha-You want to leave the forest? That's what you you said, right?

(Y/N)-Y-Yes. I have a home out there and-.

Just then she grabbed me and leaned into my ear and her touch made me freeze, but not from shock,... I felt like I was about to die if I do something wrong.

Nisha-It's impossible. The forest won't let anyone leave... ever. *whisper*

She let me go and what she just said just sounded so cold and I think now I actually want to run again, but just away from her, even if it's too Kaleen and she held her sword to me before, Nisha is just that scary.

Nisha-You shouldn't believe so much in myths. The last fool ended up as a snack to lamias and nagas.

Just then I heard trotting and I was too scared to take my eyes off her, but whe I finally could I expected Celia, but... this was the last one I expected to see.


Kaleen-Excuse me, but is there an examination we should be doing?

Nisha-Yes, of course. Put him down and i'll get started.

Kaleen let me down and I don't want to be near this witch anymore, she's fucking scary. I stood up and walked up to me and stared into my eyes and her bird flew around me before it landed on her arm and they rubbed heads before she looked at me.

Nisha-... You have parents that are with the mermaids, you meet the ogres, gnomes, dragons, fairies, and elves. You came here on a trip, so you really are from outside this forest.

I was scared on how she or her bird just poked around in my mind and confused on why she said I was from outside the forest after she tried to keep it a secret before. Everyone was amazed b the news and I could hear the awe coming from the elders.

Elder#1-There's a world outside the forest?

Elder#3-She must be lying! There's no such thing!

Elder#4-It's Nisha, she never lies and always finds the truth.

Elder#2-I think it's clear that we should keep a close eye on this human and have Nisha find a way to his home outside the forest. We will negotiate with the mermaids later.

Nisha-I may try, but make no such promises... I will take residence here for the day.

They all just agreed with her, but then Celia ran to me and snatched me up and away from Nisha and I think this is the first time I wanted to be picked up since I was a kid.


Celia-Oh well, it was nice seeing you, but i'm sure the elders will provide you one of our finest room inns. I'll just just him back to my house.

(Y/N)-Yeah, yeah.

I know this sounds cowards move, but if you were in my shoes right now, you'll quickly learn that the smartest move can not always be the boldest

Nisha-Then I am coming to stay with you.

Celia-Excuse me, what?

Nisha- I don't like repeating myself.

Her eyes went pitch black and her hair was flowing while the wind was picking up and she just put on a scared smile.

Celia-Of course, i'll prepare you my guest room! Hehehehe.

Nova-Why don't Kaleen and I come too? Have a girls night.

(Y/N)-Does this mean I can go with Marv?


I even saw Marv back up and he was afraid of her too and Kaleen was nervous too. I can see everyone was afraid of Nisha, but it's not like I have any room to talk, but still...

(Y/N)-Hey, they said girls night, s-so I can't go.

(Timeskip To Night)


We were all very uncomfortable, but the only difference is that Nisha was staring at them and even when Celia tried to be my hero and shield me from her gaze, I still felt them like she has x-ray vision... DOES SHE HAVE X-RAY VISION?!?!?!

Nova-Sooo... first night with our witch... What do you like to do for fun?

Nisha-I dissect dead animals then bring them back from the dead... That's how I have Maze here.

I would suggest running, but I might be running from dragons, but a think a fucking dark witch like her and point blank running is where I draw the line on the bad idea scale. She soon got up and walked to me and Celia just ran to go to a corner and cr and her friends tried to comfort her, but I was all alone and actually wanted her to come back. I'll even settle with the ogres again.

Nisha-I like the question you asked earlier... I like you.


Nisha-My little told us about you and... I wanted to see what makes you tick for myself.

She sat next to me and I froze again when she put her hand on my lap and her hand was cold at first and she leaned her cold body into me.


I tried scooting away when her eyes closed, but the split second I moved they shot back open and looked at me and black veins were coming from her eyes.

Nisha-Don't. Move.

I did what she said and soon she hugged me and laid on top of me and the others were just looking at us and Celia ran to get a sketch pad and started drawing us.

(No POV)

Celia was drawing them, but instead of Nisha... she put herself in her place and smiled, but lost it whenever she stared at Nisha for too long.


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