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((Y/N)'s POV)

I woke up to myself sneezing and I saw Sarita was playing with my nose, but instead of smiling she looked at me kinda serious. She soon stopped playing with my nose and sat up with no clothes on still. The look on her face made me think I was in trouble and the longer she didn't talk, the more I felt nervous and soon she leaned over me and I was completely under her while she was just on her hands and knees.

Sarita-(Y/N), do you know what you did wrong?

(Y/N)-N-N-... No. *whisper*

Sarita-Let me rephrase the question... Why were you not where I exactly left you before we went to sleep?

(Y/N)-Wh-What, I st-stayed in bed.

Sarita-But that's not "exactly" left you, was it? You know where I left you. Right. Here.

She pointed at her boobs and she looked a little mad at me and I shifted a bit, but she grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks together.

Sarita-Did you think it wouldn't matter? Because it does.


Sarita-I don't want to hear it. You're in "big" trouble.

(Y/N)-Wh-What are you gonna do? *whisper*

I was starting to cry a little then she let me go and got off the bed to get dressed before she went to a chest and pulled a few things out.


Sarita-Come here, "now".

I slowly did what she said and I was scared then when I got to her she put the mittens on my and tied them, so I couldn't get them off. Next, she turned around pulling my arms around her and used the clips to clip the rings together to make me hug her then she turned back around to look at me.

Sarita-Open your mouth as wide as you can.

(Y/N)-S-Sarita, i'm sor-.

Just then she flicked my nose and grabbed my face again.

Sarita-What did you call me?

(Y/N)-*Whimper* S-Sugar mama.


I opened my mouth as wide as I could and she put the ring in my mouth to keep it open and strapped it around my head to keep it on. She picked me up then pushed my face into her boobs.

Sarita-You're staying there until I think you know better than to pull away from me in your sleep again. Don't forget who owns you now. I'm giving you a slap on the wrist this time, but next time i'll take you in front of crowd and gave you a good slap on the ass and you wouldn't be the first.

I was crying a little and she took me out of the room with her then she gave me a kiss on my head and I wanted to take my face out so bad, but I knew I would get in trouble if I did, so I had to stay here. Soon we made it to the kitchen were Kalma was eating a raw turkey leg before she turned and saw us.


Kalma-Dare I even ask?

Sarita-He's being punished.

Kalma-Being shoved between big boobs is a punishment now?

Sarita-It is for him because this way he'll learn. Isn't that right?

(Y/N)-Yes. *muffled*

(Sarita's POV)

I just made some breakfast for me and a smoothie for my baby and I was carefully feeding him and putting him back between my boobs while I ate and kept this up until we were done and just then I heard a knock at the door, but I know Blair would get it, but jut then...

Kalma-Oh yeah, Blair left to go get a few things. Said something about baby proofing some stuff.

Sarita-*Sigh* Let's not both get up at once.

I just got up and I could see the pleading look in my subby baby's eyes since he doesn't want to be seen like this, but this is how I get others to fall in line. A little public humiliation can go a long way and want them to keep the humiliation private next time at least. When I answered the door his face went into a darker shade of red then I looked to see it was one of my most whipped and loyal servants and she looked happy to see me and bowed down and (Y/N) saw this out of the corner of his eye.


Amy-Good morning my mistress. I have come to serve you out of the goodness of my heart.

Sarita-My, my, isn't that sweet of you.

I think this will also be a good chance for (Y/N) to learn what I do with others and he'll see how good I treat him and the privileges he has above everyone else under my command.

Sarita-(Y/N), this is Amy and she happens to be one of the best I have to play with.

Amy-How may I help you today or do you want to have your way with me however you like, mistress?

Sarita-Oh, these heels are making my feet ache. I want you to show my subby baby here how to take care of them.

Amy-It will be my honor! Please, get comfy mistress!

I let her come in and she closed the door and she knew to stay on her hands and knees since I didn't give her permission to get up. I sat of the couch and took my heels off then put my feet up only for Amy to catch one while the other went on the table and wasted no time before she started to kiss, lick, and massage my foot. I let (Y/N) out of my boobs to make him see her door do it and Amy looked proud while she was doing it too.

Sarita-See what I have others do baby? I never asked you to do things like this and it's because you're different.~

(Amy's POV)

It may sound like she's insulting me at first, but she's really saying that not many get to handle her body like this and take care of her. There's only around 50 of the hundreds of slaves she has and i'm lucky to be one of them. While I was still working she was talking and soon she pulled the brat from out of her boobs and took a ring gag out before she put him back in her boobs again.

Sarita-I must say Amy, you're not matched when it comes to that tongue of yours, no matter where it is.~

Amy-Thank you mistress. If I may, I would like to spread you legs and-.

Sarita-My feet will be enough for now. I can't be getting too happy in front of my baby, "yet".~

Amy-Of course my mistress. I'm lucky to be worshipping any part of you.

Sarita-Well said. I think after this I want you to clean my room while my baby and I take a bath. You know where everything goes and how I like it.

Amy-Mistress, if I may, I would be honored to wash your-.

Just then she held her hand up to make me stop talking and I did and went back to massaging her feet then she pulled the brat out of her boobs again.

Sarita-(Y/N), you're going to do it after I finish washing you. his is gonna be another lesson for you. Understand.

(Y/N)-Y-Yes,... S-Sugar mama.

Amy's mind-Sugar mama?

I felt so excited that my mistress was about to get very mad at him and whip his little ass since she won't allow any of her slaves to call her anything other than "mistress", but then... she just smiled and kissed his cheek and it made me stare with disbelief.

Amy-U-Um, mistress... He didn't call you mistress.

Sarita-And he's not allowed to either. Is there a problem?

Amy-N-No mistress, of course not... It's just... I would be honored to call you that too.

Sarita-Yes, i'm sure you would. I'm going to take a bath. I expect my room spotless before we're done and if you walk in the bathroom on use for no good reason, there will be consequences. I don't want my alone time with my subby baby disturbed. Do I make myself clear?

Amy-Y-Yes mistress.

She just walked away and down the hall and tears were just pouring out of my eyes while I just sobbed and picked up her heels to take them to her room and began to clean. I tried to hold in my cries while they were in the bathroom that I wasn't allowed in to see her amazing body and it was just so hard.

(Timeskip 30 minutes)

I was all done and just waiting on my knees until they both came in all dried off and dressed and that brat had a blush on his face still while my mistress was happily holding his hand and the sight made me so mad and sad at the same time.



My mistress looked at my work and I was waiting for praise too and she just put the brat on her bed before she looked at me.

Sarita-Good job Amy. It looks amazing. As for you (Y/N), you did wonderful for your first time bathing me and I just can't stay mad mad at this cute little baby face. You might even deserve some ice cream.~

She gave him more praise than me and even gave him a deep kiss she only gives when she's in a very good mood then she walked over to me and I was waiting for my kiss, but...

Sarita-Watch my baby boy and make sure he doesn't wonder off. "Don't" touch him.

She just left not even closing the door and the brat was just blushing on the bed and curled up like he had something to be ashamed of and the fact he even thinks something like that about my mistress...

Amy's mind-That's! IT!!!

((Y/N)'s POV)

I couldn't get the bath out of my head until I snapped out of by Amy getting up and walking to me and she looked really mad, but still crying and I was scared now.


She grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up the air and I screamed a little before she took me away from the bed, so I was just hanging in the air and crying now.

Amy-You think you're fucking hot shit, huh?! You too good her?!


Amy-Answer me!

(Y/N)-N- *hic* No.

Amy-Why the fuck are you so embarrassed to be given affection by her then?! I even saw you yesterday pulling yourself away from her while she was asleep instead of being grateful you were in one of the best places of hell!

I was still just crying then she dropped me on the ground and grabbed my chin to make me look at her closely while she covered my mouth when I was about to cry and waited until I stopped shortly after before she uncovered my mouth.

Amy-You know what I could be doing right now? I could be eating out my mistress and worshipping her properly, but instead she wants to be with you.


Amy-Do you know how to please her body, or know the positions she likes everyone in, or the names of "all" her favorite toys she loves to use on others?!

I couldn't talk without crying, so I just shook my head no.

Amy-So who should be allowed to call her Sugar mama? "Me" or "You"?

I just pointed at her and she pushed my head to the ground and stood up while I just stayed down.

Amy-I help whip her ungrateful slaves like you into shape and if it were up to me, I would-!

???-You'll what?

Just then we looked at the door and we saw Kalma and Blair and they both super mad that Kalma was growing some kind of spikes on her back while her fur was getting puffy and Blair's wings were opened a little and she was making some kind of black mist coming off them.


Blair-... You.

(Sarita's POV)

I was getting the final touches on the sundae I promised my baby and i'll have Amy eat me out a little from under a blanket maybe for her reward, she loves that and she's been good since she's got here.


I just made my way back to my room and I heard noises and when I walked in I saw Blair holding (Y/N) while he was crying and Kalma was on top of Amy holding back her alpha form, but still bearing her teeth at her while drooling.


Sarita-What the fuck is going on in here?

Blair-Sweetie, why don't you tell her?~

She just wiped his tears and Amy looked fearful right now, so I just put the sundae down and walked over to him and bent down slowly while he was still collecting himself.

Sarita-Baby... tell your Sugar mama what happened.

He was slowly telling me the story and I kept on a straight face for him, but burning up inside before I got back up and Blair went back to comforting him and Kalma got off Amy to let me deal with her.

Amy-M-Mistress, I only had-!

Sarita-I let you into my home,... trust my body to you,... let you pleased me, and you were doing so well for so long now.

I just stepped on her neck and pushed her down to the ground and it was chocking her.

Sarita-I just asked you to do very simple things. Clean my room and... Don't. Touch. My. BABY!!!

I pressed down harder on her neck and planned on killing her, but I knew she would only slowly heal with the pain and came back to life in hell again and she'll think she can make it up to me, but she will never be back on my good side now... I'm making something "very" clear to her.

Sarita-Show me your ass... NOW!!!

She pulled her tight suit in to show me her ass cheeks and that's where my mark was was her.


Amy-I'll taking your beating if it makes you feel better mi-.

Sarita-Oh, i'm not giving you anything... I'm taking something.

She know what I meant and just then fear skyrocketed into her eyes and she covered her mark to protect it, but Kalma grabbed her arms and pulled them away.

Amy-No please, i'll be good! I'll do anything!

I put my hand on my mark and focused to get it off her and this fucking burns, literally. She was screaming and pleading to me, but soon her mark was gone and (Y/N) looked scared, but i'll deal with it later.

Amy-Mistress, please!

Sarita-Maybe I need to make a few things clear. I took your mark away because you crossed a line while you were jealous, i'm not your mistress anymore, but just to put more simply, you went from somewhat replaced to being completely replaced and gotten rid of.

She just looked heartbroken and I could see the soul shattered look in her eyes looking at me. I just grinned at her while I pressed on her neck harder and harder until my heel pierced into her neck and when they couldn't move anymore I went to my window and opened it only for Kalma to literally throw her out the window with her still clinging to the life she's forced to have down here for better or worse. I looked at Blair and (Y/N) to see Blair wrapped him in her wings to keep him from seeing it and it was for the best, but due to him shaking I think the noises alone made him understand what just happen, but better than seeing it happen in front of his own eyes.

Sarita's mind-Wonder if any of the others told him it's impossible to really die here?

((Y/N)'s POV)

Blair-Shhhh, it's ok, the bad demon is gone now. Shhhhh.~

That didn't make me feel better that they killed someone and even if I didn't see it I saw Sarita step on that demons throat. Even if she was really mean to me, I didn't want "that" to happen. Blair was still trying to comfort me while I was still wrapped in her wings and when she finally opened them I saw Kalma and Sarita were looking at me with her.


Sarita-Hey baby... I'm not good at these things, but trust me when I saw she's fine.

Blair-Sarita... Honey bunch, let's have a little talk about how death works down here.

Sarita-Over some nice ice cream, just for you.~

They all told me it was impossible to die down here and that Amy was gonna be fine, but it still didn't make me feel better about what just happened.

(Y/N)'s mind-I don't wanna be here anymore... I GOTTA RUN AWAY!!!

I can't do it right now, but I think I can when they all go to sleep. That's when i'll do it.


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